Kozhikode District Court Contact No. 0495-236 6091

Courts in Kerala All India Number(s):
- 0495-236 6091 (For Contact Support)
Official Website - courtkkd.ker@nic.in (For Support)
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- For online filing of cases, contact E-Courts Contact Support
- To know current status of your case by:
- SMS ECOURTS<space><your CNR Number> To 9766899899
- You can also complain through eCourts Services App
Officers Contacts
Sr. No. | Designation | Contact No. | Address |
1 | Sheristadar | 9447154678 | District Court, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
2 | Court Manager | 9446346989 | District Court, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
3 | Senior System Officer | 9846226279 | Computer Section, District Court, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
4 | Protocol Officer | 9447337611 | A Section, District Court, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
District Courts Contacts
Sr. No. | Court Name | Contact No. | Address | |
1 | Prl. Motor Accident Claims Tribunal (MACT) | 0495-2361160 | adcourt.wckkd@kerala.gov.in | Ground Floor, Bi-Centenary Building, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
2 | Family Court | 0495-2365794 | prlmactkkd@kerala.gov.in | 1st Floor, Bi-Centenary Building, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
3 | Fast Track Special Court | 0495-2365235 | familykkd@kerala.gov.in | IVth Floor, Bi-Centenary Building, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
4 | Chief Judicial Magistrate Court (CJM) | 0495-2923757 | ftsckkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
5 | Sub Court | 0495-2366404 | cjmkzd.court@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
6 | Commercial Court, Kozhikode | 0495-2365433 | subcourtkkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
7 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court I | 0495-2365137 | comcourtkkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
8 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court II (Mobile Court) | 0495-2366056 | jfcm1kkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
9 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court III | 0495-2365138 | jfcm2kkd@kerala.gov.in | 1st Floor, Bi-Centenary Building, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
10 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court IV | 0495-2365805 | jfcm3kkd@kerala.gov.in | 2nd Floor, Bi-Centenary Building, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
11 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court V | 0495-2365546 | jfcm4kkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
12 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court VII (NI Act Cases) | 0495-2361300 | jfcm5kkd@kerala.gov.in | 3rd Floor, Bi-Centenary Building, Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
13 | Prl. Munsiff I / JFCM VIII and Addl. Munsiff Court I / JFCM X | 0495-2365504 | jfcmcourt7kkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
14 | Prl. Munsiff II / JFCM IX and Addl. Munsiff Court II / JFCM XI | 0495-2366233 | mc1kkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
15 | District Legal Service Authority (DLSA) | 0495-2365048 | mc2kkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Cherootty Road, Beach Post, Kozhikode - 673032 |
16 | - | dlsakkd.law@kerala.gov.in | ||
17 | Fast Track Special Court Koyilandy | 0495-2621345 | ftsckoyilandy@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Koyilandy, Kozhikode - 673305 |
18 | Sub Court | 0495-2624255 | sckoyilandy@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Koyilandy, Kozhikode - 673305 |
19 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court | 0495-2620269 | jfcmkoyilandy@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Koyilandy, Kozhikode - 673305 |
20 | Munsiff Court | 0495-2526230 | mckoyilandy@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Koyilandy, Kozhikode - 673305 |
21 | Motor Accident Claims Tribunal (MACT) | 0495-2525667 | mactvtk@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Head Post Office PO, Vatakara - 673101 |
22 | Special Court (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances - NDPS) | 0495-2515325 | ndpsvtk.court@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Head Post Office PO, Vatakara - 673101 |
23 | Family Court | 0495-2522370 | familyvtk@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Head Post Office PO, Vatakara - 673101 |
24 | Sub Court | 0495-2523050 | scvdkra.court@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Head Post Office PO, Vatakara - 673101 |
25 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court | 0495-2512387 | jfcmvatakara@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Head Post Office PO, Vatakara - 673101 |
26 | Munsiff Court | 0495-2761744 | mcvatakara@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Head Post Office PO, Vatakara - 673101 |
27 | Special Additional Sessions Court (Marad Cases) | 0495-2761755 | adcmarad@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Eranjipalam, Kozhikode - 673006 |
28 | Special Judicial First Class Magistrate Marad Cases (JFCM VI) | 0495-2224100 | jfcm6kkd@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Eranjipalam, Kozhikode - 673006 |
29 | Munsiff Magistrate Court | 0495-2224662 | mmcthamarassery@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Thamarassery PO, Kozhikode - 673573 |
30 | Judicial First Class Magistrate I | 0495-2224662 | jfcm1tmsry@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Thamarassery PO, Kozhikode - 673573 |
31 | Judicial First Class Magistrate II | 0495-2605966 | jfcm2tmsry@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Thamarassery PO, Kozhikode - 673573 |
32 | Munsiff Magistrate Court | 0495-2605966 | mmcpayyoli@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Payyoli PO, Kozhikode - 673522 |
33 | Judicial First Class Magistrate | 0495-2610216 | jfcmpayyoli@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Payyoli PO, Kozhikode - 673522 |
34 | Munsiff Magistrate Court | 0495-2610125 | mmcpmba@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Perambra PO, Kozhikode - 673525 |
35 | Judicial First Class Magistrate I | 0495-2610125 | jfcm1pmba@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Perambra PO, Kozhikode - 673525 |
36 | Judicial First Class Magistrate II | 0495-2556622 | jfcm2pmba@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Perambra PO, Kozhikode - 673525 |
37 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court | - | jfcmnadapuram@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Kallachi PO, Nadapuram-673506 |
38 | Fast Track Special Court | 0495-2551411 | ftscndpm.doj@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Kallachi PO, Nadapuram-673506 |
39 | Munsiff Court | 0495-2804722 | mcnadapuram@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Kallachi PO, Nadapuram-673506 |
40 | Judicial First Class Magistrate Court | 0495-2596050 | jfcmkgm@kerala.gov.in | Court Complex, Kunnamangalam PO, Kozhikode - 673571 |
41 | Grama Nyayalaya | 0495-2220524 | gramakuttiadi@kerala.gov.in | Old Registrar Office,Kuttiady PO, Kozhikode - 673508 |
42 | Grama Nyayalaya | 0495-2965655 | gramakoduvally@kerala.gov.in | Chungam, Thamarassery PO, Kozhikode - 673573 |
43 | Wakf Tribunal | 0495-2365724 | wakftribunal@kerala.gov.in | 4th Floor, Housefed Complex, Eranhippalam PO, Kozhikode - 673006 |
44 | KVAT and STAT Additional Bench | 0495-2374554 | sttribunalkkd@gmail.com | Kerala Value Added Tax/ Agrl. Income Tax and Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal Addl. Bench , Cherootty Road Kozhikode - 673032 |
45 | Labour Court | 0495-2365390 | labourcourtkozhikode@gmail.com | B block,Civil Station,Kozhikode - 673020 |
46 | Special Court/ Court of Enquiry Commissioner | - | specialjudge4kkd@gmail.com | IB Complex , AG Road,Kozhikode - 673001 |
47 | Honorary Special Judicial Second Class Magistrate Court | - | hjscmcourtkkd@kerala.gov.in | Civil Station,Kozhikode - 673020 |
48 | Additional Honorary Special Judicial Second Class Magistrate Court | - | ajscmkkd@kerala.gov.in | Civil Station,Kozhikode - 673020 |
Download Forms
Kozhikode District Court,
District And Sessions Court Court Complex,
Cherootty Road, Beach Post,
Kozhikode- 673032
Contact No.:
0495-2761590, 9447634572
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