Sikkim Information Commission Contact No.
Govt of Sikkim
Official Website Emails
- sic-skm [at] nic [dot] in (For Contact Support)
- cicsikkim2023 [at] gmail [dot] com (For Query)
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. |
1 | Shri Y.P. Gurung | Chief Information Commissioner | 9002958804 |
2 | Shri C.P.Dhakal | Information Commissioner | 9434722042 |
3 | Ms.Roshni Rai, SCS | Secretary | 99333 26444 |
4 | MS. Pranita Ghimiray, SCS | Deputy Secretary | 8597396277 |
5 | Mrs. Tshering Choden Bhutia | L.O cum Deputy Registrar | 7550918043 |
6 | Mr. Bhim Lall Nepal | P.S to IC | 9733230301 |
7 | Mrs. Pratiwa Bantawa | Sr. Accountant | 8388945322 |
8 | Mr. Arjun Rai | Asstt. Programmer | 9002276315 |
9 | Mrs. Bishnu Bagdas | Head Assistant-I | 9832344363 |
10 | Mr. Raju Chettri | P.A to CIC | 8250216228 |
11 | Mr. Harka Raj Rai | Jr. Accountant | 8348688367 |
12 | Mrs.Pramila Rai | Head Assistant-II | 6294366023 |
13 | Shri Dawa Lama Tamang | U.D.C | 9775167131 |
14 | Shri Ashif Tamang | L.D.C | 9734075061 |
15 | Shri Tenzing Lepcha | L.D.C | 9382423392 |
16 | Smt. Netra Chettri | L.D.C | 7908519274 |
17 | Shri Sunil Rai | Computer Operator (M.R) | 9002592277 |
18 | Mrs. Mary Rana | Office Assistant (OFOJ) | 7908068054 |
19 | Mrs. Dawa Lhamu Sherpa | Office Assistant (OFOJ) | 8927094460 |
20 | Miss. Maya Rai | Office Assistant (M.R) | 9382735970 |
21 | Mrs. Manita Gurung | Office Assistant (M.R) | 9593383266 |
22 | Shri Padam Kumar Darjee | Driver | 7501112380 |
23 | Shri Sanjeev Bardewa | Driver | 9832315937 |
24 | Shri Bhim Kumar Chettri | Driver | 8001801080 |
25 | Shri Dal Bdr. Chettri | Driver (M/R) | 9734160383 |
26 | Shri Sonam Dawa Bhutia | Driver (M/R) | 7864860635 |
27 | Shri Dupchen Machangpa | Driver (M/R) | 8101442366 |
28 | Shri Ashish Gurung | Driver(MR) | 9775453752 |
29 | Smt. Kushmaya Sunar | Office Attendant | 9563194801 |
30 | Shri Wangyal Bhutia | Office Attendant | 9064137366 |
31 | Miss Phuti Sherpa | Office Attendant (M/R) | 7679357474 |
32 | Mr. Karma Thupden Bhutia | Office Attendant (M/R) | 7063661989 |
33 | Shri Gyalpo Lepcha | Chowkidar (M/R) | 6296212599 |
34 | Smt. Narmita Gurung | Office Attendant (Consolidated) | 9735976540 |
35 | Miss Ambika Rai | WHG | 8768732043 |
36 | Shri Ugen Gyatso Ladingpa | HG | 7908903511 |
37 | Kushal Gurung | HG | 8392099587 |
38 | Shri Sarika Balmiki | Safaikarmachari (Part Time) | 9002206397 |
State Public Information Officers Contacts
Sr No. | Name/ Designation | Contact No. | Email Id |
Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Services Department, Gangtok | |||
1 | Dr. Dipendra Raj Pradhan, Additional Director | 9635888399 | Dipendrapradhan12 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
2 | Dr. Sunita Joshi Gajmer, Joint Director | 8145883433 | Joshisunitagajmer [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Agriculture Department,Gangtok | |||
3 | R.P.Thapa,Director | 7797882737 | Rpthapaskm [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Fieldcrop [dot] Sikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Buildings & Housing Department,Gangtok | |||
4 | Shri.Prem Dhoj Rai, Special Secretary | 7872958052 | Premdjraai [at] Gmai [dot] Com |
5 | Mrs.Pema Donka Bhutia, Additional Chief Engineer(G/M/P) | 9434357176 | PemaDonkar [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
6 | Shri.Sonam Palden Wangdi,Additional Chief Engineer(N/S/G) | 9434080083 | Palden99 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
7 | Ms. Ashi Sonam Bhutia,Jt. Chief Architect-I | 8101215422 | Asonam [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
8 | Shri Sonam T.Kaleon,S.E(Electrical) | 9832931337 | Stkaleon [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
9 | Shri Hira Narayan Pradhan,Sr.Account Officer | 8145831520 | Buildingsddo [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Commerce &Industries Deptt, Gangtok | |||
10 | Ms. Choden Gyantso , Additional Secretary | 9609876534 | Mailchoden [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Cooperation Department,Gangtok | |||
11 | Ben Kumar Sunwar,Additional Registrar, Head Office | 9592385930 | Coopsikkim [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
12 | Kesang Yangki, Additional Registrar,Pakyong District | 9832080818 | PakyongCoop [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
13 | Pem Dorjee Bhutia, Additional Registrar,Soreng District | 9775881515 | Sorengdistrict737121 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
14 | Tashi Lhamu Bhutia,Joint Registrar, Gangtok. | 9593271720 | Coopgangtok [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
15 | Laden Gensapa, Joint Registrar,Gyalshing District | 8348111850 | Coopwest1234 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
16 | Sewan Rai,Joint Registrar,Namchi Disitrict. | 9933839759 | Coopnamchi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Culture Department, Gangtok | |||
17 | Smt. Chunni Tsomu Thakarpa, Additional Director Administration & State Central Library | 9832014600 | Chunnuthakarpa [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
18 | Shri Bhawani Prasad Rai, Additional Director State Archives & Museum | 8372038127 | Bhawan [dot] Rai78 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
19 | Smt.Sonam Wangmu Shenga, Additional Director Songs & Drama Unit | 7364055949 | Songsanddramagtk123 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
20 | Smt. Sangay Diki Bhutia, Superintending Engineer Engineering Cell | 9593052062 | Sangaydiksnamka [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
21 | Miss Khusboo Subba , Senior Accounts Officer Accounts Section | 9593985490 | Sraoculture [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Directorate Of Ecomonics, Statistics, Monitoring & Evaluation | |||
22 | Mr. Bikram Tamang ( Joint Director) | 9434191661 | Pemoamoktan [dot] Bt [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Directorate Of Fisheries, Ah &Vs Department, Gangtok | |||
23 | Mrs Manisha Cintury, Joint Secretary | 9964717373 | Mansa [dot] Scs [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Deportment Of Personnel,Gangtok | |||
24 | (I)Shri Rinzing Chewang Bhutia, Ias,Secretary Dop (Ii) Smt. Thinley Pema Chankapa,Scs, Additional Secretary. | 8372034358 | Gos [dot] Dopart [at] Gamil [dot] com |
Ecclesiastical Department, Gangtok | |||
25 | Mr. Tenzing Gelay Bhutia, Additional Director | 9593618726 | Ecclesiasticaldepartment [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Election Department | |||
26 | Ms. Pema Lhaden Lama,Scs( Additional Chief Electoral Officer) | 9775466039 | Pemalha [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Excise Department | |||
27 | Smt. Samten Dolma Bhutia,Additional Secretary | 9434136947 | Samten [dot] D [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Finance Department, Pension, Group Insurence& Provident Fund, Gangtok | |||
28 | Mrs. Punita Alley, Additional Director, Pgipf Division | 9933519592 | Nodalofficepension [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim State Lottery, Finance Department | |||
29 | Mr. Vishu Lama, Joint Secretary | 9832054622 | Directorskmlottery [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Food & Civil Supplies Department | |||
30 | Ms.Diki Doma Bhutia, Additional Secretary | 8101460277 | Dikidoma09 [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Home Department, Gangtok | |||
31 | Mrs. Bhumika Pradhan ,Joint Director (Confdl) | 9584838183 | Hd [dot] Confdlsection [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Horticulture Department,Gangtok | |||
32 | Shri.Biju Pariyar,Additional Director | 8617663464 | Bijupariyar [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Information & Public Relations Department | |||
33 | Shri Bishal Khawas, Joint Director | 7908687570 | Khawasb [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Information Techonology Deoartment | |||
34 | Mr. Sonam Tashi Wangdi, Additional Director | 9434107073 | Stwangdi [at] Nic [dot] In |
35 | Mr. Prem Ashis Pradhan, Deputy Director | 9734928568 | Premash1906 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Labour Department, Gangtok | |||
36 | Ms. Urvashi Poudyal, Director | 9434184194 | Sikkimlabour [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Land Revenue And Disaster Management Deprtment, Tashling Secretarait | |||
37 | Shri. Sangay Gyatso Bhutia, ( Gangtok Hq) | 9434174754 | Jslrdmd2023 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
38 | Shri. Khmeraj Bhattarai, Adc, Gyalshing | 9434025764/ 9641488230 | Khemraj7420 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
39 | Ms. Anupa Tamling/ Adc, Pakyong District | 9593370533 | Anuptamling [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
40 | Shri. Tshering Bhutia, Sdm, Paktyong Sub-Division | 9593370533 | Tsheringbhutia553 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
41 | Shri. Damber Singh Subba, Sdm, Rongali Sub- Division | 8768884346 | Sdmrongali2008 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
42 | Ms. Sujita Subba , Sdm, Rangpo Sub-Division | 7602258750 | Sdmmining2021 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
43 | Shri. Anant Jain, Ias Addl.District Collector- Cum- Magistrate, Namchi District | 8287480648 | Mnit [dot] Anant [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
44 | Shri.Gopal Kumar Chettri, Scs, Sdm Hq- Namchi District | 9733077164 | Gopalyatri2020 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
45 | Shri.Dhiraj Subedi,Scs Addl District Collector-Cum Magistrate, Soreng District | 9933373970 | Dinakshi0802 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
46 | Shri. Sonam Tashi Topgyal, Scs, Additional Distrect Collector Mangan | 8287480648 | Dc-Northsikkim [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] Com |
47 | Shri. Milan Rai, Scs, Additional District Collector, Gangtok | 9564103444 | Milantanlarai1974 [at] Gmail [dot] Com Dm-Gangtok [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Law And Parliamentary Affairs Department | |||
48 | Mrs. Rinzing Choden, Additional Secretary | 9775979806 | Lawdepartment900 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Planning & Development Department | |||
49 | Mrs. Tenzing Pema Bhutia, Joint Secretary | 9732837374 | Tenzpema17 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Printing & Stationary Department | |||
50 | Shri Bikash Rai, Joint Director | 9475709770 | Sikkimgovtypress [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Public Health Engineering Department | |||
51 | Chuksung Lepcha, Additional Director(Adm) | 9635154657 | Lingantyok [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
52 | Shri Bhoj Raj Pradhan, Chief Account Officers(Accounts) | 9832032347 | Bhojrajmaskay14 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
53 | Shri Sonam C. Lepcha, Superintending Engineer(N/E) | 7872283433 | Sonamclikneou [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
54 | Shri Birendra Thapa, Joint Director(I.T) | 9641273676 | Ttbirendra [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
55 | Shri Ramesh Subba, Superintending Engineer(West) | 9932711342 | Rameshsubba [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
56 | Shri G.T Wamgdi,Superintending Engineer( Sewerage) | 9434169532 | Tshetrace [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
57 | Shri Norbu T. Bhutia, Superintending Engineer(Namchi) | 9434153211 | Norbubhutia1966 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Roads& Bridges Department,Gangtok | |||
58 | Mrs. Tshering Laden Lachungpa, Additional Secretary | 9800413129 | Tsheringscs2008 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
59 | Shri Sudip Tamang, Sr.Accounts Officer | 7001967990 | Roadsandbridges777 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
60 | Shri Pintso Palzor, Superintending Engineer(Gangtok) | 9733330744 | Pnpulger [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
61 | Shri Dig Vijay Sharma, Superintending Engineer ( Planning) | 9434153576 | Ndigvijay29 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
62 | Shri Naveen Gurung,Superintending Engineer ( Pakyong) | 9775423554 | |
63 | Shri Sangay Nepo Bhutia, Superintending Engineer(Namchi) | 8967332724 | |
64 | Shri Tara Subba, Superintending Engineer ( Soreng) | 9434109922 | |
65 | Shri Saurav Lepcha, Superintending Engineer(Gyalishing) | 9800055439 | |
66 | Shri Lawrance Lepcha, Superintending Engineer,( Mechanical / Store) | 9933092074 | |
67 | Shri Sonam Dadul, Superintending Engineer,(N/H) | 9434174893 | 79Dadul [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Rural Development Department, Gangtok | |||
68 | Mr. Sanjeev Rai, Principal Chief Engineer-Cum Project Director(Jjm),Rdd | 9434109977 | Srgtk16 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
69 | Mr. Raj Narayan Pradhan, Director ( Accounts) | 9733063820 | Rajpn123 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
70 | Mr. Karma Y.Bhutia, Additional Chief Engineer(N/E) | 9474529106 | Kyyentz7 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
71 | Mr. Ringzing Dorjee Bhutia,Additional Chief Engineer (S/W) | 9733203204 | Grinzing6 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
72 | Mrs. Koshi Kapil, Additional Secretary,Rdd Head Office | 8016275362 | Koshikapilrmdd [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
73 | Ms. Subha Mukhia, Additional Secretary(Mgnrega) Rdd | 9749300020 | Dsnregangtk [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
74 | Mr. Gayas Pega, Adc(Dev), Soreng | 9734176747 | Gaayaspega [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
75 | Mr. Chandra Prasad Rai, Adc(Dev)Namchi | 9593975537 | Ddonamchi [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Adcnamchi26 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
76 | Mr. Sunil Kumar Mothey, Adc(Dev) Ravangla | 9593975437 | Adcranangla [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
77 | Mrs.Radha Pradhan,Adc(Dev) Gangtok | 9735876022 | Ddoeast2 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
78 | Mr. Kashi Raj Limboo,Adc (Dev)Mangan | 7076926998 | Adcmangan [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Ddonorth [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Adcdevelopmentmangan [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
79 | Mr.Hem Sagar Kafley,Adc(Dev),Chungthang | 9832033230 | |
80 | Mr.Robin Prasad Sewa,Adc(Dev)Pakyong | 9434109672, 9434109679 | Adcdevpakyong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
81 | Mr.Surat Kumar Gurung,Adc(Dev.)Gyalishing | 9434191586 | Ddowest [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
82 | Mr. Bikash Rai,Se Store/ Pmgsy | 8768949505 | Sikkimpmgsy [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
83 | Ms. Choden Phalungtharpa,Se(Pmgsy) | 9434447918 | Chodenpt [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
84 | Mr. Karma Thendup Denzongpa,Dpo,Mangan | 9609865736 | Dponorth333 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
85 | Mr. Sonam Gyatso Bhutia,Dpo,Gangtok | 9002874523 | Dpoedzp [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
86 | Mr.Sonam Zangpo Bhutia,Dpo,Pakyong | 9832344784 | Zangposonam1977 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
87 | Ms. Karzang Diki Lassopa, Dpo,Namchi | 9002042168, 9002042195 | Dposdzp [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
88 | Mr.Netra Biswakarma,Dpo,Gyalishing | 9735011975 | Dpowdzp [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
89 | Mr.Dilip Sharma, Dpo, Soreng | 9733283855 | Dsikkim209 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
District Administrative Centre,Soreng Under Land Revenue &Disaster Management, Government Of Sikkim | |||
90 | Shri Dr Bista,Sic Sub- Division Magistrate(Hq),Soreng District | 7551847195 | Dayabista [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Sikkim Legislative Assenbly Department,Gangtok | |||
91 | Smt.Abi Maya Thapa(Manger),Chief Account Officer | 9564995103 | Abithapa86 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Police Department(Hq),Gangtok | |||
92 | Shri Kunzang D. Sangdarpa, Sps,Digp Cb-Cid | 9733029204 | Spcid [at] Silkkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
Sikkim Vigilance Police Deptt, Sonam Tshering Marg, Gangtok | |||
93 | Gegee Norbu Namchangcorpa,Sr.Superintendent Of Police | 8348178904 | Gegeetoes [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Skill Development Department, Gangtok | |||
94 | Shri Samdup Bhutia, Additional Secretary | 9434725044 | Samdup [dot] Bhutia80 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Social Welfare Department | |||
95 | Mr. Subodh Kumar Pokhrel, Joint Secretary | 9832059648 | Subodhpokrel45 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
State Election Commission, Sikkim | |||
96 | Mr. Samdesh Moktan, Additional Director | 9434117714 | Moktansamdesh [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Transport Departmnet, Snt Division, Gangtok | |||
97 | Mr. Wangzo Lepcha | 9475532350 | Wangzolepcha [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Urban Development Department, Gangtok | |||
98 | Shri Patrick Rai, Director, Accounts Section | 9775960918 | Raipat69 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
99 | Shri Dinker Gurung, Chief Architect, Sugay,Pmay | 9933032718 | Gurungdinker [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
100 | Shri Jigmee Wangchuk , Additional Secretary , Sbm(Urban) | 9002164252 | Jbhutia [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
101 | Shri Bishal Mukhia, Additional Secretary (S/W) | 7001271507 | Asuddirt [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
102 | Shri. Karma Bhutia ,Additional Chief Architect, Town Planning Cell | 8159969242 | 32Karmabhutia [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
103 | Shri Punam Pradhan, Divisional Engineer | 9609889999 | Saipunam078 [at] Yahoo [dot] Co [dot] In |
104 | M/S Jerusha Joy Shrestha, Joint Secretary Administrative Section | 8967227747 | Jerushresha [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes And Other Backward Classes Development Corporation Ltd.(Sabcco) | |||
105 | Ms. Indria Pillai , Additional Legal Officer | 9564720289 | Ipillai178 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Public Service Commission,Gangtok | |||
106 | Mr.B.B.Gurung,Additional Secretary(Adm) | 9647892037 | Spsc-Skm [at] Nic [dot] In |
District Collector, Gyalshing,Sikkim | |||
107 | Shri Khemraj Bhattarai,Adc Gyalishing District | 9434025764, 9434025796 | Khemraj7420 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sidico | |||
108 | Mr.Sanjay Shiwakoti, General Manager. | 9635990770 | Sanjayshiwakoti923 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
District Collector,Gangtok | |||
109 | Shri.Milan Rai,(Scs), Additional District Collector- Hq | 03592-284444, 8597643149 | Dm-Ganatok [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
110 | District Collector,Pakyong | ||
111 | Ms.Anupa Tamling.Adc Pakyongdistrict | 9733012024 | Anupatamling [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
112 | Shri Tshering Bhutia,Sdm Pakyong Sub Division | 9593370533 | Tsheringbhutia533 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
113 | Damber Singh Subba,Sdm Rongali Sub-Division | 8768884346 | Sdmrongali2008 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
114 | Ms. Sujatasubba,Sdm Ra Sub-Rangpo Sub-Division | 7602258750 | Sdmmining2012 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sisco Bank, Head Office, Gangtok | |||
115 | Karma Jigmee Lama,General Manager | 9800888036 | Siscobank [at] Yahoo [dot] Co [dot] In |
Administrative Reforms Commission,Gangtok | |||
116 | Mrs.Saptika Rai,Joint Secretray,Arc | 9749841731 | Arc-2021 [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Gangtok Municipal Corportation ,Deorali | |||
117 | Mr.Karma W.Chankapa, Deputy Municipal Commissioner (Gmc) | 9593367676 | Chankapa123 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Khadi & Village Industries Board, Deorali, Gangtok | |||
118 | Smt. Meena Thapa, Dy.Executive Officer | 9800366557 | Meenathaparai777 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
District Collector, Namchi | |||
119 | Shri.Anant Jain, Ias,Addl.District Colector-Cum- Magistrate,Namchi District | 8287480648 | Mnit [dot] Anant [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
120 | Shri.Gopal Kumar Chettri,Scs, Sub-Divisional Magistrate(Hq)Namchi District | 9733077164 | Gopalyati2020 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim State Human Rights Commission, Gangtok, And Development Area. | |||
121 | Shri.Aita Raj Subba ,Assistant Director/Court Master/Ddo | 9593981422 | Aitasubba22247 [at] Gmaiil [dot] Com |
State Bank Of Sikkim, Gangtok | |||
122 | Santi Ram Karki, Cgm(R) | 9434864292 | Egmstatebankofsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
State Pollution Control Board- Sikkim | |||
123 | Shri Bindey Kumar Chettri, Principal Chief Scientific Officer | 9434257475 | Cbindey [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Assistant State Public Information Officers Contacts
Sr No. | Name/Designation | Contact No. | |
Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Services Department, Gangtok | |||
1 | Dr. Narda Mani Cintury, Additional Director,Gayzing District | 9733347890 | Doctornaresh1973 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
2 | Dr. Anjala Pradhan, Additional Director, Pakyong Disitrict | 6297413367 | Dranajaa [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
3 | Dr. Kishor Thapa, Additional Director, Soreng Dirtrict | 6295632486 | Kishorethapa [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
4 | Dr. Zeruiah Bhutia, Additional Director,Gangtok District | 9593378819 | Zeruiahbhutia [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
5 | Dr. Dichen Kaleon, Additional Director, Mangan District | 7872896066 | Dec2Cher [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
6 | Dr. Arthhhalall Rai, Additional Director,Namchi District | 9564260696 | Artharai23 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Agriculture Department,Gangtok | |||
7 | Dr.Ratap Subba, Additional Director | 9733255160 | Subbap76 [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Buildings & Housing Department,Gangtok | |||
8 | Mrs.Dipika Rai,Deputy Secretary | 9434235675 | Dikipikarai78 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
9 | Shri Anil Chettri,S.E(S/G/N) | 9002852120 | Vaiebhau1972 [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
10 | Shri.Phurba Bhutia,S.E( G/M/P) | 9434864261 | Phurba07 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
11 | Shri Basant Paudyal,S.E (Project/Pig/Staore) | 9434126940 | Basantp79 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
12 | Shri Obed Rai, Sr. Architech | 9933443442 | Obedbhokim [at] Gamil [dot] Com |
13 | Ms. Tshering Chozum Bhutia,Account Officer | 8617023136 | Tchuzom [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
14 | Smt.Indra Targain, Deputy Secretary(Adm) | 9593982445 | Lepchatargain3 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
15 | Shri Yeshay Dorje Bhutia, Divisional Engineer(Mangan) | 8507401307 | Yeshaydorjee19 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
16 | Shri Basant Gurung, Divisional Engineer(Gangtok) | 9547251397 | Ericnoel2017 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
17 | Shri Gopal Sharma, Divisional Engineer( Pakyong) | 9832444700 | Sharmagopal4700 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
18 | Shri Santosh Sharma, Divisional Engineer(Gezying) | 9832011053, 9641810824 | Sahosharma [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
19 | Shri D.B.Gurung, Divisional Engineer( Soreng) | 9593983688 | Gurungdilbhadur02 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
20 | Shri Ydav Prasad Adhikari, Divisional Engineer( Namchi) | 9733350650 | Ypadhikari [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
21 | Shri Cho Norbu Kazi, Divisional Engineer( Sewerage) | 9434127207 | Chhonorbu [dot] Kazi1968 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Commerce & Industries Deptt, Gangtok | |||
22 | Shri. Hemant Khatiwada, Deputy Secretary | 9734902773 | Hemantkhatiwada10 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Cooperation Department,Gangtok | |||
23 | Tsewang Norbu Bhutia,Assistant Registrar,(Hq) | 8927665496 | CoopSikkim [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
24 | Neerulata Chettri,Senior Audit Officer,Pakyong District | 9434188080 | Pakyongcoop [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
25 | Narim Ming Lepcha,Deputy Registrar,Rongali Sub Division | 9734407716 | Cooprongali [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
26 | Yougal Pradhan,Senior Audit Officer,Mangan District | 9593881213 | Coopmangan [at] Gamil [dot] Com |
27 | Laxuman Rai, Deputy Registrar,Namchi District | 9382497067 | Coopnamchi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
28 | Chet Kumar Rai, Deputy Registrar,Rabong Sub Division | 9749983545 | Cooprabong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
29 | Ratan Hang Subba,Deputy Ragistrar,Soreng District | 8167063766 | Sorengdistrict737121 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
30 | Bhumika Chettri,Deputy Ragistrar,Gangtok District | 9933461798 | Coopgangtok [at] Gamil [dot] Com |
31 | Riwaj Century, Assistant Registrar, Gangtok | 9800036736 | Coopgangtok [at] Gamil [dot] Com |
32 | Rakesh Pradhan,Assisitant Ragistrar,Gyalishing District | 9609834501 | Coopwest1234 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
33 | Bindita Pradhan, Audit Officer, Head Office | 9749713445 | Coopsikkim [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Culture Department, Gangtok | |||
34 | Smt. Tshering Kipa Bhutia , Deputy Secretaryadministration Section | 82500296717 | Kipatsh3 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
35 | Shri Rapden Pintso Kazi, Divisional Engineer, Engineering Cell | 9434103672 | Rapdenkazi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
36 | Shri, Hemraj Rai, Deputy Director Songs & Drama Unit | 8250205084 | Hemrajrai1984 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
37 | Smt. Karma Donka Topgay, Assistant Director State Central Library | 9733076338 | Karmadonka [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Directorate Of Ecomonics, Statistics, Monitoring & Evaluation | |||
38 | Mr. Thupten Geleg (Deputy Director) | 9832055268 | Thuptengeleg [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Directorate Of Fisheries, Ah & Vs Department, Gangtok | |||
39 | Mr Naresh Sunar, Assistant Director | 9933045080 | Nareshsunar16 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Deportment Of Personnel,Gangtok | |||
40 | Shri Madhu Sudhan Sharma | 9434445894 | Gos [dot] Dopart [at] Gamil [dot] Com |
Ecclesiastical Department, Gangtok | |||
41 | Mrs. Manrupa Tamang, Under Secetary | 9474648598 | Manrupatamang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Election Department | |||
42 | Shri Shyam Pradhan,Scs, (Joint Chief Electoral Officer) | 9434448214 | Shyamusgos [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Excise Department | |||
43 | Shri Namgyal Dorjee Bhutia,Joint Commissioner (Permit) | 7001248117 | Dy [dot] Comm [dot] Jexcise [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
44 | Smt.Sushma Pradhan,Deputy Secretary,(Admin) | 9636128373 | Us-Excise [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
45 | Smt.Dil Maya Subba,Senior Accounts Officer(Account) | 9832663331 | Ao-Excise [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
46 | Shri. Wanggchuk Pakhrin, Assistant Commissioner(Field) | 9733323390 | Wangchukpakhrin [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Finance Department, Pension, Group Insurence & Provident Fund, Gangtok | |||
47 | Mr. Ben Kumar Giri, Chief Accounts Officer, Pgipf Division | 9434235507 | Nodalofficepension [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim State Lottery, Finance Department | |||
48 | Mrs. Dichen D. Bhutia, Deputy Secretary | 9434409160 | Directorskmlottery [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Food & Civil Supplies Department | |||
49 | Mr. Anil Sikdel, Deputy Director (Pds) | 9832344649 | Sikdelanil20 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
50 | Ms. Monika Rai, Deputy Secretary(Adm) | 9647882807 | Kanimorai18 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
51 | Mr.Arjun Rai,Dcso( Gyalshing) | 9733327413 | Dcsowest16 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
52 | Mr. Palden Lachungpa,Dcso (Mangan) | 8145896216 | Dcsonorth79 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
53 | Mr.Dak Man Subba,Dcso(Gangtok) | 7602453948 | Dcsoeast [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
54 | Mr.Bhim Pradhan, Dcso (Pakyong) | 8101660991 | Dcsopakyong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
55 | Mr. Jas Man Subba, Dcso( Soreng) | 9734142775 | Dcsosoreng [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
56 | Mr.Tenzing Bhutia,Dcso (Namchi) | 6294437355 | Fcsnmc [at] Gmil [dot] Com |
Home Department, Gangtok | |||
57 | Mrs.Kunga Diki Lachungpa,Joint Secretary | 8172054261 | Hd [dot] Confdlsection [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
58 | Mrs. Suprina Chettri, Deouty Secretary | 9002107342 | Admhome111 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
59 | Mr.Arun Kumar Sharma,Chief Accounts Officer | 9434710229 | Tarbee2004 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Horticulture Department,Gangtok | |||
60 | Shri. Passang Tamang,Additional Director | 7602848818 | Jdeast [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
61 | Shri.Rinzing Wangyal Bhutia , Additional Director | 9434188390 | Horticulturenorth [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
62 | Shri.Tshering Chopel Bhutia, Additional Director | 9832117243 | Horticurepakyong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
63 | Shri. Robin Gurung, Additional Director | 8927476471 | Horticulturesorengdistrict [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
64 | Shri.Dikendra Bhujel,Joint Director | 7866829200 | Dkenb72 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
65 | Shri.Karma Sherpa, Joint Director | 8145574864 | Horticultureastsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
66 | Shri.Dup Tshering Kazi, Joint Director | 9434174828 | Hccddsouth [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Information & Public Relations Department | |||
67 | Shri Keshab Chettri, Dy. Director ( Photo & Pa System) | 9474839041 | Kkchettri10 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
68 | Shri Simon Subba, Dy. Director (Media & Archive) | 9732460023 | Subbasimon852 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
69 | Shri. Nrayan P.Dhakal, Sr. Accounts Officer | 8372038654 | Ndpurush [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
70 | Shri. Dupgay Lepcha, Dy.Director(Tibetan) | 9775470384 | Dupgaylepcha [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
71 | Shri.Sushil Gurung,Under Secretary | 7029132969 | Usipr2023 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
72 | Shri Raj Kumar Sharma, Asstt. Director | 9609011404 | Dioest1 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Labour Department, Gangtok | |||
73 | Sunita Sharma, Deputy Secretary | 9635855448 | Sikkimlabour [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Land Revenue And Disaster Management Deprtment, Tashling Secretarait | |||
74 | Ms.Sonam Palmu Bhutia,Gangtok(Hq) | 7797883813 | Sopalbhutia25 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
75 | Shri. Santosh Kumar Allay, Sdm, Gyalishing District | 9434174769 | Santoshallay67 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
76 | Ms. Tirsang Tamang, Sdm, Hq- Gyalishing | 9851302484 | |
77 | Shri.Tshering Thendup Bhutia, Sdm Yuksom | 9832051437, 9734101006 | Ttbhutia2014 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
78 | Shri Pravin Gautam, Sdm Dentam | 8250365424, 9832470855 | Sdmdentam [dot] Westsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
79 | Amber Bhadur Gurung, Ro/ Dd/ Gyalishing | 9832983597 | Mmbergurung584 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
80 | Thendup Lepacha Sdm, Pakyong District | 8918796986 | Thenduplepcha7747 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
81 | Shri D.R. Acharya Ro/Ad, Rongli Sub-Division | 9832336929 | Dracharaya9121 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
82 | Shri Shreelall Regmi, Ro/Ad, Rongli Sub-Division | 9647852415 | Shreelallregmi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
83 | Shri. Bimal Gurung , Ro/ Ad, Rangpo Sub-Division | 7797288373 | Bimalgurung75 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
84 | Shri. Sisum Wangchuk Bhutia, Scs Sdm, Rabong | 7797889938 | Sdmravangala [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
85 | Shri. Tshering Norgyal Theeng, Scs, Sdm, Yangang | 9593370533 | Sdmyangang651 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
86 | Ms. Saloni Pradhan Sdm, Jorethang | 7679650577 | Pradhansaloni8 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
87 | Shri Daya Ram Bista,Scs Addl.District Collector-Cum Magistrate, Soreng District | 7551847195 | Dayabista [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
88 | Shri Kiran Kumar Thatal Sdm,Chungthang | 8167258584 | Kiranthatal56 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
89 | Shri Prakash Rai, Sdm, Kabi | 9434164558 | Kabisdm [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
90 | Shri. Ganga Prasad Sharma, Sdm, Dzongu | 9735011975 | Sharmagangaprasad08 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
91 | Shri. Pema Wangchen Bhutia, Scs, Sdm, Mangan | 9593380147 | Sdmmangan [at] Outlook [dot] Com |
92 | Ms. Pari. Bishnoi, Ias Sdm, Gangtok | 8824132808 | Paribishnoi [dot] Ias [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
93 | Ms. Tashi Palmu Bhutia, Gangtok (Hq) | 8371850117 | Tashipn [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
94 | Ms. Yishey D.Yongda, Dc, Gyalshing | 9434164582 | Collectorwest [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
95 | Shri Tashi Chophel, Pakyong | 9474774456 | Dm-Pakyong [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
96 | Shri M.Bharani Kumar, Ias District Collector-Cum-Magistrate | 9474333770 | Dm-Namchi [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
97 | Shri. Bhim Thatal,Scs District Collector/ District Magistrate , Soreng. | 6297149075 | Dmsorengsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
98 | Shri. Hem Kumar Chettri, Scs District Collector Mangan | 9434143936 | Dc-Northsikkim [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
99 | Shri. Tushar G.Nikhara, Ias District Collector, Gangtok | 9970012879 | Tushar [dot] Nikhara [at] Gmail [dot] Com, DmGangtok [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
100 | Shri. Chiran Rizal, Sgs, Sdm, Rabdang | 9775822322 | Rizal [dot] C [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Law And Parliamentary Affairs Department | |||
101 | Mrs. Sonam Lhamu Bhutia, Legal Officer | 8016346333 | Lawdepartment900 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Mines & Geology Department | |||
102 | Mr.Anil Rai, Deputy Director | 9679802373 | Ranungcha [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Planning & Development Department | |||
103 | Miss. Kessang Lepcha, Under Secretary | 9434241232 | Kessanglepcha1970 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Printing & Stationary Department | |||
104 | Shri Ongdup Lepcha,Sr.T.O | 8967815147 | Sikkimgovtypress [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
105 | Smt.Deepmala Pradhan,Deputy Secretary | 9832652868 | Sikkimgovtypress [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Roads & Bridges Department,Gangtok | |||
106 | Ms. Tshering Lhamu Bhutia, Deputy Secretary | 9434241223 | |
107 | Shri K.B.Subba, Under Secretary | 7908841392 | Kbsubba67 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
108 | Shri Dawa Sherpa,Accounts Officer | 7908790408 | |
109 | Mrs.Ambika Giri,Division Engineer(Planning) | 9932295719 | Amigiri [at] Rediffmail [dot] Com |
110 | Shri Karma Gyurmic Lachenpa,S.E. Mamnga | 9547541814 | Karmagyurmic [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
111 | Shri Sonam Wangchuk, Assisitant Engineer(Mangan) | 8145722230 | Sonam054 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
112 | Shri Bikash Pradhan,Divisional Engineer ( Pakyong) | 8670698844 | |
113 | Shri Chewang Zigmee Lachingpa,Suptt.Engineer(Gangtok) | 9800009797 | |
114 | Shri Navin Chettri,Assistant Engineer(Pakyong) | 9933527300 | |
115 | Shri.Sonam D.P.Lama,Assistant Engineer (Singtam) | 7908127282 | |
116 | Shri. Bikash Chettri, Assistant Engineer (Rongali) | 8016885343 | |
117 | Mrs. Srijana Rai, Assistant Engineer (No.Iv) | 9064822991 | |
118 | Shri Mingma Tashi Sherpa, Divisional Engineer (Namchi) | 9733312362 | |
119 | Shri Bhakta Kumar Pradhan, Divisional Engineer (Ravangla) | 9734945399 | |
120 | Shri Mukesh Jairu, Assistant Engineer ( Yangang) | 9733000014 | |
121 | Shri.Kinga Chopel Bhutia, Assistant Engineer (Ravangla Sub Div) | 7797893723 | |
122 | Shri Deepak Pradhan, Assistant Engineer (Jorethang) | 9434174812 | |
123 | Shri Y.T. Yalmo, Assisitant Engineer (Namchi) | 6296056619 | |
124 | Shri.Uttam Basneet, Divisional Engineer(Gyalishing) | 9832097179 | |
125 | Shri Santosh Singh, Assistant Engineer (Gyalishing) | 9775559515 | |
126 | Mrs. Nozung Sherpa, Assistant Engineer (Kuluk) | 9679943960 | |
127 | Shri Nayan Baraily, Divisional Engineer(Soreng) | 9933060009 | |
128 | Mrs. Ithungenh. Limboo,Assistant Engineer (Dentam) | 7407518391 | |
129 | Shri Suman Chettri, Assistant Engineer ( Daramdin) | 9434357975 | |
130 | Shri Sudeep Tamang, Assistant Engineer( Daramdin) | 6296240849 | |
131 | Shri Kamal Kumar Tamang, Divisional Engineer(N/H) | 8637301873 | |
132 | Mrs. Kalka Rai, Divisional Engineer (N/H) | 9593264544 | |
133 | Mrs Raksha Nepal, Divisional Engineer(N/H) | 9818353919 | |
134 | Shri Kamal Rasily, Divisional Engineer (Adb) | 9733414410 | |
135 | Shri N.T. Lepcha, Divisional Engineer (Mechinical) Gangtok | 8116413885 | |
136 | Shri T.R.Sharma , Divisional Engineer(Store) Gangtok | 9635258428 | |
137 | Shri Diwas Basneet , Divisional Engineer( Mech) Singtam | 9775960744 | |
138 | Shri Dilip Modi, Divisional Engineer (Jorethang) | 9775960744 | |
Rural Development Department, Gangtok | |||
139 | Mr. S.K. Pradhan, Chief Account Officer | 9434203983 | Sbh13Pradhan [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
140 | Mr. Himmat Rai, Joint Secretary & State Coordinator Sbm(G) | 9832556777 | Himmat [dot] Sk01 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
141 | Mr. Shyam Lall Cintury, Deputy Secretary (Adm),Rdd | 9434110120 | Shyamcintury [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
142 | Mr. Deepak Rai, Deputy Secretary, Mngrega | 9832035026 | Usecmgnrega [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
143 | Mr. Kul Chandra Dahal, Assistant Director(Panchayat) | 7872892175 | Addoprsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
144 | Ms. Mamita Chettri, Assistant Project Officer/Srda | 9647929505 | Mamitachettri95 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
145 | Mr. Prakash Chettri, De (Jjm) | 9434103349 | Jjmsikkim20 [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Pc [dot] Sikkim [at] Gmail [dot] com |
146 | Mr. Parasmani Rai, Sr.Ao,Rdd | 8145703878 | Ruraldevhq [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
147 | Mr. Goverdhan Guragai, De/Project | 9733349860 | Gopalchettri1979 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
148 | Mr. Ramu Biswakarma, De/Pmgsy Store | 9609867531 | Ramudeopatey [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
149 | Mr. Manurath Adhaikari, De / Pmgsy Namchi | 9733205973 | Manorathadhakari [dot] Ma [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
150 | Ms. Angelmit Lepcha,De /Gyalishing Pmgsy) | 9635186700 | Angelegnas [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
151 | Mr. Gopal Sharma, De, (East 1 ) Gangtok/ Pmgsy | 9593982609, 9593982670 |
Teemsinz67 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
152 | Mr. Saroj Adhikari, De Mangan, Pmgsy | 9434012173 | Adhikarisaroj08 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
153 | Mr. Toya Nath Sharma, De (Ii), Pakyong, Pmgsy | 9064153538 | Tnadhikari17 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
154 | Mr.Pravin Lama, De, Jorethang, Pmgsy | 8670005853 | |
155 | Mr. Sanjeev Rajalim, De Namchi District Zilla Panchayat | 9593981900 | Dedzp2022 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
156 | Mr.Bishnu Prasad Sharma, De,Gyalishing District Zilla Panchayat | 9832327131 | Bishnuahik9789 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
157 | Mr. Bijay Kumar Pradhan, De Gangtok District Zilla Panchayat | 9800921369 | Bijaybhansri66 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
158 | Mr. Kailash Kumar Sharma, De, Pakyong District Zilla Panchayat | 7908674104 | Kksharma815 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
159 | Mr Sonam Tshering Bhutia, De, Soreng District Zilla Panchatay | 9609854952, 9609854983 |
Tsheringsonam80 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
160 | Mr. Indra Bahadur Chettri, Bdo Duga | 8250657600 | Bdoduga [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
161 | Mr. Kishore Thapa, Bdo Rakdong Tintek | 7908065760 | Bdorakdongtintek [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
162 | Mr. Tashi Wongyal Bhutia,Bdo Nandok | 9943410355, 9434103558, 6373206380 |
Gangtokbdo [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
163 | Mr. Chandan Tamling,Bdo ,Pakyong | 9382708359 | Bdopakyong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
164 | Mr.Pradeep Kumar Gurung,Bdo, Parakha | 9434153171, 8116058411 |
Bdoparakha [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
165 | Mr. Ram Kumar Gurung,Bdo Rhenok | 7908509340, 9832096073 | Bdorhenok [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
166 | Mr.Dorjee Sherpa, Bdo,Reghu | 9647857686 | Bdoreghu [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
167 | Ms. Babita Rai,Bdo Ranka | 8918941367 | Bdoranka [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
168 | Mr. Sawan Raj Dhakal, Bdo Khamdong | 9475057818 | Bdokhamdong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
169 | Mr. Sonam Palden Bhutia,Bdo Martam | 9593884701 | Bdomrtm [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
170 | Sonam Tashi Lepcha,Bdo Kabi | 9474055961 | Bdokabi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
171 | Mr. Kailash Thapa, Bdo Mangan | 9733015219 | Bdomangan [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Bacmangan2019 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
172 | Mr.Mani Kumar Rai,Bdo, Passingdong | 7384332765 | Bdopassingdong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
173 | Mr. T.R Chettri, Bdo Chungthang | 9609872885 | Bdochungthang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
174 | Mr. Garap Dorjee Bhutia, Bhutia,Bdo Chongrang | 9733911961 | Bdochorang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
175 | Mr. Samaram Limboo,Bdo Yoksum | 9733227146 | Bdoyuksom [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
176 | Mr.Bijay Prasad Subba,Bdo Gyalishing | 8972333707 | Bdogyalshing [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
177 | Mr. Basant Moktan,Bdo Dentam | 9647787682 | Bdodentam [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
178 | Mr. Kalash Gurung, Bdo Hee Martam | 9434861755 | Bdoheemartam [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
179 | Mr. Pushkar Khatiwada, Bdo Kaluk | 9933013673 | Bdokaluk [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
180 | Mr. Robin Dong, Bdo Mangalbaria | 9635186700 | Bdomangalbarey [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
181 | Ms. Pramila Gurung, Bdo Baiguney | 9749088546 | Bacbaiguney [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Pramilagurung [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
182 | Mr. Ongdi Sherpa, Bdo Chumbong | 9851010279 | Chumbonggvk [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
183 | Mr. Shanti Kumar Sharma,Bdo Soreng | 7872971423 | Bdosoreng [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
184 | Mr. Dilip Dong, Bdo Daramdin | 7001057228 | Bdodaramdin [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
185 | Mr. T.T Gensapa, Bdo Yangang | 9593978409 | Bdoyangang06 [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Tdgensapa [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
186 | Mr. Prem Kumar Subba, Bdo Temi | 9732614726 | Bdotemi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
187 | Mr. Yogen Syangden, Bdo Namthang | 9434153115 | Bdonamthang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
188 | Mr. Nilakanth Bhandari, Bdo Sumbuk | 9474524597 | Bdomelli [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
189 | Mr.Nin Pintso Bhutia Bdo Namchi | 9434864840 | Namchibac [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
190 | Mr. Mahesh Dahal, Bdo Poklok Nadugoan | 9933979950 | Bdojorethang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
191 | Mr. Roshan Rai,Bdo Sikkip | 9733358518 | Bdowok [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
192 | Mr. Sanjeev Rai, Bdo Ranangla | 9647874562 | Bdoravangla [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
District Administrative Centre, Soreng Under Land Revenue | |||
193 | Shri Dr Bista,Sic Sub-Division Magistrate (Hq). Soreng District | 7551847195 | Dayabista [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Sikkim Legislative Assenbly Department, Gangtok | |||
194 | Shri.V.M.Subba,Deputy Director(Debates) | 9434869923 | Veeamslas [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Police Department(Hq), Gangtok | |||
195 | Shri Tenzing Loden Lepcha,Sp/Gangtok | 7547965002 | Speast [at] Silkkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
196 | Shri Karma Gyamtso,Sp/Pakyong | 9733172767 | Sppakyong [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
197 | Shri Sonamditchu,Sp/Mangan | 9434103434 | Spnorth [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
198 | Shri Nakul Pradhan,Sp/Soreng | 9735400162 | Sp-Soreng [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
199 | J.Jayapandiyan,Sp/Geyzing | 9710506854 | Spwest [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
200 | Dr.T.Gyatso,Sp/Namchi | 8768719553 | Spsouth [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
201 | Smt.Cocola Pradhan,Sp/Hq | 9434799799 | Sphq [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
202 | Shri.Thupden Bhutia,Sp/Training | 9434076399 | Sptraining [at] Sikkiimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
203 | Smt.Eden Subba,Sp/Communication | 9434407744 | Sp-Comms [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
204 | Shri Arjun K. Tamang,Co/Sap | 9654640738 | Cosap [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nin [dot] In |
205 | Shri.Palden Bhutia,Co1St Irbn | 9932919999 | Coirb1 [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
206 | Shri Chundi Choppel Bhutia,Co 2Nd Irbn | 9609870771 | Coirb2 [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
207 | Smt.Linda Pamlu, Co 3Rd Irbn | 9800034448 | Coirb3 [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
208 | Shri Zamyang Tashi Bhutia,Dcfo/Fire & Emergency Service | 9733104880 | Dcfofire [at] Sikkimfire [dot] Nic [dot] In |
209 | Smt.Deepa Sharma, Sp Home Guard & Civil Defence | 7001575207 | Dcghg [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
210 | Smt.Lhamu Bhutia,Sp,Check Post | 9733199920 | Spcheckpost [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
211 | Smt.Anjana Silwal,Sp,State Reserve Lines | 9932120003 | Splines [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
212 | Smt.Dhan Maya Subba,Sp Ahtu | 9475013449 | Ahtu-Phq [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
Sikkim Vigilance Police Deptt, Sonam Tshering Marg, Gangtok | |||
213 | Shri. Thendup Tsetse Bhutia,Deputy .S.P | 8016303077 | Tseten234 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Skill Development Department, Gangtok | |||
214 | Shri Khusen Chandra Rai, Deputy Director-Ii | 8967586975 | Khusendchandrarai123 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Social Welfare Department | |||
215 | Mrs. Kabita Subba, Sr.Accountant,(Tribal Affairs Division, Social Welfare Deptt) | 9593989591 | Kabitasuba21 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
216 | Ms. Rituja Rani Gajmer, Sr.Accountant,(Accounts Section , Social Walfare Deptt | 9564944428 | Ritujagmer24 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
217 | Mr. Raju Tamang, De, Gangtok-I, Engineering Cell, Social Walfare Department | 9475063462 | Tamangraju007 [at] Yahoo [dot] In |
218 | Mr. Parash Mani Kharel, De, Soreng District, | 7001149950 | Teemsinaz67 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
219 | Mr. Rajen Gurung , De, Mangan/ Namchi/ Gyalshing | 9609533997 | 12031971Rajen [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
220 | Mr.Madan Sharma, De, Gangtok-I & Planning | 9474057984 | Mdndhakal [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
221 | Mr. Roshan Chettri , Deputy Director, Pme Cell | 8116280672 | Chettriroshan712 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
222 | Mr. Ram Kumar Tamang, Deputy Director, Social Justice Division ,Social Welfare | 9593785858 | Rammoktan5 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
223 | Mr. Ashish Gurung, Deputy Secretary, Minority Affairs Division, Social Walfare Deptt | 9733086938 | Depsecymoma [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
224 | Mr. Vaishnav Gajmer, Deputy Director/It, It Cell, Social Walfare Deptt | 7001207853 | Vaishnav [dot] Gazmer [at] Nic [dot] In |
State Election Commission, Sikkim | |||
225 | Ms . Vavna Rai, Private Secretary | 9593285585 | Vavnah [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Transport Departmnet, Snt Division, Gangtok | |||
226 | Mr. Sanjok Thapa, Deputy General Manager | 8371997218 | Sanjok [dot] Thapa [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
227 | Mr. O.B. Chettri, Supt. Engineer | 7872887390 | Obchettri [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
228 | Mr. Manoj Basnett, Supt. Engineer | 9641578446 | Manojbasnett [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
229 | Mr. Sameer Gurung,Dgm | 7864841329 | Sameergurung71 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
230 | Mr.Kamal Kr. Gurung, Addl. Director | 9567772850 | Kamalgurung [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes And Other Backward Classes Development Corporation Ltd.(Sabcco) Gangtok | |||
231 | Mr. Durga Bdr.Manger, Dy. General Manager | 8348030675 | Durgamanger74 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Public Service Commission,Gangtok | |||
232 | Mr. Kalyan Thapa, Deputy Controller | 9883343259 | Spsc-Skm [at] Nic [dot] In |
District Collector, Gyalshing,Sikkim | |||
233 | I. Shri Santosh Kumar Allay, Sdm, Gyalshing District. | 9434174769 | Santoshallay67 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
234 | Ii. Ms.Tirang Tamang,Sdm(Hq), Gyalshing | 9851302484 | Sdmhqgyz [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
235 | Iii. Shri Tshering Thendup Bhutia,Sdm,Yuksom | 9832051437, 9832051497 | Ttbhutia2014 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
236 | Iv.Shri Pravin Gautam,Sdm Dentam | 8250365424, 8250365498 | Sdmdentam [dot] Westsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
237 | V. Mr.Amber Bahadur Gurung,Ro/Dd, Gyalishing | 9832983597 | Ambergurung584 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Housing And Development Board | |||
238 | Mrs. Kabita Rai/Under Secretary | 7602952262 | Skmhousingdevboard [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sidico | |||
239 | Mr. Bidhan Koirala, Manager | 9832018887 | Bidhansmit [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
240 | Mr.Harka Narayan Pradhan,Manager, Jorethang Branch. | 9733198600 | Harkapradhan [dot] Hp [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
District Collector,Gangtok | |||
241 | Shri. Chiran Rizal (Scs), Sub-Divisional Magistrate- Rabdang | 03592-284444, 9775822322 | Dm-Gangtok [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
District Collector,Pakyong | |||
242 | Shri Thendup Lepcha,Sdm(Hq)Pakyong District | 8918796698 | Thenduplepcha7747 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
243 | Shri D.R.Acharya, Ro/Ad Pakyong Sub-District | 9832336929 | Dracharya9121 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
244 | Shri.Shreelall Regmi,Ro/Ad Rongali Sub-Division | 9647852415 | Shreelallregmi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
245 | Shri. Bimal Gurung,Ro/Ad Rangpo Sub-Division | 7797288373 | Bimalgurung75 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sisco Bank, Head Office, Gangtok | |||
246 | Tsewang Rinzing Dorjee, Deputy General Manager | 9932386651 | Siscobank [at] Yahoo [dot] Co [dot] In |
Administrative Reforms Commission,Gangtok | |||
247 | Mr. Gideon Lepcha, Deputy Secretary,Arc | 9434188273 | Arc-2021 [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Gangtok Municipal Corportation Deorali | |||
248 | Mrs. Yangchen D.Bhutia, Deputy Municipal Commissioner (Admn Section) | 7908873670 | Pamobhutia75 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
249 | Mrs. Kalpana Lama (Engineering Section) | 7026226634 | Lamkalpan733 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
250 | Mr.Dorjee Namgyal Bhutia, Town Planner ( Town Planning Section) | 9434357261 | Dorjib [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
251 | Mr.Bishnu Thapa,Bazaar Officer ( License Section) | 9883771389 | Bpthapa2005 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
252 | Ram Prasad Sharma, Manicipal Financial Officer( Accounts Section) | 9593785161 | Bpsharma161 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
253 | Naresh Pradhan, Town Planner (Soil Waste Management) | 9434447827 | Nareseeto [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Sikkim Khadi & Village Industries Board, Deorali, Gangtok | |||
254 | Smt. Babita Baraily, Assistant Excutive Officer | ||
Sikkim State Human Rights Commission, Gangtok, And Development Area. | |||
255 | Shri.Aita Raj Subba ,Assistant Director/Court Master/Ddo | 9593981422 | Aitasubba22247 [at] Gmaiil [dot] Com |
State Bank Of Sikkim, Gangtok | |||
256 | Kuncheok Tenzing Gm (C) | 9434022144 | Kuncheok [at] StatebankofSikkim [dot] Com |
257 | Pema Ringzing Gyansapa, Assistant Director(Tariff) | 8101550558 | Gyansapa [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
State Pollution Control Board- Sikkim | |||
258 | Shri Ranjan Rai, Executive Environmental Engineer | 7407181551 | Spcbsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Appellate Authority Officers Contacts
Sr No. | Name/Designation | Contact No. | |
Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Services Department, Gangtok | |||
1 | Dr. Sonam Bhutia, Director | 9753380975 | Sonamrig [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Agriculture Department,Gangtok | |||
2 | Tilak Gazmer, Principal Director | 8172054678 | Tilakgazmer [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Buildings & Housing Department, Gangtok | |||
3 | Shri Yadunandan Gautam,Chief Engineer | 9434103194 | Yadugeeta1974 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Commerce &Industries Deptt, Gangtok | |||
4 | Shri. Karma Sonam Bhutia , Director | 9002019160 | Commerceeandindustries [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Cooperation Department,Gangtok | |||
5 | Karma Ongmu, Registrar,Head Office | 9434033233 | Coopsikkim [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
Culture Department, Gangtok | |||
6 | Smt. Pragya Singh, Chief Engineer | 9434869136 | Pragya0508 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Directorate Of Ecomonics, Statistics, Monitoring & Evaluation | |||
7 | Ms. Norzing Tsering (Secretary- Cum-Director General) | 7001515180 | Secretaryumdgesme [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Directorate Of Fisheries, Ah &Vs Department, Gangtok | |||
8 | Shri K.K. Shrestha, Director | 9883250512 | |
Deportment Of Personnel,Gangtok | |||
9 | Mrs. Kincho Doma Lepacha, Special Secretary | 9434446946 | Ecclesiasticaldepartment [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Ecclesiastical Department, Gangtok | |||
10 | Mrs. Kincho Doma Lepacha , Special Secretary | 9434446946 | Ecclesiasticaldepartment [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Election Department | |||
11 | Shri.D.Anandan,Ias( Chief Electoral Officer) | 9434241341 | Ceo Sikkim [at] Eci [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Excise Department | |||
12 | Smt. Binita Chhetri, Commissioner | 7872008110 | Comm [dot] -Excise [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Finance Department, Pension, Group Insurence& Provident Fund, Gangtok | |||
13 | Shri. Mcp Pradhan, Secretary Cum Controller Of Accounts | 9434064710 | |
Sikkim State Lottery, Finance Department | |||
14 | Mr Pawan Awasthy, Principal Director | 9434031545 | Directorskmlottery [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Food & Civil Supplies Department | |||
15 | Ms. Namrata Thapa, Secretary | 9434386022 | Secy-Food [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Home Department, Gangtok | |||
16 | Mrs.Tashi Cho Cho, Secretary | 9733348477 | Chogangtok [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Horticulture Department,Gangtok | |||
17 | Shri.Manoj Kumar Subba, Pr.Director | 9593285382 | Sikkimhorticulture [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Information & Public Relations Department | |||
18 | Shri.Umesh Sunam, Director | 8900402348 | Umeshsunam [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Information Techonology Deoartment | |||
19 | Mr. Yodendra Sharma, Secretary | 8016749462 | Secy-Dit-Sik [at] Nic [dot] In |
Labour Department, Gangtok | |||
20 | Ms. Urvashi Poudyal, Director | 9434184194 | Sikkimlabour [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Law And Parliamentary Affairs Department | |||
21 | Shri. Suraj Chettri, L.R-Cum- Secretary | 9933445423 | Lawdepartment900 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Mines & Geology Department | |||
22 | Mr. Phigu Tshering Bhutia, Director | 9933031110 | Phigoo [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Planning & Development Department | |||
23 | Mrs. Suchitra Thapa, Special Secretary | 7679906192 | Rsufhitra12 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Printing & Stationary Department | |||
24 | Shri Chopel Lepcha, Director | 9002054865 | Sikkimgovtypress [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Public Health Engineering Department | |||
25 | Shri Janga Bdr, Basnett, Chief Engineer | 9832547706 | Jbbasantt68 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
26 | Mr.Dorjee Sherpa, Bdo,Reghu | 9647857686 | Bdoreghu [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
27 | Ms. Babita Rai,Bdo Ranka | 8918941367 | Bdoranka [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
28 | Mr. Sawan Raj Dhakal, Bdo Khamdong | 9475057818 | Bdokhamdong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
29 | Mr. Sonam Palden Bhutia,Bdo Martam | 9593884701 | Bdomrtm [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
30 | Sonam Tashi Lepcha,Bdo Kabi | 9474055961 | Bdokabi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
31 | Mr. Kailash Thapa, Bdo Mangan | 9733015219 | Bdomangan [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Bacmangan2019 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
32 | Mr.Mani Kumar Rai,Bdo, Passingdong | 7384332765 | Bdopassingdong [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
33 | Mr. T.R Chettri, Bdo Chungthang | 9609872885 | Bdochungthang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
34 | Mr. Garap Dorjee Bhutia, Bhutia,Bdo Chongrang | 9733911961 | Bdochorang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
35 | Mr. Samaram Limboo,Bdo Yoksum | 9733227146 | Bdoyuksom [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
36 | Mr.Bijay Prasad Subba,Bdo Gyalishing | 8972333707 | Bdogyalshing [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
37 | Mr. Basant Moktan,Bdo Dentam | 9647787682 | Bdodentam [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
38 | Mr. Kalash Gurung, Bdo Hee Martam | 9434861755 | Bdoheemartam [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
39 | Mr. Pushkar Khatiwada, Bdo Kaluk | 9933013673 | Bdokaluk [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
40 | Mr. Robin Dong, Bdo Mangalbaria | 9635186700 | Bdomangalbarey [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
41 | Ms. Pramila Gurung, Bdo Baiguney | 9749088546 | Bacbaiguney [at] Gmail [dot] Com, Pramilagurung [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
42 | Mr. Ongdi Sherpa, Bdo Chumbong | 9851010279 | Chumbonggvk [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
43 | Mr. Shanti Kumar Sharma,Bdo Soreng | 7872971423 | Bdosoreng [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
44 | Mr. Dilip Dong, Bdo Daramdin | 7001057228 | Bdodaramdin [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
45 | Mr. T.T Gensapa, Bdo Yangang | 9593978409 | Bdoyangang06 [at] Gmail [dot] Com Tdgensapa [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
46 | Mr. Prem Kumar Subba, Bdo Temi | 9732614726 | Bdotemi [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
47 | Mr. Yogen Syangden, Bdo Namthang | 9434153115 | Bdonamthang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
48 | Mr. Nilakanth Bhandari, Bdo Sumbuk | 9474524597 | Bdomelli [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
49 | Mr.Nin Pintso Bhutia Bdo Namchi | 9434864840 | Namchibac [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
50 | Mr. Mahesh Dahal, Bdo Poklok Nadugoan | 9933979950 | Bdojorethang [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
51 | Mr. Roshan Rai,Bdo Sikkip | 9733358518 | Bdowok [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
52 | Mr. Sanjeev Rai, Bdo Ranangla | 9647874562 | Bdoravangla [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
53 | Tenzing Dorjee Denzongpa, Director Panchayat | 9733340157 / 6294483864 | Ddspanrmdd [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Roads& Bridges Department,Gangtok | |||
54 | Shri Bhola Sharma,Addditional Director (Accounts) | 9735958111 | |
55 | Shri Dibya Gurung, Additional Chief Engineer | 9434055759 | |
56 | Shri Hasta Bdr Chettri, Additional Chief Engineer ( Machinical) | 9533092074 | |
57 | Shri Namgyal Lepcha, Additional Chief Egnineer (N/H) | 9647858297 | Namgay-Yang [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
District Administrative Centre,Soreng Under Land Revenue &Disaster Management | |||
58 | Shri Bhim Thatal, Sic District Collector/District Magistrate,Soreng District | 6297149075 | Dmsorengsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Legislative Assenbly Department, Gangtok | |||
59 | Smt.Sumitra Dong, Joint Secretary (Admn.) | 9775420746 | Dong [dot] Sumitra6 [at] Gmail [dot] In |
Sikkim Police Department(Hq), Gangtok | |||
60 | Shri.Akshay Sachdeva,Ips,Sdgp,L&O | 03592-201554 | Adgplo-Phq [at] Sikkimpolice [dot] Nic [dot] In |
Sikkim Vigilance Police Deptt, Sonam Tshering Marg, Gangtok | |||
61 | Shri. A.Ksingh, Ips Director/ Vigilance | Dir-Vig-Sik [at] Nic [dot] In | |
Skill Development Department, Gangtok | |||
62 | Shri Karma Namgyal Bhutia, Secretary | 9434211111 | Secretarysded [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Social Welfare Department | |||
63 | Mr.Suman Gurung, Special Secretary | 9434110019 | Projectsjwdsikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
State Election Commission, Sikkim | |||
64 | Mr. Dushyant Pariyar, Scs Secretary | 9434491035, 9647875548 | Pariyardushyant1 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Transport Departmnet, Snt Division, Gangtok | |||
65 | Mr. Manisha Pradhan,Pce Cum Gm | 9800865539 | Gmcumstasikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Urban Development Department, Gangtok | |||
66 | Shri Hemant Rai (Scs) Additional Secretary/ Head Of Office. | 7407896459 | Raihemant196923 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes And Other Backward Classes Development Corporation Ltd.(Sabcco) | |||
67 | Mr. Tshering Ongda, Irs, Managing Director | 8902199611 | Mdsabcco [dot] Sikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Public Service Commission,Gangtok | |||
68 | Mrs.Deepa Rani Thapa,Secretary | 9434761677 | Spsc-Skm [at] Nic [dot] In |
District Collector, Gyalshing,Sikkim | |||
69 | Ms. Yishey D.Yongda, Dc,Gyalshing District | 9434164582 | Collectorwest [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Housing And Development Board | |||
70 | Mrs.Hondala Gyalsten/Secretary | 9609850005 | Skmhousingdevboard [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sidico | |||
71 | Mr.Jigme Tseten Tinyot, General Manger. | 9474651444 | Jttonyot [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
District Collector,Gangtok | |||
72 | Shri Tushar G.Nikhare (Ias),District Collector-Gangtok | 03592-284444, 9870234897 |
Dm-Gangtok [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
District Collector,Pakyong | |||
73 | Shri Tashi Chophel,Dc,Pakyong District | 9474774456 | Dm-Pakyong [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Sisco Bank, Head Office, Gangtok | |||
74 | Rukhmall Sharma, | 9733259572 | Siscobank [at] Yahoo [dot] Co [dot] In |
Administrative Reforms Commission,Gangtok | |||
75 | Mrs. K.D. Rechung, Sceretary,Arc | 9434409275 | Arc-2021 [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Gangtok Municipal Corportation,Deorali | |||
76 | Mr. R.B. Bhandari, Municipal Commissioner | 9832014743 | Gmc [dot] Sikkim [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Khadi & Village Industries Board, Deorali, Gangtok | |||
77 | Shri. Gyurmie Yousal, Pr. Chief Executive Officer | 9434339096 | Gyousal [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
District Collector, Namchi | |||
78 | Shri. M. Bharani Kumaar,Ias District Collector-Cum- Magistrate,Namchi | 9474333770 | Dm [dot] Namchi [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Sikkim State Human Rights Commission, Gangtok, And Development Area | |||
79 | Shri Suraj Chettri,Ssjs, Secretary | 9933445423 | Chettrisuraj28 [at] Yahoo [dot] Com |
State Bank Of Sikkim, Gangtok | |||
80 | Phurba Wangdi Bhutia, Md | 8967207219 | Pwangdi [at] Statebankofsikkim [dot] Com |
81 | Jigmee Wangchuk Bhutia, Additional Director | 9733480001 | Jigmee50 [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
Sikkim Stae Electricity Regulartory Commission (Sserc) | |||
82 | Palchen D.Chaktha | 9733151828 | Palchen [dot] Sserc [at] Gmail [dot] Com |
State Pollution Control Board- Sikkim | |||
83 | Shri Nima Wangdi Tamang, Chief Conservator Of Forest, ( Hq) | 9434153023 | Pccf-Fewd [at] Sikkim [dot] Gov [dot] In |
Sikkim Information Commission,
NH 10, Opposite Super Market Gangtok,
Sikkim - 737101
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