Deogarh District All Important Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 100 (Police Helpline)
  • 101 (Fire Helpline)
  • 102 (For Ambulance Helpline)
  • 1091 (Women Helpline)
  • 1906 (For LPG Leakage Complaint)

Important Links

Helpline Numbers

Sr No. Helpline Name Contact Number
1 Medical emergency 104, 06724-221016
2 Ambulance Helpline 108
3 District Emergency Helpline 18003456798
4 Citizen's Call Center 155300
5 Child Helpline 1098
6 Crime Stopper 1090
7 Helpline for Women in Distress 7827170170
8 Aadhaar Helpline 1947

Public Utilities

Sr No. Department Name Contact
1 Electricity WESCO Utility 9437057956,
2 Hospitals District Head Hospital, Deogarh 06641-226428
For More Public Utilities Like Hospitals , Postal , Banks , NGO Click on the Public Utilities you can see all the options related to Utilities.

Accommodation (Hotel /Resort /Dharamsala) Contacts

Sr No. Hotels Mobile Number Email Address
1 Mamata Palace 06641-226312, 9437158909 Traffic Chowk, Deogarh
2 Mamata 06641-226482 Traffic Chowk, Deogarh
3 Moonlight 9437175137 Traffic Chowk, Deogarh
4 Rounak Plaza 9438541848 Gopabandhu Chowk, Deogarh
5 Maa Tarini Guest House 9437139091   Traffic Chowk
6 Agrasen Bhawan 9437061547   Bhitiria Sahi, Deogarh
7 Jasmine 9439892066,
9437737989 At/PS- Barkote, Bonai Chowk, 
Dist- Deogarh PIN- 768110
8 Lalit Basanta 9437187675   Pradhanpat, Deogarh
9 Basanta Nivas 9437187675   Pradhanpat, Deogarh
10 Circuit House 7077318522 Sunamunda, Deogarh
11 Municipality Inspection Bunglow 9438678810 Pradhanpat, Deogarh

Media Contacts

Sr No News paper/ news agency Mobile No 
1 The Pragativadi 9437456265
2 The Dharitri/The Orissa Post 9437121562,  
3 The Sambad  9438383656
4 The Prameya 9437158260
5 The Nababharat 9437083851
6 The Nyayabati 9437347904
7 The O.T.V 9439535068
8 The M.B.C. TV 9439207512
9 Kanaka News 9437149348
10 Nadighosha 7847023303
11 All India Radio 8457044451
12 Naxatra News 9437535311
13 News 18 Odia 8327706532
14 Kalinga TV 9437220361
15 The Odisha Mobile TV 9776449292
16 Argus News 9078728071
17 News7 9437209594

STD Code

Sr No. Area Std Code
1 Deogarh 06641
2 Reamal 06641
3 Barkote 06643

PIN Code

SNo. Area Pin Code
1 Adas Pssk B.O. 768109
2 Ambagaon B.O. 768110
3 Aunli B.O. 768109
4 Badchhapal Pssk B.O. 768108
5 Balam B.O. 768108
6 Balanda B.O. 768110
7 Balani B.O. 768110
8 Bamparada B.O. 768110
9 Baniakilinda Pssk B.O. 768108
10 Barghat B.O. 768121
11 Barkote S.O. 768110
12 Basaloi B.O. 768108
13 Bhatsingh B.O. 768108
14 Bijaynagar Pssk B.O. 768110
15 Budido B.O. 768109
16 Charimancha B.O. 768110
17 Dandasingha B.O. 768108
18 Danra B.O. 768110
19 Dantaribahal B.O. 768108
20 Dashgharia B.O. 768109
21 Deogarh S.O. 768108
22 Dholpara B.O. 768121
23 Dimirikuda B.O. 768107
24 Gambharipali B.O. 768109
25 Ganganan B.O. 768108
26 Gohira Dam Site S.O. 768121
27 Gundiapali Pssk B.O. 768119
28 Gurusang B.O. 768110
29 Jhargogua B.O. 768108
30 K.Tainsar B.O. 768119
31 Kadopada B.O. 768110
32 Kalla B.O. 768110
33 Kandhal B.O. 768108
34 Kansar B.O. 768121
35 Kantabahal B.O. 768109
36 Kantapali B.O. 768108
37 Karlaga B.O. 768109
38 Khilei B.O. 768108
39 Kuliapal Pssk B.O. 768110
40 Kundheigola B.O. 768109
41 Laimura B.O. 768108
42 Lulang B.O. 768109
43 Madhyapur B.O. 768110
44 Malehipada B.O. 768109
45 Naulipara B.O. 768109
46 Nuadihi B.O. 768108
47 Palsama B.O. 768109
48 Parposi B.O. 768108
49 Purunagarh S.O. 768119
50 Raitabahal Pssk B.O. 768110
51 Rambhei Pssk B.O. 768108
52 Reamal S.O. 768109
53 Rengalbeda B.O. 768119
54 Saida B.O. 768110
55 Salebhata B.O. 768109
56 Sarpal B.O. 768109
57 Saruali B.O. 768110
58 Suguda B.O. 768108
59 Tabada B.O. 768119
60 Tarang B.O. 768109
61 Tantelabahal B.O. 768119
62 Tileibani B.O. 768119
63 Tinkabir B.O. 768109
64 Tuhilamal B.O. 768109
65 Tungamal B.O. 768109
66 Utunia B.O. 768109

Department Contacts

Sr No. Department Contact Details Email Address
1 District Child Protection Unit 06641-226645 Juvenile Tower, Municipality
Sahi, Deogarh, Odisha - 768108
2 District Election Office, Deogarh 06641-226359 Near Collectorate, Deogarh, Odisha
3 District Sports Office, Deogarh 9438314328 Collectorate, Deogarh, Odisha - 768108
4 Information And Public Relations Department 06641-226422 District Information and Public
Relations Officer, Deogarh
5 National Informatics Centre, Deogarh District Unit 06641-226608 Collectorate Building, Deogarh, Odisha - 768108
6 Sarba Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) - Deogarh District 06641-226093,
06641-226019, District Project Office, Right to
Education - Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan,
AT/PO-Purunagarh, Deogarh, Odisha - 768119

Common Service Centers

District Child Protection Unit

Sl No Name Designation Contact No
1 Romeo Mohapatra District Child Protection Officer 9438348294
2 Sri Chinmay Kumar Swain Protection Officer-Non Institutional Care And LPO [i/c] 9439917466
3 Mrs. Sujata Mahanandia Social Worker And POIC[i/c] 9583651100
4 Sri Gaurab Ch. Behera Accountant 9861716043

Statutory Bodies Contacts

Sl No Statutory Bodies Phone and Email Address
1 Child Welfare Committee[CWC] 06641-226643 , Child Welfare Committee , Juvenile Tower , Municipality Sahi , Deogarh, Odisha, Pin-768108.
2 Juvenile Justice Board[JJB] Juvenile Justice Board , Juvenile Tower , Municipality Sahi , Deogarh, Odisha, Pin-768108 ,

Officers Contacts

SrNo. Name Designation Phone Address
District Administration
1 Shri Kabindra Kumar Sahoo, O.A.S (SS) Collector And District Magistrate 06641-226301,
Collector And District Magistrate
2 Smt Rebeca Bilung, O.A.S.(SAG) Additional District Magistrate 9437331530,
Office of the Additional District Magistrate, Deogarh, Odisha-768108
3 Miss Ejlin Bara, O.A.S-1(JB) Deputy Collector 8018323637
4 Mamtaj Moharana, O.A.S. Deputy Collector 7008309523 Collectorate, Deogarh-768108
5 Smt. Anjuni Kujur,OAS Dy. Collector 6370262206 O/o The Collector Deogarh, pin-768108
6 Sri Tapas Kumar Mahanta, O.R.S Asst. Collector ,District Sub-Registrar, Development And Judicial Sec 9438910491 Collectorate Deogarh, 768108
7 Sri Iswar Guru, O.R.S. Asst. Collector, Nizarat And Small Savings Officer 9337171217 Collectorate, Deogarh-768108
8 Sri Hemanta Kumar Singh, O.R.S. Asst. Collector ,GAnd M, Grievance, Census And Emgergency 9438772774 Collectorate, Deogarh-768108
9 Sri Bibhu Ranjan Mohanty, OWS-I District Welfare Officer 9437372174,
Collectorate Deogarh
10 Sri Narahari Singh DSWO, Deogarh 9437681168 Collectorate, Deogarh-768108
11 Sri Sarbeswar Panigrahi District Social Security Officer 9937606233 O/o The Collector, Deogarh, Pin-768108
Block Level Officer
12 Sri Smruti Ranjan Sahu, O.A.S. Block Development Officer, Barkote 9437252554,
Office of the Block Development Officer, Barkote Deogarh-768110
13 Sri Ugrasen Oram, O.A.S. Block Development Officer, Reamal 9556913059,
Office of the Block Development Officer, Reamal, Deogarh-768109
14 Raghunath Panigrahi, OAS Block Development Officer, Tileibani 7873565755,
Office of the Block Development Officer, Tileibani, Deogarh-768119
Zilla Parishad
15 Sri Dharmananda Behera,OAS(S) CDO-cum-EO,ZP, Deogarh 7008124227 Zilla Parishad, Deogarh
National Informatics Centre
16 Tarani Behera District Informatics Officer 06641-226608
National Informatics Centre Collectorate, Deogarh, Odisha - 7681018
District Administration
17 Shri. Anil kumar Mishra , OPS Superintendent of Police, Deogarh O/of The Supdt Of Police, Purunagarh, Deogarh
Subdivisional Officer
18 Sri Parakshit Sahoo, O.A.S A(SB) Sub-Collector, Deogarh 9777209828 Office of the Sub-Collector, Deogarh
Tahasil Level Officers
19 Shri Tapas Bhoi, O.A.S Tahasildar, Barkote 6370669483 Office of The Tahasildar, Barkote
20 Shri Karna Mallik, OAS Tahasildar, Deogarh 9438285619 Office of The Tahasildar, Deogarh
21 Mrs. Jyotshnarani Nayak, OAS Tahsildar, Reamal 8895800985,
Office of the Tahsildar, Reamal

Other Officers Contacts

SNo. Name Designation Phone
District Level Officers
1 Sri Kutila Chandra Das Dist. Fishery Officer, Deogarh 7077094491
2 Rajib Lochan Naik, O.R.S. Asst. Collector And I/C DSO 8637279434
3 Sri Manoranjan Sutar DIAnd PRO, Deogarh 9437832950
4 Bijay Kumar Upadhyay District Employment Officer, Deogarh 9437486784
5 Sri Hemanta Kumar Singh I/C District Panchayat Officer, Deogarh 9438772774,
6 Sri Keshab Chandra Naik RTO, Deogarh 9437110404
7 Dr. Bijay Kumar Patra Chief District Veterinary Officer, Deogarh 7008617912
8 Nilamadhaba Naik Chief District Agriculture Officer, Deogarh 9439632864
9 Sri Kishor Gochhayat Drug Inspector 9437223112
10 Sri Debasish Jagadev Project Director, Watershed 9437226709
11 Sri Ramesh Kumar Patel General Manager, District Industries Centre, Deogarh 9938945749
12 Smt Basantiprava Naik Superintendent of Excise 8763814305
13 Sri Sanjay Kumar Pradhan Divisional Labour Commissioner, Deogarh 9437989789
14 Sri Ramsebak Pradhan Dy.Director, District Planning and Monitoring Unit, Deogarh 06641-226492
15 Sri Suresh Chandra Majhi District Treasury Officer 9938512438
16 Sri Romeo Mahapatra District Child Protection Officer, Deogarh 9438348294
17 Sri Ranjan Kumar Panda Civil Supply Officer 9438396088
Education Department
18 Sri Abhaya Mallik Principal, Government Polytechnic, Deogarh 8480506468
19 Sri Sudam Charan Parida Principal, Deogarh College, Deogarh 9438383682
20 Dr. Bijay Kumar Moharana Principal, Model Degree College, Deogarh 9437213557
21 Susanta Kumar Sahoo Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Deogarh 7008268467
22 Uttam Prasad Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Deogarh 7656068241
23 Radhakanta Gartia,I/C District Education Officer 8917347622
24 Shri Raju Saha Executive Engineer, TPWODL, Deogarh 9437057956
Forest Department
25 Magar Dhanaji Raoso DFO (T), Deogarh 0664-1291002
26 Sri Rajendra Kumar Nayak D.F.O.(KL) 9437239960
Health Department
27 Dr. Bishwamohan Mishra Chief District Medical Officer, Deogarh 8763653637
28 Sri Sriprasad Tamang, OAPS-I Commandant 4th IRBN, Bamparada 9437169314
29 Sri Soumya Ranjan Mallik, OPS S.D.P.O., Deogarh 06641-226395
30 Sri Pradip Kumar Kerketta, OPS DSP DIB, Deogarh 9438916578
31 Sri Surendra Kumar Nayak I.I.C., (Town Police), Deogarh 06641-226247
32 Smt Lalita Pradhan IIC Reamal 06641-227426
33 Sri Santosh Kumar Sethi IIC Kundheigola 06641-227426
34 Smt. Jagyanseni Pradhan IIC, BARKOTE 06641-227426
35 Sri Kalyan Kishore Panda SDO(T), BSNL, Deogarh 9437002333
Works Departmente
36 Sri Rama Chandra Sethi Executive Engineer, (RAnd B) PWD, Deogarh 9437111283
37 Pramod sahu Executive Engineer, (RWSS), Deogarh 9437564544
38 Sri Arun Kumar Pandey I/C Executive Engineer, N.H.Division, Deogarh 8280553500

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