National Inst. Of Res. In Bacterial Infections (ICMR-NICED) No.

Government All India Number(s):
- 033-2363 3373 (For Contact Support Mon-Fri: 9:30am-6pm)
- 033 2370 0448 ( For Query)
- 033 2363 3374 (For Support)
- 033-2353 7470 (Alternate No.)
Official Website Emails
- vrdln [dot] niced [at] gmail [dot] com (For General Query)
- director-niced [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in (For Contact)
Staff Details
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | |
Scientist | |||
1 | Dr. Shanta Dutta | Director And Scientist G | drshantadutta [at] gmail [dot] com , shanta [dot] niced [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in , shanta1232001 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Amit Pal | Scientist G | pala [dot] niced [at] gov [dot] in |
3 | Dr. Ranjan Kumar Nandy | Scientist F | nandyrk [dot] niced [at] gov [dot] in , nandy_rk [at] hotmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Alok Kumar Deb | Scientist F | adeb02 [at] yahoo [dot] com , debak [at] icmr [dot] org [dot] in |
5 | Dr. Asish Kumar Mukhopadhyay | Scientist F/ Training Coordinator | mukhopadhyayak [dot] niced [at] gov [dot] in , asish_mukhopadhyay [at] yahoo [dot] com |
6 | Dr. Sandipan Ganguly | Scientist F | sandipanganguly [at] hotmail [dot] com |
7 | Dr. Mamta Chawla Sarkar | Scientist F | chawla [dot] sarkar [dot] m [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in , chawlam70 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Dr. Sulagna Basu | Scientist F | sulagnabasu [at] gmail [dot] com , supabasu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in , basus [dot] niced [at] gov [dot] in |
9 | Dr. Nilanjan Chakraborty | Scientist F | nilanjan_19 [at] yahoo [dot] com , nilanjanchakraborty [at] ymail [dot] com |
10 | Dr. Hemanta Koley | Scientist F | hemantakoley [at] hotmail [dot] com |
11 | Dr. Suman Kanungo | Scientist E | sumankanungo [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | Dr. Provash Chandra Sadhukhan | Scientist E | Sadhukhan [dot] pc [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in , provash2000 [at] gmail [dot] com |
13 | Dr. Alok Kumar Chakrabarti | Scientist E | chakrabarti [dot] alok [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in , aloke8 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
14 | Dr. Sandip Mukhopadhyay | Scientist E (Medical) | sandipcmcl [at] gmail [dot] com , sandip [dot] mukh [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
15 | Dr. Debjit Chakraborty | Scientist D (Medical) | drdebjitepi [at] gmail [dot] com , djsmile_1979 [at] yahoo [dot] com , chakraborty [dot] d [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
16 | Dr. Falguni Debnath | Scientist D | falgunidebnath [at] yahoo [dot] in , debnathf [dot] niced [at] gov [dot] in |
17 | Dr. Moumita Bhaumik (Ghosh) | Scientist D | drmoumitabhaumik [at] gmail [dot] com |
18 | Dr. Surajit Basak | Scientist D | basaksurajit [at] gmail [dot] com |
19 | Dr. Pallavi Indwar | Scientist C | pallavi [dot] indwar [at] gmail [dot] com |
20 | Dr. Agniva Majumdar | Scientist C (Medical) | agniva05 [at] outlook [dot] com , agniva [dot] m [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
21 | Dr Melissa Glenda Lewis | Scientist C | melissa [dot] glenda1 [at] gmail [dot] com , melissa [dot] glenda [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
22 | Dr. Sushmita Bhattacharya | Scientist B | durgasushmita [at] gmail [dot] com , sushmita [dot] bh [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
23 | Dr. Shubarna Chakraborty | Scientist B (Medical) | chakraborty [dot] shubarna [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
24 | Monica Sharma | Scientist B (Non-Medical) | monicashrm747 [at] gmail [dot] com , sharma [dot] monica747 [at] yahoo [dot] com sharma [dot] monika [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
25 | Dr. Amit Kumar Chakraborty | Research Officer (Medical) | dr [dot] amitchakraborty [dot] ac [at] gmail [dot] com |
26 | Dr. Subrata Saha Roy | Research Officer (Demographer) | subrata [dot] saharoy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Departments Contact Details
Sr. No. |
Department | Name | Contact | |
1 | Library | Ms. Saheli Samanta, Mr. Tapas Pal | 033-23704478 (extn 1307) | nicedlibrary [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Animal Facility | Dr Hemanta Koley | 033-23537470 | koleyh [dot] niced [at] gov [dot] in |
3 | Biosafety | Ms. Papiya De | de [dot] papiya [at] gmail [dot] com | |
4 | Biosafety | Dr. Mamta Chawla Sarkar | chawlam70 [at] gmail [dot] com | |
5 | Biosafety | Dr. Agniva Majumdar | agniva [dot] m [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in | |
6 | Instrumentation | Dr Santasabuj Das | 9875353737 | santasabujdas [at] yahoo [dot] com |
7 | Electron Microscopy | Mrs. Arpita Sarbajna | 033-23537470 (extn 2265), 9830432609 | sarbajna [dot] arpita [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in |
8 | Bioinformatics | Dr. Surajit Basak | 9862924152 | basaksurajit [at] gmail [dot] com |
Committees/Services Contact Details
Virus Research and Diagnostic Laboratory Details
Sr. No. | Name | Contact | Address | |
1 | Virus Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL) | 033-23705533, 033-23700448, 033-23704478, 033-23537469, 033-23702353 | vrdln [dot] niced [at] gmail [dot] com | Dr. S.C. Pal Building, ICMR - NICED, P-33 C.I.T. Road Scheme - XM, Beliaghata, Kolkata- 700010 |
2 | Specimen collection/receiving counter | ICMR-NICED Virus Laboratory, GB4, 1st Floor, ID & BG Hospital, Beliaghata, Kolkata - 700010 |
Internal Complain Committee
National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases
P-33, C.I.T. Road,
Scheme XM Beleghata,
Kolkata -700010 India
Contact: 033-23633374, 033-23705533, 033-23700448,
033-23704478, 033-2370 1176
033-23537469, 033-23702353
Fax: 033-23632398, 033-23705066
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