Indian Institute Of Seed Science (ICAR-IISS) No.

All India Number(s): 

Telephone Directory

Room No. Name Designation Contac No. Extention No. Email
120 KB Shri Narendra Singh Tomar Honble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare 0547-23383370, 0547-23794697 475
Km. Shobha Karandlaje Honble Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare 0547-23383975
105 KB Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra Secretary(DARE) And DG, ICAR 0547-23382629, 0547-23386711, 0547-25843190
107 KB Sh. Mohinder Kumar Sr. PPS 0547-23382629, 0547-25360798 475
108 KB Sh. Rajiv Maheshwari OSD to Secretary (DARE) And DG, ICAR 0547-23386711, 0547-23389406, 0120-2642455
EPBAX. 3087 (IP)
110 KB Dr. S. K. Malik Scientific Officer to DG, ICAR 0547-23389406 491
108 KB Sh.Kuldeep Rawat PS 0547-23382629, 0547-25564937
EPBAX. 475
108KB Sh.Amit Bhaskar PA 0547-23382629, 0547-23386711,
EPBAX. 475
114A KB Vacant Special Secretary and Financial Advisor 0547-23383880, 0547-23384360 593
114 KB Sh. Chander Singh Assistan 0547-23384360 593

Staff Contacts

Contact No.: 0547-2970721 (Same For All)

Sr No. Name Position Email
Scientific Staff
1 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Director
(Wheat breeding and Seed production Management)
Director.Seed@Icar.Gov.In , Sanjay.Kumar8@Icar.Gov.In
2 Dr. (Mrs.) Kalyani Kumari Scientist, Seed Science and technology Kalyani.Kumari@Icar.Gov.In
3 Mr. Kuldip Jayaswall Scientist, agricultural Biotechnology Kuldip@Icar.Gov.In
4 Mr. alok Kumar Scientist, Seed Science and technology
(Seed Quality Enhancement Maintenance breeding)
5 Dr. Deepanshu Jayaswal Scientist, agricultural Biotechnology Deepanshu.Jayaswal@Icar.Gov.In
6 Mr. Banoth Vinesh Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Banoth.Vinesh@Icar.Gov.In
7 Mrs. Vinita Ramtekey Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Vinita.Ramtekey@Icar.Gov.In
8 Ms. pakkiranna Sivamma Scientist, agricultural Structure process Engineering Sivamma.p@Icar.Gov.In
9 Mr. amit Kumar Dash Scientist, Soil Science amit.Dash@Icar.Gov.In
10 Dr. pavithra Scientist, agricultural Extension pavithra.V@Icar.Gov.In
Administrative Staff
11 Sh. Chandra Mauli Sharma administrative Officer head Of administration Chandra.Mouli@Icar.Gov.In , aoicar@Yahoo.Com
12 Sh. Ghanshyam Mandal Finance and accounts Officer Ghanshyamm.Icar@Icar.Gov.In
13 Sh. Sudhakar Srivastava aao Sudhakar.Srivastav@Icar.Gov.In
14 Sh. anupam Chaubey assistant anupam.Chaubey@Icar.Gov.In
15 Sh. lal Singh assistant lal.Singh@Icar.Gov.In
16 Smt. Ranjana Kumari udc Ranjana.Kumari@Icar.Gov.In
17 Sh. ashok Kumar tripathi udc ashok.tripathi@Icar.Gov.In
18 Sh. Durgesh pratap Singh Stenographer Durgesh.Singh@Icar.Gov.In
Technical Staff
19 Sh. Jitendra Kumar tripathi Sr. technical assistant Jitendra.tripathi@Icar.Gov.In
20 Sh. arun Kumar Chaturvedi Sr. technical assistant arun.Chaturvedi@Icar.Gov.In
21 Sh. abhishek Kumar Rai technical assistant abhishek.Rai@Icar.Gov.In
22 Sh. Sunil Kumar Kannauzia technical assistant Sunil.Kannujiya@Icar.Gov.In
23 Sh. ambrish Kumar Dubey Sr. technician ambrish.Dubey@Icar.Gov.In
24 Sh. Vikas Singh Sr. technician Vikash.Singh@Icar.Gov.In
25 Ms. Nisha technician Nisha@Icar.Gov.In
26 Sh. praveen pal technician praveen.pal@Icar.Gov.In
27 Sh. Manoj Kumar tiwari technician Manoj.tiwari@Icar.Gov.In , Dsr_library@Yahoo.Com

Regional Station, Bengaluru

Contact No.: 0547-2970721 (Same For All)

Sr No. Name Position Contact Details
1 Dr. a. anandan Principal Scientist, Genetics plant breeding 9178830981
2 Dr. C. Gireesh principal Scientist, plant breeding
(Rice Genomics and Molecular breeding)
3 Dr. udaya Bhaskar Kethineni Sr. Scientist, Seed Science and technology udaya.Kethineni@Icar.Gov.In
4 Dr. Ramya p Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Ramya.p@Icar.Gov.In
5 Dr. Vanishree G Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Vanishree.G@Icar.Gov.In
6 Dr. anjitha George Scientist, agriculture Entomology anjitha.George@Icar.Gov.In
7 Dr. Bhojaraja Naik K Scientist, Genetics and plant breeding Bhojaraja.Naik@Icar.Gov.In
8 Dr. Shantharaja C.S Scientist, Seed Science and technology Shantharaja.Cs@Icar.Gov.In
9 Dr. Sripathy K V Scientist, Seed Science and technology Sripathy.V@Icar.Gov.In
10 Dr. aravindan S Scientist, plant pathology aravindan.S@Icar.Gov.In
11 Dr. Manjanagouda S Sannagoudar Scientist, agronomy M.Sannagoudar@Icar.Gov.In
12 Dr. Kuldip Jayaswall Scientist 9736526049

Nodal Officers Contacts

Sl. No. Center Name Name Contacts Email
1 AAU, Anand Dr. a. S. Bhanvadia (Qsp) 9375059249 Nodalofficerseed@aau.In
2 AU, Kota Dr. R. G. parmar (Str) 7016763866 Rgparmar@aau.In
3 BAU, Ranchi Dr. Jeetmal Dhakar 9001584379, 9414520520

Jeetmaldhakar@Gmail.Com , Mafkota@aukota.Org

4 BAU, Sabour Dr. Rishi pal Singh 9431701162 Dsfbau@Gmail.Com
5 BCKV, Mohanpur Dr.p. K. Singh 9431897516 Bausabour.Dsf@Gmail.Com
6 BSKKV, Dapoli Dr. prabir Chakraborti 9433805401 Chakrabort.prabir@Bckv.Edu.In ,
7 CCS HAU, Hisar Dr. a. V. Mane 09422371926, 9689991926 Ddrbskkv@Gmail.Com ,
8 CSAUAT, Kanpur Dr. V.S. Mor 9468337001 hodsstnew@Gmail.Com
9 CSAUAT, Kanpur Dr. Mahak Singh (Qsp) 7905148547, 9451873875 Nodalooficer.Bspcsa@Gmail.Com , Mahaksingh.Csa@Gmail.Com ,
10 GBPUAT, Pantnagar Dr. C. l. Maurya (Str) 9140967297
11 IGKV, Raipur Dr. R. K. Kapila 9418101452, 7018370171 Rkkapila@Gmail.Com
12 JAU, Junagadh Dr. R. K. panwar(Nodal Officer) 7817005207, 9412438893 Jdbspc1@Gmail.Com
13 JNKVV, Jabalpur Dr. S. K. Verma(Co-Nodal Officer) 9411324848 Sk_pantvarsity@Yahoo.Com
14 KAU, Thrissur/RARS, Pattambi Dr. Omvati Verma (Str) 9411159389, 7055283663 Dr_Omvati@Rediffmail.Com , Karan.Mk30@Gmail.Com
15 MPKV, Rahuri Dr. p.K. Chandrakar 9424193841 Nspigkv@Gmail.Com
16 NAU, Navsari Dr. J. B. patel(Qsp) 0285-2675070, 7984196389 Megaseed@Jau.In
17 NDUAT, Ayodhya Dr. K.D. Mungra (Str) 9825016923 Rspearlmillet@Jau.In
18 OUAT, Bhubaneswar Dr. Deep pahalwan (Qsp) 9713884438 Seeds.Jnkvv@Gmail.Com , Shukla.Rs90@Gmail.Com,
19 PAU, Ludhiana Dr. Shiv Ramakrishnan (Str) 9174056526 Shivram.Krishnan2008@Gmail.Com , ashishashish2612@Gmail.Com
20 PAU, Ludhiana Dr. anitha S 9446433292, 04872-438104 adrseeds@Kau.In , hani.Babu@Kau.In
21 PAJANCOA&RI, Karaikal Dr. a.V. Solanke(Qsp) 9422921816 Csseed.Mpkv@Yahoo.In , Kailasgagareseed@Gmail.Com
22 PJTSAU, Hyderabad Dr. Vijay R. Shelar (Str) 7588604252, 8329938350
23 SDAU, S. K. Nagar Dr. D. a. Chauhan 9426859819 Megaseed.Nau@Gmail.Com
24 SKNAU, Jobner Dr. S. C. Vimal 9451955851, 6390144801 Scvimalndgpb@Gmail.Com
25 SKRAU, Bikaner Dr. tapas Kumar Mishra 9437546932 adrseeds_Ouat@Yahoo.Co.In , Spobspnspouat@Gmail.Com
26 SKUAST, Jammu Dr. Simantha Mohanty (Str) 8437301110 Strouat@Gmail.Com
27 SKUAST K , Srinagar Dr. Rajinder Singh(Qsp) 9464992257 Directorseeds@pau.Edu
28 Dr. R. B. Yadav Dr. V. S. Sohu(Str) 9876134373 hodpbg@pau.Edu , Dhaliwalinderpreet@Gmail.Com,
29 TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. t. Ramanadane 9443875443 Raman_Nadane@Yahoo.Com , Ramanadane1971@Gmail.Com
30 PDKV, Akola Dr. amrapali a. akhare (Qsp) 9881880083, 7020909738 Ddrseed@Yahoo.Com ,,
31 PDKV, Akola Dr. amrapali a. akhare (Str) 9881880083, 7020909738 Seed_technology@Yahoo.Co.In
32 PJSATU, Hyderabad Dr. p. Jagan Mohan Rao 8008333783 Srtcpjtsau@Gmail.Com,
33 SADU, S. K. Nagar Dr. p. h. patel 9925309047 Seedtechsdau@Gmail.Com,
34 SKNAU, Jobner Dr. Jogendra Singh 9772072274 Str.Durgapura.Jp@Gmail.Com,, Jschouhanpbg@Gmail.Com
35 SKRAU, Bikaner Dr. N.K. Sharma 9414275222 Nksharmaars@Yahoo.Co.In , Nspbikaner@Gmail.Com,
36 SKUAST, Jammu Dr. ambrish Vaid 9419151649 Megaseedskuastj@Gmail.Com,
37 SKUAST K , Srinagar prof. M. ashraf Bhat 9419782624, 7006854354 Nspsrinagar@Gmail.Com ,
38 SVPUAT, Meerut Dr. R. B. Yadav 9412525632 Nodalofficersvpuat@Gmail.Com,
39 TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. umarani R. 9842775257,
40 UAS, Bangalore Dr. K. Madhusudan 9449866925, 9972842642 Sosnsp@Gmail.Com,
41 UAS, Bangalore Dr. Vishwanath Koti (Str) 9108925969 Srostrc@Gmail.Com,
42 UAS, Dharwad Dr.J. S. hilli 9535039900 Soseed@uasd.In , Sosuasdharwad@Gmail.Com,
43 UAS, Raichur Dr. arunkumar hosamani 9480696343 Soseeds@uasraichur.Edu.In
44 UAHS, Shivamogga Dr. Dushyantha Kumar B. M. 9480838991 Soseed@uahs.Edu.In , Dushyanth123@Yahoo.Com
45 VNMKV, parbhani Dr. K. S. Baig 7304127810 parbhaniseed@Gmail.Com,
46 UBKV, pundibari Dr. (prof.) Bidhan Roy 9434117057,8637072242 Bcroy10@Yahoo.Com , adfagubkv@Gmail.Com
47 ANGRAU, Gunture Dr. a. Subba Rami Reddy 9440220038 , , Ramavath_Kagri@Rediffmail.Com
48 RVSKVV, Gwalior Dr. M. K. tripathi 7489594838 Drmanojtripathi64@Gmail.Com , Directorfarmgwl@Gmail.Com
49 MPUAT, udaipur Dr. R. B. Dubey 9694383617 Dubey_Rb2006@Yahoo.Co.In , adseedfarms@Yahoo.Co.In , pbsingh13@Yahoo.Co.In
50 BHU, Varanasi Dr. p.K. Singh 9935126942
51 RPAU, pusa Dr. Rajesh Kumar 9973252475 Dsfraupusa@Gmail.Com , Rajrau.2007@Rediffmail.Com , Sumitiasbhu@Gmail.Com
52 ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur Dr. R. K. Kakani 9414603596 Rkkakani.Nrcss@Rediffmail.Com , Rajesh.Kakani@Icar.Gov.In , Mprajora1@Gmail.Com,
53 ICAR-CRIJAF,, Nagpur Dr. V. Santhy/ Dr. K. Rathinavel 9890684572, 9442226257 Santhy100@Gmail.Com , Krathinavelus@Gmail.Com,
54 ICAR-CRIJAF,Barrackpore Dr. Chandan Sourav Kar 9748240706 Chandanskar@Gmail.Com , Chandan.Kar@Icar.Gov.In,
55 ICAR-IIOR, hyderabad Dr. Jawahar lal J. 9160451473 Jawaharlaljatoth@Gmail.Com , J.Jawaharlal@Icar.Gov.In , Spac.Iior@Icar.Gov.In
56 ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav 9412463923 Igfri.Seed@Gmail.Com , Vijayyadav777@Gmail.Com
57 ICAR-IIMR, hyderabad Dr. B. Venkatesh Bhat (Nodal Officer) 9440644040 Seed@Millets.Res.In , Bhatv@Millets.Res.In
58 ICAR-IIMR, hyderabad Dr. Sooganna (Co- Nodal Officer) 9540331656 Seed@Millets.Res.In , Sooganna@Millets.Res.In
59 ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Dr p. K.Katiyar 9005688164 Goldikatiyar@Yahoo.Com , Iiprseed@Gmail.Com
60 ICAR-IIRR, hyderabad Dr. l.V. Subba Rao 9848175790 lv.Subbarao@Icar.Gov.In , lvsubbarao1990@Gmail.Com , Genefiyaz@Gmail.Com , Swamyavsr@Gmail.Com
61 ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack Dr. B.C. Marndi 9437179781 Bishnu.Marndi@Icar.Gov.In
62 ICAR-VPKAS, almora Dr. Rajesh Khulbe 9411324346 Rajesh.Khulbe@Icar.Gov.In , Rkkhulbe@Gmail.Com
63 ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Dr. Gyanendra Singh/ Dr. Shiv Kumar Yadav (Qsp) 9971780337, 9868273684 Iariseed@Gmail.Com , Noseediari@Gmail.Com
64 ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Dr. Sandeep K lal (Str) 9811048932 Skl_Nsp@Yahoo.Com , head_Sst@Iari.Res.In
65 ICAR-LIWBR, Karnal Dr. amit Kumar Sharma 9678622622, 7988520247 amit.Sharma@Icar.Gov.In , Seed.Iiwbr@Icar.Gov.In , umesh.Kamble@Icar.Gov.In
66 ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur Dr. arun Kumar 9413202513, 8079039351 aruncyto@Gmail.Com
67 ICAR-IISR, Indore Dr. Mrinal K. Kuchlan 9340650457 Mrinal.Kuchlan@Icar.Gov.In , Mrinal.Kk@Gmail.Com
68 ICAR-DGR, Junagadh Dr. S. K. Bera 8074370541 Beradgr67@Gmail.Com , Berask67@Yahoo.Co.In
69 ICAR-IISR, lucknow Dr. Jyotsnendra Singh 9696992135, 9455038993 Jyotsnendra.Singh@Icar.Gov.In , Jyotsnendra@Yahoo.Com
70 ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore Dr. S. Karthigeyan 9487109102 Seed.Sbi@Icar.Gov.In
71 ICAR-IISS, Mau Dr. praveen patted 9911557836 praveenpatted24@Gmail.Com
72 ICAR-IIMR, ludhiana Dr. Bhupender Kumar (pi) Bhupender.Kumar@Icar.Gov.In , Bhupender.Iimr@Gmail.Com
73 ICAR-IISS, Mau Dr. B. S. Jat(Co-pi) 8949564332
74 ICAR-CCARI, Goa Dr. Manohara K.K. 7507943679 Manohar.Gpb@Gmail.Com
75 ICAR-CIRAI, port Blair Dr. p.K. Singh 9474273099 pksingh99@Rediffmail.Com , pksingh1975@Gmail.Com
76 VSI, pune Dr. S. S. Katake 8446386262 Ss.Katake@Yahoo.In
77 AAU, Jorhat Dr. Mrinal Saikia (Qsp) 7086127315, ,
78 AAU, Jorhat Dr. prakash Bora (Str) 8136074233, 9435095462 pborah01@Gmail.Com
79 ICAR Rc For Neh, Manipur Dr. I. Megha Chandra Singh 9436027223 Meghais@Rediffmail.Com , Jdmn.Icar@Nic.In
80 CAU, Imphal Dr. thokchom Robindro Singh 6009472645 Robindroth2017@Gmail.Com

Breeder Seed production Centres Contacts

S.No. Centre Name Phone/Fax No. Contacts Email Address
1 SKUAST, Srinagar prof. (Dr.) Zahoor ahmad Dar 0194- 2461103, 0194- 2462160 9419048821, 7006143119 Zahoorpbg@Gmail.Com
prof. Chief Scientist (Gpb) Nodal Officer (Seed), Skuast, Srinagar (Jk)-191 121
2 SKUAST, Jammu Dr. ambrish Vaid 0191-2262133 , 0191-2262134 , 0191-2262135
Ext:2020 ,
9419151649 Megaseedskuastj@Gmail.Com
associate Director Research Nodal Officer Skuast, Main Campus, Jammu-180009
3 CSKHPKV, palampur Dr. R K Kapila 01894-230406 9418101452/ 7018370171 Rkkapila@Gmail.Com Nodal Officer (Seed) Cskhpkv, palampur, himachal pradesh- 176062
4 PAU, ludhiana Dr. tarsem Singh Dhillon 0161-2400898, 0161- 2400945 9464037325, 8847438107, Directorseeds@pau.Edu Director (Seeds) Dept Of Genetics plant breeding pau, ludhiana, punjab - 141004
5 CCSHAU, HISAR Dr. K.D. Sharma 01662- 289396, 01662- 234952 9053068302 hodsstnew@Gmail.Com,
Director, Rds Farm Ccshau, hisar, haryana - 125004
6 CT, Meerut Dr. R.B. Yadav 0121- 2956002, 0121- 2888505 9412525632 Nodalofficersvpuat@Gmail.Com professor Nodal Officer Seed Svbpuat, Meerut, uttar pradesh - 250110
7 GBPUAT, pantnagar Dr. p.S. Shukla 05944- 233230, 05944- 233363 8475001523, 7055283663 Jdpspc1@Gmail.Com, Idnebcrc@Gmail.Com Joint Director (Seeds) Nodal Officer, Gbpuat, pantnagar
8 NDUAT Kumarganj Dr. S.C. Vimal 05270- 262133, 05270- 262097 9451955851, 6390144801 Scvimalndgpb@Gmail.Com Joint Director Seed Nduat, Kumarganj, Faizabad - 224229
9 CSAUAT, Kanpur Dr. C.p. Sachan 8960745809 Dr.C.p.Sachan@Gmail.Com Incharge Bsp Csauat, Kanpur - 208002
10 BHU, Varanasi Dr. p.K. Singh 0542-6702441, 0542- 2369971 9935126942 pksbhu@Gmail.Com professor Dept. Of Genetics plant breeding Incharge, Icar Seed project Bhu, Varanasi, uttar pradesh - 221005
11 AAU, Jorhat Dr. prakash Borah 0376- 2340044, 0376- 2340001 9435095462 professor head Nodal Officer Icar Seed project aau, Jorhat, assam - 785013
12 C, Ranchi Dr. R.p. Singh, 0651- 2450060 9431701162 Dsfbau@Gmail.Com
Director, Seed Farms Bau, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834006
13 DRRPCAU, pusa Dr. p.p. Singh 0621- 2290386 , 0621- 2290773 9939214932
Director, Seed Farms Rau, pusa, Bihar - 843121
14 BCKV, Mohanpur Dr. prabir Chakraborti 03473-278600, 03473-278600 9433805401 prab_C@Rediffmail.Com
associate prof., Deptt. Of Seed Science tech. Bckv, Mohanpur Nadia, West Bengal - 741252
15 UBKV, pandibari Dr. Mrigen Ghosh 03582-270156, 03582-270249 9732359206 adfagubkv@Gmail.Com
Director (Farms) ubkv, pandibari, West Bengal - 736165
16 OUAT, Bhubaneswar Dr. tapash Kumar Mishra 0674-2397091, 0674-2397091 9437546932 adrseeds_Ouat@Yahoo.Com
adr (Seeds) Ouat, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751003
17 SKARU, Bikaner Dr. N.K. Sharma 0151-2251513, 0151-2254015, 0151-2250576 9414275222 Nspbikaner@Gmail.Com
adr (Gp) Skrau, Bikaner, Rajasthan - 334006
18 MPAUT, udaipur Dr. R.B. Dubey 0294-2420154 9461118470, adseedfarms@Yahoo.Co.In,
associate Director, Seed and Farms (Department Of plant breeding and Genetics, Rca ,udaipur), Rajasthan - 313001
19 SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar Dr. R. M. Chauhan 02748- 278460, 02748-278433 9428881868/ 9427014744 Seedtechsdau@Gmail.Com Research Scientist Sdau, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat - 385506
20 AAU, anand Dr. a.S. Bhanvadia 02692- 260329 9375059249 Nodalofficerseed@aau.In Nodal Officer (Seed) Research Scientist aau, anand, Gujarat - 388110
21 JAU, Junagadh Dr. J. B. patel 0285-267208090, Ext. 449, 450 0285-2672004 9909055981 Megaseed@Jau.In
professor and head Nodal Officer (Seed) Jau, Junagadh, Gujarat - 362001
22 NAU, Navsari Dr. D.a.Chauhan 02637-282962, 02637-283160 94265 59819 Megaseed.Nau@Gmail.Com associate Research Scientist Nau, Navsari, Gujarat - 396950
23 IGKV, Raipur Dr. Gopi Kumar Das 0771- 2442493, 0771-2442767 9425205247, 6261429450 Directorfarmsigkv@Gmail.Com
Director Farms (Seeds Farms) Igkv, Raipur, Chhattisgarh- 492 012
24 JNKV, Jabalpur Dr.D. K. pahalwan 0761-2681021 7612681021, 7612681773 , Ext. 338 Seeds.Jnkvv@Gmail.Com Director Of Farms Jnkv, Jabalpur, Madhya pradesh- 482 004
25 VNMKV, parbhani Dr. K. S. Baig 02452-220899, 02452-220899 7304127810 parbhaniseed@Gmail.Com associate Director (Seed) Vnmkv, parbhani, Maharashtra- 431 402
26 MPKV, Rahuri Dr. a.V. Salunke 02426-243355, 02426-243335 9422921816 Csseed.Mpkv@Yahoo.In Chief Scientist (Seeds), Seed Cell, Mpkv, Rahuri, Dist.- ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 413 722
27 PDKV, Akola Dr Varsha V. tapre 0724-2258353, 0724-2258419, 0724-2258219 9890093610 Ddrseed@Yahoo.Com Dy. Director Of Research (Seed), pdkv, Krishi Nagar, akola, Maharashtra- 444 104
28 BSKKV, Dapoli Dr. a.V. Mane 02358-282417 9689991926, 9422371926 Dorbskkv@Rediffmail.Com Deputy Director Of Research (Seeds), Bskkv, Dapoli, Dist.- Ratnagiri, Maharashtra- 415 712
29 UAS, GKVK, Bangalore Dr. Madhusudan 080-23620494, 080-23620494 9449866925, 9972842642 Sosnsp@Gmail.Com
K. Special Officer (Seeds), uas, Gkvk, Bangalore - 560 065
30 UAS, Dharwad Dr. J. S. hilli 0836-2214242, 0836-2741598 9535039900 Soseed@uasd.In
Special Officer (Seeds), uas, Dharwad, Karnataka- 580005
31 PJTSAU, , Rajendranagar Dr. t. pradeep 040 29705382, 040-24018111 8008404874 Srtcpjtsau@Gmail.Com Director (Seeds), pjtsau, Rajendranagar, hyderabad- 500030
32 TNAU, Coimbatore Dr. S. Sundareswaran 0422-6611232 , 0422- 6611432
0422-6611432 (Fax)
9442020149, 9489056719
Director (Seeds), tnau, Coimbatore- 641 003
33 KAU, thrissur Dr. Vidhu Francis 0466-2212275 9847236616 adrptb@Kau.In Rarsptb@Kau.In
I/C Bsp Isp, Rars, Kau, thrishur 679 306 Kerala
34 CAU, Manipur Dr. th. Robindro 0385-2410415, 0385- 2410415 9856083293 Drcau@Yahoo.Co.In
Dy. Director Of Research (Seed), Cau, Iroishemba, Imphal, Manipur- 795 001
35 IARI, New Delhi Dr. Shiv Kumar Yadav 011-25841428, 011-25842686, 011-25846420 9868273684 Iariseed@Gmail.Com
principal Scientist Nodal Officer (Seed), Iari, New Delhi- 110 012
36 ICAR- IIWBR, Karnal Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh 0184-2209118, 0184-2267390 9416483960, 9678622622, 9468251294 Sanjay.Singh4@Icar.Gov.In
principal Scientist (plant breeding), Icar- Iiwbr, Maharaja aggarsain Marg, post Box 158, Karnal, haryana- 132 001
37 ICAR - VPKAS, Almora Dr. lakshmi Kant 05962-231679, 05962-231539 9412044391, 9997896233 lakshmi.Kant@Icar.Gov.In
head, Crop Improvement Division, Icar - Vpkas, almora, uttarakhand- 263 601
38 ICAR - IIPR Kanpur Dr. p.K. Katiyar 0512- 2570264 Ext. 145
0512- 2572582
9005688164 Iiprseed@Gmail.Com principal Scientist, Icar - Iipr, Kanpur, uttar pradesh- 208024
39 AU, Kota Dr. Rajesh Mahawar 0744-2321206, 0744- 2321203 9414012424 Mafkota@Gmail.Com Incharge Bsp agriculture university, Nayapura, Kota - 324001
40 CRIJAF,Barrackpore Dr. C.S. Kar 033-25356122, 033-25356121, 033-25351932 , Ex. 231 ,
033- 25350415
9748240706 Chandanskar@Gmail.Com
principal Scientist (pb), Crij af, Kolkata, West Bengal- 700120
41 NRRI, Cuttack Dr. B.C. Marndi 0671-2367777, 0671- 2367663 9437179781 Bishnu.Marndi@Icar.Gov.In Nodal Officer (Seed), Nrri, Cuttack 753006, Orissa.
42 ICAR - IG FRI, Jhansi Dr. Vijay Kumar Yadav 0510-2730446
Ext. 243, 243 0510-2730666 , 0510-2730833
9412463923 Igfri.Seed@Gmail.Com
head, Division Of Seed technology, Icar - Ig Fri, Gwalior Road, Jhansi, uttar pradesh- 284 003
43 Icar - Dr Mr, Bharatpur Dr. Bhagirath Ram 05644-260379, 05644-260565 9660114965 Bhagirathram_Icar@Yahoo.Com principal Scientist (Genetics plant breeding), Icar - Dr Mr, Bharatpur, Rajasthan- 321303
44 ICAR-IISR, Indore Dr. Mrinal Kuchlan 0731-2437925, 0731- 2470520 9009562694, 9340650457 Mrinal.Kk@Gmail.Com Scientist (Ss), Dsr, Khandwa Road, Indore, M.p. 452001
45 V - DGR, Junagadh Dr. praveen Kona 0285-2673041 8980530814 praveenkona61@Gmail.Com
Scientist Nodal Officer, Icar - Dgr, Junagadh, Gujarat- 362 001
46 CAZI, Jodhpur Dr. R. K. Kakani 0291-2786483, 0291-2788706 9414603596 Rkkakani.Nrcss@Rediffmail.Com
principal Scientist head, Division Iii, ps, Div. Iii, Cazri, Jodhpur, Rajasthan- 342 003
47 ICAR - CICR, Nagpur Dr. p.R. Vijaya Kumari 07103-275549 , 07103-275533 , 07103-275529 9822572302 Rachelvk123@Gmail.Com principal Scientist, Icar - Cicr, Nagpur, Maharashtra- 440 010
48 ICAR - IIOR, Rajendranagar Dr. Jawahar lal 040-24598135, 040-24017969 9160451473 Spac.Iior@Icar.Gov.In
principal Scientist head, Seed Section, Icar - Iior, Rajendranagar, hyderabad, andhra pradesh- 500 030
49 ICAR - IIRR Rajendranagar Dr. l.V. Subba Rao 040-24015036, 040-24015308 9848175790, 9990975934 (Fayaz Sir) lv.Subbarao@Icar.Gov.In
head, Division Of Crop Improvement, Icar - Iirr, Rajendranagar, hyderabad - 500 030
50 ICAR - IIMR Rajendranagar Dr. B. Venkatesh Bhat 040-24599334, 040-24016378 9440644040 Bhatv@Millets.Res.In
Icar - Iimr, Rajendranagar, hyderabad, andhra pradesh- 500 030
51 LARIRS, Karnal Dr. V. K. pandita 0184-2267169, 0184-2266672 9416031510 head_Karnal@Iari.Res.In
head, Iari, Regional Station Karnal 132 001, haryana
52 ICAR - IISS, Mau Dr. Vishal tyagi 0547-2530386, 0547-2530325 8957879632 Vish926@Gmail.Com Icar - Iiss, Mau, Mau, uttar pradesh- 275101
53 ICAR - IIMR, pusa Campus, ludhiana Dr. Shyam Bir Singh 06243-225254 9534660594 Singhsb1971@Rediffmail.Com
Icar - Iimr, pusa Campus, ludhiana- 110 012 Regional Maize Research and Seed production Centre (Dmr), Begusarai, Bihar- 851129
54 ICAR - CCARI, ELA, Old Goa Dr. Manohara, K.K. 0832-2284678, 0832-2284679, 0832- 2285649 7507943679 Manohar.Gpb@Gmail.Com Scientist (plant breeding), Icar - Ccari, Ela, Old Goa- 403 402
55 ICAR - CIAR, port Blair Dr. p.K. Singh 03192-250239, 03192-251068
Ext: 305
9474273099 pksingh99@Rediffmail.Com
principal Scientist, Icar - Ciari, port Blair, andaman Nicobar Islands- 744 101
56 ARI, pune Dr. S. Jaybhay - - Sajaybhay@aripune.Org Soybean breeder ari, pune
57 UAS, Raichur Dr. Basave Gowda 08532-220154, 08532-220181 9480696343 So.Seeduasr@Gmail.Com Special Officer (Seeds), uas, lingasugur Road, Raichur, Karnataka- 584104
58 RVSKVV, Gwalior Dr. Sushma tiwari 0751- 2341691 , 0751-2460581, 0751-2341691 8839695584 Icarseeds2020@Gmail.Com principal Scientist (Department Of plant breeding Genetics), Rvskvv, Race Course Road, Gwalior, Madhya pradesh- 474002
59 BAU, Bhagalpur Dr p K Singh 0641-2451054 ,
9431897516 Bausabour.Dsf@Gmail.Com professor (Seed Science and technology), Bau, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar- 813210
60 PAJANCOARI, Karaikal Dr. t. Ramanadane 04368-261372, 04368-230913, 04368-261260 9443875443 Raman_Nadane@Rediffma.Com
professor (Seed Science and technology), pajancoa Ri, Karaikal, puducherry ut - 609603
61 UAHS, Shivamogga Dr. h.D Mohan Kumar 08182-267070, 08182- 279623 9480838991 Soseed@uahs.Edu.In Special Officer, Seed unit, ua hs, Karnataka- 577201
62 ICAR RESs. Complex For Neh Region, Ri-Bhoi and Manipur Dr. I. Megha Chandra Singh 0364- 2570257, 0385- 2414260 9436027223 Meghairengbam@Gmail.Com principal Scientist (Seed technology), Icar Res. Complex For Neh Region umroi Road, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya-793103, and Icar Research Complex For Neh Region Manipur Centre, Imphal- 795004
63 ANGRAU, Guntur Dr. Subbarami Reddy 040- 24015382, 040- 24018111 9440220038 Directorseeds.angrau@Gmail.Com Director (Seeds), angrau, administrative Camp Office angrau, lam- 522034 Guntur, andhra pradesh

Public Information Officers Contacts

Contact No.: 0547-2970721
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Sr No. Officers Name Email
1 Second Appellate Authority Dr. Sanjay Kumar/Director
2 First Appellate Authority Mr. Kuldip Jayaswall / Scientist
3 Public Information Officer Shri Sudhakar Srivastav/ Assistant
Administrative Officer

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