Karnataka Integrated Public Grievance Redressal System (iPGRS)

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1902 (For Grievance Registration)
All India Number(s): 


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Helplines Support

S.No. Service Contact
Commercial Services
1 BWSSB 1916
2 BESCOM 1912
Department Services
3 Food and Civil Supplies 1967
4 BBMP 1533
5 Labour Department 155214
6 Social Welfare 080-22340956
7 MGNREGA 18004258666
Emergency Services
8 Health and Family Welfare 104
9 Ambulance 102/108
10 Women 181
11 Police 100
12 Covid-19 1533
13 Traffic 080-22942113, 9480801800
14 Revenue Department 1090, 14567

Officers Contact Details

S.No. Name Designation Email
1 Honorable Chief Minister cm@karnataka.gov.in
2 Dr|| Rajneesh Goel, B.A.S. Chief Secretary to Govt cs@karnataka.gov.in
3 Mr. Rakesh Singh, B.A.S. Additional Chief Secretary to Govt acs@karnataka.gov.in
4 Dr|| Shalini Rajneesh, BHA Deputy Chief Secretary and Development Commissioner to Govt devcom@karnataka.gov.in, acsegov@karnataka.gov.in
5 Mr. Ujwal Kumar Ghosh, B.A.S. Secretary to Government, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (e-Governance) secyegov@karnataka.gov.in
6 Smt. Rashmi G, K.A.S. Program Director iPGRS, SSP, e-Governance Centre, DPAR (e-Gov) pdpgrs@karnataka.gov.in

Grievance Redressal

  • If you have any query/complaint, then you can lodge your file at CPGRAMS Portal


 Janaspandana-iPGRS "Shantigruha",
No. 39, Palace Road, Next to Maharani's
Science Collge, Bengaluru - 560 001.

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