Birsa Agricultural University Contact No. 0651-245 0832

- 0651-245 0832 (Contact support)
- registrar [at] bauranchi [dot] org (Contact Support)
- registrarbaujharkhand [at] gmail [dot] com (For General Enquiry)
Important Link
Important Contacts
S No. |
Name And Designation | Phone No | |
Vice Chancellor | |||
1 | Dr. Onkar Nath Singh | 0651-2450500 0651-2450777 |
vc [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
Registrar | |||
2 | Dr. N Kudada | 0651-2450022 9934270068 |
registrarbaujharkhand [at] gmail [dot] com registrar [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
Scientific Advisor to VC | |||
3 | Dr P K Singh | 8986721058 | pksinghbau [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
Secretary to VC | |||
4 | Sri Hriday Narayan Das | 9470301568 | |
Technical Assistant to VC | |||
5 | Sri Dev Prakash Shukla | 8471051876 |
Director Administration | |||
6 | Dr. Sushil Prasad | 0651-2450610 9431594244 |
da [at] bauranchi [dot] org, da_bau [at] rediffmail [dot] com, sushil [dot] paullpm [at] yahoo [dot] in |
Deans of Faculties | |||
7 | Dr. M. K. Gupta , Dean (PGS) |
9431101588 | deebauranchi [at] gmail [dot] com deanpgbauranchi [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Dr. S.K.Pal Dean, RAC | 9431175736 | deanagriculture [at] bauranchi [dot] org dr_s [dot] k [dot] pal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
9 | Dr. Sushil Prasad | 9431594244 | deanveterinary [at] bauranchi [dot] org sushilprasad [at] bauranchi [dot] org sushil [dot] paullpm [at] yahoo [dot] in |
10 | Dr M S Malik, Dean Forestry |
9934582241 8789823611 |
mohdsujamalik [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Associate Dean | |||
11 | Dr. (Mrs.) Manigopa Chakarborty, Biotechnology |
9431594011 | manigopa291061 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
12 | Dr. A. K. Singh, Fisheries | 9431581001 | aksingh63 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
13 | Dr. Amrit Kumar Jha, Tilka Manjhi Agriculture College, Godda |
9430112886 | akjhabau [at] rediffmail [dot] com associateddean [dot] tmac [at] gmail [dot] com |
14 | Dr. N.C.Gupta, Rabindra Nath Tagore Agriculture College, Deoghar |
9576164833 | deanagriculture [at] bauranchi [dot] org deanagrilbau [at] gmail [dot] com |
15 | Dr. P. B. Saha, College of Horticulture, West Singhbhum |
9934525212 | saha_purnedu [at] yahoo [dot] com |
16 | Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Phulo-Jhano Murmu College of Dairy Technology, Dumka |
8210877355 | deaddt [dot] dumka [at] gmail [dot] com sanjaytata01 [at] gmail [dot] com |
17 | Er. D. K. Rusia, College of Agricultural Engg. |
9431543781 | dkrusia [at] gmail [dot] com |
18 | Dr. S K Pal, |
9431175736 | dr_s_k_pal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
Director Agribusiness Management | |||
19 | Dr. (Miss) Niva Bara | 9431594114 | drnivabaraextn [at] gmail [dot] com chairmanextnedu [at] bauranchi [dot] org nivabara [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
Director Research | |||
20 | Dr. S.K.Pal | 9431175736 | directorresearch [at] bauranchi [dot] org dr_bau [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
Additional Director ResearchPhone NoEmail | |||
21 | Dr. P K Singh | 8986721058 |
pksinghbau [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
Director Extension Education | |||
22 | Dr. J. Oraon | 9431357825 | deebauranchi [at] gmail [dot] com sssbjo [at] gmail [dot] com |
Additional Director Extension Education | |||
23 | Dr. S. Karmakar | 9431929915 | skarmakar07 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Director Seed and Farm | |||
24 | Dr. S. Karmakar | 9431929915 | dsf [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
Director Student Welfare | |||
25 | Dr. D.K. Shahi | 9431371709 | dsw [at] bauranchi [dot] org dkshahi [at] bauranchi [dot] org dksbau [at] gmail [dot] com |
Director PIM | |||
26 | Dr. Onkar Nath Singh | vc [at] bauranchi [dot] org, vcbaukankejhr [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
Comptroller | |||
27 | Aftab Mohsin | 8789828054 | comptroller_bauranchi [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
First Appellate Authority (RTI) | |||
28 | Dr M S Malik | 9934582241 8789823611 |
mohdsujamalik [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Public Information Officer | |||
29 | Dr Kaushal Kumar | 7633939717 | pio [at] bauranchi [dot] org kaushal [dot] berbal [at] gmail [dot] com |
Nodal officer Chief Minister Jan Samvad and CPGRAMS | |||
30 | Dr. B K Agarwal | 9431222937 | bkassac [at] gmail [dot] com bkagarwal [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
University Coordinator, Counseling and Placement Cell , Programme Coordinator National Service Scheme |
31 | Dr. B. K. Jha | 8789709445 | basantbkjha [at] gmail [dot] com |
Estate Officer I/C | |||
32 | Sri Manish Kumar Singh | 9334606575 | |
Security Officer (BAU Over All) | |||
33 | Sri Ranjit Kumar Singh | 9316599388 |
Faculties, Faculty of Agriculture, Ranchi
S. No. |
Name of Faculty | Position | Phone | |
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry | ||||
1 | Dr. D. K. Shahi | University Professor cum Chief Scientist & Chairman |
9431371709 | dkshahi [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
2 | Dr. B.K. Agrawal | University Professor cum Chief Scientist | 9431222937 | bkagarwal [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
3 | Dr. Rakesh Kumar | University Professor cum Chief Scientist | 9431367575 | rakeshkumar [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
4 | Dr. Arvind Kumar | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431393494 | arvindkumar [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
5 | Dr. Shashi Bhushan Kumar | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 8987662665 | |
6 | Dr. Bhupender Kumar | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9471330181 | bhupendra [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
7 | Dr. N. C. Gupta | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9576164833 | ncguptabau [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Dr. Prabhakar Mahapatra | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431578997 | prabhakarmahapatra [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
9 | Dr. Asha Kumari Sinha | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431338778 | ashasinhabau [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | Bhupendra Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9471330181 | bkrssac [at] gmail [dot] com |
Department of Agricultural Entomology | ||||
1 | Dr P. K. Singh | Chief Scientist cum University Professor & Chairman |
8986721058 | |
2 | Dr. M K. Chakraborti | Senior Scientist cum Associate Professor | mkchakravarty [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
3 | Dr. Binay Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | binaykumar [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
Department of Agricultural Engineering | ||||
1 | Dr. D. K. Rusia | Associate Professor cum Senior Scientist & Head |
9431543781 | dkrussia [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
2 | Dr. Uttam Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9470956961 | uttamkumar [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
3 | Dr. Md. I. A. Ansari | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431769398 | irfaniitkgp2000 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Mintu Job | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 8986644713 | mintujob [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr. S.K. Pandey | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | skpandey [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
6 | Dr. Pramod Rai | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | pramodrai [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
Plant Breeding and Genetics | ||||
1 | Dr. Smt Manigopa Chakraborti |
Chief Scientist cum University Professor & Chairperson |
manigopa291061 [at] yahoo [dot] com | |
2 | Dr. Krishna Prasad | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | krishna_dumka [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in | |
3 | Dr. Neeraj Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | nirajsri224 [at] rediffmail [dot] com | |
4 | Dr. Smt. Nutan Verma | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | nvbau2006 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in | |
5 | Dr. Smt Sashi Kiran Tirki | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | sktirky [at] gmail [dot] com | |
6 | Dr. Surya Prakesh | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | suryapbg [at] gmail [dot] com | |
7 | Dr. Jaylal Mahto | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | jaylalmahto [at] gmail [dot] com | |
8 | Smt. Aashisan Tuti | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ashisantuti [at] gmail [dot] com | |
9 | Dr. Arun Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | arun [dot] bau4 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in | |
11 | Dr. Chander Shaker Mahto | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | csmahto [at] gmail [dot] com | |
12 | Dr. Kamleshwar Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | kamlesh [dot] rani_bau [at] rediffmail [dot] com | |
13 | Dr Ekhlaque Ahmad | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ekhlaque [dot] bau [at] gmail [dot] com | |
14 | Dr. Supriya Sarin | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ||
15 | Dr. Yogendra Prasad | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ||
Department of Agronomy | ||||
1 | Dr. S. Karmakar | University Professor cum Chief Scientist & Chairman |
skarmkar [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
2 | Dr. R. P. Manjhi | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | rpmanjhi [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
3 | Dr. Parwez Alam | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431325365 | parwezalam [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
4 | Dr. Arvind Kumar Singh | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 9431315705 | arvindkumarsingh [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
5 | Smt. R. K. Lakra | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9608395112 | rklakra [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
6 | Dr. C. S. Singh | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431314755 | cssingh [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
7 | Dr. Md. Naiyer Ali | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 980124456 | nali [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
8 | Dr. (Smt.) Nargish Kumari | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | nargishkumari [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
9 | Dr. (Smt.) Sheela Barla | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9431584432 | sheelabarla [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
10 | Dr. Birendra Kumar | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9835503195 | Kbirendra1973 [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | Dr. Ashok kumar singh | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | 9471358967 | |
12 | Mr. A N Puran | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ||
Department of Agricultural Economics | ||||
1 | Dr. Kerobim Lakra | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 8004278508 | |
Department of Agricultural Statistic & Computer Application | ||||
1 | Dr. Smt Manigopa Chakraborti |
Chief Scientist cum University Professor & Chairman |
9431594011 | |
2 | Dr. Shivam Mishra | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | shivam [dot] stats [at] gmail [dot] com | |
Department of Agricultural Physics and Meteorology | ||||
1 | Dr. Ramesh Kumar | University Professor cum Senior Scientist & Chairman |
rameshkumar [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
2 | Dr. Pragaya Kumari | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | pragyankumari [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
Department of Agricultural Extension Education | ||||
1 | Dr. (Miss) Niva Bara | Associate Professor cum Senior Scientist & Head |
nivabara [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
2 | Dr. B. K. Jha | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | bkjha [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
Department of Horticulture | ||||
1 | Dr. Sanyat Misra | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist & Head |
2 | Sri V. R. Singh | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | vrsingh [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
3 | Dr. Punam Horo | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | punamhoro [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
4 | Dr. S. Sengupta | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | ssengupta [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
5 | Dr. Arun Kumar Tiwari | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | arunkumartiwari [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
6 | Dr Abdul Majid Ansari | Junior Scientist cum Assistant Professor | abdulmajidansari [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
Department of Home Science | ||||
1 | Dr. Rekha Sinha | Professor cum Chief Scientist & Head | 8986846476 | rekhasinha [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
Department of Agribusiness Management | ||||
1 | Dr. (Miss) Niva Bara | Associate Professor cum Senior Scientist & Head |
nivabara [at] bauranchi [dot] org | |
Department of English | ||||
1 | Dr. Survi Sinha | Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist | 1928survisinha [at] gmail [dot] com |
Library Contact Details
S. No. |
Name | Designation | Contact No. | |
1 | Dr. Sailesh Chattopadhyay | University Librarian | 9431580008 | saileshchattopadhyay [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
2 | Sri Manish Kumar | Computer Assistant and In- charge Library |
9431175038 | manish183 [at] yahoo [dot] com central_library [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
Placement Cell
S. No. |
Department | Contact Details |
1 | Faculty of Agricultre | Dr. Hem Chandra Lal (I/C Counselling, Guidance and Placement Cell) 9431901395 hclal_bau [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
2 | Faculty of Forestry | Dr. A.K. Chakraborty (I/C Counseling, Guidance and Placement Cell) ashisdrdr [at] gmail [dot] com 8210204673, 8521412668 |
Hostels Contact Details
Faculty Of Agriculture
Warden: Dr. Niraj Kumar (Phone: 9431081989, 7992386931 | Email: nirajsri224 [at] rediffmail [dot] com)
S. No. |
Hostel Type | Name of Hostel | Dy. Warden | Phone | |
1 | PG Boys Hostel | Soumya | Er. Mintu Job | 8696658183 | |
2 | UG Boys Hostel | Shourya | Dr. Arvind Kumar | 9431315705 | |
3 | Sankalp | Er. Uttam Kumar | 0651-2450374, 9470956961 |
uttam [dot] bauranchi [at] gmail [dot] com | |
4 | Srijan | Dr. R. P. Majhi | 9431737895 | rpmanjhi [at] gmail [dot] com | |
5 | UG Girls Hostel | Shristi | Dr. Neha Keshri | 9693543777 | |
6 | Swapnil | Dr. Vandana | 9827928210 | ||
7 | PG Girls Hostel | Sanchita | Dr. Pragyan Kumari | 9430358963 |
Faculty Of Veterinary
Warden: Dr. Parveen Kumar (Phone: 0651-2450670)
S. No. |
Hostel Type | Name of Hostel | Dy. Warden | Phone | |
1 | PG Boys Hostel | Shwashit | Dr. Alok Singh | 7906135032 | vet [dot] 87 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | UG Boys Hostel | Saket | Dr. Pankaj Kumar | 8340109965 | drpankajvph [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Satyam | Dr. S.S. Kullu | 8210747006 | kullusinghray [at] gmail [dot] com | |
4 | Shaswat | Dr. Sailendra Kumar Rajak | 9431301013 | shailendra06rajake [at] gmail [dot] com | |
5 | PG Girls Hostel | Sangeetika | Dr. Vishakha Singh | 7061577254 | singhvishakha9 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | UG Girls Hostel | Surabhi | Dr. Reetu | 9675982250 | reetutirkey [at] gmail [dot] com |
Faculty Of Forestry
Warden: Dr. B. C. Oraon (Phone: 7366863720 | Email: basanchandraoraon [at] gmail [dot] com)
S. No. |
Hostel Type | Name of Hostel | Dy. Warden | Phone | |
1 | PG Boys Hostel | Saranda | Dr. J. K. Kerketta | 9934364669 | kerkettajk [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
2 | UG Boys Hostel | Bhairawee | Dr. J. K. Kerketta | 9934364669 | kerkettajk [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
3 | PG Girls Hostel | Prakrity Bhawan | Mrs. S. J. Bakhla | 9431767690 | sjbakhlaforestry [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
4 | UG Girls Hostel | Sarai | Mrs. P. Tirkey | 9431767702 | pushpatirkeyforestrybau [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Palas | Mrs. P. Tirkey | 9431767702 | pushpatirkeyforestrybau [at] gmail [dot] com |
Health Centre
S. No. |
Name and Designation | Contact Details |
1 | Dr. U.S. Verma |
0651-2450734 (Hospital), 0651-2231905 (Res.) 300/G, Mission Gali. Kanke Road, Ranchi-834008, Jharkhand (india) Mumtaz Alam 8757722672 |
2 | Dr. Niraj Kumar |
9431081989, 992386931 nirajsri224 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
Member of University Computer Centre
S. No. |
Name | Position / College | Phone | |
1 | Dr. N. Kudada | Nodal Officer | 0651-2450022, 9934270068 |
registrar [at] bauranchi [dot] org, registrarbaujharkhand [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. B. K. Agarwal | Dy. Nodal Officer | 9431222937 | bkassac [at] gmail [dot] com, bkagarwal [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
3 | Dr. Md. I. A. Ansari | Prof. In-charge | 9431769398 | irfaniitkgp2000 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Sri Anil Kumar Pandey | Technical Assistant (Audio Visual Aids) |
9576185811 | pandeyanil78 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Mr. Manish Kumar | Computer Assistant | 7992382339 | manish183 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Other Colleges
SNo. | College Name | Contact Details |
1 | Faculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Ranchi |
Dr. Sushil Prasad, Dean 9431594244 deanveterinary [at] bauranchi [dot] org , sushil [dot] paullpm [at] yahoo [dot] com |
2 | Faculty of Forestry, Ranchi | Dean Dr M S Malik 9934582241, 8789823611 mohdsujamalik [at] yahoo [dot] com |
3 | College of Bio-Technology, Ranchi |
Associate Dean Dr. (Mrs.) Manigopa Chakarborty 9431594011 manigopa291061 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
4 | College of Fisheries Science, Gumla |
Associate Dean Dr. A. K. Singh 9431581001 aksingh63 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
5 | Center of Agribusiness Management, Ranchi |
Director Dr. (Miss) Niva Bara 9431594114 drnivabaraextn [at] gmail [dot] com, chairmanextnedu [at] bauranchi [dot] org nivabara [at] bauranchi [dot] org |
6 | Rabindra Nath Tagore Agriculture College, Deoghar |
Associate Dean Dr. N.C.Gupta 9576164833 deanagriculture [at] bauranchi [dot] org , deanagrilbau [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Agriculture College, Garhwa | Associate Dean Dr. S K Pal 9431175736 dr_s [dot] k [dot] pal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
8 | Tilka Manjhi Agriculture College, Godda |
Associate Dean Dr. Amrit Kumar Jha 9430112886, 0651-2450626 associatedean [dot] tmac [at] gmail [dot] com, akjhabau [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
9 | College of Horticulture, West Singhbhum |
Associate Dean Dr. P. B. Saha 9934525212 saha_purnedu [at] yahoo [dot] com |
10 | College of Agricultural Engineering, Ranchi |
Associate Dean |
11 | Phulo-Jhano Murmu College of Dairy Technology, Dumka |
Associate Dean Dr. Sanjay Kumar 8210877355 deaddt [dot] dumka [at] gmail [dot] com ,sanjaytata01 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
SNo. | Krishi Vigyan Kendra | Contact Details |
KVKs Under BAU | ||
1 | Bokaro | Dr. Uday Kumar Singh I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra P.O. - Petarwar (Near Block) Dist. Bokaro, 829 121 9431126991,7992322648 kvk_bokaro [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
2 | Chatra | Dr. Ranjay Kumar Singh I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Seed Multiplication Farm Kullu , Chatra - 825 401 9431339380 chatrakvk [at] gmail [dot] com kvkchatra2012 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dumka | Dr. Ajay Kr. Dwivedi I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra P.O. - Khunta Bandh Dist. - Dumka - 841 101 7764081007 dumkakvk [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dhanbad | Sri Lalit Kr. Das I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Baliyapur Farm Dist. - Dhanbad - 828 201 9431507690 kvkdhanbadbau [dot] 2012 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | East Singhbhum | Dr. (Miss) Arti Beena Ekka I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Darisai (Khariya Colony) Vill. - Barakhurshi, P.O. Galudih Dist.- East Singhbhum-832 304 9709010792 kvk_eastsinghbhum [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
6 | Garhwa | Dr. Ashok Kumar Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sub-Divisional Agriculture Farm Dist. - Garhwa - 822 114 9431711339 kvkgarhwa [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Giridih | Dr. Devkant Prasad I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra P.O. - Bengabad (Near Block Office) Dist. - Giridih - 815 312 9471535524 kvkgiridihbau [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
8 | Jamtara | Sri Sanjeev Kumar I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Agriculture Farm, Bena Dist. - Jamtara-815351 7544075353 kvkjamtara [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Lohardagga | Dr. Hemant Kr. Pandey I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kisko Farm P.O. - Lohardaga Dist. - Lohardaga - 835 302 8292524455 kvklohardaga2011 [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | Latehar | Sri Mahesh Chandra Jerai I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Seed Multiplication Farm, Balumath Dist. - Latehar-829 202 8825322610, 9431769672 kvklateharbalumath [at] gmail [dot] com kvk_latehar [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
11 | Pakur | Dr. Srikant Singh |
12 | Palamu | Dr. Rajiv Kumar I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra P.O. - Chianki Dist. - Palamu - 822 133 6201733007 kvkpalamu [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
13 | Saraikela-Kharsawan | Dr. Arvind Mishra Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Gamharia (Block Campus) P.O. - Gamharia Dist- Saraikela-Kharsawan-832 108 8340439553 kvksaraikela [at] gmail [dot] com |
14 | Sahebganj | Dr. Amrit Kr. Jha I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra P.O. - Sahibganj Farm Dist. - Sahibganj - 816 109 9430112886 sahibganjkvk [at] gmail [dot] com |
15 | Simdega | Sri Shankar Kr. Singh I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra Seed Multiplication Farm, Bano Dist. - Simdega-835 201 9431100641, 8789448132 simdegakvk [at] gmail [dot] com |
16 | West Singhbhum | Smt. Kanchan Mala (I/c Programme Coordinator Krishi Vigyan Kendra P.O.- Jagannathpur Dist.- West Singhbhum-833203 9431567854 , 06588-252647, 06589-233364 |
KVKs Under NGOs | ||
17 | Godda | Dr. Ravi Shankar Sr. Scientist and Head Gramin Vikas Trust - Krishi Vigyan Kendra Rautara Chowk, Near Durga Temple Dist.-Godda - 814 133 06422-223988, 9939498711 kvkgodda [at] gmail [dot] com |
18 | Hazaribagh | Dr. R.K. Singh Sr. Scientist and Head Holy Cross Krishi Vigyan Kendra Near Kanary Hill Dist. - Hazaribagh-825 301 06546-263083,9939690109 kvkhazaribag [at] gmail [dot] com |
19 | Gumla | Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gumla Vikas Bharti Bishunpur P.O. - Bishunpur Dist. - Gumla-835 331 06523-278535, 9430699847, 7366082870 kvk [dot] gumla [at] gmail [dot] com |
20 | Ranchi | Dr. Ajeet Singh Sr. Scientist and Head Ram Krishna Mission Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra Morabadi Dist. - Ranchi-834 008 0651-2551008, 0651-2551970, 9430379197 kvk [dot] divyayan [at] gmail [dot] com |
KVKs Under ICAR | ||
21 | Ramgarh | Dr. D.K. Raghav Sr. Scientist and Head ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ramgarh 8969397599 kvkramgarh [at] gmail [dot] com |
22 | Koderma | Smt. Chanchila Kumari I/c Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra P.O. and Vill. - Jainagar Dist. - Koderma-825 324 06534-262300, 8936033386, 9472731631 kvkkodermanrri [at] gmail [dot] com |
23 | Khunti | Dr. S.P. Singh Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khunti P.O. - Torpa Dist. - Khunti 9416355596 kvkkhunti [at] gmail [dot] com |
24 | Deoghar | Dr. P.K Sannigrahi Sr. Scientist and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sujani P.O. - Ghorlash Dist. - Deoghar - 814 152 06432-290157, 9430320305 kvkdeoghar [at] gmail [dot] com |
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