Karnataka Finance Department Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1902 (For Grievance Registration)

Important Links

Officers Contact Details

S.No. Designation Contact Email Location / Room Number
1 Additional Chief Secretary 080-22252078 prs-fd@karnataka.gov.in 255, Vidhana Soudha
2 Secretary (Budget & Resources) 080-22353138 secybud-fd@karnataka.gov.in 251,Vidhana Soudha
3 Secretary (Expenditure) 080-22340259 secyexp-fd@karnataka.gov.in 208,Vidhana Soudha
4 Secretary (FISCAL REFORMS) 080-22373427 asfr-fd@karnataka.gov.in 401 MS Building
5 Deputy Secretary (Budget & Resources)/Special Officer-Budget 080-22258973 dsbr-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249F,Vidhana Soudha
6 Deputy Secretary- III 080-22251121 ds3-fd@karnataka.gov.in
250,Vidhana Soudha
7 Additional Secretary-1 080-22282590 ds1-fd@karnataka.gov.in 203,Vidhana Soudha
8 Joint Secretary (FR & BCC) 080-22033243 dsfrbcc-fd@karnatka.gov.in 259,Vidhana Soudha
9 Joint Secretary (Services-II) 080-22353987 dsser2-fd@karnataka.gov.in 202A,Vidhana Soudha
10 Joint Secretary FCC 080-22373429 dsfcc-fd@karnataka.gov.in MS Building
11 Deputy Secretary (Admin & Co-ord) 080-22373029, 080-22033165 ds-admin-fd@karnataka.gov.in 256,Vidhana Soudha
12 Deputy Secretary (Services-I) 080-22353984 dsser1-fd@karnataka.gov.in 207,Vidhana Soudha
13 Deputy Secretary 080-22251495 ds2-fd@karnataka.gov.in 259,Vidhana Soudha
14 Deputy Secretary (Welfare) 080-22255728 ds-welfare-fd@karnataka.gov.in 258,Vidhana Soudha
15 Deputy Director - PMU dspmu-fd@karnataka.gov.in MS Building
16 Head of the Legal Cell (I/c) hlc-fd@karnataka.gov.in MS Building
17 Ex-Officio Joint Secretary (ZP) 080-22256351 spozp-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249B,Vidhana Soudha
18 Ex-Officio Joint Secretary (PW-FC) 080-22250802 dspwfc-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249C,Vidhana Soudha
19 Special Officer (FRC & CC) 080-22033080-224 spofrcc-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249E,Vidhana Soudha
20 Under Secretary (Exp-1 and Inv) 080-22033210 usexp1-fd@karnataka.gov.in 201E, Vidhana Soudha
21 Under Secretary (Exp-2 & 10) 080-22033249 usexp2-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249A,Vidhana Soudha
22 Under Secretary (Exp-3 & 9) 080-22033123 usexp3-fd@karnataka.gov.in 367,Vidhana Soudha
23 Under Secretary (Exp-4 & 5) 080-22033812 usexp4-fd@karnataka.gov.in 205, Vidhana Soudha
24 Under Secretary (ZP) 080-22033352 uszp-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249B,Vidhana Soudha
25 Under Secretary (VII & VIII) 080-22033583 usexp7-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249,Vidhana Soudha
26 Under Secretary (CT-I) 080-22033312 usct1-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249B,Vidhana Soudha
27 Under Secretary (CT-II &
080-22033459 uscoord-fd@karnataka.gov.in 360A,Vidhana Soudha
28 Under Secretary (Services-1) 080-22033135 usser1-fd@karnataka.gov.in 207A,Vidhana Soudha
29 Under Secretary (Services-2) 080-22033402 usser2-fd@karnataka.gov.in 202A,Vidhana Soudha
30 Under Secretary (Public Works Finance Cell) 080-22033518 uspwfc-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249E,Vidhana Soudha
31 Under Secretary (Procurement Cell) 080-22033160 usproc-fd@karnataka.gov.in 360A,Vidhana Soudha
32 Under Secretary (Advances & Admin) 080-22033392 usadm-fd@karnataka.gov.in 249A,Vidhana Soudha
33 Under Secretary (Excise) 080-22033330 usexcise-fd@karnataka.gov.in 201G,Vidhana Soudha
34 Under Secretary (FCC & Pension) 080-22032010 usfcc-fd@karnataka.gov.in 257,Vidhana Soudha
35 Under Secretary (IF, V & VII) 080-22032724 usif-fd@karnataka.gov.in MS Building
36 DESK OFFICER (Legal Cell) 080-22032833 uslc-fd@karnataka.gov.in MS Building

Other Officers Contacts

S.No. Designation Contact Location / Room Number
1 Section Officer (Exp-1) 080-22033766 257,Vidhana Soudha
2 Section Officer (Exp-2) 080-22033744 249B,Vidhana Soudha
3 Section Officer (Exp-3) 080-22033823 249C,Vidhana Soudha
4 Section Officer (Exp-4) 080-22033826 249C,Vidhana Soudha
5 Section Officer (Exp-5) 080-22033747 205,Vidhana Soudha
6 Section Officer (Exp-6) 080-22033445 249C,Vidhana Soudha
7 Section Officer (Exp-7) 080-22033760 249,Vidhana Soudha
8 Section Officer (Exp-8) 080-22033746 249,Vidhana Soudha
9 Section Officer (Exp-9) 080-22033745 249B,Vidhana Soudha
10 Section Officer (Exp-10) 080-22033593 202,Vidhana Soudha
11 Section Officer (Exp-11) (I/C) 080-22033080-229 249C,Vidhana Soudha
12 Section Officer (Exp-12) 080-22033827 249C,Vidhana Soudha
13 Section Officer (Investment) 080-22033768 205,Vidhana Soudha
14 Section Officer (BCC) 080-22033762 257,Vidhana Soudha
15 Section Officer (FR) 080-22033262 257,Vidhana Soudha
16 Section Officer (FRC) 080-22033765 257,Vidhana Soudha
17 Section Officer (Computer Cell) 080-22033033 249E,Vidhana Soudha
18 Section Officer (Services-1) 080-22033145 207,Vidhana Soudha
19 Section Officer (Services-2) 080-22033402 202,Vidhana Soudha
20 Section Officer (Services-3) 080-22033153 207,Vidhana Soudha
21 Section Officer (PW FC-1) 080-22033814 249C,Vidhana Soudha
22 Section Officer (PW FC-2) 080-22033741 249C,Vidhana Soudha
23 Section Officer (Pension) 080-22032708 257,Vidhana Soudha
24 Section Officer (IFS) 080-22032063 MS Building
25 Section Officer (PMU) (I/C) 080-22032252 MS Building
26 Section Officer (Excise) 080-22033830 201G,Vidhana Soudha
27 Section Officer- (CT-1) 080-22033761 249B,Vidhana Soudha
28 Section Officer- (CT-2) 080-22033742 249B,Vidhana Soudha
29 Section Officer (Administration) 080-22033759 249A,Vidhana Soudha
30 Section Officer (Advances) 080-22033758 249A,Vidhana Soudha
31 Section Officer (FCC) 080-22032748 207,Vidhana Soudha
32 Section Officer (R&I and Co-ord) 080-22033769 363C,Vidhana Soudha
33 Accounts Officer (A/c Mgmt) 080-22032059 MS Building
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