Chandigarh Environment Department Contact No.


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Officials Contact Details

S.No. Name Position Phone Email
1 Mr. T.C. Nautiyal, IFS Director 0172-2700284
2 Mr. Navneet Kumar Srivastava, IFS Addl. Director 0172-2700065
3 Dr. Brij Bhushan Scientist “SD” cum ENVIS Coordinator 0172-2700065
4 Mr. Mohit Badhwar Sr. Programme Officer (ENVIS HUB) 0172-2700065
5 Ms. Smriti Thakur Information Officer 0172-2700065
6 Mr. Surinder Sharma IT Officer 0172-2700065
7 - Scientific Officer (Climate Change Division) 0172-2700065
8 Dr. Rupali Jandrotia Senior Project Associate (Climate Change Cell) 0172-2700065
9 Mr. Jatinder Verma Senior Scale Stenographer/ PA 0172-2700065
10 Mr. Mukesh Kumar Senior Assistant - Central Public Information Officer 0172-2700065,
11 Mr. Keshav Jindal Law Officer 0172-2700065
12 Mr. Hardeep Singh Technical Assistant 0172-2700065

Officers Directory

S.No. Name Designation Contact
1 Sh. Debendra Dalai, IFS Director 0172-2700065
2 Sh. Brij Bhushan Scientist ‘SD’ 9418081381
3 Sh. Jatinder K. Verma Sr. Scale Stenographer 9814081411
4 Sh. Mukesh Kumar Sr. Asstt. 9815020995
5 Sh. Prafullo Pradhano Jr. Asstt. 9780138501
6 Sh. Naresh Kashyap Peon 9646496147
7 Sh. Surinder Pal Attendant 9501100571
8 Sh. Hardeep Singh Attendant 9478501314

Officers Contacts

Address: 3 rd Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan, Sector 19B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh

S.No. Information relating to Designation Contact
1 Implementation of schemes projects and any other department's work Director Environment 0172-2700217, 0172-2700284
2 Implementation of Plan Schemes including Research Projects under Environment Sector Scientist 'SD' 0172-2700065
3 Information related to the office and supervision, R.T.I. status of environment Clearance and other department's work Senior Assistant and Central Public Information officer 0172-2700065
4 Release of financial assistance to EcoClubs/ Societies Junior Assistant 0172-2700065

For Grievance/Complaints

Level 1

  • If you have any query/complaint, then you can contact to the following officers to lodge your complaint.
    S.No. Designation Contact
    1 Director 0172-2700217, 0172-2700284
    2 Scientist ‘SD’ (Env.) 0172-2700065
    3 Senior Assistant & Central Public Information Officer 0172-2700065
    4 Junior Assistant 0172-2700065

Level 2

  • If your query is not solved in level 1, then you can contact to the Public Grievance Officer.
    Contact No. 0172-27000665
    Address: Scientist 'SD' 3rd Floor Paryavara Bhawan,
    Sector 19 B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh

Level 3

  • If you are not satisfied by the resolution provided by the Public Grievance Officer, then you can contact to the Nodal Officer
    Contact No. 0712-2700217, 0712-2700284
    Address: Environment 3rd Floor, Paryvaran
    Bhawan, Sector 19 B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.
  • Your complaint will be heard within 10 days.
  • Your complaint must be registered with the following officers.
    Sr.No. Designation Contact No.
    1 Director Environment 0172-2700217, 0172-2700284
    2 Scientist 'SD' 0172-2700065


ENVIS HUB Department of Environment
3 rd Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan,
Sector 19B, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh

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