Tumkur Bus Stand Enquiry No. 97414 95772

All India Number(s): 
  • 080-2625 2625 (New No. - Call Center for all Enquiry / Grievances / Refund Claims)
  • 080-2222 1321 (Ext. 283, Failed Transaction Queries)
  • 77609-90034 (Awatar Cell between 7:00 am-10 pm, for any booking related query / assistance)
  • 77609-90035 (Booking/Ticket online related queries)


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Bus Stations

Bus Stand Contact No.
Tumkur Bus
Stand Enquiry No.

Refunds for online / mobile bookings (Accounts Dept.)

Refunds for cancelled tickets will be automatically credited to user's account within seven working days.
If refund is not received within seven days, users are requested to send email to onlinerefund@ksrtc.org 
(Accounts Section) quoting OB No. OR PNR no. of cancelled ticket.

Contact numbers: 080-22220386 and 080-22221321 Ext. 283, during office hours on all working days
(between 10:00 am - 5:30 pmhrs on Monday-Fridays and 10:00 am 1:30 pm hrs on Saturdays).

Division Contact Details

Tele/Fax : 0816-2257149
Email : dctmk@ksrtc.org / aotmk@ksrtc.org
Division Contact No.
1 Gubbi - Bus stand 9741496840
2 Dabaspet - Bus stand 9741496839
3 Koratagere- Bus Stand 9741497032
4 Kunigal- Bus Stand 9741497033
5 Madhugiri- Bus Stand 9741496881
6 K.B.Cross - Bus stand 9741498563
7 Turuvekere - Bus stand 9741495773
8 Sira- Bus stand 9741496880
9 TC-KBS Bus Stand
10 Tiptur - Bus Stand 7760990953
11 Chikkanayakanahalli - Bus Stand 9606483563
12 Divisional Controller 7760990900
13 Divisional Mechanical Engineer 7760990901
14 Divisional Traffic Officer 7760990902
15 Asst Administrative Officer 7760990903
16 Dy.Chief Security & vigilance officer 7760990904
17 Asst Accounts Officer 7760990905
18 Labour & Welfare Officer 7760990906
19 Assistant Executive Engineer 7760990907
20 Assistant Law Officer 7760990908
21 Stores Officer 7760990909
22 Asst Statistical Officer 7760990910
23 Assistant Traffic Manager(D/O) 7760990911
24 Divisional Works Superintendent 7760990912
25 Divisional Security Inspector 7760990920
26 Asst Traff Supt - Div Traffic Section 7022029983
27 Supervisor-Default Section 9606483561
28 Supervisor-EST Section 9606483562
29 Statistical Section (D/O) 7760990921
30 System Supr 7760973093
31 DC PA 7760990922
32 Depot Manager - Tumakuru -01 7760990913
33 Depot Manager -
Tumakuru Depot-2
34 Depot Manager - Kunigal 7760990914
35 Depot Manager - Turvekere 7760990915
36 Depot Manager - Tiptur 7760990917
37 Depot Manager - Mdhugiri 7349418324
38 Depot Manager - Sira 7760990916
39 AWS/Chargman - TMK Depot-1 7760990919
40 ATS/TI - Tumakuru Depot-1 7022029975
41 ATS/TI - Tumakuru Depot-2 7022029976
42 ATS/TI - Turuvekere Depot 7022029979
43 ATS/TI - Tiptur Depot 7022029981
44 ATS/TI - Kunigal Depot 9741497825
45 ATS/TI - Mdhugiri Depot 7349418309
46 ATS/TI - Sira Depot 7022029980
47 AWS/Chargman - Mdhugiri Depot 7349418325
48 Security Section - Mdhugiri Depot 7349418315
49 Store Keeper - Divisional Stor Secition 9741498482
50 Tumakuru Stand Incharge 9741495772


Karnataka State Road
Transport Corporation
Central Office,
Post Bag No-2778, KH Road,
Shanthinagar, Bengaluru-560027.

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