Indian Institute Of Soil Science (ICAR-IISS) No. 0755-273 0946

All India Number(s):
- 0755-273 0946 (For Contact)
- 0755-273 0970 (For Support)
- 0755-273 3341 (For General Queries)
Official Website Officers Contact
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | Address | |
1 | Dr. S. P. DATTA | Director/Appellate Authority | 0755-2730946, Fax: 0755-2733310 | | Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Madhya Pradesh, India. |
2 | Dr. Tapan Adhikari | HOD, Environmental Soil Science Division | 0755-2730970 Ext. 127 Fax: 0755-2733310 | | Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Madhya Pradesh, India. |
3 | Dr. Narendra Kumar Lenka | HOD, Soil Physics Division | 0755-2730970 Ext. 340 Fax: 0755-2733310 | | Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Madhya Pradesh, India. |
4 | Dr. S. R. Mohanty | HOD, Division of Soil Biology | 0755-2730970 Ext. 319 Fax: 0755-2733310 |, |
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Madhya Pradesh, India. |
5 | Dr. Sanjib Kumar Behera | HOD, Soil Chemistry and Fertility Division | 0755-2730970 Ext. 321 Fax: 0755-2733310 |, |
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Madhya Pradesh, India. |
6 | Dr. Sanjay Srivastava | Pr. Scientist & I/c STCR | 0755-2730970 Ext. 210 Fax: 0755-2733310 | , |
Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal - 462038 Madhya Pradesh, India. |
7 | Dr. R.H. Wanjari | Pr. Scientist & I/c PC LTFE, AICRP LTFE |, | ||
8 | Dr. Dhiraj Kumar | Scientist, PC LTFE Unit, AICRP LTFE | |
Directors Contact
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | Address | |
1 | Dr. Ashok Kumar Patra | Off. Emeritus Scientist & Ex-Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science | 9811733465, 9713464733 | | Nabibagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal 462038, M.P |
2 | Dr. Subba Rao, Annangi | Soil chemistry, soil fertility, soil testing, integrated nutrient management, soil health | 0755-2743267, 7869494664 | | |
3 | Dr. Acharya, Chuni Lal | Natural resource management, soil physics/soil water conservation/management, tillage, water management | 01894-238824, 9418105471 | | House No. 28, Nagarkot Colony, Thakurdwara P.O. Maranda, Palampur 176102, Himachal Pradesh. |
4 | Dr. Takkar, Pran Nath | Soil Science, Soil Chemistry and Fertility, Fertilizer Use, Plant Nutrition, Micronutrient deficiency and Management | 011-29815537, 9953903254 | | H-I/114, Lajpat Nagar I, New Delhi 110024 |
Divisions Contacts
Sr.No. | Name | Officers Name | |
1 | Soil Physics | Dr. N.K. Lenka | |
2 | Soil Chemistry and Fertility | Dr. Sanjib Kumar Behera | |
3 | Soil Biology | Dr. S. R. Mohanty | |
4 | Environmental Soil Science | Dr. Tapan Adhikari | |
5 | Remote Sensing and GIS Section,Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU) | Dr. Nishant K. Sinha | |
6 | PME Cell (Prioritisation, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell) | Dr. R. Elanchezhian | |
7 | PME Cell (Prioritisation, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell) | Mr. Sanjay Kumar Kori | |
8 | Library, Information and Documentation services | Mrs. Nirmala Mahajan | |
Staffs Contact
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | |
Scientific Staff | ||||
1 | Dr. S. P. Datta | Director | 0755-2730946 | Spdatta.Manish@Gmail.Com, |
2 | Dr. Tapan Adhikari | Principal Scientist | 0755-2730970, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Tapan_12000@Yahoo.Co.Uk. Tapan_12000@Rediffmail.Com |
3 | Dr. Narendra Kumar Lenka | Principal Scientist (Soil Science) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 340, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Nklenka@Rediffmail.Com; Narendra.Lenka@Icar.Gov.In |
4 | Santosh Ranjan Mohanty | Principal Scientist | 0755-2730970, Extn: 319, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Mohantywisc@Gmail.Com, Santoshmohanty@Icar.Gov.In |
5 | Dr. Sanjib Kumar Behera | Principal Scientist (Soil Science) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 321, Fax: 0755-2733310] |
Sanjibkumarbehera123@Gmail.Com, Sanjib.Behera@Icar.Gov.In |
6 | Dr. R.S. Chaudhary | Principal Scientist And Head Division Of Soil Physics | 0755-2730970, Extn: 111, Fax:0755-2733310 |
Rschaudhary6691@Gmail.Com, Ranjeet.Chaudhary@Icar.Gov.In |
7 | Dr. Ashis Kumar Biswas | : Principal Scientist And Head | 0755-2730970, 9993600268, Extn: 241, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Akb.Iiss.Bpl@Gmail.Com, Ashish.Biswas@Icar.Gov.In |
8 | Dr. J. K. Saha | Principal Scientist And Head | 0755-2730970, Fax: 0755-2733310 | Jk_Saha12000@Yahoo.Com, Jayant.Saha@Icar.Gov.In |
9 | Ajay | Principal Scientist (Plant Physiology) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 320, 9425016081, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Ajay07051963@Gmail.Com, Ajay1@Icar.Gov.In |
10 | Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Tripathi | Principal Scientist( Soil Biology) | 0755-2730970,Fax: 0755-2733310 | Tripathiak1965@Gmail.Com, A.Tripathi@Icar.Gov.In |
11 | Dr. Sanjay Srivastava | Principal Scientist(Soil Chemistry And Fertility) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 210, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Sanjaysrivastava238@Gmail.Com, Sanjay.Srivastava1@Icar.Gov.In |
12 | Dr R Elanchezhian | Principal Scientist ( Soil Chemistry And Fertility) | 0755-2730970,Extn: 242, Fax: 0755-2733310 | Elanchezhian.R@Icar.Gov.In, Elanrc@Gmail.Com |
13 | Dr. Prabhat Tripathi | Principal Scientist (Soil Physics) | 0755-2730970,Extn: 110, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Prabat72@Gmail.Com, Prabhat.Tripathi@Icar.Gov.In |
14 | Dr Rh Wanjari | Pr. Scientist (Agronomy) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 341, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Wanjariravi@Gmail.Com, R.Wanjari@Icar.Gov.In |
15 | Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh | Principal Scientist(Soil Physics) | 0755-2730970, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Singhrk427@Gmail.Com, Rakesh.Singh@Icar.Gov.In |
16 | Dr. Anand Kumar Vishwakarma | Principal Scientist (Agronomy) | 0755-2730970, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Akvish16@Gmail.Com, Anand.Vishwakarma@Icar.Gov.In |
17 | Dr Pramod Jha | Principal Scientist (Soil Chemistry And Fertility) |
0755-2730970, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Jha_Iari@Yahoo.Com, Pramod.Jha@Icar.Gov.In |
18 | Dr Kollah Bharati | Principal Scientist (Soil Biology) |
0755-2730970,Extn: 318, Fax: 0755-2733310 | Bharatik1@Gmail.Com, Kollah.Bharati@Icar.Gov.In |
19 | Dr. Sangeeta Lenka | Senior Scientist | 0755-2730970, Extn: 152, 0755-2733310 | Sangeeta_2@Rediffmail.Com, Sangeeta.Lenka@Icar.Gov.In |
20 | Asit Mandal | Scientist(Soil Biology) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 140, Fax: 0755-2733310 | Asit.Iari@Gmail.Com, Asit.Mandal3@Icar.Gov.In |
21 | Dr. M. Vassanda Coumar | Scientist(F Environmental Soil Science) | 0755-2730970,Fax: 0755-2733310 | Vassanda.Coumar@Gmail.Com, Mv.Coumar@Icar.Gov.In |
22 | Dr Nishant K Sinha | Scientist(Soil Physics) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 108, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Nishant.Sinha76211@Gmail.Com, Nishant.Sinha@Icar.Gov.In |
23 | Dr. J. K. Thakur | Scientist(Soil Biology) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 140, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Jyoti.Thakur@Icar.Gov.In |
24 | Dr. Asha Sahu | Scientist (Sr. Scale) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 143, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Ashaars.Iiss@Gmail.Com, Asha.Sahu@Icar.Gov.In |
25 | Mrs. Seema Bhardwaj | Scientist (Sr. Scale), Soil Science | 0755-2730970, Extn: 107, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Seema.Bhardwaj@Icar.Gov.In |
26 | Dr. Shinogi K.C. | Scientist( Soil Chemistry And Fertility) | 0755-2730970, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Shinojikallely@Gmail.Com, Shinogi.C@Icar.Gov.In |
27 | Dr Bharat Prakash Meena | Senior Scientist (Agronomy) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 208, Fax: 0755-2733310 | Bharatmeena24@Gmail.Com, Bharat.Meena@Icar.Gov.In |
28 | Dr. Nisha Sahu | Sr. Scientist (Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Microbiology) |
Nishasahu5@Gmail.Com, Nisha.Sahu@Icar.Gov.In |
29 | Jitendra Kumar | Sr. Scientist (Soil Physics) | 0755-2730970, 9532557582 |
Jitendra.Iari@Gmail.Com, Jitendra.Kumar1@Icar.Gov.In |
30 | Dr. Narayan Lal | Sr.Scientist (Hort. Fruit Science) | 7677456550, 7488322554 | Narayanlal.Lal7@Gmail.Com, Narayan.Lal@Icar.Gov.In |
31 | Dr. Sudeshna Bhattacharjya | Scientist (Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Microbiology) | 0755-2730970,7509667746, Extn: 143, Fax: 0755-2733310 | Sudeshna.Bb@Outlook.Com, Sudeshna.Bhattacharjya@Icar.Gov.In |
32 | Dr. Dhiraj Kumar | Scientist (Soil Chemistry/Fertility) | 0755-2730970, Extn: 303, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Dhiraj.Iari@Gmail.Com, Dhiraj.Kumar@Icar.Gov.In |
33 | Dr. Abhijit Sarkar | Scientist (Ess) | 0755-2730970, 9868072937, Extn: 149, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Abhijitiiwm@Gmail.Com, Abhijit.Sarkar@Icar.Gov.In |
34 | Mrs. Madhumonti Saha | Scientist (Ess) | 8100138842 | Madhumonti2609@Gmail.Com, Madhumonti.Saha@Icar.Gov.In |
35 | Alka Rani | Scientist (Soil Physics) | Alka.Ars109@Gmail.Com, Alka.Rani1@Icar.Gov.In |
36 | Dr Immanuel Chongboi Haokip | Scientist (Soil Science) | Immanuel.Haokip@Icar.Org.In, Immanuel.Ssac@Gmail.Com |
37 | Dr Mayanglambam Homeshwari Devi | Scientist | Mdevi271@Gmail.Com, Homeshwari.M@Icar.Gov.In | |
38 | Mr. Rahul Mishra | Scientist (Ess) | 8750702620 | Rahul.Mishra@Icar.Gov.In, Mishrarahul471@Gmail.Com |
39 | Dr. Dinesh K. Yadav | Scientist (Ess) | 8744057143 | Dinesh.Yadav1@Icar.Gov.In, Yadavdinu501@Gmail.Com |
40 | Khushboo Rani | Scientist (Soil Chemistry/Fertility) | 8599801070 | Khushboo.Rani@Icar.Gov.In, Khushi.Rani06@Gmail.Com |
41 | Abinash Das | Scientist (Soil Biology) | Abinash.Das@Icar.Gov.In, Abinash.Iari@Gmail.Com | |
Emeritus Scientist | ||||
42 | Ashok Kumar Patra | Former Director | 9811733465 | Patraak@Gmail.Com, Ashok.Patra@Icar.Gov.In |
Technical Staff | ||||
43 | Mrs. Nirmala Mahajan | Cheif Technical Officer | 0755-2730970, Ext:140 | Nmahajan1@Iiss.Res.In |
44 | Mr. Hukum Singh | Technical Assistant (Field) | 9827655197 | |
45 | Mr. S. K. Rai | Senior Technical Ass | 9425624838 | Santkumar.Iiss@Gmail.Com |
46 | D.R. Darwai | Technical Officer And Farm Superintendent (Farm) | 9926436799 | |
Administrative Staff | ||||
47 | Mrs. Yojana Meshram | Personal Assistant | Yojana.Meshram@Icar.Gov.In | |
48 | Venny Joy | Private Secretary | 0755-2730946, Ext:202, Fax: 0755-2733310 |
Venny.Joy@Icar.Gov.In |
49 | Sanjay Kumar Kor | Stenographer Grade-Iii | 0755-2730970, Ext:204, Fax:0755-2733310 |
Supporting Staff | ||||
50 | Mr. Kalicharan | Lab Attendant | 9893558969 | Kalicharanverma786@Gmail.Com |
List of Partner Institute Contacts
Sr.No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. | |
ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad | ||||
1 | Dr. G. Pratibha | Project Principal Investigator | 9246208478 | |
ICAR - IIFSR, Modipuram | ||||
2 | Dr. Prem Singh | Principal Investigator | 9412628440 | |
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal | ||||
3 | Dr. A.K. Biswas | Lead Centre Platform Coordinator | 9993600268 | |
4 | Dr. R.S. Chaudhary | Dy. Lead Centre Platform Coordinator | 8109515567 | |
5 | Dr. K.M. Hati | Project Principal Investigator | 9407259212 |, |
6 | Dr.A.K. Vishwakarma | Co-Project Principal Investigator | 8989097364 | |
7 | Dr.J.Somasundaram | Co-Project Principal Investigator | | |
8 | Dr. S. Srivastava | Co-Project Principal Investigator | 9977655437 | |
9 | Dr. P. Jha | Co-Project Principal Investigator | 9630285969 | |
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi | ||||
10 | Dr. T.K. Das | Project Principal Investigator | 9868128266 | |
ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal | ||||
11 | Dr. Dushyant Singh | Project Principal Investigator | 0755-2521140 | |
12 | Dr. Narendra Chandel | Project Principal Investigator | | |
ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur | ||||
13 | Dr. V.K Chaudhary | Project Principal Investigator | 7987281920 | |
ICAR-RCER, Patna | ||||
14 | Dr. J.S. Mishra | Project Principal Investigator | 8409899897 | |
ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal | ||||
15 | Dr. Ranbir Singh | Project Principal Investigator | 9896946179 | |
ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack | ||||
16 | Dr. A.K. Nayak | Project Principal Investigator | 9777591282 | |
17 | Dr. Susmita Munda | Project Principal Investigator | 8598029582 | |
ICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research, Karnal | ||||
18 | Dr. R.S. Chhokar | Project Principal Investigator | 9416296262 | |
ICAR- NIASM, Baramati | ||||
19 | Dr.Goraksha Wakchaure | Project Principal Investigator | 7350916985 | |
Public Information Officer
Sr.No. | Officers | Name | Contact No. | Address | |
1 | Nodal Officer & Central Public Information Officer (CPIO-Scientific) |
Dr. R. Elanchezhian Principal Scientist | 0755-2730970 Ext: 210 Fax: 0755-2733310 |, |
Division of Soil Chemistry & Fertility Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal -462038 |
2 | Central Public Information Officer (CPIO-Admin) | Senior Administrative Officer/ Administrative Officer | 0755-2747375 Ext: 233 Fax: 0755-2733310 | | Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal -462038 |
3 | Transparency Officer | Dr. N.K. Lenka | 0755-2730970 Ext: 340 Fax: 0755-2733310 | | HOD, Soil Physics Division, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal -462038 |
4 | First Appellate Authority | Dr. S. P. Datta | 0755-2730946, Ext: 340 Fax: 0755-2733310 |, |
Director Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal -462038 |
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Indian Institute Of Soil Science (ICAR-IISS),
Berasia Rd, Navi Bagh, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
462038 Contact No.: 0755-2733372, 0755-2734221
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