IIT Dhanbad Contact No.
- 0326-2235001 (For Support)
- 0326-2235002 (For Alternative Support)
- 0326-2235003 (For Query)
- 0326-2235004 (For General Query)
Important Link
Head of The Departments
Name | Subject | Contact Details |
Prof Parthasarathi Das | Chemistry | ach@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235281 |
Mrinal Kanti Mukherjee | Applied Geology | agl@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235271 |
Prof. P K Khan | Applied Geophysics | agp@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235286 |
Prof. G. N. Singh | Mathematics & Computing | am@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235230 |
Prof. Bobby Kachappilly Antony |
Physics | ap@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235282 |
Prof. Arun Kumar Samanta | Chemical Engineering | che@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235288 |
Prof. S. K. Das | Civil Engineering | civ@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235289 |
Prof. Sachin Tripathi | Computer Science & Engineering |
cse@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235273 |
Prof. Kalyan Chatterjee | Electrical Engineering | ee@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235287 |
Prof. Jitendra Kumar | Electronics Engineering | ece@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235274 |
Prof. Anshumali | Environmental Sc. & Engineering | ese@iitism.ac.in 0326-223-5285 |
Prof. Sumantra Bhattacharya | Fuel, Minerals and Metallurgical Engg | fme@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235276 |
Prof. Shalivahan | Humanities and Social Science | hss@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235277 |
Prof. Saumya Singh | Management Studies | ms@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235278 |
Prof Amit Rai Dixit | Mechanical Engineering | mech@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235260 |
Prof L A Kumaraswamidhas | Mining Machinery Engineering | mme@iitism.ac.in 0326-223-5275 |
Arvind Kumar Mishra | Mining Engineering | me@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235279 |
Prof. Keka Ojha | Petroleum Engineering | pe@iitism.ac.in 0326-2235280 |
Telephone Directory
S No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | BSNL Land
Line Resi. |
1. | Prof Prem Vrat Chairman | -- | -- | -- | chairman@iitism.ac.in |
2. | Prof. Rajiv Shekhar Director | 05201-2296601 | -- | -- | director@iitism.ac.in |
3. | Prof Dheeraj Kumar
Deputy Director |
0326-2235210 | 0326-2235586 | -- | dydir@iitism.ac.in |
Academic Administration | |||||
4. | Dean (Faculty) Office | 0326-2235268 | -- | -- | -- |
5. | Prof. Subhashis Chatterjee Dean (Faculty) |
Ext.- 5204 0326-2296609 |
0326-2235541 | -- | dfac@iitism.ac.in |
6. | Prof Sahendra Singh
Associate Dean (Faculty) Selection Career Progression |
0326-2235215 | 0326-2235037 | -- | adfscp@iitism.ac.in |
7. | Prof. Vipin Kumar
Associate Dean (Faculty) Recruitment |
0326-2235254 | 0326-2235743 | -- | adfrec@iitism.ac.in |
8. | Dean (Academic) Office | 0326-2235213 | -- | -- | -- |
9. | Prof. Chiranjeev Kumar
Dean (Academic) |
05213-2296646 | 0326-2235589 | -- | dacad@iitism.ac.in |
10. | Prof. Barun Kumar Nandi Associate Dean (Academic) Postgraduate |
0326-2235218 | 0326-2235140 | -- | adpg@iitism.ac.in |
11. | Prof. Sheeja Jagadevan
Associate Dean (Academic) Undergraduate |
0326-2235230 | 0326-2235163 | -- | adug@iitism.ac.in |
12. | Prof. Siddhartha Sengupta Associate Dean (Academic) Administration and Coordination |
0326-2235990 | 0326-2235157 | -- | adac@iitism.ac.in |
13. | Dean (Students Welfare) Office | 0326-2235205 | -- | -- | -- |
14. | Prof. Mritunjay Kr.Singh
Dean |
0326-2235205 | 0326-2235588 | -- | dsw@iitism.ac.in |
15. | Prof. Shatrughan Soren
Associate |
0326-2235219 | 0326-2235909 | -- | adsiw@iitism.ac.in |
16. | Prof. Saurabh Dutta Gupta
Associate Dean (Hostel Management) |
0326-2235270 | 0326-2235071 | -- | adhm@iitism.ac.in |
17. | Prof. Rakesh S. Moirangthem
Associate Dean (Students Activities) |
0326-2235270 | 0326-2235110 | -- | adsa@iitism.ac.in |
18. | Dean (Infrastructure) Office | 0326-2235269 | -- | -- | -- |
19. | Prof. Alok Sinha
Dean |
0326-2235221 | 0326-2235099 | -- | dinfra@iitism.ac.in |
20. | Prof. Sukanta Das
Associate Dean (Infrastructure) Campus Management |
0326-2235214 | 0326-2235929 | -- | adcm@iitism.ac.in |
21. | Prof. Sarat Kumar Panda
Associate Dean (Infrastructure) Planning & Projects |
0326-2235234 | 0326-2235073 | -- | adpp@iitism.ac.in |
22. | Prof. Abhishek Kumar Singh
Acting Dean (Information Systems) |
0326-2235258 | 0326-2235102 | -- | dis@iitism.ac.in |
23. | Prof. Badam Singh Kushvah Associate Dean (Networking & Systems) |
0326-2235661 | 0326-2235783 | -- | adns@iitism.ac.in |
24. | Prof.Arup Kumar Pal,
Associate Dean Automation) |
0326-2235312 | 0326-2235949 | -- | admis@iitism.ac.in |
25. | Dean (Research & Development) Office |
0326-2235203 | -- | -- | -- |
26. | Prof Rajiv Shekhar
Dean (Research & Development) |
0326-2235203 | -- | -- | drnd@iitism.ac.in |
27. | Prof. Sagar Pal
Associate Dean (R&D) Research Infrastructure |
0326-2235253 | 0326-2235786 | -- | adri@iitism.ac.in |
28. | Prof. Ravi Kumar Gangwar
0326-2235217 | 0326-2235059 | -- | adsr@iitism.ac.in |
29. | Dean (IRAA) Office | 0326-2235220 | -- | -- | -- |
30. | Prof. R M Bhattacharjee
Dean |
0326-2235212 | 0326-2235101 | -- | diraa@iitism.ac.in |
31. | Prof. Rajeev Upadhyay
Associate |
0326-2235224 | 0326-2235086 | -- | adaa@iitism.ac.in |
32. | Prof. Biswajit Chowdhury
Associate Dean (IRAA) International Relation |
0326-2235259 | 0326-2235930 | -- | adir@iitism.ac.in |
33. | Prof. Pankaj Mishra
Acting |
0326-2235211 | 0326-2235193 | -- | diie@iitism.ac.in |
34. | Prof. Niladri Das
Associate Dean, Incubation & Entrepreneurship |
0326-2235211 | -- | -- | adie@iitism.ac.in |
35. | Prof. Pankaj Mishra
Associate Dean, Innovation |
0326-2235211 | 0326-2235193 | -- | adi@iitism.ac.in |
36. | Prof. Kalyan Kumar Singh
Associate Dean, Monitoring & Review |
0326-2236201 | 0326-2235928 | -- | admr@iitism.ac.in |
37. | Prof. Kalyan Kumar Singh
Acting Dean (Administration) |
0326-2235257 | 0326-2235928 | -- | dadmin@iitism.ac.in |
38. | Prof. Chandan Guria
Associate Dean (Administration) |
0326-2235256 | 0326-2235892 | -- | adadmin@iitism.ac.in |
39. | Dean (Media & Branding) Office |
0326-2235315 | -- | -- | -- |
40. | Prof. Rajni Singh
Dean (Media & Branding) |
0326-2235303 | 0326-2235547 | -- | dmbc@iitism.ac.in |
41. | Prof. Bibhas Chandra
Associate Dean (Documentation & Ranking) |
0326-2235304 | 0326-2235097 | -- | addr@iitism.ac.in |
42. | JEE Office | 0326-2235292 | -- | -- | -- |
43. | Prof. Subindu Kumar
Chairman, JEE (Advanced) |
0326-2235292 | 0326-2235788 | -- | chairman_jeea@iitism.ac.in |
44. | Prof. Pramod Kr. Kewat
Vice- Chairman, JEE (Advanced) |
0326-2235298 | 0326-2235985 | -- | vc_jeea@iitism.ac.in |
45. | Career Development Centre Office |
0326-2235231 | -- | -- | -- |
46. | Prof. Debjani Mitra
Chairman (CDC) |
Ext.- 5231 0326-2296613 |
-- | -- | pce@iitism.ac.in |
47. | Prof. Kironmala Chanda,
Vice- Chairperson (UG - Internship) |
0326-2235176 | 0326-2235897 | -- | tp@iitism.ac.in |
48. | Prof. Mrinal Sen,
Vice-Chairperson (UG - Placements) |
0326-2235208 | 0326-2235952 | -- | tp@iitism.ac.in |
49. | Prof. Vinod Kr. Singh
Chairperson, GATE / JAM |
0326-2235265 | 0326-2235741 | -- | chairman_gatejam@iitism.ac.in |
50. | Prof. M. K. Jain
Vice-Chairperson, GATE / JAM |
0326-2235266 | 0326-2235576 | -- | vc_gatejam@iitism.ac.in |
General Administration | |||||
51. | Mr. P. R. K. Sinha
Registrar (Acting) |
0326-2296605 Ext. 5202 |
-- | -- | registrar@iitism.ac.in |
52. | Mr. P. R. K. Sinha Registrar (Acting) |
0326-2235202 | 0326-2296605 | -- | cvo@iitism.ac.in |
53. | Mr. Prabodh Pandey
Joint Registrar (Finance & Accounts) |
0326-2235611 | 0326-2235711 | -- | jrfa@iitism.ac.in |
54. | Mr. P. R. K. Sinha
Joint Registrar (DT Sectt.) |
0326-223608 | 0326-2235713 | -- | jrdts@iitism.ac.in |
55. | Mr. Anil Kumar
Dy. RG (Coordination) |
0326-2235888 | 0326-2235725 | 0326-2296677 | -- |
56. | Mr. Ranti Dev Sharma
Dy. RG (Examination & Academic) |
0326-2235626 | -- | -- | dracad@iitism.ac.in |
57. | Mr. Kumar Ujjawal
Dy. RG (Purchase & Store) |
0326-2235612 | -- | -- | drps@iitism.ac.in |
58. | Mr. Sanjay Kumar Singh
Dy. RG (Establishment) |
0326-2235613 | -- | -- | drestt@iitism.ac.in |
59. | Mr. Kamesh Kanchan Katariar
Asst. RG (Project Accounts & Internal Audit) |
0326-2235624 | -- | -- | arproject@iitism.ac.in |
60. | Mrs. Sukhninder Kaur
Asst. RG (Media & Branding) |
0326-2235683 | 0326-2235726 | -- | armbc@iitism.ac.in |
61. | Mr. M. N. Pandey
Asst. RG (Student Welfare) |
0326-2235677 | 0326-2235142 | -- | arsw@iitism.ac.in |
62. | Mr. Dhananjay Kumar
Asst. RG (Store & Purchase) |
0326-2235660 | 0326-2235749 | -- | arps@iitism.ac.in |
63. | Mr. Rahul Kumar
Asst. RG (Estate & Infrastructure) |
0326-2235619 | 0326-2235719 | -- | arestate@iitism.ac.in |
64. | Mr. Naveen Kumar
Asst. RG (Faculty Affairs) |
0326-2235584 | 0326-2235515 | -- | arfa@iitism.ac.in |
65. | Mr. Brijesh Kumar Pandey
Asst. RG (Admissions) |
0326-2235325 | 0326-2235190 | -- | aradmissions@iitism.ac.in |
66. | Mr. Brijesh Kumar Pandey
Asst. RG (Official Language) |
0326-2235679 | 0326-2235190 | -- | ho@iitism.ac.in |
67. | Mr. Satyendra Kumar
Asst. RG (Establishment) |
0326-2235609 | -- | -- | arestt@iitism.ac.in |
68. | Mr. Rajan Chaudhary
Asst. RG (Internal Audit) |
0326-2235627 | -- | -- | ar_ia@iitism.ac.in |
69. | Mr. Gaurav Bansal
Asst. RG (Faculty Affairs) |
0326-2235514 | 0326-2235521 | -- | arfacew@iitism.ac.in |
70. | Mr. Suharsh Kumar
Asst. RG (Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship) |
-- | -- | -- | ariie@iitism.ac.in |
71. | Mr. Mahesh Ingilela
Asst. RG (Finance & Accounts) |
0326-2235144 | -- | -- | arfa@iitism.ac.in |
72. | Mr. Kamlesh Kumar
Asst. RG (Academic) UG |
0326-2235548 | -- | -- | arug@iitism.ac.in |
73. | Mr. Mrityunjay Kumar Manglam
Asst. RG (Academic) PG |
0326-2235625 | -- | -- | arpg@iitism.ac.in |
74. | Mr. Brijesh Kumar Pandey
Asst. RG (Admissions) PG Cell |
0326-2235662 | -- | -- | -- |
Essential Services | |||||
75. | Dr. Praveen Kumar
Chief Medical Officer |
Ext.-5616 0326-2296636 |
0326-2235716 | 0326-2296759 | praveenkumar@iitism.ac.in |
76. | Dr. (Mrs.) T. Banerjee
Chief Medical Officer |
0326-2235617 | 0326-2235717 | 0326-2296666 | lmo@iitism.ac.in cmoic@iitism.ac.in |
77. | Dr. Partha De Librarian | 0326-2235642 | 0326-2235742 | -- | librarian@iitism.ac.in
lib@iitism.ac.in |
78. | Dr. Koushik Mondal
Principal Systems Engineer |
0326-2235628 | 0326-2235728 | -- | pse@iitism.ac.in koushik@iitism.ac.in |
79. | Mr. Rajesh Mishra
Systems Engineer |
0326-2235664 | 0326-2235764 | -- | rajesh@iitism.ac.in
webmaster@iitism.ac.in |
80. | Mr. Rakesh Soni
Systems Engineer |
0326-2235629 | 0326-2235914 | -- | rsoni@iitism.ac.in |
81. | Mr. Anakapalli Kumaraswamy Assistant Systems Engineer |
0326-2235313 | 0326-2235042 | -- | kumaraswamy@iitism.ac.in |
82. | Mr. Sanjeeb Mukherjee
Superintending Engineer |
0326-2235699 | -- | -- | se@iitism.ac.in |
83. | Mr. Sanatan Ghosh
Dy. Superintending Engineer |
0326-2235621 | 0326-2235721 | -- | dsec@iitism.ac.in
sanatanghosh@iitism.ac.in |
84. | Mr. Pratik Kumar
Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) |
0326-2235622 | 0326-2235722 | -- | aecivil@iitism.ac.in |
85. | Mr. Arbind Kumar Singh
0326-2235695 | 0326-2235895 | -- | aeelectrical@iitism.ac.in |
86. | Mr. D. N. Acharya
Sports Officer |
0326-2235634 | 0326-2235734 | -- | spo@iitism.ac.in |
87. | Mr. Shailendra Bhatia
Assistant Workshop Superintendent |
0326-2235632 | 0326-2235976 | -- | aws@iitism.ac.in |
88. | Mr. Ram Manohar
Sr. Security Officer |
0326-2235614 | 0326-2235714 | -- | sseo@iitism.ac.in |
89. | Dr. Dhiraj Kumar Horticulturist | 0326-2235681 | 0326-2235192 | -- | horticulture@iitism.ac.in
dhiraj@iitism.ac.in |
90. | Dr. Dhiraj Kumar
Officer In- Charge (SAH/EDC) |
0326-2235991 | 0326-2235192 | -- | sah@iitism.ac.in |
PS & Section Officer
No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
01) | PS to DT | 0326-2235201 | dtsect@iitism.ac.in |
02) | PS to RG | 0326-2235202 | -- |
03) | DT Secretariat | 0326-2235801 | -- |
04) | RG Secretariat | 0326-2235802 | -- |
05) | T & P Office | 0326-2235803 | -- |
06) | Academic Section | 0326-2235671 | -- |
07) | Account Section General | 0326-2235672 | -- |
08) | Account Section Student Cell |
0326-2235872 | studentcellaccounts@iitism.ac.in |
09) | Account Section Salary Cell |
0326-2235267 | -- |
10) | Internal Audit Section | 0326-2235673 | -- |
11) | Cash Section | 0326-2235674 | -- |
12) | Establishment Section | 0326-2235675 | -- |
13) | Examination Section | 0326-2235676 | -- |
14) | Purchase & Store Section | 0326-2235678 | -- |
15) | Ex. Audit Room | 0326-2235290 | -- |
16) | Media & Branding /
Documentation Cell Office |
0326-2235315 | -- |
17) | Exam Office | 0326-2235864 | -- |
18) | Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship office |
0326-2235870 | -- |
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Department of Applied Geology
Department of Applied Geophysics
Department of Mathematics & Computing
Department of Physics
Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics Engineering
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Sl No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | BSNL Landline Resi. |
1) | HOD Office | 0326-2235285 | -- | -- | ese@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Gurdeep Singh | 0326-2235233 | 0326-2235333 | -- | gurdeep@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Subodh Kumar Maiti | 0326-2235467 | 0326-2235567 | 0326-2296672 | subodh@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Sunil Kumar Gupta | 0326-2235474 | 0326-2235574 | -- | sunil@iitism.ac.in |
5) | Biswajit Paul | 0326-2235423 | 0326-2235523 | -- | biswajit@iitism.ac.in |
6) | Prasoon Kumar Singh | 0326-2235415 | -- | -- | pks0506@iitism.ac.in |
7) | Manish Kumar Jain | 0326-2235476 | 0326-2235576 | -- | manish@iitism.ac.in |
8) | Anshumali | 0326-2235645 | 0326-2235745 | -- | anshumali@iitism.ac.in |
9) | Alok Sinha | 0326-2235610 | 0326-2235099 | -- | alok@iitism.ac.in |
10) | Saravanan Pichiah | 0326-2235995 | 0326-2235062 | -- | saravananpichiah@iitism.ac.in |
11) | Sukha Ranjan Samadder |
0326-2235984 | 0326-2235977 | -- | samadder@iitism.ac.in |
12) | Vipin Kumar | 0326-2235643 | 0326-2235743 | -- | vipinmicro1@iitism.ac.in |
13) | Suresh Pandian E. | 0326-2235753 | 0326-2235057 | -- | espandian@iitism.ac.in |
14) | Sheeja Jagadevan | 0326-2235162 | 0326-2235163 | -- | sheejaj@iitism.ac.in |
15) | Brijesh Kumar Mishra | 0326-2235752 | 0326-2235782 | -- | brijesh@iitism.ac.in |
16) | Tinesh Pathania | 0326-2235470 | -- | -- | tineshpathania@iitism.ac.in |
17) | Madhumita Patel | 0326-2235553 | -- | -- | madhumita@iitism.ac.in |
18) | Saifi Izhar | 0326-2235416 | -- | -- | saifi@iitism.ac.in |
19) | Air Lab | 0326-2235825 | -- | -- | -- |
20) | Computer Lab | 0326-2235826 | -- | -- | -- |
21) | Land use & Hydrogeology Lab |
0326-2235827 | -- | -- | -- |
22) | Waste Water Engg. Lab |
0326-2235828 | -- | -- | -- |
23) | Bio geochemistry Lab |
0326-2237013 | -- | -- | -- |
24) | Waste Water Engg. Lab |
0326-2236711 | -- | -- | -- |
25) | Water Chemistry Lab | 0326-2236706 | -- | -- | -- |
26) | Remote Sensing & GIS Lab |
0326-2236705 | -- | -- | -- |
27) | Advanced Water Treatment Lab |
0326-2236708 | -- | -- | -- |
28) | Industrial waste Water Lab |
0326-2236709 | -- | -- | -- |
29) | ENVIS Centre | 0326-2235850 | -- | -- | -- |
30) | Subhasis Ghosh | -- | -- | -- | subhasisghosh@iitism.ac.in |
31) | S. P. Ghosh | -- | -- | -- | shantipriyaghosh@iitism.ac.in |
Department of Fuel, Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | HOD Office | 0326-2235277 | -- | hss@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Ajit Kumar Behura | 0326-2235499 | 0326-2235599 | ajitbehura@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Mojibur Rahaman | 0326-2235490 | 0326-2235590 | mrahmanelt@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Mrs. Rajni Singh | 0326-2235447 | 0326-2235547 | rajnisingh18@iitism.ac.in |
5) | Aju Aravind | 0326-2235768 | 0326-2235905 | aaju@iitism.ac.in |
6) | Nirban Manna | 0326-2235079 | 0326-2235082 | nirban@iitism.ac.in |
7) | Gyan Prakash | 0326-2235170 | 0326-2235167 | gyan@iitism.ac.in |
8) | Ahmed Sameer | 0326-2235390 | 0326-2235399 | sameer@iitism.ac.in |
9) | Deepika Sharma | 0326-2235128 | -- | deepika@iitism.ac.in |
10) | Dipannita Chand | 0326-2235389 | -- | dipannita@iitism.ac.in |
11) | Sucharita Maji | 0326-2235974 | -- | sucharita@iitism.ac.in |
12) | Sruti Kanungo | 0326-2235078 | -- | sruti@iitism.ac.in |
13) | Sathya Narayana |
0326-2235130 | -- | -- |
Department of Management Studies
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mining Engineering
Department of Mining Machinery Engineering
No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | HOD Office | 0326-2235275 | -- | mme@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Tarun Kumar Chatterjee | 0326-2235437 | 0326-2235537 | tarunkumarchatterjee@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Kabir Dasgupta | 0326-2235443 | 0326-2235543 | kabir@iitism.ac.in |
4) | L. A. Kumaraswamidhas | 0326-2235932 | 0326-2235055 | lakdhas1978@iitism.ac.in |
5) | Tanmoy Maity | 0326-2235729 | 0326-2235791 | tanmoy@iitism.ac.in |
6) | Niranjan Kumar | 0326-2235884 | 0326-2235979 | niranjan@iitism.ac.in |
7) | Tanweer Alam | 0326-2235947 | 0326-2235033 | tanweer@iitism.ac.in |
8) | K. Priya Ajit | 0326-2235877 | 0326-2235982 | ajitkp@iitism.ac.in |
9) | Jayanta Das | 0326-2235941 | 0326-2235026 | jayantadas@iitism.ac.in |
10) | Ajit Kumar | 0326-2235125 | 0326-2235968 | ajit@iitism.ac.in |
11) | Ananda Shankar Hati | 0326-2235083 | 0326-2235039 | anandashati@iitism.ac.in |
12) | Rashmi Ranjan Das | 0326-2235198 | 0326-2235199 | drrrdas@iitism.ac.in |
13) | TanmayDutta | 0326-2235757 | 0326-2235890 | tanmay@iitism.ac.in |
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Central Library
No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | Prof. Prasoon Kumar Singh
Prof. In-Charge (Library) |
0326-2235261 | -- | piclib@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Partha De Librarian | 0326-2235642 | 0326-2235742 | librarian@ismlib.ac.in
lib@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Satish Kumar Asst. Librarian | 0326-2235600 | 0326-2235700 | alib@iitism.ac.in
satish@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Office | 0326-2235293 | -- | -- |
5) | Periodical & e-Resource Sec. | 0326-2235851 | -- | -- |
6) | Tech. Sec. | 0326-2235852 | -- | -- |
7) | Library (Circulation) | 0326-2236081 | -- | -- |
8) | Library (Help Desk) | 0326-2236082 | -- | -- |
9) | Office | 0326-2236083 | -- | -- |
10) | Library (Book Section) | 0326-2236084 | -- | -- |
11) | Lib. Main Gate | 0326-2236085 | -- | -- |
Automation Centre
Sl No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | Abhishek Kumar Singh
Acting Dean (Information Systems) & HOC |
0326-2235258 | 0326-2235102 | dis@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Arup Kumar Pal,
Associate Dean (Automation) |
0326-2235312 | 0326-2235949 | admis@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Rajesh Mishra Systems Engineer | 0326-2235664 | 0326-2235764 | rajesh@iitism.ac.in
webmaster@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Soma Sengupta Senior Consultant | 0326-2235314 | -- | soma@iitism.ac.in |
5) | Anakapalli Kumaraswamy Assistant Systems Engineer |
0326-2235313 | 0326-2235042 | kumaraswamy@iitism.ac.in |
6) | Office | 0326-2235361 | -- | -- |
Computer Centre & Telecom Centre
Sl No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | Abhishek Kumar Singh Acting Dean (Information Systems) & HOC |
0326-2235286 | 0326-2235102 | cc@iitism.ac.in
dis@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Badam Singh Kushvah
Associate Dean (Network & Systems) |
0326-2235661 | 0326-2235783 | adns@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Koushik Mondal
Principal Systems Engineer |
0326-2235628 | 0326-2235728 | pse@iitism.ac.in koushik@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Rakesh Soni
Systems Engineer |
0326-2235629 | 0326-2235914 | rsoni@iitism.ac.in |
5) | Office | 0326-2235286 | -- | -- |
6) | Computer Lab (CC) | 0326-2235853 | -- | -- |
7) | Network Monitoring Room-I |
0326-2235854 | -- | -- |
8) | Network Monitoring Room - II |
0326-2236481 | -- | -- |
9) | Data Centre (CC) | 0326-2236023 | -- | -- |
10) | Computer Lab - I (New LHC) |
0326-2236022 | -- | -- |
11) | Computer Lab – II (New LHC) |
0326-2236021 | -- | -- |
12) | Computer Lab – III (New LHC) |
0326-2236020 | -- | -- |
Health Centre
No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | Praveen Kumar
Chief Medical Officer |
Ext.- 5616 0326-2296636 |
0326-2235716 | hc@iitism.ac.in praveenkumar@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Mrs. T. Banerjee
0326-2235617 | 0326-2235717 | lmo@iitism.ac.in cmoic@iitism.ac.in |
3) | J. Kumar
Visiting Doctor |
0326-2235377 | -- | -- |
4) | Raja Dey
Medical Officer |
0326-2235640 | -- | rajadey@iitism.ac.in |
5) | Emergency Doctor's Chamber |
0326-2235862 | -- | -- |
6) | Administration Officer |
0326-2235667 | -- | -- |
7) | Office | 0326-2235860 | -- | -- |
8) | Store | 0326-2235294 | -- | -- |
9) | Dispensary | 0326-2235861 | -- | -- |
10) | Conference Hall | 0326-2236951 | -- | -- |
11) | Emergency Service Room |
0326-2235988 | -- | -- |
12) | Ajay Kumar Gupta | -- | -- | ajayg@iitism.ac.in |
Sports And Physical Education Centre
No |
Name | Office Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | D. N. Acharya (Sports Officer) | 0326-2235634 | 0326-2235734 | spo@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Sport Office | 0326-2235698 | -- | -- |
3) | Student Activity Centre, Main Gate | 0326-2237009 | -- | -- |
4) | Swimming Pool | -- | -- |
Engineering, Construction And
Management Unit (ECMU)
No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | Sanjeeb Mukherjee
Superintending Engineer |
0326-2235699 | -- | se@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Sanatan Ghosh
Dy Superintending Engineer |
0326-2235621 | 0326-2235721 | dsec@iitism.ac.in sanatanghosh@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Pratik Kumar
Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) |
0326-2235622 | 0326-2235722 | aecivil@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Mr. Arbind Kumar Singh Assistant Executive Engineer ( Electrical ) |
0326-2235695 | 0326-2235895 | aeelectrical@iitism.ac.in |
5) | Elect. Maint. | 0326-2235855 | -- | -- |
6) | Civil Maint. | 0326-2235856 | -- | -- |
7) | Office | 0326-2235295 | -- | -- |
8) | Sub- Station - 1 | 0326-2235603 | -- | -- |
9) | Sub- Station - 2 | 0326-2235604 | -- | -- |
10) | Sub- Station - 3 | 0326-2235602 | -- | -- |
11) | Sub- Station (DVC) | 0326-2235508 | -- | -- |
Campus Administration Section
Sl No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | Ram Manohar
Sr. Security Officer |
0326-2235614 | 0326-2235714 | sseo@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Mr. Rahul Kumar
Asst. RG (Estate & Infrastructure) |
0326-2235619 | 0326-2235719 | arestate@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Dhiraj Kumar
Horticulturist |
0326-2235681 | 0326-2235192 | dhiraj@iitism.ac.in horticulture@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Office | 0326-2235857 | -- | -- |
5) | Sanitary Unit | 0326-2235858 | -- | -- |
6) | Main Gate | 0326-2235692 | -- | -- |
7) | Public Utility (Admin Block) |
0326-2235859 | -- | -- |
8) | 150 Qtr. Guard Post Near Block 01 |
0326-2235375 | -- | -- |
9) | 150 Qtr. Guard Post Near Block 10 |
0326-2235376 | -- | -- |
10) | Guard Post International Hostel | 0326-2237003 | -- | -- |
Hostel Wardens & Hostels
SL. |
Name | Warden
Office Number |
Hostel Number. |
1) | Chief Hostel Warden office (Diamond) |
0326-2235696 | -- | chw@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Chief Hostel Warden office (Amber) |
0326-2235500 | -- | chw_boys@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Ruby Hostel - I | 0326-2235685 | 0326-2235506 | chw_girls@iitism.ac.in |
4) | Ruby Hostel - II | 0326-2235685 | 0326-2235507 | -- |
5) | Ruby Annexe Hostel - I |
0326-2235994 | -- | -- |
6) | Diamond Hostel | 0326-2235686 | 0326-2235501 | -- |
7) | Opal Hostel | 0326-2235687 | 0326-2235502 | -- |
8) | Emerald Hostel | 0326-2235688 | 0326-2235503 | -- |
9) | Topaz Hostel | 0326-2235689 | 0326-2235504 | -- |
10) | Sapphire Hostel | 0326-2235690 | 0326-2235505 | -- |
11) | Research Scholars Hostel - 1 |
-- | 0326-2235510 | -- |
12) | Amber Hostel | 0326-2235680 | 0326-2235701 | -- |
13) | Jasper Hostel | 0326-2235682 | 0326-2235702 | -- |
14) | Rosaline Hostel | 0326-2235996 | 0326-2235992 | -- |
15) | International Hostel | 0326-2235371, 0326-2235372 |
0326-2235993 | -- |
16) | International EDC Annexe |
0326-2235511 | 0326-2235900 | -- |
Central Workshop
No |
Name | Office
Ext./ BSNL |
Residence | |
1) | Alok Kumar Das
Prof. In-Charge (Workshop) |
0326-2235631 | 0326-2235889 | picws@iitism.ac.in |
2) | Shailendra Bhatia
Assistant Workshop Superintendent |
0326-2235632 | 0326-2235976 | aws@iitism.ac.in |
3) | Office (Vehicle Section) | 0326-2235296 | -- | -- |
SL. NO. |
Name | Number |
1) | Caretaker, EDC/SAH office | 0326-2235321 |
2) | SAH Reception | 0326-2235691 |
3) | EDC Reception (old Building) | 0326-2235291 |
4) | EDC Reception (New Building) | 0326-2236001 |
5) | SAH Dining Hall | 0326-2235868 |
6) | CRF (PE Building) | 0326-2235401 |
7) | CRF (PE Building) | 0326-2237007 |
8) | FDC Office (Acad. Complex) | 0326-2235311 |
9) | CSM Office (SAC) | 0326-2235305 |
10) | New Lecture Hall | 0326-2235697 |
11) | New Lecture Hall (Exam) | 0326-2235021 |
12) | ISM (AA) (EDC) | 0326-2235799 |
13) | Penman Auditorium | 0326-2235694 |
14) | G J L T | 0326-2235693 |
15) | Scolomin Club | 0326-2235865 |
16) | Staff Recreation Club | 0326-2235866 |
17) | Central Dispatch | 0326-2235863 |
18) | Exam. Computer Room | 0326-2236507 |
19) | Sanskar Creche | 0326-2235867 |
20) | ISM Canteen | 0326-2235869 |
21) | Student Counselling Centre | 0326-2235349, 0326-2235350 |
Teaminternational Relations
Name | Designation | Number | |
Prof. R M Bhattacharjee |
Professor Department Of Mining Engineering Dean International Relations And Alumni Affairs |
9471192136 | dean_iraa@iitism.ac.in |
Prof. Biswajit Chowdhury |
Professor Department Of Chemistry Associate Dean International Relations |
9470194350 | adean_ir@iitism.ac.in |
Prof. Gauri Shankar | Assistant Professor Department |
9471191515 | gaurishankar@iitism.ac.in |
Piyali Sengupta | Assistant Professor Department Of Civil Engineering Member International Relations Cell |
0326-2235020 | piyali@iitism.ac.in |
Rashmi Ranjan Das | Assistant Professor Department Of Mining Machinery Engineering Member International Relations Cell |
0326-2235198 | drrrdas@iitism.ac.in |
Officer | |||
Mr. Mritunjay Sharma |
Assistant Registrar International Relations |
8210272755 | ariraa@iitism.ac.in |
Student Representatives | |||
Niharika Rawat | Environmental Science And Engineering Overall Coordinator, Saircc |
8529471197 | coordinator_sairc@iitism.ac.in |
Tejaswi Yadamreddy |
Engineering Physics Coordinator, International Relations |
9550261034 | coordinator_ir@iitism.ac.in |
Amara Venkata Sai Srujan |
Mining Engineering Co-Coordinator, International Relations |
8828991983 | coordinator_aa@iitism.ac.in |
Shilpa Mahato | Engineering Physics Co-Coordinator, International Relations |
8697007045 | shil_m.19je0772@ap.iitism.ac.in |
Main Campus IIT (ISM),
Dhanbad Jharkhand, India, 826004.
Phone: 0326-2235401
Fax: 0326-2296563
Registrar Contact
Mr. Prabodh Pandey
Registrar ( Acting)
Ph: 0326-2235202