Vinoba Bhave University Contact No. 89877 91007
All India Number(s):
- 06546-270 982 (For Support)
- 89877 91007 (Alternate Contact Support)
- 94313 67018 (Query)
- 75203 81245 (Exam Helpline No.)
Official Website Emails
- bkgvbu59 [at] gmail [dot] com (Contact Support)
- ce [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in (Alternate Contact Support)
- registrar [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in (Query)
- vbuexamform [at] gmail [dot] com (Exam Enquiry)
Examination Helpline Numbers
- 7520381245, 8252642652, 9431326699, 7992303904
Administrative Contacts
S. N. |
Designation | Name | Number | |
1 | Vice Chancellor | Dr. Mukul Narayan Deo | 8987791005 | vc [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Pro Vice Chancellor | - | - | pvc [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Financial Advisor | Sri Sunil Kumar Singh (I.R.A.S) | 8840308963 | fa [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in sunil [dot] sao [dot] ner [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | DSW | Dr. Amber Khatoon | 8987791008 9934556022 |
dsw [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Proctor | Prof. (Dr.) Mithilesh Kumar Singh | 7488220675 7463041969 |
proctor [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | CCDC | Dr. R.N.Sinha | 8987791013 9931302350 |
ccdc [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in rajendra_sinha [at] yahoo [dot] com |
7 | Registrar | Dr. Birendra Kumar Gupta | 9431367018 | registrar [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in, bkgvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Finance Officer | Sri Surendra Prasad Kushwaha | 9430387878 | fo [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
9 | Controller Of Examination | Dr. Gouri Shankar Tiwari | 9431326699 | ce [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
10 | Assistant Registrar I | Sri Anil Kumar Oraon | 9431531212 | ar1 [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
11 | Assistant Registrar II | Dr.Kumar Vikas | 8340392633 | ar2 [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Contact Details For UG Admission
- Ph: 7903891795, 9955390253
- Time: 10:30am-5:00pm
S. No. |
सम्बन्धित जिला | विश्वविधालय/महाविधालय का नाम | नाम | नंबर |
1 | हजारीबाग | विनोबा भावे हजारीबाग | राहुल राणा विकास कुमार |
7004642225 8863094219 |
2 | कोडरमा | जे० जे० कॉलेज झुमरी तिलैया | दीपक द्विवेदी | 7260899246 |
3 | रामगढ़ | रामगढ़ कॉलेज, रामगढ़ | तारिक अनवर | 7488545476 |
4 | चतरा | चतरा कॉलेज, चतरा | प्रसुन्न कुमार | 7903704914 |
5 | गिरिडीह | आर० कें० महिला कॉलेज, गिरिडीह | सहदेव कुमार यादव | 7304904547 |
Telephone Directory
Officers Contact Details
S. N. |
Designation | Name | Office | Residence | |
1 | Vice-Chancellor | Dr.Mukul Narayan Deo | 06546-264279 | 8987791005
8692880479 06546-262342 06546-264066 |
vc [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Pro Vice-Chancellor | 06546-264724 | 06546-262301 | pvc [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
3 | Financial Advisor | Sri Sunil Kumar Singh | 06546-262628 | 8840308963 | fa [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | D.S.W. | Dr. Amber Khatoon | 06546-263255 | 8987791008 9934556022 |
dsw [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Proctor | Dr. Mithlesh Kumar Singh | - | 7488220675 | proctor [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | C.C.D.C. | Dr.R.N.Sinha | 06546-265000 | 8987791013 9931302350 |
ccdc [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in rajendra_sinha [at] yahoo [dot] com |
7 | Registrar | Dr. Birendra Kumar Gupta | 06546-270982 | 9431367018 | registrar [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in, bkgvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Finance Officer | Sri Surendra Prasad Kushwaha |
06546-270983 | 9430387878 | fo [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
9 | Controller of Examinations |
Dr. Gauri Shankar Tiwari | 8987791012 9431326699 7992303904 |
ce [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
10 | Assistant Registrar | Dr. Kumar Vikas | 8340392633 9835717670 |
ar2 [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
11 | Assistant Registrar | Anil Kumar Oraon | 9431531212 | ar1 [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in | |
12 | NSS Co-odinator-I | Dr. Johny Ruphina Tirkey | 8986705960 | ruphina1981 [at] gmail [dot] com nss [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
13 | Development Officer | Dr. Chandrashekhar Singh | 9431796210 | developmentofficer [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Deans Contact Deatails
S. N. |
Faculty | Name | Contact No. | |
1 | Commerce | Dr. Md. MokhtarAlam | 8986643324 | deancommerce [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Humanities | Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Singh | 7488220675 | deanhumanities [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | Science | Dr. R.N. Sinha | 8987791013 | deanscience [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Social Sciences | Dr. (Smt.) Namita Gupta | 9431794403 | deansocialscience [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | Ayurvedic | Prof. (Dr.) Amitabh Kumar | 9431114617 | drkumaramitabh [at] gmail [dot] com deanayurvedic [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
8 | Engineering | Dr. D.K.Singh | 9431445854 | deanengineering [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
9 | Medicine | Prof. (Dr). Sushil Kumar Singh | 9934517600 | - |
Heads Contact Deatail
S. No. |
Head of Department |
Name | Contact No. | |
1 | Anthropology | Dr. Johny Ruphina Tirkey |
8986705960 | ruphina1981 [at] gmail [dot] com hodanthropology [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Botany | Dr. Tripurari Raj | 9431925251 | hodbotany [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbubotany [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Chemistry | Dr. Indrajit Kumar | 9835584080 | hodchemistry [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Commerce | Dr. Md. Mokhtar Alam | 9470504783 | hodcommerce [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbucommerce [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Economics | Dr. Prakash Chandra Deogharia |
9431375359 | hodeconomics [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbu [dot] economics [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | English | Dr. Sarita Singh | 7667877842 | singh [dot] sarita2007 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Geography | Dr. Saroj Kumar Singh | 8789397772 | hodgeography [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in deptgeogvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Geology | Dr. H.N.Sinha | 8987791025 9431375390 |
hodgeology [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbugeology [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Hindi | Dr. Kedar Singh | 9431797335 | hodhindi [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
10 | History | Dr.Ashok Kr. Mondal | 8987791027 9431796635 |
hodhistory [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbuhistory1973 [at] gmail [dot] com akmondal02 [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | Home Science | Dr. Mridula Bharati | 9835861419 | hodhomescience [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
12 | Mathematics | Dr. R.K. Dwivedi | 9430309501 | hodmath [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
13 | Philosophy | Dr. Suredera Barai | 8340551364 | hodphilosophy [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
14 | Physics | Dr. Ajay Murari | 9431366034 8987791031 |
hodphysics [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbuphysics [at] gmail [dot] com murariajay [at] ymail [dot] com |
15 | Political Science | Dr. Rita Kumari | 8340647033 | hodpolscience [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in hodpolsc1234 [at] gmail [dot] com |
16 | Psychology | Dr. (Smt.) Namita Gupta |
8825140732 8987791033 |
hodpsychology [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
17 | Sanskrit | Dr Nakul Pandey | 9430785619 | hodsanskrit [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
18 | Urdu | Dr. Humayun Ashraf | 9771010715 7903388730 |
hodurdu [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
19 | Zoology | Dr. K.K. Gupta | 8873409570 9431777961 |
hodzoology [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Director of Departments / Principal Contacts
S. No. |
Department | Name of Director / Principal | Contact No. | Email ID |
1 | UCET | Dr. Ashish Kumar Saha | 06546-261929 9430121110 |
directorucet [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in kumar_a_saha [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
2 | MBA | Dr. M.K. Singh | 9431332889 06546-261922 |
vbumanagement [at] gmail [dot] com directormba [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
3 | MCA | Dr. R.K.Dwivedi | 06546-261920, 9430309501 |
directormca [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbumca [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | CND | Dr. Manoj Kumar | 06546-270982 | directorcnd [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
5 | ULC | Dr. Kaushlendra Kumar | 06546-263255 9471041355 |
directorulc [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
6 | Biotechnology | Dr. Indrajit kumar | 9835584080 | directorbiotech [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
7 | M.Ed. | Dr. Pranita | 06546-262080, 9431393921 |
vbumed [at] gmail [dot] com directormed [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
8 | Physiotherapy | Sri Y Jaggi | 9431381844 | vbuphysiodept [at] gmail [dot] com directorbpt [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
9 | Yoga | Dr. A.N. Bhandari | 8986657149 | |
10 | Central Library | Dr. Vinod Ranjan | 9470366716 | |
11 | DMLT | Sri Y Jaggi | 9431381844 | profyashvirjaggi [at] gmail [dot] com directorpgdmlt [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
12 | TRL | Dr. Niraj Dang | 7488181652 | Dang [dot] niraj75 [at] gmail [dot] com |
13 | BLIS | Dr. K.K Gupta | 6201986405 | centrallibrary [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Principal Contact Details
S. No. |
Name of the College | Principal/ Prof.-in-charge |
Contact No. | E-mail ID |
1 | St. Columba's College, Hazaribag | Dr. J. R. DAS | 06546-222197 7484930399 |
jonathandas609 [at] gmail [dot] com info [at] stcchazaribag [dot] org |
2 | K.B. Women's College, Hazaribag | Mrs. Kiran Dwivedi | 06546-263442 6202872048 |
kbw_hzb [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
3 | Markham College of Commerce, Hazaribag |
Dr. Sandhya Prem | 06546- 225772 9431978232 7542860067 |
sandhya [dot] prem90 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Chatra College, Chatra | Sri. R.P. Roy | 06541-222241 8864052911 8340657077 |
chatracollege [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Ramgarh College, Ramgarh | Dr. Sharda Prasad | 7903807451 | ramgarhcollegeprincipal [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Giridih College, Giridih | Sri Mithilesh Kumar | 9430123788 | giridihcollegegiridih [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Sri R.K. Mahila College, Giridih | Dr. Madhusree Sen Sanyal | 7979005030 | rkmcollege [dot] grd [at] gmail [dot] com madhusreesens [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Adarsh College, Rajdhanwar | Prof(Dr.)Bimal Kr Mishra | 06546-225772
7070990001 9431142679 |
drbimalmishra [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | J.J. College, Jhumritelaiya | Dr. Mithlesh Updhyay | 9835726069 | - |
10 | Rajkiya Sanskrit College, Ranchi | Dr. Ram Narayan Pandit | 0651-228328
6207643564 |
- |
11 | Balanand Sanskrit College, Deoghar | Dr. Gopal Chandra Jha | 9204426234 | Gopalchandrajha58 [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | J.N.M. Sanskrit College, Chaibasa | Dr.Hari Shankar Mani Tripathy |
9939945863 | hmtripathi72 [at] gmail [dot] com |
P G -Faculty
S No. |
Name | Number | |
Anthropology | |||
1 | Dr. Vinod Ranjan | 9470366716 | viranjananthro [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Ganga Nath Jha | 9431358102 | gangajharkhand [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Johny Ruphina Tirkey | 8986705960 | ruphina1981 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Botany | |||
1 | Dr. Tripurari Roy | 6201952670 | dr [dot] troy1958 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. S.C. Jain | 9234876624 | profscjain [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Avinash Kumar | 9470186567 | avinashkmr2412 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Chemistry | |||
1 | Dr. Satyadeo Suman Singh | 9708516878 | ssatyadeo7 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. K. Kumar | 9471041355 | kaushalvbu5 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
3 | Dr. Indrajit Kumar | 9835584080 | indrajitkumar1963 [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
4 | Mrs. Faugia Rafat | 9801306577 | fouziarafat [at] yahoo [dot] com |
5 | Dr.Pranita | 9431393921 | Profpranita1377 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Dr. Ashish Kumar Saha | 9430121110 | |
Commerce | |||
1. | Dr.M.K.Singh | 9431332889 | professor [dot] dr [dot] mksinghvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
2. | Dr. M.Alam | 9470504783 | mokhtar [dot] alam29 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3. | Dr. Amitava Samanta | 9431795999 | dramitava1 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Economics | |||
1 | Dr. Sajal Mukharjee | 9431141441 | drsajal [dot] haz [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. P. C. Deogharia | 9431375359 | prakashdgh [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Surendra Prasad Kushwaha | 9430387878 | surendrapdkush [at] hotmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. (Mrs.) Ifsha Khurshid | 7992483537 | ifsha [dot] khurshid7 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr. Umendra Singh | 9470187363 | singhumendra [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
English | |||
1 | Dr. Sarita Singh | 9431797012 | singh [dot] sarita2007 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. S.M.Rizwan Ahmad | 9470939195 | drsmrahmad [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr.Ganga Nand Singh | 7979811709 | ganganand [dot] singh [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Niraj Dang | 7488181652 | Dang [dot] niraj75 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Geography | |||
1 | Dr. Saroj Singh | 9934508867 | geodeptvbu1996 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Geology | |||
1 | Dr. H. N. Sinha, HOD | 9431375390 | hnsinha2003 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
Hindi | |||
1 | Prof.(Dr.) Mithilesh Kumar Singh | 7463041969 | |
2 | Dr. K.K. Gupta | 9431796419 | kkgupta [dot] vbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Kedar Singh | 9431797335 | vbukedarsingh [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Subhodh Singh | 8986889240 | shivgeet65 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr. Samdeo Singh | 9431974732 | csamdeosingh [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Dr. Raju Ram | 8825363462 | dr [dot] rajuram1779 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Dr. Sunil Kumar Dubey | 9431500311 | drsunildubey4u [at] gmail [dot] com |
History | |||
1 | Dr. A. K. Mondal | 9431796635 | akmondal02 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Vikash Kumar | 9431185797 | profvikash1 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Hitendra Anupam | 9431336210 | bhaai [dot] hitendra [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. C.S.Singh | 9431796210 | schandra [dot] hzb [at] gmail [dot] com |
Home Science | |||
1 | Dr. (Mrs.) Renu Bose | 9431506688 | renubosehzb [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. (Mrs.) Gayatri Sahu | 9431975300 | gayatrish00 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. (Mrs.) Mridula Bharti | 9835861419 | mridulabharti1977 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Mamta Kacchap | 9771339883 | kachchapmamta [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Smt. Seema Dayal | 8986767584 | seemaDayal06 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mathematics | |||
1 | Dr.L.K.K.N. Shahdeo | 9470519123 | lkknsdeo [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. R.K. Dwivedi | 9430309501 | rkdwivedi_vbu [at] yahoo [dot] com |
3 | Sri Pankaj Kr. Manjhi | 7677921018 | 19pankaj81 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Philosophy | |||
1 | Dr. Surendra Barai | 8340551364 | departmentofphilosophyVBU [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. A.N. Bhandari, | 8986657149 | anarayanbhandari [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Amit Kumar Singh | 9835143665 | singhvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr.Yamini Sahay | 9470197089 | skms_64 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
5 | Mr.Vijay Kujur | 9835194696 | vijaykujurvbu08 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Physics | |||
1 | Dr. Ajay Murari | 9431366034 | murariajay [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr.R.N.Sinha | 9931302350 | rajendra_sinha [at] yahoo [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Laxmi Siveshwari | 9835580160 | lshiveshwari [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Rakho Hari Prasad | 9431387183 | rhari027 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Pandey | 9798385239 | rakeshkpandey61 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Dr. Navin Chandra | 9608533194 | navin [dot] c [dot] 0001 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Political Science | |||
1 | Dr.Rita Kumari | 8092598640 | drrita37 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Sukalyan Moitra | 9430193813 | sukalyanmoitra [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
3 | Dr. Pramod Kumar | 9431336191 | pramodkr106 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr.Ajay Bahadur Singh | 9973942190 | ajaybahadurhzb1967 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Sri Ashok Ram | ||
Psychology | |||
1 | Dr. (Mrs.) Namita Gupta | 9934122794 | namitagupta2406 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Saddique Razaque | 9934148486 | sadiquerazaque [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Avinash Kumar | 9934017575 | avinashkumar [at] gmail [dot] com |
Sanskrit | |||
1 | Dr. Akhileshwar Pathak | 7004182519 | balbhadrapathak [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Smt. Anjum Ara | 9430765830 | arshadalam5917 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr Nakul Pandey | 9430785619 | nakulpandey569 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Urdu | |||
1 | Humayun Ashraf | 9771010715 | dr [dot] h [dot] ashraf [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr.Amber Khatoon | 8987791008 | |
3 | Dr. S.Z. Haque | 9431160183 | zainramish [at] yahoo [dot] in |
Zoology | |||
1 | Dr. K.K. Gupta | 6201986405 | kishore_gupta30 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
2 | Dr. B.K. Gupta | 9431367018 | bkgvbu59 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Y Jaggi | 9431381844 | profyashvirjaggi [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Manoj Kumar | 9973803299 | Locatedr [dot] manojkumar [at] hotmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr.Rajendra Mistry | 9431500803 | dr [dot] rajendramistry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Vocational Courses (Self Finance)
Sno. | Name | Designation | Number | |
Biotechnology | ||||
1 | Dr. Kumar Anand | Assistant Professor | 9523477207 7857020548 |
kanand2901 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr.Sunit Kumar Srivastava | Assistant Professor | 7858890422 | srisunit [at] gmail [dot] com |
C N D | ||||
1 | Jaya Sinha | Lecturer | 8084780156 | sinhajaya55 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sushma Kumari | Lecturer | 9525923860 | sk24839 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Kumari Anima | Lecturer | 9199533946 | anima [dot] kumari22 [at] gmail [dot] com |
M B A | ||||
1 | Prof. M.K.Singh | Director | 9431332889 , 7004417619 |
directormba [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in vbumanagement [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr.Saroj Ranajn | Associate Professor | 8298001875 , 6200522179 |
saroj [dot] ranjan [at] yahoo [dot] com |
3 | Dr.Sanjiv Kumar Sharma | Assistant Professor | 9430772344 | sanjivdhanbad [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | I.M.B.Kujur | Assistant Professor | 8084496651 | inder [dot] 26 [dot] 78 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr.Kanupriya Gupta | Assistant Professor | 7903022792 | kanupriya1616 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Dr.Pooja Pathak | Assistant Professor | 9199544133 | poojapathak2015 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Mr Ashesh Anand | Assistant Professor | 9546186107 | asheshanand [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Mrs Mita Rani Singh | T.P.O | 8603250126 | mitasingh [dot] mbavbu11 [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Dr.Azhar Ahmad | Assistant Professor | 9348936322 | ahmad [dot] azhar2 [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | Dr. Sita Ram Pandey | Assistant Professor | 7858882626 | spandey12203 [at] gmail [dot] com |
M C A | ||||
1 | Prof. R.K.Dwivedi | Director | 9430309501 | directormca [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Dr.Santosh Kumar Srivastava | Assistant Professor | 9431530609 | srivastava_santosh2 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
3 | Ashutosh Kumar Singh | Assistant Professor | 7762951467 | aprofashutosh82 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Sunil Kumar Rajwar | Assistant Professor | 9939559851 | sunilrajwar [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Dr.Manish Kumar | Assistant Professor | 7004873127 | manish14 [dot] kk [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Dr.Santosh Kumar Singh | Assistant Professor | 9431155277 | sksbol1 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Rahul Prasad | Assistant Professor | 9835556580 | gdrahul31 [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
8 | Manisha Baxla | Assistant Professor | 7739073223 | manishabaxla07 [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Prabhat Kumar | Assistant Professor | 8102083232 | praansu [at] gmail [dot] com |
M. Ed. | ||||
1 | Dr.Pranita | Director | 7091773471 | profpranita1377 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Md. Tanwir Yunus | Professor & Head | 9431648275 | mdtanwiryunus786 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dr. Mritunjay Prasad | Professor | 9431795036 | mritunjayprasad826 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Mrs. Amita Kumari | Assistant Professor | 9470159260 | aambasta [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
5 | Mukta Sinha | Assistant Professor | 8757595314 | simplymukta85 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Vinita Bankira | Associate Professor | 7633013834
8726929106 |
vinitabankira [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Shalini Awadhiya | Assistant Professor | 7544076172 | Shaliniawadhiya121 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Dr. Bharti Kumari | Assistant Professor | 9471356232 | bhartm [dot] ed [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Dr. Chaudhary Prem Prakash | Assistant Professor | 9693883303 | cpp [dot] hazaribagh [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | Dr. Rajnish kumar | Associate Professor | 7484030685 | rajnish [dot] c1974 [at] gmail [dot] com |
UCET | ||||
1 | Mr. Arun Kr. Mishra | Asst. Prof. | 9470321023 | mishra_nibi [at] yahoo [dot] com |
2 | Mrs. Geeta Sinha | Asst. Prof. | 9470508308 | gs [dot] ucet [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Mr. Rahul Ranjan | Asst. Prof. | 9471581600 | rahulrnjn14 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Mrs. Archana Reena Dhan | Asst. Prof. | 9431777477 | archanadhan [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Mr.Sumeet Kumar | Asst. Prof. | 9835312350 | professionalsumeetsinha [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Mr.Awadhesh Kumar | Asst. Prof. | 9835943429 | awadhesh [dot] ucet [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Mr. Harsh Vardhan | Asst. Prof. | 8986660777 | vardhan1206 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Mr. Santosh Prasad | Asst. Prof. | 8292456854 | prasad [dot] santoshspd1234 [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Mr.Arvind Kumar | Asst. Prof. | 9431327077 | arbindran [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
10 | Mr. Ram Narayan Bhagat | Asst. Prof. | 9431382896 | bhagat14 [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | Dr. Chandra Bhushan Kumar | Asst. Prof. | 9113379252 | cb19bit [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
12 | Mr.Ravindra Bhagat | Asst. Prof. | 9525305928 | ravindra [dot] kujur0603 [at] gmail [dot] com |
13 | Mr. Ranjeet Kumar | Asst. Prof. | 7004924702 | ran_jeetm [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
14 | Mr. Rakesh Kumar Singh | Asst. Prof. | 9470148997 | rakeshsinghmunna [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
15 | Mr.Nawal Kishore | Asst. Prof. | 9334261468 | nawalkishore25 [at] gmail [dot] com |
16 | Mr.Suvir Kumar | Asst. Prof. | 9939945755 | suvir [dot] 12 [at] gmail [dot] com |
17 | Mr.Brajesh Kumar Gupta | Asst. Prof. | 7209616869 | bkgupta8bu [at] gmail [dot] com |
18 | Mr. Nishant Praveer | Asst. Prof. | 9835957811 | nishant_praveer [at] yahoo [dot] com |
19 | Dr.Khemlal Mahto | Asst. Prof. | 9471365120 | k [dot] mahto [at] rediffmail [dot] com |
20 | Dr. Suresh Prasad Barnawal | Asst. Prof. | 9835140600 | drsureshbarnwal [at] yahoo [dot] in |
21 | Dr. Buddhadeo Mahato | Asst. Prof. | 9931543836 | b [dot] mahato12 [at] gmail [dot] com |
22 | Dr. Amit Purushottam | Asst. Prof. | 9955174879 | amitucethumanities [at] gmail [dot] com |
23 | Dr. Sangeeta Vishwakarma | Asst. Prof. | 9470106630 | sang [dot] ism [at] gmail [dot] com |
24 | Dr. Dinesh Kumar | Asso. Prof. | 8475861554 | dinesh [dot] mech009 [at] gmail [dot] com |
25 | Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh | Asso. Prof. | 8809041064 | prashant10mar [at] gmail [dot] com |
Physiotherapy | ||||
1 | Sri. Y. Jaggi | Director | 9431381844 | vbuphysiodept [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Dr. Rahul Kumar | Assistant Professor | 8002335060, 8987467873 |
drrhlkr [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Meraj Nabi Siddiqui | Asst. Professor | 9650499150 | merajsiddiqui20 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Sanjeev Kumar | OPD Physiotherapist | 8092406180 | samarth [dot] physio [at] gmail [dot] com |
ULC | ||||
1 | Jaydip Sanyal | Principal | 9304864067 | principalulchzb [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Rashmi Pradhan | Asst. Prof. | 8271089321 | pradhanrashmi2002 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Chitranjan Kispotta | Asst. Prof. | 9431356577 | kispota77ulc [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Dr. Urmila Kumari | Asst. Prof. | 9835247165 | kumariurmilaulcvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Abhishek Raj | Asst. Prof. | 9608129920 | abhishivastava [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Dr.Lakshmi Singh | Asst. Prof. | 9801304727 | lakshmisingh820 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Sidarth Chandra | Asst. Prof. | 8521033305 | siddhantchandra21 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Subhajit Chakraborty | Asst. Prof. | 8080896378 | subhajitswati555 [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Dr.Bhupendra Kumar Verma | Asst. Prof. | 8388097922 | bhupendralaw [at] gmail [dot] com |
Admin Staff Contacts
Sno. | Name | Designation | Number | |
V.C's. Secretariat | ||||
1 | Sri S.K. Ganguli | Assistant | 7631133981 | skganguly4 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sri Ranjit Singh | IIIrd | 9110143551 | annuraj152 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Sri Surya Bhusan Kumar | Clerk | 9525894111 | sbhushan [dot] home [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Sri Jay Prakash Singh | Technical Assistant | 9430350034 | jaysingh98 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Sri Narsingh Mahto | Peon | 8229018690 | |
6 | Sri Raja Ram Hari | Peon | 9608836874 | |
7 | Sanjayeshwar Lakra | Driver | 8340766008 | |
P.V.C's Secretariat | ||||
1 | Sri Heera Pandey | Driver | 9835942170 | |
2 | Md.Yusuf Khan | Peon | 9546468713 | |
DSW Section | ||||
1 | Sri Baleshhwar Ram | Assistant | 9431994213 | vbu1992phdsection [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sri Ritesh Singh | Peon | 9430731123 | sritesh792 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Smt Neelam Devi | Peon | 7739772659 | |
4 | Ajay Paswan | Peon | 8228003713 | apaswan323 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Proctor Section | ||||
1 | Sri BhaiyaMukesh | Assistant | 9470148875 | drbhaiyamukesh [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sri Kishor Kumar | Computer Operator | 8051066283 | |
3 | Tarkeshwar Yadav | Peon | 9431794700 | |
CCDC Section | ||||
1 | Sri A.K. Lal (UE) | Engineer | 9771130488 | |
2 | Sri Arbind Kr. Singh (JE) | Jr. Engineer | 9693922529 | arbindkumarsingh556 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Rizwan Ahmed (JE) | Jr. Engineer | 9470141262 | Rizwan7007 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | ShyamSundarYadav | Peon | 9162449571 | |
5 | Md.Anish | Electrician | 9471181546 | |
6 | Md.SarfarazAlam | Electrician | 8540850098 | |
7 | Md.JavedHussain | Plumber | 9031462366 | |
8 | Md.Afsar | Helper | 8409507434 | |
Registrar Office | ||||
1 | Sri Naresh Lohitaksh | Assistant | 6206721710 | |
2 | Sri Arup Kr. Dhar | Assistant | 9570058337 | |
3 | Om Prakash Mishra | Driver | 7004737674 | |
4 | Sri Jitendra Thakur | Peon | 7870052007 | |
5 | Sri Shashi Khalkho | Peon | 9570366207 | |
6 | Md Qutbduddin | Computer Operator | 7519934248 | |
7 | Sri Rakesh Kumar | Computer Operator | 9570366207 | |
8 | Ranjeet Kumar | Peon | 8709021747 | |
Finance Section | ||||
1 | Sri Binay Kumar | Assistant | 9431366936 | |
2 | Sri Sanjay Kr. Paswan | Accountant | 9430190641 | sanjaykumarpaswan2015 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Sri Baleshwar Toppo | Assistant | 8603274329 | |
4 | Sri Awdhesh Paswan | Assistant | 9110992863 | |
5 | Sri Nand Kumar | Assistant | 9431163473 | |
6 | Sri Rajendra Singh | Assistant | 9431152826 | |
7 | Sri Vinod Kr. Michael | Computer Operator | 9334499321 | vkmichael [at] yahoo [dot] com |
8 | Sri Rajanish Kr. Mehra | Assistant | 9431181425 | |
9 | Sri J.P. Gupta | Assistant | 9431557673 | |
10 | Sri Parasnath | Assistant | 9934585179 | |
11 | Md. A. Qadir (Driver) | Driver | 9279132887 | |
12 | Sri Suresh Thakur | Peon | 9534253630 | |
13 | Sri Birendra Munda | Peon | 7654077934 | |
14 | Sri Birendra Munda | Peon | 7654077934 | |
Pension Cell | ||||
1 | Smt. R.L. Purty | Assistant | 9955174456 | |
2 | Sri Peter Lakra | Assistant | 9934236709 | |
3 | Shan Siddique | Clerk | 7717757001 | |
4 | Sri Birendra Kumar | Computer Operator | 9430386090 | sitdhzb [at] gmail [dot] com |
Examination Section | ||||
1 | Sri Kalyan Kr. Chaudhary | Assistant | 9835909094 | kalyankrvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sri M.K. Dhan | Assistant | 9430785760 | |
3 | Sri Punit Ram | Assistant | 9162797180 | |
4 | Sri S. Baxla | Assistant | 9471316101 | |
5 | Smt. Smriti Kumari | Assistant | 9470501700 | |
6 | Smt. Kiran Sinha | Assistant | 8092644214 | surbhi [dot] mgr [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Sri Sandeep kumar Pandey | LDC | 9304910092 | sandeeppanday19 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Sri Birendra Narayan pd | Assistant | 6205223325 | |
9 | Dr. Umesh Prasad | Computer Operator | 9431795787 | umeshvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | Mr Suresh Kr. Singh | Clerk | 9801984800 | |
11 | Sri Niranjan Kumar | Clerk | 9431154097 | niranjanashok1972 [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | Md. Abdullah Ansari | Clerk | 9798349952 | |
13 | Sri Baban Singh | Peon | 9430707965 | |
14 | Sri GangdeoTudu | Peon | 9939998603 | |
15 | Sri MantuMahto | Peon | 8002563488 | |
16 | Sri Ramjee Prasad | Driver | 9546998164 | |
17 | Sri Pappu Kumar | Peon | 9572958352 | |
18 | Sri Shahid Hussain | Driver | 7677817720 | |
19 | Sri Ranjit Kr. Yadav | Peon | 9835726209 | |
20 | Sri Sohan Ram | Sweeper | 7549169282 | |
21 | Sri Akshay Ram | Peon | 8409296156 | |
22 | Sri Govind Ram | Peon | 9631256919 | |
Establishment Section | ||||
1 | Sri Kirtan Ram | Assistant | 8863082187 | kirtanram [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sri Pradip Kr. Bara | Assistant | 9123248177 | |
3 | Sri Dipu Ravidas | Assistant | 9955390253 | |
4 | Sri Saroj Bala Guptan | Assistant | 9110031567 | saroj129gupta [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Sri Ajay Kr. Das | Assistant | 7549007021 | |
6 | Sri Jageshwar Munda | Assistant | 7352829798 | |
7 | Smt. Munita Kumari | Clerk | 9431759287 | |
8 | Sri Sukesh kumar Singh | Computer Operator | 7004182852 | sukeshsingh1988 [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Smt. Kamali Devi | Peon | 7050158322 | |
10 | Sri K. K. Yadav | Peon | 8863815903 | |
Dispatch Section | ||||
1 | Smt. Veena Kumari | Assistant | 9572193527 | |
2 | Sri Dhaneshwar Prajapati | Assistant | 9798151769 | |
3 | Sri Niranjan Kumar | Peon | 9470176590 | |
PIO Section | ||||
1 | Sri Mithlesh Kr. Pandey | Clerk | 9608561738 | |
2 | Sri Durgesh Kr. Sinha | Poen | 7488872698 | |
NSS Section | ||||
1 | Md. Shamshad Ansari | Poen | 9798378294 |
P.G Staff Contacts
Sno. | Name | Designation | Number | |
Botany | ||||
1 | Pramod Narayan Ram | Assistant | 8210860001 | |
2 | Bangali Pd. Mehta | Peon | 8298448713 | |
3 | Vijay Ram | Sweeper | 9507183084 | |
4 | Sri Shashi Chandra Yadav | 9102503255 | ||
Chemistry | ||||
1 | Bipin Kumar | Clerk | 8340495958 | |
2 | Talat | Peon | 8271807539 | |
3 | Ashok Kumar | Demonstrator | 9835782211 | ashokkumarroua [at] gamil [dot] com |
Commerce | ||||
1. | Ramchandra Kr Ravi | Routine Clerk | 7991172805 | rkravi1969hzb [at] gmail [dot] com |
Economics | ||||
1 | Mangal Baxla | Store Keeper | 9801304200 | |
English | ||||
1 | Kishori Ram Ravi | Sorter | 9771911693 | |
2 | Salina Khatoon | Peon (Daily Basis) | 9835345146 | |
Geography | ||||
1 | Manoj Kumar Paswan | Assistant | 7903153040 | paswan843 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Upendra Kishor Prasad | Lab Boy | 9525074418 | |
3 | Sri Shankar Ram | Computer Operator | 9708553218 | |
Geology | ||||
1 | Pratibha Nand | Routine clerk | 7209473372 | |
2 | Sri Vijay kumar | Routine Clerk | 9430125742 | vijayhzb1970 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Sheela Devi | Peon | 8294811899 | |
Hindi | ||||
1 | Baldeo Nag | Assistant | 9939140976 | |
2 | Anita Devi | Peon | 6204495697 | |
3 | Baijnath Yadav | Peon (Security Guard) | ||
History | ||||
1 | Jageshwar Ram | Assistant | 8051076268 | |
Home Science | ||||
1 | Mrs. Kalyani Lugun | Store Keeper | 8521765430 | |
2 | Santoshi Dhan | Peon | 8797103685 | |
Mathematics | ||||
1 | Madho Oraon | Assistant | 9304591413 | oranmadho [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Rajesh Kr Das | Computer Operator | 9304105719 | rajeshkd517 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Philosophy | ||||
1 | Mr. Sudhir Aind | Routine Clerk | 7061082935 | |
2 | Sunaina Kumari | Peon | 9334124640 | |
Physics | ||||
1 | Sri Prabhat Kumar | Typist ( Asstt.) | 9835712498 | prabhatexp0049 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Sri Gayatri Singh | Lab. Asstt. | 8709840603 | singhdeogayatri1 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Sri Ravi Bansh Singh | Lab. Boy | 9431975470 | |
Political Science | ||||
1 | Sri Butan Sao | Peon | 9798722581 | |
2 | Sri Anjan Lakra | 8210537669 | ||
Psychology | ||||
1 | Amit Kumar Singh | Peon | 8873231515 | tappukumar444 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Sanskrit | ||||
1 | Vijay Kr Pandey | Clerk | 9470963615
7322000263 |
vijaykrpandey1967 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Uga Devi | Peon | 8579003437 | |
Urdu | ||||
1 | Ram Chandra Ram | Assistant | 9570189334 | annuraj152 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Rambilash Yadav | 7739735440 | ||
Zoology | ||||
1 | AbhimanuyaJha | Assistant | 9771691305 | |
2 | Meghan Mahto | Peon | 7870151886 | |
3 | Dilip Das | Peon | 9709252121 | |
MBA | ||||
1 | Jay Prakash Singh | Technical Assistant | 9430350034 | Jaysingh98 [at] gmail [dot] com
Jaysingh98 [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
2 | Ranjeeta Ekka | Technical Assistant | 8877009526 | ranjeetaekkamba123 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Shasikant Verma | Technical Assistant | 9006597083 | shant8939 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Sandip Kumar Singh | Peon | 9801987177 | sandipsinghvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Sukhdeo Saw | Peon | 9534087029 | |
6 | Ram Pukar Singh | Guard | 9835527857 | ram [dot] pukar909 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Mohan Ram | Sweeper | 9709268788 | |
8 | Kundan Kumar | Peon | 7004976872 | |
9 | Jay Prakash Singh | Asst. Librarian | 992375886 | jpsonepura [at] gmail [dot] com |
MCA | ||||
1 | Abhishek Kumar | Lab Technician | 9097764618 | simpleabhishekkumar [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Suman M. Horo | Office Assistant | 9470119003 | suman [dot] horo15 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Md. Arshad Alam | Library Assistant | 9939506686 | alamvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Md. Nishat Ahmad | Electrician | 7870340825 | Nishat70ahmad [at] gmail [dot] com |
M.Ed. | ||||
1 | Sudhir Kumar | Office Assistant | 9631938178 | sudhirvbumed [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Amit Kumar | Office Assistant | 9430355603 | amitkumar26180 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Rajesh Kr. Bhaskar | Office Assistant | 9472736610 | rkbhaskar79 [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Rampadarath Singh | Peon | 8294136589 | rampadarathsingh429 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Kumar Gaurav | Peon | 9470955496 | krgaurav887 [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Raju Kumar Ravi | Peon | 8804989550 | raju64099 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Md. Nayeem Anwar | Peon | 9934106410 | md [dot] nayeenanwar [at] gmail [dot] com |
UCET | ||||
1 | Binay Kumar | Accountant | 9473286251 | meatmrbinaykumar [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Arbind Nath Singh Choudhary | Lib. Assistant | 9308867076 | choudharyy09 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Dilip Kumar | Office Assistant | 9430182008 | dilip_ucet [at] redffmail [dot] com |
4 | Shashi Samir Tigga | Office Assistant | 7070232036 | shashisamirtigga2013 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Navin Kumar Singh | Office Assistant | 7277909077 | |
6 | Raghawendra Kumar Singh | Office Assistant | 8102322444 | raghawendrakumar [dot] singh [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | AnandMahto | Store Keeper | 9608058172 | ananducet87 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Md. Azhar Hussain | Lab. Tech. ( Me) | 9470390899 | mdazharhussain901 [at] yahoo [dot] com |
9 | Shambhu Prasad | Lab.Tech.(C.S.E. Lab.) | 8002466380 | shambhuprasad [dot] ucet [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | Kumar Gourav | Lab. Tech. (Phy. Lab.) | 9471762471 | kumargourav009 [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | GajendraJha | Wire Man | 9430107209 | |
12 | Mrs. Shilpi | Lab. Tech. | 8102303312 | shilpibca [dot] hzb [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | Om Prakash Sharma | Carpenter | 9798305316 | |
13 | Roshan Kumar | Black Smith | 9386184417 | roshan [dot] swarit [at] gmail [dot] com |
14 | Alok Kumar | Lab.Tech. (Ece) | 8252289787 | aalok1010 [at] gmail [dot] com |
15 | Saurav Kumar | Lab.Tech. (Ece) | 8252005790 | sauravkr2238 [at] gmail [dot] com |
16 | Dharam Ram | Sweeper | 9546619423 | |
17 | Dhano Devi | Sweeper | 8651791107 | |
18 | Santosh Kumar Thakur | Lab Boy | 7870008795 | shubhamsourav0262 [at] gmail [dot] com |
19 | Babita Singh | Lab Boy | 9430722529 | |
20 | Ranjeet Kumar Gupta | Lab Boy | 7857065203 | ranjeethaz366 [at] gmail [dot] com |
21 | Subhash Kumar Pandey | Lab Boy | 9507090595 | subhash [dot] ucet [at] gmail [dot] com |
22 | SarveshwarMatho | Lab Boy | 9905619433 | |
23 | Savitri Kumari | Lab Boy | 9693312310 | savitri [dot] ucet [at] gmail [dot] com |
24 | Priti Bandana Bara | ANM | 7070232036 | shashisamirtigga2013 [at] gmail [dot] com |
25 | Rajesh Singh | Peon | 9693338416 | |
26 | Ranjeet Prasad | Peon | 8292003678 | |
27 | Arbind Ram | Peon | 8651791107 | |
28 | Gouri Thakur | Peon | 9576107587 | |
29 | RuchiKumari | Peon | 9430107209 | |
Physiotherapy | ||||
1 | Ambika Gupta | Lab. Assistant | 8709127939 | ambeekagupta [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Manoj Kumar Saw | Office Assistant | 9036728713 | manojkumarsaw [at] live [dot] com |
3 | Tarkeshwar Mahto | Peon | 6204852281 | tarku [dot] mahto [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Suraj Kumar Turi | Sweeper | 7859007368 | |
ULC | ||||
1 | Dr. Binod Kumar | College Library | 9470274602 | kumarbinod [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Niraj Dayal Singh | Book Sorter | 9431375802 | nirajdayal [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Ravindra Kumar | Office Assistant | 7352337549 | ravindrakumarulcvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Rajesh Kumar | Office Assistant | 9162449561 | rkmaurya601 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Ashish Kumar Jha | Accountant | 8579944687 | jhaashisulc [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Roshan Kumar | Store Keeper | 8804183180 | roshangupta920 [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | AmunOraon | Store Keeper | 8102408472 | amanoraon123 [at] gmail [dot] com |
8 | Mukesh Kumar | Peon | 9631156036 | kumarmukeshulc [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | Ranjeet Kumar | Peon | 7209794181 | ranjeetulcvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
10 | Santosh Kumar | Mali | 9709092558 | kumarsantoshulcvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
11 | NimanEkka | Mali | 8877174589 | nimanekkaulcvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
12 | Sarita Devi | Sweeper | 9709165337 | saritaulcvbu [at] gmail [dot] com |
DMLT | ||||
1. | Durga Paswan | Tech. Assistant | 9798506481 | |
2. | Sanju Bharti | Lab Attendant | 9631380213 | sanjubharti98 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Colleges Contact Details
Constituent College under VBU
S. No. |
College Name | Principal/ Prof.-in-charge |
Mobile No | Address |
1 | Ramgarh College, Ramgarh | Dr. Sharda Prasad | 7903807451 | Ramgarh |
2 | J.J. College, Jhumritelaiya | Dr. Mithilesh Updhaya | 9835726069 | Tilaya |
3 | Adarsh College, Rajdhanwar | Prof. (Dr.) Bimal Kumar Mishra |
9431142679 | Rajdhanwar |
4 | Rajkiya Sanskrit College, Ranchi | Dr. Ram Narayan Pandit | 6207643564 | Ranchi |
5 | St. Columba's College, Hazaribag | Dr. J.R. DAS | 7484930399 | Hazaribagh |
6 | Balanand Sanskrit College, Deoghar | Dr. Gopal Chandra Jha | 9204426234 | Deoghar |
7 | J.N.M. Sanskrit College, Chaibasa | Dr.Hari Shankar Mani Tripathy |
9939945863 | Chaibasa |
8 | Chatra College, Chatra | Sri. R.P. Roy | 8102593150 | Chatra |
9 | Giridih College, Giridih | Sri Mithilesh Kumar | 9430123788 | Giridih |
10 | Sri R.K. Mahila College, Giridih | Dr. Madhusree Sen Sanyal |
7979005030 | Giridih |
11 | K.B. Women's College, Hazaribag | Dr. Kiran Dwivedi | 6202872048 | Hazaribagh |
12 | Markham College of Commerce, Hazaribag |
Dr. Sandhya Prem | 9431978232 | Hazaribagh |
Law College
S. No. |
College Name | Principal/ Prof.-in-charge |
Mobile No | Address |
1 | University Law College, Hazaribag |
Dr. Jaydeep Sanyal | 9304864067 | University Law College, VBU., Hazaribag |
2 | Jharkhand Vidhi Mahavidayalaya |
Dr. Ajay Bhattacharyaji | 9199029156 | Jharkhand Vidhi Mahavidayalaya, Koderma |
Medical College
S. No. |
College Name | Principal/ Prof.-in-charge |
Mobile No | Address |
1 | Devki Mahaveer Homeopathic College and Research Hospital |
Dr. Umashankar Mishra |
8299172547 | Devki Mahaveer Homeopathic College and Research Hospital, Garhwa |
2 | Govt. Homeopathic College and Hospital |
Dr. Usha Yadav | 9431947205 | Govt. Homeopathic College and Hospital, Paraspani, Godda |
3 | The Homeopathic College and Hospital of Mihijam Jamtara |
Dr. Taraknath Ghosh |
9430136567 | The Homeopathic College and Hospital of Mihijam Jamtara |
4 | Suryamukhi Dinesh Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital |
Dr. Amitabh Kumar |
9934044543 | Suryamukhi Dinesh Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Booty, Ranchi |
5 | Sheikh Bhikhari Medical College and Hospital, Hazaribag |
Prof. (Dr.) Sushil Kumar Singh |
06546-296629 | Sheikh Bhikhari Medical College and Hospital, Hazaribag |
6 | Hazaribag College of Dental Hospital Demotand, Hazaribag |
Dr. (Prof.) Ujjal Chatterjee |
06546-233409 | Hazaribag College of Dental Hospital Demotand, Hazaribag |
B.Ed. Colleges
S. No. |
College Name | Principal/ Prof.-in-charge |
Mobile No | Address |
1 | Sri Ramkrishna Sarda Ashram T.T. College, Ravindrapath, Hazaribag |
Dr. Sampati Pal | 8709693490 | Sri Ramkrishna Sarda Ashram T.T. College, Ravindrapath, Hazaribag |
2 | Swami Dharmbandhu College of Education Mukundganj, Hazaribag |
Dr. Munshilal Yadav | 9450875476 | Swami Dharmbandhu, Harhad, Mukundgunj, Banha, Nawada |
3 | Daulat Mahto T.T. (B.Ed.) College Memorial Bishnugarh, Hazaribag |
Dr. Sunil Kumar Chaturvedi |
9770979639 | Daulat Mahto T.T. (B.Ed.) College Memorial Bishnugarh, Hazaribag |
4 | Goutam Budha T.T. College, Hazaribag |
Dr. Arvind Kumar Yadav |
9458234455 | Goutam Budha T.T. College, Mukundgunj Behand Mahindra Nexgen, Showroom, Hazaribag |
5 | Deo College of Education Mukundgunj, Hazaribag |
Dr. Ritu Kumari | 9835430780 | Deo College of Education Mukundgunj, Hazaribag |
6 | S.B.M. T.T. (B.Ed.) College, Hazaribag |
Dr. Sashikant Yadav | 9431333265 | S.B.M. T.T. B.Ed. Collegem Babhanbay, Hazaribag |
7 | Maa Vindhyvashini College of Education Padma, Hazaribag |
Dr. Chatlal Prasad | 9430732874 | Maa Vindhyvashini College of Education, Karmatand Near Padma Gate, Hazaribag |
8 | Grizzly College of Education Gumo, Jhumaritelaiya, Koderma |
Dr. Sanjeeta Kumari | 7985595871, 7275219322 |
Grizzly College of Education Gumo, Jhumaritelaiya, Koderma |
9 | Jharkhand T.T. College, Jhumritelaiya, Koderma |
Dr. Anand Kumar Moi Dr. Jitendra Tiwari |
8757968333 7014193308 |
Jharkhand T.T. College, Jhumritelaiya, Koderma |
10 | Baijnath Prasad Snehi College of Education of Domchanch, Koderma |
Dr. Bhupendra Thakur |
7091090472 | Baijnath Prasad Snehi College of Education of Domchanch, Koderma |
11 | Ramesh Prasad Yadav T.T. College, Koderma |
Dr. Laxmi Prasad | 9534225634 | Ramesh Prasad Yadav T.T. College, Koderma |
12 | Dr. S. Radhakrishna T.T. College, Ramgarh |
Dr. Sunita Gupta | 8887594380 | Dr. S. Radhakrishna T.T. College, Sukrigarha, Lari, Ramgarh |
13 | Maharshi Paramhans of Education, Ramgarh |
Hans Ram Charya | 8789159365 | Maharshi Paramhans of Education, Vill-Huhua (Kothar Kaitha) Ramgarh |
14 | Ramshobha College of Education, Ramgarh |
Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav |
7292901467 | Ramshobha College of Education, Chutupalu, Ramgarh |
15 | Lala Pritam B.Ed. College, Chatra |
Dr. Satish Kumar Singh |
7903889760 | Lala Pritam B.Ed. College, Jitani More, Chatra |
16 | K.N. Bakshi College of Education, Giridih |
Dr. Ravindra Kumar | 9431332067 | K.N. Bakshi College of Education, Karmatand, Po- Bengabad, Dist. Giridih |
17 | Scholar B.Ed. College, Giridih |
Dr. Anand Moy | 7808566666 | Scholar B.Ed. College Banhati Post- Mothileda, Bengabad, Giridih |
18 | G.D. Bagaria T.T. College, Giridih |
Dr. Shiv Kumar Sinha |
9431922185 | G.D. Bagaria T.T. College, Boro, Giridih |
19 | Sri Ram Krishna Vivekanand College of Education, Bagodar, Giridih |
Dr. Arun Kumar Dubey |
9431532960 | Ram Krishna Vivekanand College, Bagodar, Giridih |
20 | Subhash T.T. College, Giridih |
Dr. Anuj Kumar | 9525885243 | Subhash T.T. College, Koldiha, Giridih |
21 | Naresingh College of Education Khapriyawan, Hazaribag |
Vishal Keshri | 6202646294 | Naresingh College of Education Khapriyawan, Hazaribag |
22 | Max Institute of T.T. College, Bijuliya, Ramgarh |
Dr. Anand Kishore | 9693930525 | Max Institute of T.T. College,Bijuliya, Chamber, Bhawan, Ramgarh |
23 | Cambridge T.T. College, Koderma |
Dr. Deepak Kumar | 9122907441 | Cambridge T.T. College, Larabad, Jhumaritelaiya, Koderma |
24 | B.N. Saha D.A.V. T.T. College, Sirsia, Giridih |
Dr. Punam Sharma | 9472377070 | B.N. Saha D.A.V. T.T. College, Sirsia, Giridih |
25 | Greet T.T. College, Rajdhanwar, Giridih |
Dr. Pushpraj Singh | 9621774774 | Greet T.T. College, Greet Road, Near Dhanwar Railway Station, Panchrukhi, Rajdhanwar, Giridih |
Engineering College
S. No. |
College Name | Principal/ Prof.-in-charge | Mobile No | Address |
1 | University College of Engineering and Technology, VBU., Hazaribag |
Dr. Kameshwar Prasad | 7979737540 | University College of Engineering and Technology, VBU., Hazaribag Patna Road Ranchi. |
Affiliated College under VBU
S. No. |
College Name | Principal/ Prof.-in-charge | Mobile No | Address |
1 | Annada College, Hazaribag | Dr. Nilmani Mukhrjee | 7004386889 | Annada Chowk Court Road, Hazaribag, Jharkhand |
2 | Bhadrakali College, Itkhori, Chatra | Dr. Dular Hazam | 8294856606 | Bhadrakali College Vill+Po+Ps-Itkhori Dist.- Chatra |
3 | Chitarpur College, Chiparpur, Ramgarh | Dr. Sangya | 8538999751 | Chitarpur College, Chitarpur, Ramgarh Jharkhand |
4 | Chhotanagpur College, Ramgarh | Kailashpati Pandey | 8789818187 | Chhotanagpur College, Ramgarh Po-Marar, Dist. Ramgarh |
5 | D.A.V. Evening College, Giridih | Poonam Sharma | 9472777070 | D.A.V. Evening College, Giridih |
6 | G.M. Evening College, Ichak | Binay Kumar | 9097955550 | G.M. Evening College, Ichak, Hazaribag, Jharkhand |
7 | Gulmohar Evening Degree College, Hazaribag |
Mr. Ajay Kumar | 7079805219 | Gulmohar Evening Degree College, Near of T.V Tawer Barkagaon Road, Hazaribag |
8 | Holy Cross College (Evening) Hazaribag | Dr. Sr Anniamma Manual | 7250236469 | OPP P.T.C. Ground, Hazaribag |
9 | J.M. College, Bhurkunda | Dr. Vidya Nand Tiwary | 7488582847 | J.M. College, Bhurkunda, Ramgarh, Jharkhand |
10 | Jharkhand College, Dumri, Giridih | Prof. Dhaneshwar Mahto | 9470187792 | Aerodrum Road of Boro, Giridih |
11 | Jhumritelaiya Commerce College, Koderma |
Prof. Sohar Yadav | 6204939110 | Jhumritelaiya Commerce College, Karma, Koderma |
12 | Jubilee College, Bhurkunda, Ramgarh | Dr. R.K. Das | 9431923796 | Jubilee College, Bhurkunda, Damodar River Side, Ramgarh |
13 | Indira Gandih Shramik College, Mandu, Ramgarh |
Prof. Pradeep Kumar | 9431335942 | Indira Gandih Shramik College, Mandu, Ramgarh |
14 | K.K. Verma Evening, College, Bergi, Giridih |
Prof. Kishor Kumar Verma | 9661009092 | K.K. Verma Evening, College, Bergi, Sirsia, Giridih |
15 | Karanpura College, Barkagaon | Prof. Kirtinath Mahto | 9123256770 | Karanpura College, Barkagaon, Hazaribag |
16 | Langta Baba College, Mirzaganj, Giridih |
Kamal Nayan Singh | 7004856870 | Langta Baba College, Mirzaganj, Jamua, Giridih |
17 | P.T.P.S. College, Patratu, Ramgarh | Prof. Anargh Sen | 9934169088 | P.T.P.S. College, Patratu, Po- Patratu Station Ramgarh |
18 | Parasnath College, Ishri Bazar, Giridih |
Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra | 6206582327 | Parasnath College, Ishri Bazar, Po-Nimiaghat, Giridih |
19 | Patel Evening Degree College, Hazaribag |
Dr. Shahin Mansoor | 8936007334 | Patel Evening Degree College, Masipidhi, Babhanbai, Hazaribag |
20 | Ramesh Prasad Yadav Degree College, Domchanch |
Dr. Pravin Kumar Mehta | 6200520257 | Ramesh Prasad Yadav Degree College, Domchanch, Koderma |
21 | R.N.M. College, Hunterganj, Chatra | Prof. Jainendra Kumar Singh | 9572373838 | R.N.M. College, Hunterganj, Chatra At.+Po- Hiring Ps. Hunterganj |
22 | R.N.Y.M. College, Barhi | Dr. Bimal Kishor | 9934199908 | R.N.Y.M. College, Barhi, Hazaribag |
23 | Simaria Degree Mahavidayalaya, Simaria | Surendra Kumar Bakshi | 9708517626 | Block Road Semaria Post.- Semaria, Chatra |
24 | Sahyog Evening College, Giridih | Nawlesh Kumar Singh | 8235912167 | Sahyog Evening College, Vijaydih, Birni, Giridih |
25 | Vananchal College, Tandwa, Chatra | Sanjay Narayan Das | 9955174161 | Vananchal College, Tandwa, Chatra |
26 | B.C.M. Evening Degree College, Gangpacho, Barkatha, Hazaribag |
Indradev Prasad | 9431175746 | B.C.M. Evening Degree College, Gangpacho, Barkatha, Hazaribag |
27 | Ghaghra Science College, Bagodar, Giridih | Ashok Kumar Yadav | 8205153031 | Ghaghra Science College, Bagodar, Giridih Po- Dondala |
28 | Kunwar Singh Evening Degree College, Giridih | Dr. Triveni Singh | 8340428330 | Kunwar Singh Evening Degree College, Nawadih, Giridih |
29 | Teklal Mahto Degree College, Bishnugarh, Hazaribag |
Dr. Ramchendra Ram | 9934576284 | Teklal Mahto Degree College, Bishnugarh, Hazaribag |
30 | Jharkhand Evening College, Koderma | Prof. Manish Pankaj | 8825318149 | Jharkhand Evening College, ward-1 Vishnupur Ashram, Koderma |
31 | Sariya College, Suriya | Dr. Santosh Kumar Lal | 9430192478 | Sariya College, Suriya, Hazaribag Road Railway Station, P.O:- Suriya, Dist. :- Giridih |
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Prof. Dr. Mukul Narayan Deo | Vice Chancellor | registrar [at] vbu [dot] ac [dot] in |
Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag
NH 33, Sindoor, Hazaribagh
Jharkhand, 825301