East Kameng District All Important Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 100 (Police)
  • 108/102 (Ambulance Helpline)
  • 1098 (Child Helpline)
  • 1091 (Women Helpline)
  • 101 (Fire)
  • 1070 (Rescue and Relief)
  • 1077 (Disaster Management)
  • 1090 (Crime Stopper)
  • 181 (Mitra)
  • 1800 425 1400 (Nirbhaya Helpline)
  • 155300 (Citizen's Call Center)

Important Links

Important Telephone Contacts

Sl No. Name Contact No.
1. Fire Station 112, 8730873323, 9436054898
2. Police Station(OC) 112, 8730873323, 8730872142
3. OC PS, Seijosa 03778-222204
4. District Hospital 03778-222428
5. Ambulance 102
6. Circuit House 9402408764, 9436661824
7. Telephone Complaint 197
8. Gas Agency 03778-200133 
9. Power House 03778-222414
10. Vety. Dispensary 03778-222408
11. Post Office 03778-222223
12. Petrol Agency 03778-222379

Public Utilities

Sr.No. Category Name Contact No. Address
1 Hospitals District Hospital Seppa 03787-222239 Medical Colony, Seppa, East Kameng,
Arunachal Pradesh, 790102
2 Banks Central Bank Of India 9540613360,
Opp Police Station, Po Seppa, Dist-east Kameng
Arunachal Pradesh, Pin -790102, Dist-east Kameng,
State-arunachal Pradesh IFSC Code : CBIN0284631
Branch Code : 284631
3 Postal Post Office: SEPPA 03787-222223 Postmaster, Post Office SEPPA (SUB OFFICE),
East Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, India,
Pin Code:- 790102
4 Colleges/Universities SETU Charitable Trust 9540613360,
B-23, Royal Orchid, Corporate Road, Near
Prahladnagar Garden, Vejalpur,
Ahmedabad - 380015
5 Electricity Seppa Electrical Division 03787-222521,
Executive Engineer(E), Seppa Electrical Division,
Department of Power, East Kameng District,
Arunachal Pradesh, Seppa-790 102.

Deputy Commissioners of East Kameng District Contacts

Sl No. Name Designation Email
1. Shri Bimpak Siga Assistant Mineral Development Officer(AMDO) bimpak_siga@yahoo.co.in

Officers Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact No. Address
General Administration
1 Shri Sachin Rana IAS Deputy Commisioner O/o the Deputy Commissioner Seppa,
East Kameng, 790102 Arunachal Pradesh
2 Shri Himanshu Nigam IAS ADC Seppa 8476806016 O/o the Deputy Commissioner Seppa,
East Kameng, 790102 Arunachal Pradesh
3 Shri Lekhandu Thungon APCS SDO Sadar 9862203123 O/o the Deputy Commissioner Seppa,
East Kameng, 790102 Arunachal Pradesh
4 Shri Ashok Tajo APPSC DPDO-cum-PD(DRDA) 9436046730 O/o the Project Director, Seppa, East Kameng
5 Shri Nong Kong Borang APCS Addl Deputy Commissioner 8798671166 O/o the Addl Deputy Commissioner, Bameng,
East Kameng, 790102 Arunachal Pradesh
6 Shri Biaro Sorum APCS Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Chayangtajo 03785-284202,
O/o the Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Chayangtajo
Police Department
7 Shri Kamdam Sikom APPS Supdt. of Police 7085800479 O/o the Supdt. of Police
National Informatics Centre
8 Shri Nritant Singh District Informatics Officer 03787-222308 O/o the Deputy Commissioner Seppa
East Kameng 790102
9 Dr. Dilip Khonjuju Dist. Medical Officer 8131886386 O/o the Dist. Medical Officer Seppa
10 Dr. Dirang Pizi DRCHO 9436045819 O/o of the Dist. Medical Officer
Environment And Forest
11 Shri Ankit Kumar IFS Divisional Forest Officer 9811680054 O/o-Divisional Forest Officer Seppa
12 Shri N Natung Range Forest Officer 9402897453 O/o of the Divisional Forest Officer
(Seppa Circle)
13 Shri Kanam Phasang Range Forest Officer 9436630044 O/o of the Divisional Forest Officer
(Chayangtajo Circle)
Head of Departments/Organization
14 Ms. Mekory Dodum Trade Development Officer   O/o-The Deputy Commissioner Seppa
District-East Kameng,Arunachal Pradesh-790102
15 Smt. Chuku Ame Loffa DSO (Statistical) 9436895908 O/o of the District Statistical Officer Seppa
16 Shri Anand Nabam District Food & Civil Supply Officer 9612322144 O/o-District Food & Civil Supply Officer Seppa
17 Shri Koya Yame District Sports Officer 9402239888 O/o-The Deputy Commissioner Seppa District-
East Kameng,Arunachal Pradesh-790102
18 Shri Taneng Jerang Dist. Treasury Officer 9774655656 O/o-The Deputy Commissioner Seppa District-
East Kameng,Arunachal Pradesh-790102
19 Shri/Mrs District Land Revenue & Settlement Officer 9436090267 O/o-The Deputy Commissioner Seppa District-
East Kameng,Arunachal Pradesh-790102
20 Shri Taluk Sonam District Tourism Officer 03787-223180,
O/o- District Tourism Officer Seppa
21 Shri Kamku Jomoh District Planning Officer 03787-222343,
O/o -District Planning Officer Seppa
Assembly Constituencies
22 Shri Mama Natung 11-Seppa West(ST) A/C 9436044320  

Accommodation Contact Details

Sr.No. Name Contact No. Address
1 Circuit House 03787-222218,03787-222576,
Fax: 03787-222427,
Medical Colony, Seppa, East Kameng,
Arunachal Pradesh, 790102
2 Hotel Deewana 03787- 222665 Cona, Seppa Arunachal Pradesh 790102
3 Takar Pu Home stay 9485231621 Seppa Arunachal Pradesh
4 Kameng Home stay 9436227419 Seppa Arunachal Pradesh
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