Delhi Land And Building Department Contact No. 011-2337 8755

Govt of Delhi All India Number(s):
- 011-2337 8755 (For Contact Support)
Official Website - (For General Query)
Important Link
Telephone Directory
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. |
1 | Sh. Manish Gupta | Additional Chief Secretary | 011-23378755 |
2 | MS. Archana Lakhani | P.S. to Additional Chief Secretary | 011-23378755 |
3 | Sh. Ramvir Singh Ms. Ankita Singh |
S.O to Additional Chief Secretary P.A to Additional Chief Secretary |
011-23378755 Fax: 011-23370035 |
4 | Sh. Rajeeva Shukla, DANICS | Spl. Secretary | 011-23379697 |
5 | Sh. M.M Sourot | P.S. to Spl Secretary | 011-223379697 Fax: 011-23379343 |
6 | Sh. Santosh Kumar Yadav | Legal advisor cum Standing Counsel | 011-23379370, 011-23378904 |
7 | Sh. Surendra Kumar Verma | P.A. to Legal advisor cum Standing Counsel | 011-23379370, 011-23378904 |
8 | Sh. Sant Kumar | Deputy Controller of Accounts | 011-23378256 |
9 | Sh. Ashok Kumar Yadav | Deputy Secretary( Land Acquisition, Alternative, Housing Loan, Central Record Room, Planning, Legal, R&I Branch, IT) |
011-23370366 |
10 | Sh. Ajay Kumar Gambhir | Deputy Secretary ( E.P. Cell, Administration, General, Vigilance, RERA, Parliament Cell, PGMC LG Listening, CPGRAM & RTI) |
011-23378909 |
11 | Sh. Deepak Balhara | System Analyst | 011-23370589 |
12 | Sh. Chander Singh | Sr. Account Officer | 011-23379320 |
13 | Sh. S. K. Sharma | Assistant Standing Counsel (Writ Cell/ SLP Section) | 011-23379287 |
14 | Sh. Qudrat Pasha | Assistant Legal Advisor (Legal Cell) | 011-23379389 |
15 | Sh. Sunil Bala Sadawarti | Section Officer ( Admn., Vig.) | 011-23370961 |
16 | Sh. Jaldhari Meena | Section Officer (Alternative Branch, LM Branch, Record Room, DTF North) | 011-23378704 |
17 | Ms. Nandi Rawat | Section Officer ( R&I, RTI, PGMS,PGC, CPGRAM, LG Listening) | 011-9911896519 |
18 | Sh. Rakesh Kumar Meena | Section Officer (Land Acquisition, RERA) | 011-23379322 |
19 | SH. U. S. Bisht | Section Officer (Caretaking General Branch, EP Cell) | 011-23378853 |
20 | Sh. Sandeep Sabharwal | AAO | 011-23379320 |
21 | Ms. Indira Giri | DDO | 011-23378021 |
22 | Sh. Pankaj Gupta | AAO | 011-23379320 |
23 | Sh. Subhash Chand | Sr. Asstt/Caretaker | 011-23378853 |
Land and Building Department,
B-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
Fax No.: 011-23370035
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