Dhule District All Important Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 100 (For Police Helpline)
  • 101 (For Fire Helpline)
  • 108 (For Ambulance)
  • 1098 (For Child Helpline)
  • 1091 (For Women Helpline)

Important Links

Helpline Numbers

Sr No. Department Contact No.
1 Ambulance 102
2 Railway Enquiry 139
3 Kisan Call Centre 1551
4 Crime Stopper 1090
5 Disaster Control Room 1077
6 Emergency LPG Leakage Complaints 1906
7 Citizens Call center 155300
8 IRCTC Help Line 1800111139
9 Anti Ragging 18001805522
10 Complaint about Illegal Religious Structures 02562-288705,
11 National Call Centre  011-23978046,
12 State Level Control Room  020-26127394
13 Collector Office Dhule Control Room  02562-288066, 1077

Public Utilities

Sr No. Name Contact No. Address
1 Allahabad Bank 9420787332 Survey No 2110 North, Lane No 6, Near Merchant Bank, Dhule - 424001
2 Axis Bank 02562-280301 Ground Floor, Main Market, Lane No.2 Lalbag, Maharashtra, 424001
3 Bank of Baroda 02562-232220 PB No.60 Bafana Building Lane.4, Dhule- 424001
4 Bank of India 02329-2432196 Shyamprasad Bldg Lane No.4, Nagar Patti, Dhule - 424001
5 Canara Bank 02562-232025 No. 1375/76, Ground Floor, 5th Lane, Dhule- 424001
6 Central Bank Of India 02562-235165 Balwant Building, Fourth Lane, Dhulia, Dist-Dhule, Maharashtra-424001
7 Corporation Bank 02562-235001 Lane No 4, 1695, Khol Galli, Dhule - 424001 Maharashtra
8 DDCC Bank 02562-288350 Garud Baag, Navnath Nager, Dhule, Maharashtra 424001
9 Dena Bank 02562-232718 Khol Galli, Pandit Dindayal Upadhaya Marg, Dhule-424001
10 HDFC Bank 9890603333 Mundada Arcade, Lane No 6, Parola Road, Dist Dhule
11 ICICI Bank 02562-232785 Wani's Bunglow, Khol Lane, P.B.No.48, Dhule-424001
12 Punjab National Bank 02562-232115 Lane No. 4, CTS No 1695, Opp. Balaji Mandir, Dhule, Maharashtra 424001
13 State Bank of India 02562-238908 Ishkrupa Bldg., Opp Zilla Parishad, Dhule, Maharashtra-424001
14 Uco Bank 02562-235210 1196, Kalpana, Nagar Patti Road, Dhule-424001
15 Dhule Chaini Road S.O 02562-261024 Dhule Taluk of Dhule District, Maharashtra State
16 Dhule City S.O 02562-232154 Lane No.1, Near Rajwadi Sanshodhan Mandal, Dhule, Maharashtra
17 Dhule Collectorate S.O 02562-232756 Dhule Collectorate Sub Post Office, Dhule Collectorate, Dhule, Maharashtra
18 Dhule Jaihind Colony S.O 02562-223465 Post Master, Dhule Jaihind Colony S.O Post Office, Dhule, Maharashtra
19 Dhule Pramod Nagar S.O 02562-229246 Post Master, Dhule Pramod Nagar, Dhule Taluk, Dhule District, Maharashtra
20 Dhule Station Road S.O 02562-236665 Post Master, Dhule Station Road S.O Post Office, Dhule, Maharashtra
21 Head Post Office 02562-234909 Lane No.1, Near Rajwadi Sanshodhan Mandal, Dhule, Maharashtra
22 Post Office Shirpur 02563-255032 Ambika Nagar, Near BSNL Office, Shirpur, Dhule, Maharashtra
23 Ramwadi B.O 02562-234909 Dhule Taluk of Dhule District, Maharashtra State
24 Dhule C.C. Sub Dn. 02562-288018 Dhule
25 Dhule Rural Sub Dn. 02562-288005 Dhule
26 Dhule Urban Sub Dn.1 02562-288006 Sakri Road , Dhule
27 Dhule Urban Sub Dn. 2 02562-288014 Deopur , Dhule

Other Public Utilities

Sr No. Name Contact No. Email Address
1 Adarsh Polytechnic 02562-223775 adarshpolytechnicdhule@rediffmail.com Dhule
2 Adarsh Shikshan Prasarak Mandals College Of Management And College Of Information Technology 02562-223775 adarshdhule@rediffmail.com Dhule
3 College of Agriculture - admissions@mpkv.ac.in Dondaicha, Tal. Sindkhed, Dist. Dhule
4 College of Agriculture - info@acdhule.edu.in Parola Road, Dhule
5 College of Food Technology, Diwanmala (Laling) 9168264558 sspmfoodtech.dhule@gmail.com Tal. Dist. Dhule
6 Dhule Charitable Societys Institute of Pharmacy 02562-220512 dcsiop199@rediffmail.com Dhule
7 Dhulia Charitable Societys Annasaheb Ramesh Ajmera College of Pharmacy 02562-261021 dcsaracop@gmail.com Nagaon
8 Government Polytechnic 02562-272103 gpdhule.dte@gmail.com Dhule
9 H. R. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education And Research 02563-256588 sbbari@rediffmailc.om Shirpur, Dhule
10 ITI Dhule, Near S.S.V.P.S College 02562-273023 iti.dhule@dvet.gov.in Dhule
11 ITI Sakri 02561-223539 iti.pimpalner@dvet.gov.in Krishna Building, Satana Road, Pimpalner, Sakri
12 ITI Shindkheda 02566-262004 iti.sindkheda@dvet.gov.in Shirpur Road Shindkheda
13 ITI Shirpur 02563-257476 iti.shirpur@dvet.gov.in Adarsh Nagar Shirpur
14 Kisan Vidya Prasarak Sansthas, Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar College of Pharmacy 02563-284203 baviskar@sancharnet.in Boradi
15 Kisan Vidya Prasaraks K.V.P.S. Institute of Pharmaceutical Education 02563-284202 baviskar@sancharnet.in Boradi, Shirpur, Dhule
16 Krushi Tantra Vidyalaya 02565-230606 info@acdhule.edu.in Dhule Taluka - Dhule
17 Nagaon Education Society Gangamai College of Pharmacy 02562-243174 principalgipnagaon@rediffmail.com Nagaon
18 Nagaon Education Societys Gangamai College of Engineering 02562-243170 nagaonengg@rediffmail.com Nagaon
19 Nagaon Education Societys Gangamai Polytechnic 02562-243260 gangamai.polytechnic@gmail.com Nagaon
20 Netaji Subhashchandra Bose Edu Trust, Netaji Polytechnic 02562-232955 netajics123@gmail.com Dhule
21 Onkar Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha Nikam Institute of Technology (Polytechnic) 02562-297309 prakalppatil@yahoo.co.in Dhule
22 PG College of Agriculture 02562-230660 info@acdhule.edu.in Parola Road Dhule
23 PG College of Horticulture College of Agriculture Campus 02562-230660 info@acdhule.edu.in Parola Road, Dhule
24 Prof. Ravindra Nikam College of Pharmacy 02562-297309 profrnikamcop@gmail.com Gondur
25 R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 02563-255189 sjsurana@yahoo.com Shirpur
26 R. C. Patel Institute of Technology 02563-259600 principal@rcpit.ac.in Shirpur
27 R.C. Patel Educational Trust, Institute of Management Research And Development - vaishali.imrd@gmail.com Shirpur
28 R.C. Patel Polytechnic 02563-261299 rcpatelpolytechnic@gmail.com Shirpur
29 Samarth Institute of Pharmacy - prit24april@rediffmail.com 688/1, At: Kavathe, Sakri-Pimpalner Road, Tal: Sakri
30 Sanjay Edu. Soc.s S.E.S. Institute of Pharmacy 02562-230660 sespdia@sancharnet.in Balapur (Phagane), Dhule
31 Sanjay Education Society's Polytechnic - sespdia@sancharnet.in Wadibhokar, Dhule
32 Vardhaman Education & Welfare Society, Ahinsa Polytechnic 02566-241304 ahinsa.polytechnic@gmail.com Post. Dondaicha, Dhule
33 West Khandesh Bhagini Seva Mandal's Dr. Suryakanta R. Ajmera M.C.A. College for Women 02562-284949 ajmeramcawomens@gmail.com Dhule
34 West Khandesh Bhagini Seva Mandal's Dr. Suryakanta R. Ajmera M.C.A. College for Women 02562-275368 - Dhule
35 Shri Shivaji Viddhya Prasarak Sanstha's Bapusaheb Shivajirao Deore Polytechnic 02562-273703 kachave@gmail.com Dhule
36 Shri Shivaji Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's Late Bapusaheb Shivaji Rao Deore College of Engineering 02562-272713 princi.ssvps@gmail.com Dhule
37 Shri. Jaykumar Rawal Institute of Technology 02566-244123 5381jaytech@gmail.com Dondaicha
38 Shri. Vile Parle Kelawani Mandal's Institute of Pharmacy 022-42355555 sharad.mhaiskar@nmims.edu Dhule
39 Shri. Vile Parle Kelawani Mandal's Institute of Technology 022-42355555 sharad.mhaiskar@nmims.edu Dhule
40 The Shirpur Education Society's R.C. Patel Institute Of Pharmacy 02563-255189 nitin_haswani@yahoo.com Shirpur
41 Tribal Ashram Industrial Training Center 7588733470 iti.sukapur@dvet.gov.in Sakapur, Sakri
Medical Colleges
42 ACPM College Of Nursing 02562-277298 - A/P Morane, Sakri Road, Dhule, Maharashtra, India
43 Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Dental College 02562-277924 jmfacpmdc@gmail.com A/P Morane, Sakri Road, Dhule, Maharashtra, India
44 Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Medical College 02562-276317 acpmmcdhule@gmail.com A/P Morane, Sakri Road, Dhule, Maharashtra, India
45 K.D.M.G. Homoeopathic Medical College 9921467777 hmcshirpur@gmail.com 18/2 B, Nimzari Road, Tal. Shirpur, Dist. Dhule
46 Karmveer Vankatrao Tanaji Randhir Ayurved Mahavidyalaya 02563-284234 - Boradi, Tal-Shirpur, Dhule, Maharashtra
47 Smt. K.C. Ajmera Ayurved Mahavidyalaya 02562-221912 ajmeradhi@hotmail.com City Survey No.4259, Dayasagar Educational Campus, Deopur, Dhule
48 Dondaicha Nagar Parishad 02566-244137 codondaicha@gmail.com Dondaicha
49 Shirpur Nagar Parishad 02563-255042 shirpurnagarparishad@gmail.com Shirpur
For More Public Utilities Click on the Public Utilities you can see all the options related to Utilities.

Police Station

Sr. No. Police Station Name Contact No.
1 Dhule City 02562-2888215
2 Aazadnagar 02562-288217
3 Chalisgaon Road 02562-231377
4 Mohadi Upnagar 02562-288221
5 Deopur Police Station 02562-288219
6 West Deopur 02562-277299
7 Dhule Taluka 02562-288222
8 Songir 02562-235223
9 Sakri 02568-242333
10 Pimplner 02561-223033
11 Nijampur 02568-276233
12 Shindkheda 02566-222233
13 Nardana 02566-277235
14 Dondaicha 02566-244023
15 Shirpur City 02563-255022
16 Thalner 02563-285233

STD And PIN Codes

Sr.No. Taluka STD Code PIN Code
1 Dhule 02562 424001
2 Dhule-Deopur 02562 424002
3 Dhule- Market Yard 02562 424004
4 Dhule-Vidya Nagari 02562 424005
5 Dhule-MIDC 02562 424006
6 Sakri 02568 424304
7 Shirpur 02563 424405
8 Shindkheda 02566 425406

State Service Rights Commission

Commissioner : Shrimati Chitra Kulkarni
Address: Singhgad, Government Rest House, Near Golf Club, Nashik-422002
Contact No.: 0253-2995080
Email: rtsc.nashik@gmail.com

Aadhar Centers

Sr.No. Location Name Contact No. Address
1 Dhule City Mangala Supadu More 9545981114 Jai Hind chowk ,Near Jr college  Deopur
2 Dhule Rural Surekha Prakash Baviskar 9420602356 Mahindhade
3 Fagne Pankaj Pradeep Bagul 8308170180  Bhagwa Chauk ,Gaikwad ComlexLane No.5 In Front Of Ashish Lodge,Dhule
4 Ner Dilip Magan Mistri 9823616038 Kabir Complex Near Nehru Putla Sakri Road Dhule
5 Songir Ganesh Ramesh Chaudhari 9422772777 Old Agra Road Near Devpur Talathi Karyalaya Dhule
6 Borkund Nuruddin Amin Shaikh 9970703160 88,hidayat colony chalisgaon road Dhule Pin 424001
7 Arvi Sanjay Babanrao Yelmame 9921646845 Parola Road Near Gopal Tea Dhule-424001
8 Dhule City Rajendra Pandurang Wankhedkar 9273175667 Mochiwada Dhule

Telephone Directory

Sr No. Designation Contact No. Email Address
1 Collector 02562-288702,
Fax: 02562-288715
collector.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
2 Additional Collector 02562-288704,
Fax: 02562-288715
addcoll.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office, New Administrative Building, Dhule
3 RDC 02562-288706,
Fax: 02562-288715
rdc.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office, New Administrative Building, Dhule
4 Deputy Collector Administration 02562-288712,
Fax: 02562-288715
5 District Supply Officer 02562-288708,
6 Dy. District Election Officer 02562-288716 dycollele.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
7 Dy. Collector E.G.S 02562-288710,
Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
8 Dy. Collector Land Acquisition General 02562-288711,
Fax: 02562-288715
slao.mip@gmail.com New Administrative Building, Collector Office, Dhule
9 Dy. Collector land acquisition National Highway 211 02562-288712,
Fax: 02562-288715
slao.1@gmail.com New Administrative Building, Collector Office, Dhule
10 Dy.Collector Rehabilitation 02562-288709,
Fax: 02562-288715
drodhule2011@gmail.com New Administrative Building, Collector Office , Dhule.
11 District Informatics Officer NIC 02562-229995 mahdhu@nic.in Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
12 District Planning Officer 02562-288718,
dpo.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
13 Reception Officer 02562-288714 rdc.dhule@gmail.com Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
14 District Disaster Management Officer 02562-240908 Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
15 PBX collector Office 02562-288711,
Fax: 02562-288715
Collector office , New Administrative Building , Dhule
16 SDO Dhule 02562-288720,
sdo.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office , New Administrative Building, Dhule
17 SDO Shirpur 02563-256397 sdo.shirpur@maharashtra.gov.in Shirpur
18 Tahsildar Dhule 02562-288722,
tahsildar.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Tahsil Office Dhule
19 Tahsildar Shirpur 02563-255043,
tahsildar.shirpur@maharashtra.gov.in Tahsil office , Shirpur
20 Tahsildar Shindkheda 02566-222226,
tahsildar.shindkheda@maharashtra.gov.in Tahsil office , Shindkheda
21 Tahsildar Sakri 02568-242369,
tahsildar.sakri@maharashtra.gov.in Tahsil office, Sakri

Officers Contact

Sr No. Name Designation Contact No. Email Address
1 Shri. Jitendra Papalkar (I.A.S.) Collector And District Magistrate 02562-288701,
Fax: 02562-288715
collector.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
2 Shri. Nitin Gavande Resident Deputy Collector 02562-288705,
Fax: 02562-288715
rdc.dhule@gmail.com Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
3 Shri.Rahul Jadhav Sub Divisional Officer, Dhule 02562-288719 sdodhule@gmail.com Old Collectorate Dhule
4 Shri. Mahesh Shelar District Supply Officer dhule.dso@gmail.com Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
5 Shri. Gangaram Talpade Deputy District Election Officer 02562-288716,
Fax: 02562-288715
dydeodhule@gmail.com Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
6 Shri. Sanjay Bagade District Rehabilitation Officer 02562-288712,
Fax: 02562-288715
drodhule2011@gmail.com Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
7 Smt. Seema Ahire Dy.Collector - Land Acquisition ( NH-211 ) 02562-288712,
Fax: 02562-288715
slao.1.dhule@gmail.com Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
8 Shri. Mahesh Jamdade Deputy Collector Land Acquisition Officer -General 02562-288712 dycollgen.dhule@maharashtra.gov.in Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
9 shri. Nitin Mundavare Dy.Collector ( EGS ) 02562-288709,
egsdycoll.dhu-mh@gov.in Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
10 Shri. Rahul Kunwar Dy.Collector - Land Acquisition (MIP) 02562-288712 slao.mip@gmail.com Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
11 Mr. M. V. Khadse District Informatics Officer NIC 02562-29995,
Fax: 02562-288715
mahdhu@nic.in Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule
12 Smt. Mamta M. Hatkar District Planning Officer 02562-288717,
Fax: 02562-288715
dpodhule@gmail.com Collector Office, New Administrative Building , Dhule

For Public Grievance

  • If you have any query/complaint, then you can lodge your complaint online through CM Helpline.
  • If your query is still not solved then, you can also lodge your complaint online through Aaple Sarkar Portal .
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