King Georges Medical University (KGMU) Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0522-225 8365 (Contact Support)
  • 0522-225 8880 (Helpline Number)


  •  info [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu (Contact Support)

Important Link

Important Contact Numbers

Designation Contact No. Email
Vice Chancellor 0522-2257540 (O) vc [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Registrar Office 0522-2253171 registrar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Finance Officer 0522-2257545 (O) fo [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Proctor Office 9415099998 proctor [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Controller of Examination 0522-2980514 coe [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Chief Medical Superintendent cms [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Medical Superintendent   ms [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Superintendent Office   
Medical Education edu [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dean Office 0522-2258293(O) dean [dot] medical [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dean Dental 0522-2254555(O) dean [dot] dental [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Nursing principalnursing [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Research Cell 0522-2258440 (O) researchcell [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Central Library 0522-2257717 (O) honorarylibrarian [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Public Relations Officer/Ambulance 0522-2257352(O)
Trauma Centre (Reception) 0522-2258425(O)
Trauma Centre (Incharge) 0522-2258426(O)
Queen Mary's Hospital  0522-2257742 (O)  
Website Office   info [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Helpline Office 0522-2258880 info [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu

KGMU IP Phone Directory

Phone No
Name Building Location/
Room No./ EXT.No.
1001 Vice Chancellor Chamber - Direct No V C Office
1002 VC Residence Residence of VC
1003 VC Camp Office V C Office
1011 Mr. Neeraj V C Office
1012 Mr. Manoj V C Office
1013 Mr. Amit V C Office
1015 VC Reception / Phone Operator / V C Office
1019 Dispatch VC Office V C Office
1020 Dean Medical - PHI Building
1021 Dean Medical PA - PHI Building
1030 Registrar - Direct Number Registrar Office
1032 Registrar PA Registrar Office
1034 UG PG Section Registrar Office
1040 Finance Officer - Direct Number FO Office
1041 Account Officer FO Office
1043 Salary Section - FO Office
1050 Chief Medical Superintendent Main Building
1060 Medical Superintendent Main Building
1061 Deputy Medical Superintendent Main Building
1063 Record Room New OPD New OPD
1065 PRO Main Building Main Building
1070 Controller Of Examination - Direct Number Pariksha Bhawan
1075 Addl COE Office (Dr Ashish Wakhlu) Pariksha Bhawan
1151 Pediatric Surgery Pediatric Surgery
1085 Main Building ICU Medicine Main Building
1090 RTI Office Registrar Office
1091 IT Cell Incharge PHI Building
1095 Rashmi P. John Nursing(Kalam Center)
1042 FO PA FO Office
1064 CMS Camp CMS Office
1161 Dean Paramedical Kalam Centre
1014 Pro Chancellor Chamber --
1129 Telephone Exchange Room B
1147 Telephone Exchange Room B
1114 Telephone Exchange Room B
1036 Data Resource Cell IT Cell Office
1092 eCCS PHI Conference
1641 Cash Counter Main Building
1607 Dean Dental - Dr. Anil Chandra Old Dental Building
IT Cell
1111 Dr Sandeep Bhattacharya Physiology
1100 IT Cell Office Pariksha Bhawan
1101 IT Cell Office Pariksha Bhawan
1102 IT Cell Office Pariksha Bhawan
1113 Dr. Hardeep Singh Melhotra Neurology
1112 Dr Kumar Shantanu Orthopedics
1130 Dr. D. N . Upadhyaya Plastic Surgery
Faculty of Medical Sciences
1115 Anaesthesiology HOD
1117 Bio Chemistry HOD
1119 Cardiology HOD
1126 E.N.T. HOD
1131 Geriatric Mental Health HOD
1137 Medicine HOD
1609 Microbiology HOD
1143 Neurology HOD
1145 Obst & Gynaecology HOD
1146 Ophthalmology HOD
1148 Pathology HOD
1151 Pediatric Surgery HOD
1152 Pediatrics HOD
1153 Pharmacology HOD
1155 Physiology HOD
1156 Plastic Surgery HOD
1157 Psychiatry HOD
1158 Radio Diagnosis HOD
4051 Radiotherapy (Intercom) HOD
1176 Respiratory Medicine HOD
1161 Dean Paramedical HOD
1164 Surgery (General) HOD
4122 Transfusion Medicine HOD
1171 Urology HOD
1176 Hospital Administration Main Building
1063 Paediatric Orthopaedics HOD
Faculty of Dental Sciences
1022 Conservative Dentistry HOD - Dr A.P.Tikku HOD
1172 Public Health Dentistry HOD - Dr Vinay Singh HOD
1173 Oral Medicine & Radiology HOD - Dr R Patil HOD
1174 Oral Pathology & Microbiology HOD - Dr Shaleen HOD
1175 Orthodontics HOD - Dr P Tandon HOD
3008 Oral & Maxillofacial Deptment HOD
3078 Pedodontics Deptment HOD
3113 Periodontics Department HOD
3142 Prosthodontics Department HOD
1009 Telephone Exchange Counter B Main building
1010 Telephone Exchange Counter B Main building
1065 Main PRO Office Main building
1607 Dental Dean Dr Anil chandra New Dental Bldg.
Oral & Maxillofacial Department
3008 Dr. Shadab - HOD Oral & Maxillofacial HOD
3026 Dr. R.K.Singh Oral & Maxillofacial
3038 Dr. U.S. Pal Oral & Maxillofacial
3037 Dr. Vibha Singh Oral & Maxillofacial
3030 Dr. Divya Mehrotra Oral & Maxillofacial
3019 Dr. Hari Ram Oral & Maxillofacial
3031 Dr. Geeta Singh Oral & Maxillofacial
3035 Research Room OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3018 Reeta - Dept OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3151 Store Room OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3017 Minor O.T OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3009 P.G. Clinic OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3021 U.G. Clinic OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3020 Sister Incharge OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3034 Office OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
3042 Ward OMF Oral & Maxillofacial
Pedodontics Department
3078 HOD Pedodontics Pedodontics
3061 U.G. Clinic Pedodontics
3073 Office Pedodontics
3077 Store Room Pedodontics
3079 Reception Counter Pedodontics
3083 Dr. Rakesh Kumar Chak Pedodontics
3085 Seminar Room Pedodontics
3088 P.G. Clinic Pedodontics
3090 Dr. Richa Khanna Pedodontics
3092 Dr. Afroz Alam Pedodontics
3094 Dr. Rajeev Kumar Pedodontics
3095 Common Room Pedodontics
3096 Dental Lab Pedodontics
3099 Preventive Dentistry Clinic Pedodontics
Periodontics Department
3160 Dr. Nand Lal - HOD Periodontics
3100 P.G. Clinic Periodontics
3101 Dr. Rameshwari Periodontics
3103 Dr. Shalini Kaushal Periodontics
3110 Dr. Pavitra Rastogi Periodontics
3112 Office Periodontics
3125 Dr. Umesh Verma Periodontics
3127 Dr. Anjani Pathak Periodontics
3126 Dr. MA Khan Room Periodontics
Prosthodontics Department
3142 Dr. Pooran Chand - HOD Prosthodontics
3128 Dr. Balendra Singh Prosthodontics
3129 Dr. Sunit Kr Jurel Prosthodontics
3131 Dr. Kamleshwar Singh Prosthodontics
3132 Dr. Raghuwar Dayal Singh Prosthodontics
3133 Dr. Somendra Vikram Singh Prosthodontics
3134 Dr. Rama Shanker Prosthodontics
3135 Dr. Jitendra Rao Prosthodontics
3138 Dr. Neeraj Mishra Prosthodontics
3140 Dr. K.K. Agarwal Prosthodontics
3141 Dr. Bhaskar & Dr. Mayank Prosthodontics
3143 P.G. Clinic Prosthodontics
3144 Dr. Suchi Singh Prosthodontics
3146 U.G. Clinic Prosthodontics
3148 Office Prosthodontics
3157 Medicine Distribution Counter Prosthodontics
1063 Record Room New OPD 4th Floor
2050 Pathology Lab Cash Counter 1st Floor
2051 Pathology Lab Report Counter 1st Floor
2052 Pathology Lab Cash Counter 1st Floor
2062 Microbiology Lab Report Counter 1st Floor
2063 Microbiology Lab Cash Counter 1st Floor
2077 General Surgery OPD 101
2053 General Surgery OPD 102
2048 General Surgery OPD 103
2075 General Surgery OPD / Family Medicine OPD 104
2060 General Surgery OPD 105
2066 General Surgery OPD 106
2065 Ayush OPD 112
2049 Pathology Lab 113
2057 FNAC Room 114
2064 ICTC Lab 115
2061 Pathology Lab 120
2084 Gastrosurgery OPD 202
2097 Gastrosurgery OPD 203
2088 Pain Clinic 204
2087 Pain Clinic 205
2078 Pain Clinic 206
2079 Pain Clinic 207
2098 Seminar Room 212
2053 Radiotherapy 218
2090 Haematology Clinic 219
2089 Haematology Clinic 220
2081 Radiotherapy 221
2080 Radiotherapy 222
2112 Neurology OPD 301
2126 Neurology OPD 302
2124 Skin OPD 303
2123 Skin OPD 304
2110 Seminar Room 311
2122 Plastic Surgery 321
2141 Pediatric OPD 401
2145 Pediatric OPD 402
2152 Pediatric OPD 403
2151 Pediatric OPD 404
2140 Pediatric OPD 405
2116 Urology OPD 418
2148 Urology OPD 420
2147 Urology OPD 421
2154 Pediatric Surgery 422
2026 Medicine Distribution Counter Ground Floor
2042 Registration Counter Ground Floor
2017 Registration Counter Ground Floor
2043 Registration Counter Ground Floor
2035 Registration Counter Ground Floor
2031 Dep Med Superintendent OPD Office Ground Floor
SHATABDI PHASE -1, Ground Floor
5001 Office Centenary (Arvind ji) Ground Floor
5014 Entrance Gate (Guard) Ground Floor
5020 Gas Plant Room Ground Floor
5023 Genrator Room Ground Floor
5024 A.C.Plant Ground Floor
5030 Registration Counter ( Surgical Gastro ) Ground Floor
5025 Gastrosurgery Record Room Ground Floor
5029 Nephrology Office Ground Floor
5002 Dr. Sant Pandey (Nephrology) Ground Floor
5016 Dr. Ravishankar Kushwaha (Nephrology) Ground Floor
5010 Gastro Office Ground Floor
5009 Gastro Camp Office Ground Floor
5021 Gastro Camp Office Ground Floor
5035 Dr. Vishal Gupta Ground Floor
5006 Dr. Saket Ground Floor
5005 Human organ transplant office Ground Floor
5018 Human Organ Transplant ( Dr. Manmeet Singh) Ground Floor
5017 Human Organ Transplant (Dr. Vivek Gupta) Ground Floor
5037 Pathology Phase -1 Ground Floor
SHATABDI PHASE -1, First Floor
5104 Human Organ Transplant Ward First Floor
5106 Human Organ Transplant O.T. No. 1 First Floor
5102 Neuro Surgery O.T. & Gastroenterology O.T. Reception First Floor
5112 Gastro Ward A First Floor
5113 Gastro Ward D First Floor
5117 Neuro surgery Sister Room (Store) First Floor
5108 Neuro Surgery O.T. 1 First Floor
SHATABDI PHASE -1, Second Floor
5212 Nephrology Male Ward Second Floor
5201 Nephrology Ward-2 Second Floor
5206 Gastro ICU Ward Second Floor
5203 Oncology O.T. 1 Second Floor
5210 Oncology O.T. Corridor Second Floor
5207 Oncology Post Operative Ward Second Floor
5214 Endocrine Surgery O.T. Second Floor
5202 Opthalmology O.T. Second Floor

For More Details

Administration Contact

Name Designation E-mail
LT. GEN. (DR.) Bipin Puri Vice Chancellor 0522-2257540
Email: vc [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mr. Vinai Kumar Rai Finance Officer  Phone: 0522-2257545 (O)
Email: fo [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
N/A Registrar Contact No.:- 0522-2258365
Email: registrar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi Controller of Examinations 0522-2980514
Email: coe [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Prof Ap Tikku Dean,
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Email: aptikku [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu,
crown_tikku [at] yahoo [dot] com

Faculty Contact

Name Position Contact
Departments [Faculty of Medical Sciences]
Anaesthesiology and Critical Care
Dr. G. P. Singh
Head of Department
& Professor
E-mail: gpsinghkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Jyotsna Agarwal MD Professor Ph:0522-2508699
E-mail: dr [dot] jyotsna [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dr. Monica Kohli
Professor Ph:0522-2259555
E-mail: monica_kohli [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Dr. Dinesh Kaushal MD Professor Ph:0522-2367395
E-mail: dinesh [dot] kaushal91 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Mohammed Parvez Khan MD Professor Ph:0522-2311192
E-mail: mpk_786 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Vinita Singh MD Professor Ph:0522-2348751
E-mail: drvinitasingh70 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Dinesh Singh R. M. S. Verma MD Professor E-mail: dineshkgmu [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Rajni Gupta MD Professor E-mail: rgkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Sarita Singh MD Professor Ph:0522-2348603
E-mail: saritacsmmu [at] redifmail [dot] com
Dr. Ajay Kumar Chaudhary MD Professor E-mail: ajaychaudhary62 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. B. B. Kushwaha MD Professor E-mail: brij_kushwaha00634 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Reetu Verma MD Professor E-mail: reetuverma1998 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Zia Arshad MD Additional Professor E-mail: zia_235 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Dr. Shefali Gautam MD Additional Professor E-mail: drshefaligautam [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Sateesh Verma MD Additional Professor E-mail: sateeshverma24 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Hemlata
DNB,PDCC(Neuro Anaesthesia),
Additional Professor E-mail: hema2211 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dr. Vipin Kumar Singh
MD (Anesthesiology), PDCC
Additional Professor E-mail: vipintheazad [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Rajesh Raman MD Additional Professor E-mail: ramanrajesh83 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Tanmay Tiwari MD,
PDCC(Organ Transplant
Anesthesia) MNAMS
Additional Professor E-mail: tanmayanesthesia [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Prem Raj Singh MD Additional Professor E-mail: dr [dot] p [dot] rajsingh [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Aparna Shukla MBBS,MD Associate Professor E-mail: shukla [dot] draparna [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Manish Kumar Singh
(pain management)
Associate Professor E-mail: manish [dot] is [dot] singh34 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Manoj Chaurasiya
Associate Professor E-mail: mchh3131 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Ravi Prakash MD,DNB Assistant Professor E-mail: drraviprakash [at] hotmail [dot] com
Dr. Vinod Srivastava, MD Assistant Professor E-mail: vinod123 [dot] doctor [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Rati Prabha MD,
PDCC(Cardiac Anesthesia)
Assistant Professor E-mail: ratiprabha83 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Dr Neelkamal Mishra MD Assistant Professor E-mail: mishraneelkamal83 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Manish Kumar Singh
MD, PDCC (Neuroanaesthesia)
Assistant Professor E-mail: manishsingh [dot] brdmc [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Shashank Kumar Kannaujia Assistant Professor E-mail: Shashankkannaujia [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Brijesh Pratap Singh ,
MD, DM (Neuroanaesthesia)
Assistant Professor E-mail: brijeshmbbs [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Navneet Kumar MBBS, MS Professor E-mail: navneetkumar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Punita Manik MBBS, MS Professor & Head E-mail: punitamanik [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Anita Rani MBBS, MS Professor E-mail: anitarani [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Jyoti Chopra MBBS, MS Professor E-mail: jyotichopra [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Archana Rani MBBS, MS Professor E-mail: archanarani [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Dewan MBBS, MD Additional Professor E-mail: rkdewan [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Arvind Kumar Pankaj MBBS, MD Additional Professor E-mail: akpankaj [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Verma MBBS, MS Additional Professor E-mail: rkverma [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Garima Sehgal MBBS,DGO, MD Associate Professor E-mail: garimasehgal [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Sushma Tomar MBBS, MD Associate Professor E-mail: sushmatomar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Noor Us Saba MBBS, MD Assistant Professor E-mail: noorussaba83 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Pratibha Shakya MBBS, MD Assistant Professor E-mail: shakya_pratibha [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Dr. Heena Singh MBBS, MD Assistant Professor E-mail: dr [dot] singhheena [at] gmail [dot] com
Prof. D. R. Singh Honorary
Guest Faculty MS, Ph.D, FIANS
Emeritus Professor Ph:0522-6545609
E-mail: dr [dot] drsingh [at] yahoo [dot] com,
dr [dot] drsingh40 [at] gmail [dot] com
Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi
M.A.M.S. Ph.D. (Med. Biochem.)
Professor & Head E-mail: abbasalimahdi [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Shivani Pandey
Ph.D (Med. Biochem)
Professor E-mail: shivanipandey [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Ranjana Singh
Ph.D (Med. Biochem)
Professor E-mail: ranjanasingh [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Dilutpal Sharma
Additional Professor E-mail: dilutpal [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Kalpana Singh
Additional Professor E-mail: kalpanasingh [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Md. Kaleem Ahmad
Ph.D (Med. Biochem)
Additional Professor E-mail: mohdkaleemahmad [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Gyanendra Kumar
Sonkar Ph.D (Med. Biochem)
Additional Professor E-mail: gyanendrakrsonkar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Shweta Kumari
Associate Professor E-mail: shweta [dot] rungta29 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Sapna Jaiswal
Ph.D (Med Biochem)
Demonstrator E-mail: sapna_biochem [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Dr. Kriti Kathuria Junior resident E-mail: kritikathuria03 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Prashant Pandey Junior resident E-mail: imdrprashantpandey [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Mulayam Singh Yadav
Demonstrator E-mail: mulayamnikhil39 [at] gmail [dot] com
Mr. Suraj Pal Singh
MSc. Medical Biochemistry
Demonstrator E-mail: spsingh_mtr1995 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Dr. Dr. Mohd. Saalim MBBS Demonstrator E-mail: Saalimbakhsh [at] hotmail [dot] com
Dr. S. K. Dwivedi
MD, DM(Cardio), FSCAI
Head of Department Ph:0522-2385725
E-mail: skdwivedi [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Prof. Rishi Sethi
MD, DM (Cardiology),
FACC, FESC, FRCP (Edinburg),
Professor E-mail: rishisethi [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Sharad Chandra
MD,DM(Cardio), FSCAI,
Professor E-mail: sharadchandra [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Akshaya Pradhan DM,
Professor(Jr.) E-mail: apradhan [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Gaurav Chaudhary MD,
Professor(Jr.) E-mail: gauravchaudhary [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Pravesh Vishwakarma
Professor(Jr.) E-mail: praveshvishwakarma [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Monika Bhandari
MD, OM, FAPSIC Cardiology
Professor(Jr.) E-mail: monika [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Akhil Sharma
MD, DM, FSCAI Cardiology
Professor(Jr.) E-mail: akhil [dot] med [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Ayush Shukla
MD, DM Cardiology
Assistant Professor E-mail: ayushshukla101 [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Abhishek Singh
MD, DM Cardiology
Assistant Professor E-mail: docabhishek23 [at] gmail [dot] com

For More Faculty Contact Details

Departments [Faculty of Dental Sciences]
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Dr. A. P. Tikku
Professor & Head Ph: 0522-2254555,
E-mail: aptikku [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu,
crown_tikku [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Promila Verma
Professor Ph: 9415542063
E-mail: promilaverma [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Rakesh Yadav
BDS, MDS Assistant Dean
Professor Ph: 9415281156
E-mail: rakeshkumaryadav [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr. Ramesh Bharti
Professor(Junior Grade) Ph: 9935724723
E-mail: rameshbharti [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu ,
r_bharti14 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Rhythm Professor(Junior Grade) Ph: 9935033439
E-mail: rhythm [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu,
docrhythm77 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Vijay Kumar
Shakya BDS, MDS
Professor(Junior Grade) Ph: 9452278876
E-mail: vijaykumarshakya [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
drvijayshakya [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Pragya Pandey
Associate Professor Ph: 8415942428
E-mail: pragya78 [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Nishi Singh BDS, MDS Assistant Professor Ph: 9792243754
E-mail: nishisingh [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Oral Pathology
Dr. Shaleen Chandra MDS Professor & Head Ph:9936184433
E-mail: profshaleenchandra [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Shalini Gupta MDS Associate Professor Ph:8318998714
E-mail: dr [dot] shalni [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Fahad Mansoor Samadi MDS Additional Professor Ph:9450627708
E-mail: drfahadsamadi [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dr. Diksha Singh MDS Assistant Professor Ph:9838936777
E-mail: diksh18 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Priyanka Singh MDS Assistant Professor Ph:9792227011
E-mail: priyanka [dot] 0100 [at] gmail [dot] com

For More Faculty Contact Details

Faculty of Paramedical Sciences
Prof. Pravesh Vishwakarma Nodal Officer
Diploma in Cardiology Technician
dr [dot] pviswakarma [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Anil Rawat Nodal Officer
Diploma in C.T. Scan Technician
rawats20 [at] gmail [dot] com
Prof. Satyendra Sonkar Nodal Officer
Diploma in Dialysis Technician
Email: satyendra [dot] sonkar [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Sukriti Kumar Nodal Officer
Diploma in MRI Technician
sukritikumar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Prof. S. K. Bhaskar Nodal Officer
Diploma in Optometry Technician
skbhaskar [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Saumya Singh Nodal Officer
Diploma in O.T. Technician
singhsaumya16 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr. Navin Singh Assistant Professor&Nodal Officer
Diploma in Radiotherapy Technician
naveenkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Arvind Sonkar Nodal Officer
Diploma in Physiotherapy
arvindmspt [at] yahoo [dot] in
Dr. Manish Manar Nodal Officer
Diploma in Sanitation
manar781 [at] rediffmail [dot] com

For More Faculty Contact Details

Faculty of Nursing
Prof. Apjit Kaur M.S. Dean Professor E-mail: apjit [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Prof. Punita Manik
Vice Dean Ph:0522-2257671
E-mail: punitamanik [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mrs. Rashmi P. John
M.Sc. Medical Surgical Nursing
Actg. Principal E-mail: rashmijohn [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mrs. Suchana Roy
Bhowmik M.Sc. Medical
Surgical Nursing
Assistant Professor E-mail: suchana [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ms. Sudha Mishra
M.Sc. Psychiatric Nursing
Assistant Professor E-mail: sudhamishra [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mr. Rohitash Kumar
M.Sc. Community Health Nursing
Assistant Professor E-mail: rohitash [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mrs. Anugrah Charan
M.Sc. Pediatric Nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: anugracharan [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mr. G. Srinivasan
M.Sc. Psychiatric Nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: srinivasan [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mrs. Rina Kumari
M.Sc. Pediatric Nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: rinakumari [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ms. Shikha Malik
M.Sc. Pediatric Nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: shikhamalik [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mrs. Tanima Verma
M.Sc. Obstetric and
Gynecological Nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: tanima [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Mrs. Sarita Dubey
M.Sc. Obstetrics and
Gynecological nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: saritadubey [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ms. Suman Lata
M.Sc. Obstetrics and
Gynecological nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: Sumanlata [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ms. Urvashi M.Sc.
Cardiology / CTVS nursing
Clinical Instructor E-mail: urvashi [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Scientific Convention Center

S.No. Incharge/
officer Name
Designation Contact No
1 Dr Anil Kr. Gupta Secretary 9559399513
2 Dr. Sudhir Singh Treasurer 7499737814
3 Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Member/Co-Faculty
 4 Shri. Rajendra
Kumar Maurya
Principal Assistant 9450095652

Trauma Center Different Department CUG No

Department CUG No. Usert Name
1 Trauma Center 9453004209 ON Duty PRO
2 Casualty, Trauma Center 9415099530 ON Duty Resident
3 Trauma Surgery 9415099536 ON Duty Resident
4 Emergency Medicine 9415099537 ON Duty Resident
5 Surgery Emergency 9415099535 ON Duty Resident
6 Orthopedic Surgery 9415099539 ON Duty Resident
7 PICU, Trauma Center 9415099542 ON Duty Resident
8 NICU, Trauma Center 9415099543 ON Duty Resident
9 Neurosurgery (Trauma Unit) 9415099540 ON Duty Resident
10 Neurology (Trauma Unit) 8887019143 ON Duty Resident
11 TVU, Trauma Center 9415099541 ON Duty Resident
12 CCM,Trauma Cente 9415099548 ON Duty Resident
13 OMFS Unit,
Trauma Center
9415099531 ON Duty Resident
14 RICU, PCCM 9415099546 ON Duty Resident

Affiliated Colleges

S. N. College Name Address Contact Person Designation Mobile No. Email
Medical College
1 Moti Lal Nehru Medical
College, Allahabad
Allahabad Dr. S. P. Singh Principal  0532-2256507 mlnmc1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
2 Command Hospital,
Central Command,
Command Hospital,
Central Command,
Brig. RDS Ahluwalia Dean, Academics  0522-2483780,
academiccellchcclko [at] gmail [dot] com
3 Government Medical
College, Kannauj
Tirwa Road,
Dr. Navneet Kumar Principal  05694-262114 kannaujmedicalcollege [at] gmail [dot] com
4 Dr. Ram Manohar
Lohia Institute of
Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Vibhuti Khand,
Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow - 226010
Prof. A.K. Tripathi Director 8176007063,
director [at] drrmlims [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Regional Institute of
Sitapur Eye Hospital,
Sitapur - 261001
Prof. Madhu Bhadauria Director 9628627326
rioehcsitapur [at] gmail [dot] com 
6 Government Medical
College, Jalaun
Kalpi Road,
Jalaun- 285001
Dr. Suresh Chandra Principal 05162-250026 medical [dot] jalaun [at] gmail [dot] com
7 Government Medical
College, Azamgarh
Azamgarh - 276128
Dr. R.P. Sharma Principal 9839074338
gmcazamgarh [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Government Medical
College, Banda
Naraini Road,
Dr. D. Nath Principal  05192-224444 bandamedicalcollege [at] gmail [dot] com
Government Institute
of Medical Sciences
Kasna, Greater
Prof. (Brig) Rakesh Gupta    Director   9850042002,
medicaluniversitygnoida [at] gmail [dot] com, director [at] gims [dot] ac [dot] in  
10  Autonomus State
Medical Colleges
--- Dr. Sunita Aneja   Principal   9557033929  ---
11  Autonomus State
Medical Colleges
 --- Prof. Vijay Kumar   Principal   8299616073    ---
12  Super Speciality
Paediatric Hospital
& Post Graduate
Teaching Institute
 --- Prof. D.K.Gupta    Director   9810065280    ---
13  Autonomus State
Medical Colleges
 --- Prof. Navneet Kumar    Principal   9695818181    ---
14  Autonomus State
Medical Colleges
 --- Dr. Rajendra     9450777876    ---
15  Autonomus State
Medical Colleges
 --- Dr. Rajesh Kumar   Principal   9897114970    ---
Nursing College
1 Vivekananda College
of Nursing
Vivekananda Puram,
Lucknow - 226007
Mrs. Chandani Tyagi Principal 8799689747
vcon [at] vinil [dot] edu [dot] in
2 Sahara College
of Nursing
Viraj Khand, Gomti
Nagar, Lucknow -
Mrs. Rossily Nirmal Principal 9415235505
sconps [at] gmail [dot] com
3 B.C.M. College
of Nursing
Post Kharabad,
Distt Sitapur
Sr. Jeeva Principal 8726242954 bcmnsgs [at] rediffmail [dot] com
4 Samarpan institute
of Nursing & Paramedical
Sciences, Lucknow
1056, Jainabad,
Goyala, Chinhat,
Dewa Road,
Lucknow - 227105
Dr. R.S. Dubey Director 8604540444,
info [at] sinps [dot] org
5 College of Nursing Command Hospital,
Central Command,
Col. Elizabeth M Varghese Principal 8765359876,
principalconchcc [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Dr. Achal Singh Yadav
Institute of Nursing and
Parmedical Science
365, Adhar Kheda,
PO. Gudamba,
Kursi Road, 
Mrs. Sangita Prakash Principal 9596242445,
dasyfoundation [at] gmail [dot] com
7 M.S. Institute
of Nursing
Bakhamau, Neatr
Ingtegral University,
Kursi Road
Dr. S.P. Chaudhary Director 8601800117 mshospital [dot] rc [at] gmail [dot] com
Paramedical College
1 Sitapur Eye
 --- Neeraj Awasthi Office Assistant 7652042756

Team of Central Library

Name Designation Contact No.
Prof. Apul Goel
(Department of Urology)
Honorary Librarian 9839181465
Additional Prof. Divya N. Upadhyaya
(Department of Plastic Surgery)
Co-Faculty Incharge 9335252998
Mr. Anoop Khare
Documentalist 9453556438
Mr. P.K Awasthi
(Also looking after the
work of Acting Deputy Librarian )
Mr. S.K Singh
Library Assistant 9532997822
Mr. Balvir Singh
Librarian 9415001881
Ms. Bharti Mishra
Librarian (Dental Faculty) 9415081015
Smt. Veena Singh
Senior Assistant (Pool) 9369219023
Mr. V.K Sharma
Junior Assistant (Library) 8127366082
Mr. Anoop Kumar
Junior Assistant (Library) 8423652670
Mr. A.K Misra
Attendant 9648755640
Mrs. Meena Pal
Janitor 9616517928
Mr. Rajender Prasad
Photocopy Machine Operator 9451309026
Mr. Jagesar
Gardener 8009953859
Mr. Devi Prasad
Farrash 7379953830
Mr. Avinash Kushwaha
Peon 9956798501
Mr. Guddu
Safai Karmchari 9936512061

Library Advisory Committee

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact No. Email
1 Lt.Gen. Dr. Bipin Puri Vice Chancellor,
KGMU & Chairman
5222257540 vc [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
2 Prof. Prof. A.K. Tripathi Dean, Faculty of
Medicine, KGMU
9839137162 dean [dot] medical [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
3 Prof. A.P. Tikku Dean, Faculty of
Dental Sciences, KGMU
9415026034 dean [dot] dental [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
4 Prof. Apjit Kaur Dean, Faculty of
Nursing, KGMU
9839223622 apjitkaur [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
5 Prof. Anil Nishal Dean, Faculty of
Para-Medical, KGMU
9935719000 an [dot] kgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Dr. Akshay Anand Vice Chancellor's
Nominee, KGMU
8400328738 akshayanand [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
7 Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Dwivedi Registrar, KGMU
(Ex. Officio)
9415007700 registrar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
8 Mr. Vinay Kumar Rai Finance Officer,
KGMU (Ex. Officio)
7839552569 fo [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
9 Prof. S.N. Shankhwar Chief Medical
9415007703 cms [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
10 Prof. Divakar Dalela Dean Alumni 9335242329  
11 Prof. Apul Goel Member Secretary,
Honorary Librarian
& Professor,
Dep. Of Urology
9839181465 apulgoel [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
12 Add. Prof. Divya Narain Upadhyaya Co-Faculty InCharge,
Central Library & Add.
Professor, Dept. of Plastic
Surgery, KGMU
9335252998 divyanupadhyaya [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Sr.No. Name Department Designation Contact No. Email
13 Dr. Monica Kohli Anaesthesiology Professor 9839041228 monica_kohli [at] rediffmail [dot] com
14 Dr. Archana Rani Anatomy Professor 9839136649 archana71gupta [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
15 Dr. Sunit Kumar Mishra Ayush Professor 7754999955  
16 Dr. Kalpana Singh Biochemistry Additional Professor 9532155750 kalpanasinghdr [at] gmail [dot] com
17 Dr. Gaurav Chaudhary Cardiology Assistant Professor 9936062507 gauravchaudharydr [at] gmail [dot] com
18 Dr. S.P. Verma Clinical Hematology Associate Professor 9451475843 spverma1998 [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Dr. Monika Agarwal Community Medicine &
Public Health
Associate Professor 9794999270 monicaag51 [at] gmail [dot] com
20 Dr. Avinash Agarwal Critical Care Additional Professor 9838677999 icuexpert [at] gmail [dot] com 
21 Dr. Shailendra K. Yadav CTVS Professor 9415017353 skkgmu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
22 Dr. Swastika Suvirya Dermatology
Venereology & Leprosy
Additional Professor & Head 9918991945 swastika [dot] p [at] gmail [dot] com
23 Prof. Haidar Abbas Emergency Medicine Professor 9839120402 haiderup [at] gmail [dot] com
24 Dr. Kul Ranjan Singh Endocrine Surgery Associate Professor 9795343700 kulranjan [at] hotmail [dot] com
25 Dr. Suneel Kumar/Dr A.B. Singh ENT Additional Professor/
Associate Prof.
9415820661 drsunil_kumar123 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
26 Dr. Sangeeta Kumari Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Assistant Professor 9616590911 dr [dot] sangeeta [dot] sahni [at] gmail [dot] com
27 Dr. Kausar Usman Siddiqui Geriatric Medicine Professor 9415017221 kauserusman87 [at] gmail [dot] com
28 Dr. Shailendra Mohan Tripathi Geriatric Mental Health Associate Professor 9415531178 dr_smtripathi [at] redifmail [dot] com
29 Dr. Nitin Dutt Bhardwaj Hospital Administration Assistant Professor & Head 9454248486 drnitindb [at] gmail [dot] com
30 Dr. Shally Awasthi Medical Education Professor 9839221244 shally07 [at] gmail [dot] com
31 Dr. Virendra Atam Medical Endocrinology Professor 8009806676 v_atam [at] yahoo [dot] com
32 Dr. Sumit Rungta Medical Gastroenterology Associate Professor & Head 9935537944 drsumitrungta79 [at] gmail [dot] com
33 Dr. K. K. Sawlani Medicine Professor 9415177816 kksawlani [at] gmail [dot] com
34 Dr. Prashant Gupta Microbiology Professor 9415082806 prashantgupta46 [at] hotmail [dot] com
35 Dr Ankur Bajaj Neuro Surgery Associate Professor 8437347990 drankurbajaj [at] gmail [dot] com
36 Dr. Neeraj Kumar Neurology Associate Professor 9450357392 drneeraj2903 [at] gmail [dot] com
37 Dr. Smriti Agarwal Obstetrics & Gynaecology Additional Professor 9935522545 smritijainagrawal [at] rediffmail [dot] com
38 Dr. Siddharth Agarwal Opthalmology Additional Professor 9336815667 agrawalsiddharth [at] rediffmail [dot] com
39 Dr. Kumar Shantanu Orthopedic Surgery Associate Professor 9956970055 kshantanu82 [at] gmail [dot] com
40 Dr. Shalini Bhalla Pathology Associate Professor 9335228003 bhalashalini [at] gmail [dot] com
40 Dr. Shalini Bhalla Pathology Associate Professor 9335228003 bhalashalini [at] gmail [dot] com
41 Dr. Ajai Singh Pediatric Orthopedics Professor & Head 9415022557 as29762 [at] gmail [dot] com
42 Dr. Archika Gupta Pediatric Surgery Associate Professor 9335287967 drarchika2006 [at] rediffmail [dot] com 
43 Dr. Nishant Verma Pediatrics Associate Professor 8765806252 drnishantaiims [at] gmail [dot] com
44 Dr. Rahul Kumar Pharmacology & Therapeutics Additional Professor 7839318371 rahulkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
45 Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta Physcial Medicine & Rehabilitation Professor & Head 9559399513 dranilaiims [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
46 Dr. Sandeep Bhattacharya Physiology Professor 9415582875 drsbhattacharya [at] gmail [dot] com
47 Dr. Divya Narayan Upadhyay Plastic Surgery Additional Professor 9335252998 dnu1 [at] hotmail [dot] com
48 Dr. Anil Nischal Psychiatry Professor 9935719000 an [dot] kgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
49 Dr. Ved Prakash Pulmonary & Critical Care Associate Professor 9415091497 drvedprakash [dot] 07 [at] gmail [dot] com
50 Dr. Sukriti Kumar Radiodiagnosis Assistant Professor 9415485155  sukritikumar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
51 Dr. Kirti Srivastava Radiotherapy Professor 9335920571 drkirtis [at] rediffmail [dot] com
52 Dr. Ajay Kumar Verma Respiratory Medicine Additional Professor 9919788862 drajay21 [at] gmail [dot] com
53 Dr. Urmila Dhakad Rheumatology Professor 9696349671 drurmiladhakad [at] gmail [dot] com
54 Dr. Ashish Kumar Sports Medicine Professor 9415020202 drashish_kumar20202 [at] yahoo [dot] com
55 Dr. Shailendra Kumar Saxena Centre for Advance Research (CFAR) Professor & Head 8887970648 shailen [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
56 Dr. Kushagra Gaurav Surgery (General) Assistant Professor 8932985717  
57 Dr. Vishal Gupta Surgical Gastroenterology Professor 8853100915 vggis [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
58 Dr. Vijay Kumar Surgical Oncology Professor 8004336235 drvkumar2007 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
59 Dr. Archana Solanki Transfusion Medicine Associate Professor 9169966053 archana [dot] solanki [at] gmail [dot] com
60 Dr. Anita Singh Trauma Surgery Associate Professor 9415177780 anitasingh [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
61 Dr. Bhupendra Pal Singh Urology Professor 7607858018 bpsbhu [at] yahoo [dot] com
62 Dr. Amiya Agrawal Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associate Professor  9415241333 amikgmc [at] gmail [dot] com
63 Dr. Vandana Singh Oral Medicine & Radiology Associate Professor  9198055792 vusee22georgian [at] rediffmail [dot] com
64 Dr. Diksha Singh Oral Pathology Associate Professor  9838936777 diksh18 [at] yahoo [dot] com
65 Dr. G.K. Singh Orthodontics & DentoFacial Orthopedics Professor 9415016444 gulshan [dot] csmmu [at] gmail [dot] com
66 Dr. Richa Khanna Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry Additional Professor 9936038511 richa [dot] bahal [at] gmail [dot] com
67 Dr. Rameshwari Singhal Periodontology Additional Professor 9837400562 rsinghal123 [at] hotmail [dot] com
68 Dr. Shuchi Tripathi Prosthodontics, Crowns & Bridges Additional Professor 9621794444 dr08shuchi [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
69 Dr. Sumit kumar Public Health Dentistry Assistant Professor 9411660202 sumitpalsmile [at] gmail [dot] com
70 Dr. Anit Parihar Radiodiagnosis Professor 9839018005 anitparihar [at] gmail [dot] com
71 Mrs. Anugrah Charan Nursing Clinical Instructor 7838902210 anugracharan [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
1 Mr. Vaibhav Singh MBBS-2019 MBBS 8429367353 itsvaibhavsingh [at] yahoo [dot] com
2 Ms. Dikshanvita Anand BDS-2019 BDS 6389239397 dikshanvita [dot] anand777 [at] gmail [dot] com
3 Dr. Devanand Bharti Opthalmology-2020 MS 7007051747 devanandbhartijr [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
4 Dr. Nitin Bharti Radiodiagnosis-2021 MD 9559327607 -
5 Dr. Nirmal Chourasia Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery-2020 MDS 9198091702 Nirmalchourasia2 [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Dr. Vikas Vittal Prabhu Dept. of Neurology SR (DM) 8303069205 -
7 Dr. Amber Gupta Dept. of Urology SR (MCh) 7897257500 ambergupta [dot] g [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Mr. Saurabh Verma BSc IV- Year BSc Nursing 8081077355  
9 Ms. Stuti Gupta DOTT-2020 Paramedical Sciences 7380541336 stuti7299 [dot] dott20 [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu

Provost & Assistant Provost of Various Hostels

Designation Name Contact No. Email
Gautam Buddha Hostel
Provost Dr Pavitra Rastogi 9415119746 drpavitrarastogi [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr Neeraj Mishra 7275405850 drnirajprostho [at] yahoo [dot] in
Ass. Provost Dr Ahshan Khalid Siddiqui 7052228963 ahsansiddiqui [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Resident Hostel
Provost Dr. R.N. Srivastava 9415054330 drrnsrivastava [at] yahoo [dot] com
Additional. Provost Dr. Anit Parihar 9455519593 anitparihar [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistanat Provost Dr. Abhishek Bahadur Singh 9415465835 Drabhishek_kgmu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
T.G. Faculty Aawas Hostel
Provost Dr. A.A. Sonkar 9839017609 abhinavarunsonkar [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Neeraj Kr. Mishra 7275405850 drnirajprostho [at] yahoo [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Awanish Kumar 9415859904 awanishkumar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr. Kul Ranjan Singh 9795343700 kulranjan [at] hotmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Akshay Anand 8400328738 agar [dot] akshay [at] gmail [dot] com
Nehru PG Hostel
Provost Dr Jiledar Rawat 9415003709 rawat [at] yahoo [dot] com
Additional Provost Dr. Amit Arya 9415766243 amitarya [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr. Ajay Pal 7906023212 Akpal [dot] jnmc [at] yahoo [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr K.K. Agarwal 9721392150 drkaushalp [at] gmail [dot] com
Old C.V Hostel
Provost Dr G. P. Singh 9415023076 gpsinghkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr Haidar Abbas 9335037686 haiderkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr Vijay Kumar 9415085625
Lady Resident Hostel
Provost Dr. S.P. Jaiswar 9415023358 ---
Ass. Provost Dr. Archana Ghildhiyal 9450300400 archnaghildiyal [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr. Richa Khanna 9936038511 richakhanna [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
New PG Girls Hostel
Provost Dr Sarita Singh 9415520080 saritacsmmu [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Mala Sagar 9415911977 malasagar22 [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Parul Jain 7355644131 parulkgmu [at] yahoo [dot] com
Maha Maya Hostel
Provost Dr. Shradha Singh 9415010703 drshradhasingh [at] yahoo [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. P. L.Sankhwar 8874918425 pushpasankhwar [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Kalpna Singh 9532155750 kalpanasingh [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
New UG Girls Hostel
Provost Dr Garima Sehgal 9044513758 drgarimabhasin [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Neetu Nigam 9411472648 nitunigam [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr. Dipti Shastri 9235768813 drdiptishastri [at] gmail [dot] com
Devaki Kutti Hostel
Provost Dr Joyti Chopra 9415404144 jyotichopra [at] kgmcindia [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr Reema Kumari 8318867298 Reemak2015 [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr Ranjna Singh 9936862063 ---
Ass. Provost Dr Shiuli 9457419296 drshiuli [at] gmail [dot] com
Vijay Laxmi (Old & New) Hostel
Provost Dr.Shailly Awasthi 9839221244 Shallyawasthi [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr Shivani Pandey 9415015122 dr [dot] shivani111263 [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr.Mousami Singh 8004176779 mousamisingh [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr. Shiuli 9457419296 drshiuli [at] gmail [dot] com
New C.V. Hostel
Provost Dr Manish Bajpai 9453562277 bajpaimanish [at] yahoo [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr Jagdish Narayan 9450461806 drjagdishkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr R.K. Dewan 8005335622 dewanrakesh80 [at] yahoo [dot] com
T. G. Hostel & T.G. Naveen Boys
Provost Dr. A.A. Sonkar 9839017609 abhinavarunsonkar [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Neeraj Kr. Mishra 7275405850 drnirajprostho [at] yahoo [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Awanish Kumar 9415859904 awanishkumar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr. Kul Ranjan Singh 9795343700 kulranjan [at] hotmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Akshay Anand 8400328738 agar [dot] akshay [at] gmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr. Bhupendra Pal Singh 7607858018 bpsingh [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Sardar Patel Hostel
Provost Dr Jitendra Kr Kushwaha 9935345852 jitendrakrkushwaha [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr K.K. Gupta 9415815093 kamleshkgmu [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Ass. Provost Dr Anand Srivastava 9451929495 anandsrivastava [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
T.G. Anexi Hostel
Provost Dr Vinay Kr. Gupta 9794153902 vinaykumargupta [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Ass. Provost Dr Atin singhai 7579018017 atinsinghai [at] yahoo [dot] com
Midwifery Hostel
Provost Dr. Rajni Gupta 9839288980 rgkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com

Anti Ragging Squad and Committee

Name Designation Contact No. Email
Dr. A.K. Tripathi
Dept. of Clinical Hematology
Chairperson & Dean Medicine 09839137162 tripathiak2010 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Dr R.K. Singh Member & Dean Dental 9415026034
dean [dot] dental [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr Chhitij Srivastava
Dept. of Neurosurgery
Member & Proctor 9335257029 proctor [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr Apjit Kaur
Dept. of Ophthalmology
Member & Dean Nursing 9415197157 apjit [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Dr Vinod Jain
Dept. of General Surgery
Member & Dean Paramedical 9450019566 vinodjainkgmu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dr R.A.S. Kushwaha
Dept. of Respiratory Medicine
Member & Chief Provost 9415004675 drkushwaharas [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Nursingh Verma
Dept. of HOD Physiology
Member 9839064560 nursinghverma [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr Anoop Verma
Dept. of Forensic Medicine
& Toxicology
Member 9415583355 vermakgmc [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr. Punita Manik
HOD Dept. of Anatomy
Member 9839223622 punitamanik [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dr A.A. Mahdi
HOD Dept. of Biochemistry
Member 9839011192 abbasalimahdi [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr Manish Bajpai
Dept. of Physiology
Member 9453562277 bajpaimanish [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dr Jyoti Chopra
Dept. of Anatomy
Member 9415404144 jyotichopra [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr Anand Srivastava
Respiratory Medicine Dept. of
Member 9451929495 drsrianand [at] gmail [dot] com
anandsrivastava [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu
Dr Jagdish Narayan
Dept. of Physiology
Member 9450461806 drjagdishkgmu [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr Anjani Kumar Pathak
Dept. of Periodontology
Member 9415373505 dr [dot] anjanipathak [at] gmail [dot] com
Dr Kaushal Kishore Agarwal
Dept. of Prosthodontics
Member 09721392150 drkaushalp [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dr Ganesh Yadav
Dept. of P.M.R.
Member 09457191240 ganeshyadav4u [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
DrRanjana Singh
Dept. of Biochemistry
Member 09936862063 ranjanasingh [dot] 2509 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Dr Shiuli
Dept. of Forensic Medicine
Member 09457419296 drshiuli [at] gmail [dot] com

PRO Offices CUG Number

Department CUG No.
1 Main PRO 9415007710
2 Trauma Center 9453004209
3 Cardiology 9415099528
4 Obst. & Gynae 7839552570
5 Covid Hospital (RALC) 8887021401
6 IT Cell 7839552565

Guest House Contact

Guest House In Charge

Dr Sumit Raungta,
Additional Professor Faculty Incharge
Contact No.: 9935537944

Guest House Co faculty incharge

Dr Dipti Shastri,
Associate Professor
Contact No.; 9235768813

Right To Information (RTI)

Public Information Officer

The Registrar,
King George's Medical University,
Chowk, Lucknow (U.P.) - 226003
Contact No.:- 0522-2258365
Email: registrar [at] kgmcindia [dot] edu


King Georges Medical University (KGMU)
Shah Mina Rd, Chowk, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh 226003

Social Sites

Google Map: