Tumkur Bus Stand Enquiry No. 97414 95772

Company Name:
Karnataka State Road Transport Corp (KSRTC) All India Number(s):
- 080-2625 2625 (New No. - Call Center for all Enquiry / Grievances / Refund Claims)
- 080-2222 1321 (Ext. 283, Failed Transaction Queries)
- 77609-90034 (Awatar Cell between 7:00 am-10 pm, for any booking related query / assistance)
- 77609-90035 (Booking/Ticket online related queries)
Official Website Emails
- customercare@ksrtc.in (Customer Care Support)
- onlinerefund@ksrtc.org (Online Refunds Queries)
- online.support@ksrtc.in (For e-Ticketing/Refund Related Queries)
- awatar@ksrtc.org (Suggestions / Grievances related to advance booking)
- ctmopn@ksrtc.org (For Bus cancelled, Bus breakdown, change in class of service,
complaints against operating crew / counter staff / booking agents) - cmem@ksrtc.org (Grievances related to the bus / vehicle related issues such as
cleanliness, display of boards, torn seats etc.)
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Important Links
Bus Stations
Bus Stand | Contact No. |
Tumkur Bus Stand Enquiry No. |
9741495772 |
Refunds for online / mobile bookings (Accounts Dept.)
Refunds for cancelled tickets will be automatically credited to user's account within seven working days.
If refund is not received within seven days, users are requested to send email to onlinerefund@ksrtc.org
(Accounts Section) quoting OB No. OR PNR no. of cancelled ticket.
Contact numbers: 080-22220386 and 080-22221321 Ext. 283, during office hours on all working days
(between 10:00 am - 5:30 pmhrs on Monday-Fridays and 10:00 am 1:30 pm hrs on Saturdays).
Division Contact Details
Tele/Fax : 0816-2257149Email : dctmk@ksrtc.org / aotmk@ksrtc.org
Sr. No. |
Division | Contact No. |
1 | Gubbi - Bus stand | 9741496840 |
2 | Dabaspet - Bus stand | 9741496839 |
3 | Koratagere- Bus Stand | 9741497032 |
4 | Kunigal- Bus Stand | 9741497033 |
5 | Madhugiri- Bus Stand | 9741496881 |
6 | K.B.Cross - Bus stand | 9741498563 |
7 | Turuvekere - Bus stand | 9741495773 |
8 | Sira- Bus stand | 9741496880 |
9 | TC-KBS Bus Stand (BNG-TMK-NON STOP) |
7022029984 |
10 | Tiptur - Bus Stand | 7760990953 |
11 | Chikkanayakanahalli - Bus Stand | 9606483563 |
12 | Divisional Controller | 7760990900 |
13 | Divisional Mechanical Engineer | 7760990901 |
14 | Divisional Traffic Officer | 7760990902 |
15 | Asst Administrative Officer | 7760990903 |
16 | Dy.Chief Security & vigilance officer | 7760990904 |
17 | Asst Accounts Officer | 7760990905 |
18 | Labour & Welfare Officer | 7760990906 |
19 | Assistant Executive Engineer | 7760990907 |
20 | Assistant Law Officer | 7760990908 |
21 | Stores Officer | 7760990909 |
22 | Asst Statistical Officer | 7760990910 |
23 | Assistant Traffic Manager(D/O) | 7760990911 |
24 | Divisional Works Superintendent | 7760990912 |
25 | Divisional Security Inspector | 7760990920 |
26 | Asst Traff Supt - Div Traffic Section | 7022029983 |
27 | Supervisor-Default Section | 9606483561 |
28 | Supervisor-EST Section | 9606483562 |
29 | Statistical Section (D/O) | 7760990921 |
30 | System Supr | 7760973093 |
31 | DC PA | 7760990922 |
32 | Depot Manager - Tumakuru -01 | 7760990913 |
33 | Depot Manager - Tumakuru Depot-2 |
7760990935 |
34 | Depot Manager - Kunigal | 7760990914 |
35 | Depot Manager - Turvekere | 7760990915 |
36 | Depot Manager - Tiptur | 7760990917 |
37 | Depot Manager - Mdhugiri | 7349418324 |
38 | Depot Manager - Sira | 7760990916 |
39 | AWS/Chargman - TMK Depot-1 | 7760990919 |
40 | ATS/TI - Tumakuru Depot-1 | 7022029975 |
41 | ATS/TI - Tumakuru Depot-2 | 7022029976 |
42 | ATS/TI - Turuvekere Depot | 7022029979 |
43 | ATS/TI - Tiptur Depot | 7022029981 |
44 | ATS/TI - Kunigal Depot | 9741497825 |
45 | ATS/TI - Mdhugiri Depot | 7349418309 |
46 | ATS/TI - Sira Depot | 7022029980 |
47 | AWS/Chargman - Mdhugiri Depot | 7349418325 |
48 | Security Section - Mdhugiri Depot | 7349418315 |
49 | Store Keeper - Divisional Stor Secition | 9741498482 |
50 | Tumakuru Stand Incharge | 9741495772 |
Karnataka State Road
Transport Corporation
Central Office,
Post Bag No-2778, KH Road,
Shanthinagar, Bengaluru-560027.
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