Tirunelveli District All Important Contact No.

Tamil Nadu District Contacts Toll free Number(s):
Official Website Important Links
Helpline Numbers
Sr.No. | Emergency | Contact |
1 | Collectorate Board | 0462-2501035 |
2 | Ambulance (National Highways) | 1073 |
3 | Railway Helpline | 1512 |
4 | Coastal Helpline | 1093 |
5 | Traffic Police | 103 |
Telephone Directory
Sr.No. | Designation | Contact/Email |
District Level Officer | ||
1 | District Collector | 0462-2501222, 0462-2501033, 0462-2501034, 0462-2501035, collrtnv@nic.in |
2 | District Revenue Officer | 0462-2500466, drotnv@nic.in |
3 | Personal Assistant (General) to District Collector | 0462-2500224, pagtirunelveli@gmail.com |
4 | Personal Assistant (Accounts) to District Collector | 0462-2501032, nellaipatocollector@gmail.com |
5 | Assistant Commissioner (Excise) | 0462-2500618, acexcisetnv@gmail.com |
6 | District Supply and Consumer Protection Officer | 0462-2500761, dso.tnv@tn.gov.in |
7 | District Backward and Minorities Welfare Officer | 0462-2501141, dbcwtnv@nic.in |
8 | District AdiDravidar and Tribal Welfare Officer | 0462-2501074, dadwtnv@nic.in |
9 | Special Deputy Collector (Social Security Scheme -SSS) | 0462-2502968, sdcsss.tntnv@nic.in |
10 | Personal Assistant (Land) to District Collector | 0462-2501032, land.tnv@gmail.com |
11 | Personal Assistant (Election) to District Collector | 0462-2501181, deo_tirunelveli@yahoo.co.in |
12 | Special Deputy Collector (River Water Linking Project) | 0462-2501032, landacquisitiontnk@gmail.com |
13 | Special Deputy Collector (Stamps) | 0462-2502515, sdctveli2015@gmail.com |
14 | District Inspection Cell Officer | 0462-2501032, inspecticotvl@gmail.com |
15 | Assistant Director(Audit) | 0462-2501293, adaudit.tntvl@gmail.com |
16 | Assistant Director(Panchayats) | 0462-2501279, advptnv@gmail.com |
17 | Personal Assistant to Collector (Panchayat Development) | 0462-2501036, papdtnv@gmail.com |
18 | Regional Transport Officer (RTO), Tirunelveli | 0462-2552555, rtotn76@nic.in |
19 | Motor Vehicle Inspector, Vallioor | 04637-223352, rtotn72v@nic.in |
20 | Motor Vehicle Inspector Ambasamudram | 04634-253148, rtotn76v@nic.in |
21 | Project Director | 0462-2500611, drdatvl@yahoo.com |
22 | Personal Assistant to Collector (Noon Meal) | 0462-2500768, panmp1964@gmail.com |
23 | District Panchayat Secretary (District Panchayat) | 0462-2521977, dpotnv2013@gmail.com |
24 | Personal Assistant to Collector (Small Savings) | 0462-2500022, pasmallsavings@gmail.com |
25 | Assistant Director of Rural Development (Audit) | 0462-2501293, adaudit.tntvl@gmail.com |
Revenue Divisional Office | ||
26 | Sub Collector, Cheranmahadevi | 04634-260124, rdocheranmahadevi@gmail.com |
27 | Revenue Divisional Officer, Tirunelveli | 0462-2501333, rdotirunelveli@gmail.com |
Taluk Office | ||
28 | Tahsildar, Thisayanvilai | 04637-271001, 9384094224, tahsildartisaiyanvilai2018@gmail.com |
29 | Tahsildar, Cheranmahadevi | 04634-260007, 9384094223, cheraitaluk@gmail.com |
30 | Tahsildar, Manur | 0462-2485100, 9384094222, tahsildarmanur1@gmail.com |
31 | Tahsildar, Radhapuram | 04637-254122, 9445000674, radhapuramtaluk@gmail.com |
32 | Tahsildar, Nanguneri | 04635-250123, 9445000673, talukofficenanguneri123@gmail.com |
33 | Tahsildar, Ambasamudram | 04634-250348, 9445000672, ambaitaluk2019@gmail.com |
34 | Tahsildar, Palayamkottai | 0462-2500086, 9445000669, palaitaluk@gmail.com |
35 | Tahsildar Tirunelveli | 0462-2333169, 9445000671, nellaitaluk@gmail.com |
Block Development Office | ||
36 | Block Development Officer, Ambasamudram | 04634-250397, 7402608463, tnvasdm.tnbdo@nic.in |
37 | Block Development Officer, Kalakad | 04635-265532, 7402608482, tnvkkdu.tnbdo@nic.in |
38 | Block Development Officer, Cheranamahadevi | 04634-260131, 7402608467, che26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
39 | Block Development Officer, Manur | 0462-2485123, 7402608448, tnvmnur.tnbdo@nic.in |
40 | Block Development Officer, Nanguneri | 04635-250229, 7402608478, tnvngri.tnbdo@nic.in |
41 | Block Development Officer, Palayamkottai | 0462-2572092, 7402608444, tnvpkti.tnbdo@nic.in |
42 | Block Development Officer, Pappakudi | 04634-274540, 7402608471, tnvpkdi.tnbdo@nic.in |
43 | Block Development Officer, Radhapuram | 04637-254125, 7402608488, tnvrprm.tnbdo@nic.in |
44 | Block Development Officer, Valliyoor | 04637-220242, 7402608485, tnvvlyr.tnbdo@nic.in |
BDO Village Panchayat | ||
45 | Valliyoor | 04634-250397, 7402608486, val26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
46 | Radhapuram | 04637-254125, 7402608489, bdoradha@gmail.com |
47 | Pappakudi | 04634-274540, 7402608472, pap26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
48 | Palayamkottai | 0462-2572092, 7402608445, pal26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
49 | Nanguneri | 04635-250229, 7402608479, bdonan26_drda@yahoo.com |
50 | Manur | 0462-2485123, 7402608449, man26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
51 | Kalakad | 04635-265532, 7402608483, kal26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
52 | Cheranmahadevi | 04634-260131, 7402608468, che26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
53 | Ambasamudram | 04634-250397, 7402608464, amb26_drda@yahoo.co.in |
Town Panchayats | ||
54 | Executive Officer, Cheranmahadevi | 04639-273199, 8925809700, cheranmahadevitp@gmail.com |
55 | Executive Officer, Eruvadi | 04639-280284, 8925809701, eruvaditp@gmail.com |
56 | Executive Officer, Gopalasamudram | 04639-238332, 8925809702, eogopalasamudram@gmail.com |
57 | Executive Officer Kallidaikurichi | 04630-271543, 8925809703, eotpkallidaikurichi@gmail.com |
58 | Executive Officer, Manimuthar | 04632-271271, 8925809704, eotpmanimuthar2011@gmail.com |
59 | Executive Officer, Melaseval | 04632-246560, 8925809705, eomelaseval@gmail.com |
60 | Executive Officer, Moolaikaraipatti | 04632-251344, 8925809706, eotpmoolakaraipatti@gmail.com |
61 | Executive Officer, Mukkudal | 04639-223220, 8925809707, mukkudalpanchayat@gmail.com |
62 | Executive Officer, Nanguneri | 04632-261348, 8925809708, eotpnanguneri@gmail.com |
63 | Executive Officer, Naranammalpuram | 04639-277282, 8925809709, eotpnaranammalpuram@gmail.com |
64 | Executive Officer, Panagudi | 04630-271184, 8925809710, panaguditp@gmail.com |
65 | Executive Officer, Pathamadai | 04638-252457, 8925809711, pathamadaitp@gmail.com |
66 | Executive Officer, Sankar Nagar | 04639-266542, 8925809712, eosankarnagartown@gmail.com |
67 | Executive Officer, Thirukkurungudi | 04630-273462, 8925809713, eotpthirukurangudi@gmail.com |
68 | Executive Officer, Tisayanvilai | 04630-255873, 8925809714, eothisaiyan627657@gmail.com |
69 | Executive Officer, Vadakku Vallioor | 04639-273068, 8925809715, eotpvadakkuvallioor@gmail.com |
70 | Executive Officer, Veeravanallur | 04639-250016, 8925809716, eotpveeravanallur@gmail.com |
Police Department-Rural-Head Quarter | ||
71 | Superintendent of Police Tirunelveli Chamber | 0462-2568020, 9498110033 |
72 | Superintendent of Police Camp Office | 0462-2568022 |
73 | Special Branch | 0462-2568026 |
74 | Special Branch | 0462-2568027 |
75 | Special Branch Inspector | 0462-2568025, 9498197345 |
76 | PA to Superintendent of Police | 0462-2568023, 9498192148 |
77 | Scientific Office | 0462-2572675 |
78 | District Crime Branch (DCB) | 0462-2568032 |
79 | Master Control Room | 0462-2562500 |
80 | Master Control-Room | 0462-2562668 |
81 | Master Control Room | 0462-2562669 |
82 | Economic Offcence Wing (EOW) | 0462-2561540 |
83 | Anti Land Grabing Special Cell (ALGSC) | 0462-2568003 |
84 | Social Justice and Human Rights Unit (SJ And HR) | 0462-2568033 |
85 | Information Technology Cell | 0462-2562665 |
86 | Information Technology Cell | 0462-2562667 |
87 | ADSP PEW | 0462-2562663 |
88 | ADSP HQRS | 0462-2580411 |
89 | District Crime Record Bureau (DCRB) | 0462-2568024 |
90 | Single Digit Finger Print Bureau (SDFPB) | 0462-2580047 |
91 | CIU/Tin | 0462-2554375 |
92 | Police Ratio Branch Message Transmission | 0462-2568035 |
Police Department-Rural-Sub Divisions Level | ||
93 | Suthamalli Police Station | 0462-2342625, 9498102199 |
94 | Kallidaikurichi Circle Police Station | 04634-250404, 9486806652 |
95 | Kallidaikurichi Police Station | 04634-250404, 9486806652 |
96 | Pappakudi Police Station | 04634-274550, 9498172399 |
97 | V.K.Puram Police Station | 04634-220330, 9498192560 |
98 | Kalakkadu Police Station | 04635-260530, 9498104989 |
99 | Thalaiyuthu Police Station | 0462-2300264, 9498195538 |
100 | Gangaikondan Police Station | 0462-2486144, 9498196818 |
101 | Seevalaperi Police Station | 0462-2483116, 9498193247 |
102 | Tin-Taluk Police Station | 0462-2541520, 9442182288 |
103 | Sivanthipatti Police Station | 0462-2532704, 9443544040 |
104 | Manur Police Station | 0462-2485122, 8300002102 |
105 | Devarkulam Police Station | 04636-286135, 9498193174 |
106 | Tin-AWPS Police Station | 0462-2568034, 9498191496 |
107 | Nanguneri Circle Police Station | 04635-250112, 8300060841 |
108 | Nanguneri Police Station | 04635-250112, 8300060841 |
109 | Moolakaraipatti Police Station | 04635-258156, 9498135090 |
110 | Moontradaippu Police Station | 04635-257117, 9498210090 |
111 | Eruvadi Police Station | 04637-240134, 9498193001 |
112 | Thirukurungudi Police Station | 04635-265036, 9498210065 |
113 | Vijayanarayanam Police Station | 04635-255148, 9498131882 |
114 | AWPS Nanguneri Police Station | 04635-250761, 9498194727 |
115 | Vallioor Police Station | 04637-220256, 9498192444 |
116 | Panagudy Police Station | 04637-245144, 9498198443 |
117 | Palavoor Police Station | 04637-288527,9498210097 |
118 | Tisayanvilai Police Station | 04637-271366, 9443726523 |
119 | Rathapuram Police Station | 04637-254124, 9498190979 |
120 | Ovari Police Station | 04637-277126, 9498104851 |
121 | KoodanKulam Police Station | 04637-250150, 8300064001 |
122 | AWPS Vallioor Police Station | 04637-222755, 9498196009 |
123 | Ambasamudram Police Station | 04634-250346, 9498196797 |
124 | Manjolai Police Station | 04634-251404, 9486806652 |
125 | AWPS Ambasamudram Police Station | 04634-255380, 9498192177 |
126 | Pathamadai Police Station | 04634-260165, 9498195599 |
127 | Muneerpallam Police Station | 0462-2352405, 9443808277 |
128 | Vallioor Traffic Police Station | 04637-223483, 9498192444 |
129 | Kallidaikurichi Circle Police Station | 04634-250404, 9486806652 |
130 | Veeravanallur Police Station | 04634-287240, 9498193270 |
131 | Mukkudal Police Station | 04634-274558, 9498119959 |
132 | Seethaparbanallur Police Station | 04622-487122 |
133 | Cheranmahadevi Police Station | 04634-260125, 9498195599 |
134 | Panaivadalichatram Police Station | 04636-270135 |
Treasury | ||
135 | Assistant Treasury Officer, Tirunelveli Town | 0462-2322931, stotnv09.tndta@nic.in |
136 | Assistant Treasury Officer, Tirunelveli Junction | 0462-2322932, stotnv08.tndta@nic.in |
137 | Assistant Treasury Officer, Radhapuram | 04637-295789, stotnv12.tndta@nic.in |
138 | Assistant Treasury Officer, Palayamkottai | 0462-2500616, stotnv03.tndta@nic.in |
139 | Assistant Treasury Officer, Nanguneri | 04635-250374, stotnv02.tndta@nic.in |
140 | Assistant Treasury Officer, Cheranmahadevi | 04634-260566, stotnv07.tndta@nic.in |
141 | Assistant Treasury Officer, Ambasamudram | 04634-255500, stotnv01.tndta@nic.in |
142 | Treasury Officer, Tirunelveli | 0462-2500619, dtotnv.tndta@nic.in |
Public Utilities Services
Sr.No. | Name | IFSC | Contact | Address | |
1 | Indian Overseas Bank, Maharajanagar | IOBA0000292 | 0462-2572699 | mahabr@tirsco.iobnet.co.in | A63, 5th Cross Street, Maharaja Nagar, Tirunelveli-627011 |
2 | State Bank of India, Sripuram | SBIN0000932 | 0462-2332690, 0462-2331431 | sbi.00932@sbi.co.in | S.N.High Road, Sripuram, Tirunelveli |
Other Departments
Sr.No. | Name | Contact/Email | Address |
Police Stations | |||
1 | Police Station, Palayamkottai | 0462-2568037, 9498101731, sho.palayamkottai@tncctns.gov.in |
Church Street, Palayamkottai-627002 |
2 | Police Station, Tirunelveli Bridge | 0462-2329044, 9498101726, sho.tintown@tncctns.gov.in |
Near Junction Bridge, Tirunelveli-627001 |
Muncipality | |||
3 | Ambasamudram Municipality | commr.ambasamudram@tn.gov.in | 149, Pudhugramam Street, Ambasamudram, Tamil Nadu, Pin-627401 |
4 | Kalakad Municipality | commr.kalakadu@tn.gov.in | Kovilpathu Devar Street, Cheranmahadevi-Nagercoil Main Road, Kalakad - 627 501, Nanguneri Taluk, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu |
5 | Vikramasingapuram Municipality | 04634-220343, commr.vikramasingapuram@tn.gov.in |
Near Three Lamp Bus Stop, Vickramasingapuram, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, Pin-627425 |
Postal | |||
6 | Palayamkottai Post Office | 0462-2568064 | English Church Street, Palayamkottai-627002 |
7 | Tirunelveli Head Post Office | 0462-2322816 | Sripuram, Tirunelveli-627001 |
Hospitals | |||
8 | Government Hospital, Tenkasi | 04633-281161 | Kodikurichi-Tenkasi Road, Tenkasi-627811 |
9 | Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital, Highground | 0462-2572944 | Highground, Tirunelveli-627011 |
Departments Contacts
Co-operation, Food And Consumer Protection Department
Sr.No. | Name | Contact | Address |
1 | Joint Registrar (Full Additional Charge) | 0462-2560575 | Office Of the Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, No.1, Meighnana Street, Tirunelveli |
2 | Deputy Registrar, Tirunelveli | 0462-2530970 | 6/60, 6th Cross Street, Perumalpuram, Tirunelveli-7 |
3 | Deputy Registrar, Cheranmahadevi | 04634-261976 | 18B, Sannathi Street, Railway feeder Road, Cheranmahadevi |
4 | Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System), Tirunelveli | 0462-2560513 | No.1, Meighnana Street, Tirunelveli |
Livelihood Facilitation Centre
Sr.No. | Name | Address | |
1 | Livelihood Facilitation Centre | lfctirunelveli@gmail.com | Ground Floor, District Collectorate, Tirunelveli |
Other Departments
Sr.No. | Designation | |
Agriculture – Farmers Welfare Department | ||
1 | Joint Director | agritnv@gmail.com, agritnv@nic.in |
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) | ||
2 | Additional Chief Educational Officer, | 9788859059,
0462-2502223, dpctnv06@yahoo.co.in |
3 | Assistant Project Officer | 9788859060 |
4 | Statistical Officer | 9788859061 |
5 | District Coordinator – Training | 9788859064 |
6 | District Coordinator – OSC | 9788859066 |
7 | District Coordinator- UDISE | 9788859065 |
8 | District Coordinator – QMT | 9788859067 |
9 | District Coordinator – IED | 9788859063 |
10 | District Coordinator – CIVIL | 9788859087 |
11 | District Coordinator – MDO | 9788859062 |
12 | Accounts and Audit Manager | 9788859068 |
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department | ||
13 | Project Director | 9443150326, 0462-2500611, drdatvl@yahoo.com |
Special School for Differently Abled Persons
Sr.No. | Name | Contact |
1 | School for the Blind, Palayamkottai | 0462-2574967 |
2 | Flowerence Swainson Higher Seconday School for the Deaf, Palayamkottai | 0462-2573267 |
3 | Gandhi Gram shanthi Higher Seconday School for the Deaf, Sivasailam | 04634 -283344 |
4 | Scad Special School for the Cerebral Palsy, Autism And Multiple Disabilities, Cheranmahadevi | 04634-260216 |
5 | St.Anne’s Rehabilitation Centre for the Mentally Handicaped, Palayamkottai | 0462-2578790 |
6 | Annai Jothi Seva Trust Special School for the Intellectual Disabled, Adayakarunkulam | 04634-222056 |
7 | Bishop Sargent Home for the Mentally Retarded, Palayamkottai | 0462-2502373 |
8 | Sangamam school for Special Children,Amar Seva Sangam, Ayikudi | 04633-267170 |
9 | CSI St.Paul’s Mentally Retarded School And Home, Sankarankovil | 04636-222210 |
10 | Padmashri Dr.B..Sivanthi Adhithanar Mentally Retarded Children School,Vasudevanallur | 04636-241068 |
11 | Asha Kiran Ashram, Home And School for the Mentally Retarded, Pottalpudur | 04634-350848 |
12 | Mother Scholastica Mentally Retarded Residential School, Anaikkarai | 04637-286607 |
13 | Angel Special School for the Mentally Challenged, Mannarpuram | 9487481777 |
14 | Gifted Rehabilitation Centre, Palayamkottai | 9842583666 |
15 | Mitra School for Autism | 9840064705 |
Early Intervention Centres | ||
16 | EIC Centre for Deaf, Palayamkottai | 0462-2560818 |
17 | EIC Centre for the Mentally Retarded, Maharajanagar, Palayamkottai | 0462-2578790 |
18 | Diya Trust for Autism, Thiyagarajanagar, Palayamkottai | 9840064705 |
Special Home | ||
19 | Mercy Home,Anaikkarai | 04637-286607 |
20 | Bishop Sargent Home for the Mentaly Retarded (Male) Tukkarammalpuram,Tirunelveli | 0462-2502355 |
21 | Bishop Sargent Home for the Mentaly Retarded (Female) Tukkarammalpuram,Tirunelveli | 0462-2502373 |
22 | Bishop Sargent Anbin Illam MI Home,Tirunelveli | 0462-2502373 |
23 | Mayopathy Kapagam, Veeravanallur | 7373000111 |
24 | Deva Mentaly Retarded Home,Moontradaipu | 9443209038 |
25 | Anbu Illam MI Home,Vadakarai,Shenkottai | 9487348690 |
26 | Balasaranya MI Home,Tharuvai | 9842188254 |
27 | Bishop Sargent MI Home for Women | 0462-4562373 |
28 | Bishop Sargent MI Home for Men | 0462-2500773 |
Officers Contact Details
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact | |
1 | Dr. K. P. Karthikeyan I.A.S., | District Collector | 0462-2501035 | collrtnv@nic.in |
2 | Thiru.N.Silambarasan T.P.S | Superintendent of Police Tirunelveli | 0462-2568020 | sp.tin@tncctns.gov.in |
3 | Tmt.M.Suganya,B.Tech., | District Revenue Officer | 0462-2500466 | drotnv@nic.in |
4 | Dr.S.Suresh,B.V.SC., | Joint Director / Project Director DRDA | 0462-2500611 | drdatnv@nic.in |
Department Wise PIO/Appellate Authority
Sr.No. | Departmnet | Public Information Officer | Appellate Authority | Contact/Email | Address |
1 | Development Collectorate | Huzur Sarishtadar (Development) | P.A. to Collector (Development) | 0462-2501036, dev@nellai.tn.nic.in | Collector's Office, (Development) Kokkirakulam, Tirunelvel-9 |
2 | District Rural Development Agency | Assistant Project Officer, Project Officer | Project Officer, DRDA/Collector | 0462-2500611, 0462-2500378, drdatnv@tn.nic.in, drdatvl@yahoo.com | Project Office, DRDA, Kokkirakulam, Tirunelveli-9 |
3 | Panchayat Collectorate | Superintendent | Assistant Director of Rural Development | 0462-2573219 | Assistant Director of Rural Development (Panchayat) office, Tirunelveli |
4 | Audit Collectorate | Superintendent | Assistant Director (Audit) | 0462-2501293 | Collectorate, Kokkirakulam, Tirunelveli-9 |
5 | Small Savings Collectorate | Field Officer | P.A. (Small Savings) to Collector | 0462-2500022 | Assistant Director of Small Savings and Ex office P.A. to Collector (SS and R) Tirunelveli |
6 | District Panchayat | Superintendent, O/o. the District Panchayat | Secretary, O/o. the District Panchayat | 0462-2521977 | District Panchayat Secretary, O/o. the District Panchayat, K.T.C Nagar Tirunelveli-11 |
For Public Grievance
- If you have any query/complaint, then you can lodge your complaint to Tamil Nadu CM Helpline Portal
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