Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University Contact No. 01681-241 069
All India Number(s):
- 01681-241 069 (For Admission, 9am-5pm)
- 01681-241 058 (For Contact, 9am-5pm)
Official Website Emails
- helpdesk [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in (For Admission Query)
- admission [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in (For Admission)
Important Links
Admission helpline Contacts
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Contact Number | |
1 | Dr. Ajmer Singh | Associate Professor | 01681-241058, 01681-241069 | helpdesk [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Dr. Anil Kumar | Assistant Librarian | 01681-241058, 01681-241069 | helpdesk [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Dr. Amit Kumar | System Analyst | 01681-241058, 01681-241069 | helpdesk [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Telephone Directory
Sr. No. | Department | Telephone No/Extension No. |
1 | Vice Chancellor | 01681-241000 |
2 | Registrar | 01681-241001 |
3 | Establishment Branch | 01681-241002 |
4 | Exam Branch | 01681-241003 |
5 | PA to Registrar | 01681-241004 |
6 | Dept. Head of Physical Education | 01681-241005 |
7 | Dr. Amit Kumar (System Analyst) UCIC Office | 01681-241008, 01681-241021 |
8 | Department of Commerce | 01681-241009 |
9 | Deputy Registrar (Administration) | 01681-241010 |
10 | Private Secretary to Vice Chancellor | 01681-241011 |
11 | Dept. Of Mass Communication | 01681-241013 |
12 | Dr. Jasvir Sura (Dept. of Management) | 01681-241014 |
13 | Deputy Director (Audit Branch) | 01681-241016 |
14 | Account Branch | 01681-241017 |
15 | Prof. S.K Sinha (Dean Academic Affairs) | 01681-241018 |
16 | Audit Branch | 01681-241019 |
17 | Finance officer | 01681-241020 |
18 | DU Portal Amrit | 01681-241022 |
19 | Department of Education | 01681-241023 |
20 | Girls Hostel Chief Warden | 01681-241026 |
21 | Accademic Branch | 01681-241027 |
22 | Library | 01681-241028, 01681-241044 |
23 | Guest House | 01681-241029 |
24 | Dean of Colleges | 01681-241030 |
25 | College Branch | 01681-241031 |
26 | Registration Branch | 01681-241032 |
27 | Assistant Registrar College Branch | 01681-241033 |
28 | General Branch | 01681-241034 |
29 | VC Residence Room | 01681-241035 |
30 | Assistant Registrar (Registration Branch) | 01681-241038 |
31 | PDDUC | 01681-241039 |
32 | Secretary of Sports | 01681-241040 |
33 | Main Gate | 01681-241041 |
34 | Main Gate | 01681-241042 |
35 | Controller of Examinations | 01681-241043 |
36 | Education Faculty of Education | 01681-241046 , 01681-241047 |
37 | Dept. of Physics | 01681-241048 , 01681-241049 |
38 | Dr. Jyoti Sheoran (Dept. of English) | 01681-241050 |
39 | Dept. of Mathematics | 01681-241051 , 01681-241052 |
40 | Dept. of Chemistry | 01681-241053 , 01681-241054 |
41 | Dept. of English | 01681-241055 , 01681-241057 |
42 | Online Admission Branch | 01681-241058, 01681-241069 |
43 | Psychology Dept. of psychology | 01681-241059 , 01681-241060, 01681-241062 |
44 | NSS Office | 01681-241061 |
45 | Dr. Anupam Bhatia (Computer Science) | 01681-241063 |
46 | Dr. Vishal Verma (Computer Science) | 01681-241064 |
47 | Computer Chairperson of Computer Applications | 01681-241065 , 01681-241066 |
48 | Chairperson of Commerce | 01681-241067 |
49 | Faculty of commerce | 01681-241068 |
50 | Mass comm. Faculty of mass comm. | 01681-241070 , 01681-241071 |
51 | Chairperson of management | 01681-241072 |
52 | Dr. Arun Yadav (Management) | 01681-241073 |
53 | Dr. Ajmer Singh (Management) | 01681-241074 |
54 | Chairperson of Economics | 01681-241075 |
55 | Dept. of Economics | 01681-241076 , 01681-241077 |
56 | Dept. of History | 01681-241078 , 01681-241079 |
57 | Chairperson Dept. of history | 01681-241080 |
58 | Physical Faculty of physical education | 01681-241082 , 01681-241086 |
59 | Faculty of Music | 01681-241087 , 01681-241089 |
60 | Chairperson Dept. of Geography | 01681-241090 |
61 | Dept. of geography | 01681-241091, 01681-241092 |
62 | Dept. of Yoga | 01681-241093, 01681-241095 |
63 | DYCA/DSW | 01681-241096 |
64 | Store | 01681-241097 |
65 | Training & Placement Cell | 01681-241098 |
66 | Power house | 01681-241100 |
67 | JE | 01681-241101 |
68 | Horticulture | 01681-241102 |
69 | Canteen | 01681-241103 |
70 | Student union president | 01681-241104 |
71 | IQAC | 01681-241106 |
72 | Gate junior faculty house | 01681-241107 |
73 | Boys hostel | 01681-241108 |
74 | Girls Hostel Reception | 01681-241109 |
75 | Girls Hostel Sequrity Gate | 01681-241110 |
76 | CRSU Store | 01681-241111 |
77 | Bodh Gallery | 01681-241112 |
78 | Examination Branch | 01681-241113 |
79 | Ragistration Branch | 01681-241114 |
Administrative Department Contacts
SNo. | Department | Name | Contact N0. | |
1 | Vice-Chancellor | Dr. Ranpal Singh | 01681-241000, 01681-241011 | vc [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Vice-Chancellor's Office | Sh. Suresh Kumar | 01681-241000, 01681-241011, |
vcoffice [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Registrar | Prof. Loveleen Mohan | 01681-241001 | registrar [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Registrar Office | Sh. Amit Kumar | 01681-241004 | registraroffice [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Dean Academic Affairs | Prof. S.K.Sinha | 01681-241018 , 01681-256852, Fax : 01681-256852 |
daa [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | Colleges Branch | Dr. Sunil Kumar Phougat | 01681 -241030 | deancolleges [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
7 | Colleges Branch | Sh. Hawa Singh | 01681 -241031 | deancolleges [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
8 | Examination Branch | Dr. Nihal Singh Chahar | 01681-241043 , 09315417718 | coe [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
9 | Examination Branch | Sh. Sunil Kumar | 01681-241003 | examination [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
10 | Examination | Sh. Ram Mohan | 01681-241003 | examination [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
11 | Construction Branch | Sh. Lalit Kumar | 01681-241101 | construction [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
12 | Dean Students Welfare | Jasvir Singh | 01681-241096 | dsw [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
13 | Directorate of Youth Welfare | 01681-241096 | dyw [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
14 | Proctor Office | Dr. Kuldeep Nara | 01681-241005 | proctor [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
15 | Proctor Office | Dr. Parveen Gahlawat | 01681-241005 | proctor [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
16 | Accounts Branch | Sh. Krishan Kumar | 01681-241020 | financeofficer [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
17 | Accounts Branch | Dr. Sandeep Kumar | 01681-241020 | financeofficer [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
18 | Accounts Branch | Sh. Nirbhay Kumar | 01681-241017 | financeofficer [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
19 | Sports Council | Dr. Naresh Deswal | 01681-241040 | secretarysports [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
20 | Registration & Scholarship Branch | Dr. Ravi Bhushan | 01681-241032, 01681-241114 | registration [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
21 | Establishment Branch | Dr. Neeraj Singh | 01681-241038 | establishment [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
22 | Establishment Branch | Sh. Surender Singh | 01681-241038 | establishment [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
23 | Establishment Branch | Sh. Raman | 01681-241002 | establishment [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
24 | General and Purchase | Dr. Amit Kumar | 01681-241034 | general [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
25 | General and Purchase | Sh. Kanwal Vir Juneja | 01681-241034 | general [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
26 | Academic Branch | Smt. Kusum Lata | 01681-241027 | academic [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
27 | Academic Branch | Sh. Kulbir Singh | 01681-241027 | academic [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
28 | University Computer & Informatics Centre | Dr. Amit Kumar | 01681-241008, 01681-241021 | ucic [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
29 | Library | Prof. S.K. Sinha | 01681-241028 | library [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
30 | Library | Dr. Anil Kumar | 01681-241044 | library [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
31 | IQAC Office | Prof. S. K. Sinha | 01681-241106 | iqac [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
32 | AIU | Dr. Sunil Rohilla | 01681-241048 | aiu [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
33 | Red Ribbon Club | Dr. Anupam Bhatia | 01681-241063 | Red [at] RibbonClub [dot] in |
34 | Public Relation Office | Dr. Anil Kumar | 01681-241075 | pro [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
35 | Public Relation Office | Dr. Jaipal Singh Rajput | 01681-241028 | pro [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
36 | Girls Hostel | Dr. Ajmer Singh | 01681-241026 | chiefwarden [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
37 | Girls Hostel | Dr. Nisha Deopa | 01681-241109 | chiefwarden [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
38 | Boys Hostel | Dr. Ajmer Singh | 01681-241108 | |
39 | Boys Hostel | Dr. Vijay Kumar | 01681-241014 | |
40 | Security Office | Dr. Parveen Gahlawat | 01681-241041,01681-241042 | security [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
41 | PwD & Minorities Cell | Dr. Rakesh Sihmar | 01681-241077 | rakeshkumar [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
42 | Transport Office | Sh. Sunil Kumar | 01681-241031 | transportation [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
43 | Social Media | Dr. Arun Kumar | 01681-241008 | socialmedia [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
44 | Women Cell | 01681-241050 | womencell [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
45 | NSS Unit | Dr. Jitender Kumar | 01681-241061 | nss [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
46 | Yoga Cell | Mr. Virender Kumar | 01681-241093 | yogcell [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
47 | Equal Opportunity Cell | Dr. Rakesh Kumar | 01681-241077 | eocell [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
48 | Career & Counselling Cell | Ms. Alka Seth | 01681-241059 | counseling [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
49 | SC/ST Cell/Reservation Cell | Coordinator | 01681-241060 | scstcell [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
50 | RTI Office | Prof. S.K.Sinha | 01681-241018 | spio [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
51 | Training and Placement Office | Dr. Anupam Bhatia | 01681-241000 | tpo [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
52 | RUSA Office | Dr. Ajmer Singh | 01681-241074 | researchcell [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
53 | Research Cell | Prof. S.K. Sinha | 01681-241018 | researchcell [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
54 | Vigilance Cell | Prof. S.K. Sinha | 01681-241018 | vigilancecell [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
55 | E-Procurement Cell | Dr. Jasvir Singh Sura | 01681-241014 | eprocurement [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
56 | Horticulture Office | Chief Horticulture Officer | 01681-241044 | horticultureoffice [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
57 | Horticulture Office | Dr. Parveen | horticultureoffice [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
58 | Azadi ka Amrat Mahotsav | Dr. Jitender Kumar | 09416570293 | jitenderkumar [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
59 | Dean Students Welfare | Dr. Arun Kumar Yadav | 01681-241096 | dsw [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
60 | Finance Officer | Sh. I.S.Poria | 09813193434 | |
60 | Deputy Controller of Examination | Dr. Anupam Bhatia | 01681-241043 | dy [dot] coe [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Deans Contacts
SrNo. | Department | Name | Designation | Contact Number | |
1 | Commerce & MBA | Prof. S. K. Sinha | Professor | 01681-241018 | chmanagement [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Social Sciences | Dr. Sunil Kumar Phougat | Associate Professor | 01681-241075 | checonomics [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Education | Dr. Kuldeep Nara | Associate Professor | 01681-241005 | cheducation [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Humanities | Prof. S. K. Sinha | Professor | 01681-241050 | chenglish [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Indic Studies | Dr. Jasvir Singh | Associate Professor | 01681-241050 | chmusic [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | Physical Sciences | Dr. Anand Kumar | Associate Professor | 01681-241030 | chphysics [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
7 | Law | Dr. Sunil Kumar Phougat | Associate Professor | 01681-241075 | chlaw [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
8 | Life Sciences | Dr. Anand Kumar | Associate Professor | 01681-241030 | chlifesciences [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
University Teaching Departments
SNo. | Department | Name | Contact No. | |
1 | Department of Management | Dr. Jasvir Singh Sura | 01681-241018 | chmanagement [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Department of Commerce | Prof. S.K.Sinha | 01681-241018, 01681-241009 | chcommerce [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Department of Economics | Dr. Sunil Kumar Phougat | 01681-241075 | checonomics [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Department of Computer Science & Applications | Dr. Anand Kumar | 01681-241063 | chcomputerscience [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Department of Education | Dr. Kuldeep Nara | 01681-241005, 01681-241023 | cheducation [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | Department of English | 01681-241050 | chenglish [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
7 | Department of Hindi | 01681-241074 | chhindi [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
8 | Department of History | Dr. Ajmer Singh | 01681-241074 | chhistory [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
9 | Department of Mass Comm. | Prof. S.K. Sinha | 01681-241013, 01681-241018 | chmmc [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
10 | Department of Psychology | Dr. Sunil Kumar Phougat | 01681-241020, 01681-241059 | chpsychology [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
11 | Department of Political Science | Dr. Sunil Kumar Phougat | 01681-241075 | chpoliticalscience [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
12 | Department of Geography | Dr. Vishal Verma | 01681-241064 | chgeography [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
13 | Departmentof Mathematics | Dr. Anupam Bhatia | 01681-241063 | chmaths [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
14 | Department of Music & Dance | Dr. Jasvir Singh | 01681-241020 | chmusic [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
15 | Department of Botany | Dr. Anand Kumar | 01681-241053 | chbotany [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
16 | Department of Chemistry | Dr. Anupam Bhatia | 01681-241053, 01681-241054 | chchemistry [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
17 | Department of Physics | Dr. Anand Kumar | 01681-241030, 01681-241048, 01681-241049 |
chphysics [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
18 | Department of Zoology | Dr. Anand Kumar | 01681-241053 | chzoology [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
19 | Department of Physical Education | Dr. Kuldeep Nara | 01681-241005 | chphysicaledu [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
20 | Department of Yoga Science | Dr. Ajmer Singh | 01681-241074 | chyogascience [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
21 | Department of Law | Dr. Sunil Kumar Phougat | 01681-241075 | chlaw [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Construction branch Contacts
Sr. No | Name | Designation | Email ID & Contact No |
1 | Sh. A.K. Modi | Technical Advisor | ashokmodi1954 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sh. Lalit Kumar | S .D.O (C.D.C) | 01681-241101 , lalitkumar [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Sh. Ashish Kumar | J.E Civil (HKRN) | 01681-241101 , lalitkumar [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Sh. Arun Kumar | Technical Assistant (HKRN) | Construction [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Sh. Vinod Kumar | Asst. Line Man (HKRN) |
Construction [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | Sh. Sonu | Clerk (HKRN) | Construction [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
7 | Sh. Bijender Singh | Daftari (HKRN) | Construction [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
8 | Sh. Pawan | Helper (HKRN) | Construction [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Horticulture Branch | |||
9 | Dr. Parveen | In-charge | horticulture [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
10 | Sh. Dharmesh Saini | J.E (HKRN) | horticulture [at] crsu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Affiliated Colleges Contacts
Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University,
Jind Rohtak Bypass Rd, Jind, Haryana 126102