Sardar Beant Singh State University Gurdaspur Contact No.
All India Number(s):
- 01874-221 463 (Contact Support)
- 01874-221 464 (Alternate Contact Support)
- 01874-292 879 (Query)
Official Website Emails
- vcsbssugsp [at] gmail [dot] com (Contact Support)
- registrarsbssu [at] gmail [dot] com (Alternate Contact Support)
Officers Contact Details
S. No. |
Designation | Name | EPBAX | Contact No. | |
1 | Vice Chancellor | Dr. Susheel Mittal | 301,304 (Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) |
vcsbssugsp [at] gmail [dot] com/ principalbcetgurdaspur [at] yahoo [dot] com |
2 | Registrar | Dr. Rajeev Kumar Bedi |
306 (Office) 503 {Resi) |
01874-221463 | registrarsbssu [at] gmail [dot] com/ registrar [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Dean (Academics) | Dr. Harish Pangotra | 402 (Office) | 8872733343 | deanacademics [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Controller of Examination |
Dr. Arvind Sharma | 304 (Office) | 8847549049 | coebcet [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Training & Placement Officer |
Dr. Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu |
410(Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 9855888828(Mobile) |
tpobcetgurdaspur [at] gmail [dot] com, tpo [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | HOD (Civil Engg) | Dr. Ranjit Singh | 401 (Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 8360293329(Mobile) |
rsolar70 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | HOD (Mechanical Engg) | Dr. Om Pal Singh | 401 (Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 01874-210199 |
ompal65 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
8 | HOD, Applied Physics | Dr. Rakesh Dogra | 345 (Office) 501 (Resi) |
01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 9872150166(Mobile) |
drdogra [at] yahoo [dot] com |
9 | HOD, Applied Mathematics |
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Srivastva |
306 (Office) 503 {Resi) |
01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 9855968325(Mobile) |
sks64_bcet [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
10 | HOD, Applied Chemistry, Humanities & Management |
Dr. Anju Awasthi | 306 (Office) 503 {Resi) |
01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 8872700517(Mobile) |
anjuawasthi707 [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | Head,Computer Centre | Dr. R C Gangwar | 362 & 381(Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 9877689893 (Mobile) |
rakeshgangwar [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | HOD (CSE) | Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta |
362 & 381(Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 7837122801 (Mobile) |
hodcsebcetgsp [at] gmail [dot] com |
13 | HOD (Information Technology) |
Sh. Anil Sagar | 383,381 (Office) | Office - 01874-221463, 01874-221464 9888748851(Mobile) |
saganil5551 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
14 | HOD (ECE) | Dr. Ajay Kumar | 333 (Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 9855559956 (Mobile) |
ajaykm_20 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
15 | HOD (Chemical Engg & Bio-Technology) |
Dr. Vipan Kumar | 441 (Office) 513 (Resi) |
01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 9888220918 (Mobile) |
ipankumar [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
16 | Coordinator(Workshop) | Dr. Darshan Jindal | 461 (Office) | 01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 8872109031(Mobile) |
darshanjind [at] gmail [dot] com |
17 | Librarian I/C | Mrs. Prabhjot Kaur | 371 (Office) 510 (Resi) |
01874-221463, 01874-221464 (Office) 01874-221547 (Resi) |
prabhjot_riar [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Help Desk for Admission Contacts
S. No. |
Name and Designation |
Department | Contact No. |
1 | Sh. Anil Sagar, Assistant Professor |
Chairman | 9888748851 |
2 | Sh. Baljinder Singh, Assistant Professor |
Computer Science and Engineering |
9878692288 |
3 | Sh. Mohit Marwaha, Assistant Professor |
Computer Science and Engineering |
9815319999 |
4 | Mrs. Sandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor |
Computer Science and Engineering |
9501356042 |
5 | Ms. Rubinderjit Kaur, Assistant Professor |
Computer Science and Engineering |
8427352244 |
6 | Sh. Jagjit Singh Maan, Assistant Professor |
Mechanical Engineering | 9888441260 |
7 | Sh. Arun Nanda, Assistant Professor |
Mechanical Engineering | 9888490015 |
8 | Ms. Jaspreet Kaur, Assistant Professor |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
9888118951 |
9 | Sh. Amandeep, Assistant Professor |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
8360219683 |
10 | Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Assistant Professor |
Chemical Engineering | 9872178653 |
11 | Mr. Indesh Attri, Assistant Professor |
BioTechnology | 9988542281 |
12 | Sh. Chetan Saini, Assistant Professor |
Civil Engineering | 9915600151 |
13 | Sh. Lovepreet Singh, Assistant Professor |
Agriculture Sciences | 9646882285 |
14 | Dr. Pallvi Mahajan, Assistant Professor |
Applied Mathematics | 9814233325 |
15 | Ms. Priti Wadhera, Assistant Professor |
Applied Chemistry & Management |
7508278027 |
16 | Dr. Vishal Mahajan, Assistant Professor |
Applied Chemistry & Management |
9988393002 |
17 | Dr. Pawanpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor |
Applied Physics | 8872576447 |
18 | Sh. Deepak Kaila, Assistant Professor |
Computer Centre | 9878616801 |
19 | Sh. Surinder Singh, Foreman Instructor |
Workshop | 9914039328 |
20 | Sh. Paramjit Singh, Lab Supdt. |
Mechnaical Engineering | 9463715090 |
21 | Sh. Ajay Kumar, Technician Gr.I |
Chemical Engineering | 7508008976 |
Academic Section Staff Contacts
S. No. |
Designation | Name | Contact
No. |
1 | Professor | Dr. Harish Pungotra | 8872733343 |
2 | Associate Professor | Mr. Sanjeev Mahajan | 9878053388 |
3 | Assistant Registrar | Mr. Kulwinder Kumar | 9464248875 |
4 | Steno Typist | Ms. Jatinder Kaur | 8872688898 |
5 | Junior Assistant | Ms. Kamaljit Kaur | 8968925554 |
6 | Junior Assistant | Ms. Ram Piari | 9780599424 |
7 | Clerk | Mr. Shamsher Singh | 9779410734 |
8 | Clerk (through Service Provider) |
Mr. Pradeep Kumar | 8360174515 |
9 | Peon | Mr. Balwinder Singh | 7527851543 |
Faculty Contacts Details
S. No. |
Designation | Name | Contact No. | |
Applied Sciences, Humanities & Management | ||||
1 | Professor of Physics | Dr. Rakesh Dogra | drdogra [at] yahoo [dot] com | |
2 | Associate Professor | Dr. S.K. Srivastava | 9855968325 | sks64_bcet [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
3 | Associate Professor | Dr. Arvind Sharma | 01874-221791, 9872615601 |
arvind_bcet [at] yahoo [dot] com |
4 | Associate Professor | Dr. Rajeev malhotra | 9876114979 | rajeev_bcet [at] yahoo [dot] com |
5 | Associate Professor | Dr. Anju Awasthi | 8872700517 | anjuawasthi707 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Assistant Professor | Harvinder Kaur | 9465838650 | harvi_3 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
7 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Rishi Tuli | 8054650355 | tulirishu [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Assistant Professor | Lovejit Kaur | 7508008981 | lovejitkaur1986 [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Assistant. Professor Management Studies |
Dr. Vishal Mahajan | 9988393002 | vishal_mba643 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
10 | Associate Professor | Dr. Vijay Kumar | 9779708010 | bhagat21 [at] rediffmail [dot] com, vijaykumar [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
11 | Assistant Professor of Physics |
Dr. Vinod Kumar | 9417703573 | kumarvinodphy [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | Assistant Professor in Chemistry |
Priti Wadhera | 9464489367 | wadherapriti [at] yahoo [dot] com |
13 | Assistant Professor in Mathematics |
Dr. Pallvi Mahajan | 9814233325 | pallavimahajan1 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
14 | Assistant Professor | Manbir Kaur | 9646245003 | manbirkaur [dot] jugial [at] gmail [dot] com |
Chemical Engineering | ||||
15 | Associate Professor | Baljeev Kumar | 9417198711 | baljeevk [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
16 | Associate Professor | Pramod Kumar Yadav |
9417073495 | pkyadav75 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
17 | Associate Professor & HOD |
Dr. Vipan Kumar Sohpal |
9888220918 | hod [dot] chebt [at] gmail [dot] com |
18 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Seema Jindal | 8872109032 | seemadarshan2007 [at] gmail [dot] com |
19 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma |
9872178653 | rajeshsharma74 [at] gmail [dot] com |
20 | Assistant Professor | Kanchan Kumar | 7888629497 | chemical [dot] iit [at] gmail [dot] com |
Computer Science and Engineering | ||||
21 | Associate Professor | Arpinder Singh Sandhu |
01874-210355, 9646020532 |
singh_arpinder [at] yahoo [dot] com, singh_arpinder [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
22 | Professor | Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta |
7837122801 | skgbcetgsp [at] gmail [dot] com |
23 | Professor | Dr. R C Gangwar | 9877689893 9464248959 |
rakeshgangwar [at] gmail [dot] com |
24 | Associate Professor | Ajay Kumar Dogra | 9914318148 | dogra2613 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
25 | Associate Professor, Deptt. of CSE |
Sanjeev Mahajan | 9878053388 | sanjeevmahajan [at] gmail [dot] com |
26 | Associate Professor | Sukhbir Singh | 9888501582 | bcetgsp [at] gmail [dot] com |
27 | Assistant professor | Sukhwinder Bir | 8968888944 | true2you [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
28 | Associate Professor | Dr. Rajeev Kumar Bedi |
7696168094 | rajeevbedi [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in, rajeevbedi [at] rediffmail [dot] com, rajeevbedi12 [at] gmail [dot] com |
29 | Assistant Professor | Sandeep Kaur | 9501356042 | sandeepk_147 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
30 | Assistant Professor | Amarjit Kaur | 9876548379 | amark40 [at] ymail [dot] com |
31 | Assistant Professor | Geetanjali Sharma | 9501708209 | sharmageetanjali250989 [at] gmail [dot] com |
32 | Assistant Professor | Lalit Kashyap | 9041680435 | lalit2630 [at] gmail [dot] com |
33 | Assistant Professor | Rubinder Jit kaur | 8427352244 | er [dot] rubinder [at] gmail [dot] com |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | ||||
34 | Professor | Dr Amarpal Singh | 9855715741 | s_amarpal [at] yahoo [dot] com |
35 | Associate Professor | Dr. Gurpadam Singh | 9464106036 | gurpadam [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in, gurpadam [at] yahoo [dot] com |
36 | Associate Professor | Parveen Kumar | 9855502871 | parveen [dot] klair [at] gmail [dot] com |
37 | Professor | Dr. Jaswinder Singh | 9463430078 | jaswindersingh [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in, j_singh73 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
38 | Professor | Dr. Ajay Kumar | 9855559956 | ajaykm_20 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
39 | Assistant Professor | Neetu | 9872204441 | neetusager [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
40 | Assistant Professor W/P |
Mandeep Kaur | 9914106036 | gurpadam [at] yahoo [dot] com |
41 | Assistant Professor | Anita suman | 9855502871 | suman_a1 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
42 | Assistant Professor & ATPO |
Amandeep | 8360219683 | amandeepece [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
43 | Assistant Professor | Saurabh Mahajan | 9417105956 | saurabh_raja1 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
44 | Assistant Professor | Harpreet Singh Gill | 9646099666 | gillharpreet24 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
45 | Assistant Prof | Jaspreet kaur | 9888118951 | jaspreet_kaur1986 [at] ymail [dot] com |
Bio Technology | ||||
46 | Assistant Professor | Manila Kashyap | 9914926585 | manila [dot] kashyap [at] gmail [dot] com |
47 | Assistant Professor | Indesh Attri | 9988542281 | indeshbiotech21 [at] gmail [dot] com |
48 | Assistant Professor | Arvinder Kaur | 9888747640 | arvinderanu88 [at] gmail [dot] com |
49 | Assistant Professor | Akshay Mahajan | 9417328493 | akshaymahajan55 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Information Technology | ||||
50 | Associate Professor | Guresh Pal Singh | 8146222265 | gureshpal [at] yahoo [dot] com |
51 | Assistant Professor | Anil Sagar | 9888748851 | saganil5551 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
52 | Mohit Marwaha | Mohit Marwaha | 9815319999 | mohit_marwaha2006 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
53 | Assistant Professor | Sh. Baljinder Singh | 9878692288 | bally648 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
54 | Assistant Professor | Gurpreet Singh | 9988018418 | chohan87 [at] gmail [dot] com |
55 | Assistant Professor | Ritika Sood | 9463514164 | ritikasood1987 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mechanical Engineering | ||||
56 | Professor | Dr. Om Pal Singh | 01874-210199 | ompal65 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
57 | Professor | Dr. R.K. Awasthi | 9814912218 | awasthi [dot] rka [at] gmail [dot] com |
58 | Professor | Dr. Dilbag Singh | 8872458883 | singh_dilbag [at] yahoo [dot] com |
59 | Professor | Dr. Ranjit Singh | 8872457733 | rsolar70 [at] gmail [dot] com |
60 | Asst. Prof. | Anil Mahajan | 01874-244768 | ak_101968 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
61 | Professor | Dr Jagdev Singh | 8872053020 | jagdevssaini [at] yahoo [dot] com |
62 | Associate Professor | Naveen Beri | 01874-222640, 9417149275, 8727099709 |
nav_beri74 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
63 | Professor | Capt. (Dr.) N.S.Kalsi |
8872500370 | ns_kalsi [at] yahoo [dot] com |
64 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Darshan Kumar Jindal |
8872109031 | darshanjindal [at] yahoo [dot] com, darshanjind [at] gmail [dot] com |
65 | Assistant Professor | Sunil Kumar | 01862226328, 9463251477 |
skumar_73 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
66 | Professor | Dr. Harish Pungotra | 8872733343 | pungotra11 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
67 | Associate Professor | Dr. Brij Bhushan | 9855566294 | brijbsaini [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in, brijbsaini [at] gmail [dot] com |
68 | Professor (Associate) | Dr. Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu |
9855888828 | sarabjeetsidhu [at] yahoo [dot] com |
69 | Associate Professor. | Dr. Sanjeev Kumar | 9463048804, 9463086166 |
sk_74 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
70 | Associate Professor | Dr. Nripjeet | 7508666107 | nripanu [at] gmail [dot] com |
71 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Simranpreet Singh Gill |
8195956633 | ritchie_223 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
72 | Assistant Professor | Jagjit Singh Maan | 9888411260 | er_jsmaan [at] yahoo [dot] com |
73 | Assistant Professor | Tarun Mahajan | 9888376755 | tarun_29 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
74 | Assistant Professor | Sandeep Gandotra | 9872622178 | sandeep [dot] gandotra [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
75 | Assistant Professor | Arun Nanda | 9888490015 | er [dot] arunnanda [at] gmail [dot] com |
Civil Engineering | ||||
76 | Associate Professor | Dr. Anil Kumar Mahajan |
9417286270 | ak_101968 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
77 | Associate prof. | Dr. Nripjit | 9465182328 | nripanu [at] gmail [dot] com |
78 | Assistant Professor | NavKamaljit Singh | 9646541212 | singh [dot] navkamaljit [at] yahoo [dot] com |
79 | Assistant Professor | Jasjit Singh | 9780555514 | jasjitgoraya [at] gmail [dot] com |
80 | Assistant Professor | Ravi Bhushan | 9478363634 | bhushanravi [at] yahoo [dot] com |
81 | Assistant Professor | Shubham Bhalla | 9877361962 | shubhambhalla816 [at] gmail [dot] com |
82 | Assistant Professor | Chetan Saini | 9915600151 | erchetansaini [at] gmail [dot] com |
83 | Asisstant professor | Mandeep Kaur | 9915633012 | mandeepkor [dot] 012 [at] gmail [dot] com |
B.Sc. Agriculture | ||||
84 | Assistant Professor | Sh. Indesh Attri | 9988542281 | indeshbiotech21 [at] gmail [dot] com |
85 | Assistant Professor | Lovepreet Singh | 9646882285, 7888748841 |
lovepreetsingh19495 [at] gmail [dot] com |
86 | Assistant Professor | ManinderPreet kaur | 9814402573 | maninderchahal1991 [at] gmail [dot] com |
87 | Assistant Professor | Amul Gurpreet Singh | 6280714300 | amulpreetsinghgsp [at] gmail [dot] com |
88 | Assistant Professor | Dr. Bandana Dhiman | 8626812169 | bandana [dot] dhiman18 [at] gmail [dot] com |
89 | Assistant Professor | Harsimranjeet Singh | 9646722349 | harsimran4951 [at] gmail [dot] com |
90 | Assistant Professor | Pushpinder kaur | 8727983976 | Pushpinder [dot] aulakh [at] yahoo [dot] com |
91 | Assistant professor | Miss Alisha sharma | 7626888933 | alishasharma31295 [at] gmail [dot] com |
92 | Assistant professor | Harmandeep Kaur | 81460 85088 | harman822997 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Technical / Lab Staff | ||||
93 | Tech. Grade-II | Harpadam singh | 9914106034 | |
94 | Technician Gr.1 | Surinder singh | 9814166950 | surindersinghbcetgsp [at] gmail [dot] com |
95 | lab asstt. | ram asra | ramasra_bunty [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in | |
96 | Lab Asst. | Ajay kumar | 98727922121 | ajay352003 [at] rediff [dot] com |
97 | Lab.Assistant | Jagjit Singh | 9814886656 | jagjit037 [at] gmail [dot] com |
98 | lab asstt. | satinder kumar | gemini289 [at] rediffmail [dot] com | |
99 | L.A. | Davinder Singh | 9855943713 | daviner707 [at] gmail [dot] com |
100 | lab attendant | nishan singh | 018744284275 | |
101 | Lab Attendant | Kulwant Singh | 9814444526 | |
102 | Lab Attendant | Hardeep Singh | 9464834704 | deep_saini333 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
103 | lab attendant | hardev singh | 01872-286320 | |
104 | lab attendant | ram chand | 01875-259503 |
Department of Research and Development
- Dr. Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu
- Contact No : 9814888828, 01874-221464
- Email : sarabjeetsidhu74 [at] gmail [dot] com
S. No. |
Field Expertise | Name | |
Department of Mechanical Engineering Technical Expertise of the Faculty Members |
1 | Supply Chain Management, Industrial Engineering |
Dr. Om Pal Singh | ompal65 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
2 | Mechanical Design | Dr. R. K. Awasthi | awasthi [dot] rka [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Manufacturing | Dr. Dilbag Singh | singh_dilbag [at] yahoo [dot] com |
4 | Renewable Energy Resources | Dr. Ranjit Singh | rsolar70 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | CAD/CAM Software | Dr. Harish Pungotra | pungotra11 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
6 | Non-Conventional Machining processes |
Dr. Anil Mahajan | ak_101968 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
7 | Refrigeration and Air Conditioning & Fuzzy Modeling of Engg. Systems |
Dr. Jagdev Singh | jagdevssaini [at] yahoo [dot] com |
8 | Non-Conventional Machining processes, TQM & Quality Systems |
Dr. Naveen Beri | nav_beri74 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
9 | Manufacturing | Dr. Nirmal Singh Kalsi |
ns_kalsi [at] yahoo [dot] com |
10 | Solar Thermal | Dr. Brij Bhushan | brijbsaini [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | Composite Materials | Dr. Nripjit | nripanu [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | Composite Materials and Manufacturing Techniques |
Dr. Sarabjeet Singh: | sarabjeetsidhu [at] yahoo [dot] com |
13 | Metallurgy of Ferrous Metal and Cryogenic Treatments |
Dr. Simranpreet Singh Gill |
ritchie_223 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Hostel Contacts
S. No. |
Warden | Name/Designation | Contact No. |
1 | Chief Warden | Dr. Naveen Beri, Associate Professor |
8727099709 |
2 | Warden (Boys Hostel No.1) | Dr. Vinod Kumar, Assistant Professor |
9417703573 |
3 | Warden (Boys Hostel No.2) | Sh. P.K Yadav, Associate Professor |
9417073495 |
4 | Warden (Boys Hostel No.3) | Sh. Baljinder Singh, Assistant Professor |
9878692288 |
5 | Warden (Boys Hostel No.4) | Dr. Vinod Kumar, Assistant Professor |
9417703573 |
6 | Warden(Girls Hostel) | Mrs. Nettu Sagar, Associate Professor |
9872204441 |
Other Contact Details
S. No. |
Designation | Name | Contact No. | |
Computer Centre | ||||
1 | Head of Department | Dr. R C Gangwar | 9877689893 | rakeshgangwar [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Associate Professor | Arpinder Singh Sandhu |
01874-210355, 9646020532 |
singh_arpinder [at] yahoo [dot] com, singh_arpinder [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
3 | Asstt. Professor in Computer Practices |
Deepak Kaila | 9464548801 | deepakkaila [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Laboratory Attendant | Mukhwinder Singh | 9464090076, 6284912781 |
mukhwindersingh [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Laboratory Attendant | Sandeep Mahajan | 08146-814488 | sandeepmahajan [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
Central Workshop | ||||
6 | Coordinator of Workshop |
Sh. Surinder Singh | 9914039328 | singh_surinder1699 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
7 | Lecturer W/Shop Practices |
Gurnam Singh | 9464448770 | sainigs [dot] 1965 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Workshop Instructor | Avtar Singh | 9855023926 | avtarsbanwait [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
9 | workshop instructor | kuldip lal | 01886-250589 | |
10 | Foreman | Balwant Singh | 9855341009 | balwant2cool [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | Skilled Assistant | Chiranji Lal | 01862-243631 | |
12 | Skilled Assistant | Inderjit Kumar | 9463715592 | |
13 | Skilled Assistant | Naresh Prabhakar | 01871-221441 | |
14 | Technical Grade-II | Ram Singh | 01874-244389, 9815276130 |
15 | Skilled Assistant | Ajmer Singh | 9417947938 | ajmer_sanju [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
16 | Technical Grade-II | Subash Chandar | 9417237300 | |
17 | Technician Grade II | Vikramjit Singh | 9041181216 | mahavir_god [at] yahoo [dot] com |
18 | Workshop Attendant | Arvinder Kumar | 01874-4320115 | |
19 | Workshop Attendant | Sukhdev Singh | 01874-254755 | |
Library | ||||
20 | Assistant Librarian | Prabhjot Kaur | 9855434404 | prabhriar [at] gmail [dot] com |
21 | Library Assistant | Dr Navdeep Singh Rajput |
8146983366 | rajputnavdeep27 [at] gmail [dot] com |
22 | Library Attendant | Nirmal Singh | 9876806082; 01874-643681 |
23 | Workshop Attendant | Rai Bahadur Singh | 9464427012 |
Training and Placement Cell
Placement Team | |||
S. No. |
Department | Name | Contact Details |
1 | Training & Placement Officer | Dr. Sarabjeet Singh Sidhu |
01874-221463 Tpobcetgurdaspur [at] gmail [dot] com, tpo [at] bcetgsp [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | ATPO | Dr. Rajeev Kumar Bedi |
7696168094 cseatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
Department Wise Faculty In-charges | |||
3 | ATPO, Computer Sc. & Engg. | Mr. Rajeev Kumar Bedi | cseatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | ATPO, Mechanical Engg. | Sh. Preet Kamal Singh | mechatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | ATPO, Information Technology | Mr. Amit Verma | atpoitbcet [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | ATPO, Chemical Engg. | Mr. Kanchan Kumar | chemical [dot] iit [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | ATPO, Bio Technology | Mr. Akshay Mahajan | atpobiotech [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | ATPO, Mechanical Engg. | Sh. Arun Nanda | mechatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | ATPO, Electronics & Comm. Engg. | Mr. Amandeep | atpobcetece [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | ATPO, Computer Sc. & Engg. | Ms. Geetanjali Sharma | cseatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | ATPO, Mechanical Engg. | Mr. Sandeep Gandotra | mechatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | ATPO, Mechanical Engg. | Mr. Jagjit Singh Mann | mechatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
13 | ATPO, Computer Sc. & Engg. | Mr. Lalit | cseatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
14 | ATPO, Civil Engg. | Mr. Ravi Bhushan | civilatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
15 | ATPO, Civil Engg. | Mr. Shubham | civilatpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
Anti-Ragging Contact Details
S. No. |
Designation | Name | Contact No. |
Anti Ragging Committee | |||
1 | Chairman | Dr. Tajinder Singh Sidhu, Principal, Beant College of Engineering and Technology, Gurdaspur |
01874-221463 01874-221464 |
2 | Member, Legal | Sh. Anupam Gupta, Advocate, Punjab and Hayana, High Court, Chandigarh |
9814012768 |
3 | Member, Civil Administration |
Sh. Kuldeep Kumar Mahajan, Member Panchyat, Bariar |
9988121917 |
4 | Member, Police | I/C Bariar Police Station, Bariar, Gurdaspur |
9814180084 |
5 | Member, Media | Sh. Vinod Gupta, Journalist, "Punjab Kesari" |
9814114566 |
6 | Member, NGO involved in youth activities |
Sh. Ramesh Mahajan, President De-addiction Society, Gurdaspur |
9814577709 |
7 | Member | Dr. Naveen Beri Chief Warden |
8727099709 |
8 | Member | Dr. Harish Pangotra HOD, Mech. Engg. |
8872733343 |
9 | Member | Dr. S.K Gupta HOD, CSE |
7837122801 |
10 | Member | Sh. GureshPal Singh HOD, I.T |
8146222265 |
11 | Member | Sh. Gurpadam Singh HOD, ECE |
9914106036 |
12 | Member | Dr. Rakesh Dogra HOD, Applied Science H & M |
9872150166 |
13 | Member | Dr. Seema HOD, CHE & Bio-Tech. |
9463211091 |
14 | Member | Sh. Gurnam Singh Coordinator, Central W/S |
9464448770 |
15 | Member Non-Teaching | Sh. Raj Kumar Jr. Assistant |
8725817770 |
16 | Member Student | Ms. Awalpreet Kaur CSE, 2nd Year |
8872500370 |
17 | Member Student | Mr. Sahil Dhima M.E, 4th Year |
9464248959 |
18 | Member Parent | Dr. N.S Kalsi Parent of Ms. AwalPreet kaur |
8872500370 |
19 | Member Parent | Sh. Madan Mohan Parent of Mr. Sahil Dhiman |
9988602161 |
The Anti Ragging Squad | |||
20 | Chairman | Dr. Naveen Beri, Chief Warden |
8727099709 |
21 | Member, Faculty | Sh.Indesh Attri , Assistant Professor, Warden H. No. 1 |
9878053388 |
22 | Member, Faculty | Sh. Parmod Kumar Yadav, Associate Professor, Warden H. No. 2 |
9417073495 |
23 | Member, Faculty | Sh. Baljinder Singh, Assistant Professor, Warden H. No. 3 |
9878692288 |
24 | Member, Faculty | Smt. Nettu, Warden H. No. 5 | 9872204441 |
25 | Member, Faculty | Dr. Jagdev Singh, Associate Professor, M.E |
8872053020 |
26 | Member, Faculty | Dr. Jaswinder Singh, Associate Professor, ECE |
9463430078 |
27 | Member, Faculty | Sh. Sukhbir Singh, Associate Professor, CSE |
7837122801 |
28 | Member, Faculty | Sh. Anil Sagar, Assistant Professor, I.T |
9888748851 |
29 | Member, Faculty | Sh. Baljeev Kumar, Associate Professor, CHE |
9417198711 |
30 | Member, Faculty | Sh. Surinder Singh, Central W/S |
9464448770 |
31 | Member, Faculty | Ms. Anchal, AP, BT | 8360149326 |
The Anti Ragging Monitoring Committee is Constituted to Check Ragging |
32 | Professor, ME | Dr. R.K. Awasthi | 9814912218 |
33 | Assoicate Professor, Applied Science, H & M |
Dr. J.K. Behl | 9417402577 |
34 | Assoicate Professor, Applied Sci., Hum & Mgt. |
Dr. Arvind Sharma | 9872685601 |
35 | Assoicate Professor, ME | Dr. Dilbag Singh | 8872458883 |
36 | Assoicate Professor, CSE | Dr. R.C Gangwar | 9464248959 |
37 | Assoicate Professor, ECE | Dr. Jaswinder Singh | 9463430078 |
38 | Assistant Professor, CHE | Mrs. Seema Jindal | 9463211091 |
39 | Lecturer, Central W/S | Sh. Gurnam Singh | 9464448770 |
Alumini Contacts
Sr. No. |
Department/ Designation |
Name |
1 | Dean Alumni Affairs | Dr. Dilbag Singh Contact No.: 8872458883/ 01874- 221464 |
2 | Associate Dean Alumni Affairs |
Dr. Sunil Kumar Contact No.: 9463251477 01874- 221464 |
3 | CSE | Geetanjali Sharma Contact No.: 9501708209 |
4 | CSE | Lalit Kashyap Contact No.: 9041680435 |
5 | ME | Tarun Mahajan Contact No.: 9888376755 |
6 | ME | Arun Nanda Contact No.: 9888490015 |
7 | ECE | Amandeep Contact No.: 8360219683 |
8 | BT | Akshay Mahajan Contact No.: 9417328493 |
9 | CE | Kanchan Kumar Contact No.: 7888629497 |
10 | IT | Ritika Contact No.: 9463514164 |
11 | Agri. | Lovepreet Contact No.: 9646882285 |
Sardar Beant Singh State University
Gurdaspur, Punjab - 143530,