Meghalaya Forests And Environment Department No. 0364-222 0414

Toll free Number(s):
- 1800 889 6783 (For Contact Support)
All India Number(s):
- 0364-222 0414 (For Contact Support)
- 0364-222 7332 (For General Query)
- 0364-250 1014 (For Query)
Official Website Emails
- (For General Query)
- (For Query)
- (For Alternate Query)
Officers Contacts
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. |
Head Quaters | |||
1 | Shri. R. S. Gill, IFS | PCCF And HoFF, Meghalaya, Shillong. Addl. Charge as PCCF (T) Meghalaya, Shillong | 0364-220414, 0364-2212313, 9485104804 |
2 | Shri. S. M. Sahai, IFS | PCCF PCCF (Wildlife And Biodiversity), Meghalaya, Shillong | 0364-2227271 |
3 | Shr. H. C. Choudhary, IFS | PCCF (Working Plan, Research And Training and District Council Affairs) Addl. Charge as APCCF (CC, R And T) etc., Shillong | 0364-2227311 |
4 | Shri. M. B. K. Reddy, IFS | Addl. PCCF (Schemes, Budget, Forest Laws And Court Matters), Meghalaya, Shillong. Addl. Charge as: i) Managing Director, FDCM Ltd., Meghalaya, Shillong. ii) Addl. PCCF (SF And Envt,.), Shillong. |
0364-2227762, 9436999182 |
5 | Shri. R. L. Thiek, IFS | Planning Officer (Forest) | 0364-2225631, 9436999192 |
6 | Shri. W. S. Manner, IFS | CCF (Social Forestry And Environment) |
0364-2502217 |
7 | Shri. B. Shangdiar, IFS | CCF(Administration) : additional charge CF(HQ) | 0364-2501014, 9436998460, 9436101042 |
8 | Shri. N. Luikham, IFS | CCF (T), Meghalaya, Shillong. Addl. Charge as CF (Development And Biodiversity), Shillong. Member Secretary, Meghalaya State Biodiversity Board. Addl. Charge as CEO, MMMRF. |
0364-2225580, 0364-2505362, 9774199404 |
9 | Shri. B. Wahlang, IFS | CCF (FC Act And CAMPA) And Nodal Officer (Forest Fire) | 0364-2227332 |
10 | Shri. P. Agrahari, IFS | CCF (Wildlife), Shillong Addl. Charge as CF (MAndE), Shillong. | 0364-2505365 |
11 | Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS | CF(TAndWL) : additional charge CF(SF And E) Khasi And Jaintia Hills Region | 0364-2505362, 0364-2228334, 9436999112, 9436702620, 9436999140 |
12 | Shri. R Nainamalai, IFS | CF (CC, RAndT) Shillong Addl. Charge as CF (PAndGIS). Addl. Charge as Member Secretary, Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board. |
0364-2228334 |
13 | Smti. M.J. Sangma, IFS | IFS DCF(FC Act) | 9436998862 |
14 | Shri. K. L. Nonglait, MFS | DCF(RAndT) | 0364-2505344 |
15 | Shri. J. Dkhar, MFS | DCF(HQ) Additional Charge as Secretary, Eco Development Society of Meghalaya | 0364-2505352, 9436999101 |
16 | Shri. E. Shullai, MFS | DCF (MAndE) additional Charge as DCF(SF) and Dy, CEO MMMRF | 0364-2505350, 9436998362 |
17 | Shri. F.S. Wann | DFO, Forest Resources Survey Division, Shillong. Addl. Charge as DCF (WL) O/o the Addl. PCCF, Wildlife And Chief Wildlife Warden, Shillong. | 0364-2505332 |
18 | Smti. M. Marbaniang | Registrar | 0364-2502184, 9436999115 |
Division | |||
19 | Shri. I. A. Mathuram, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, East Khasi Hills And Ri-Bhoi (T) Division, Shillong. Additional charge as Manager Corporate Planning, FDCM Ltd., Meghalaya, Shillong |
0364-2226375 |
20 | Shri. N. Alemo Michael, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, Jaintia Hills (T) Division, Jowai. | 03652-223709, 03652-223809 |
21 | Smti. H. Lato, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, Shillong. Additional Charge as Divisional Forest Officer, KHADC. |
0364-2500039 |
22 | Shri. Simeon Kharbudnah, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, Training Division |
- |
23 | Smti. T. K. Marak IFS | Working Plan Officer, Meghalaya, Shillong | 0364-2591758 |
24 | Shri. Sachin Gavade, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, Khasi Hills (WL) Division, Shillong | 0364-2226181 |
25 | Smti. Anu P. James, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, (FU) Division, Shillong | 0364-2222736, 0364-2591524 |
26 | Shri. Sathish K. S, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, East And North Garo Hills (T) Division, Williamnagar | - |
27 | Shri. Sanwar M. Swami, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, Silviculture Division, Meghalaya, Shillong | 0364-2502789 |
28 | Shri. Ganesan P, IFS | Divisional Forest Officer, West And South-West Garo Hills (T) Division, Tura | 03651-223850 , 03651-224710, 03651-222219 |
29 | Smti. Rimse K. Sangma, MFS | Director, BNP Division, Baghmara | 03639-234220, 03639-222219 |
30 | Smti. N. Laloo, MFS | DFO, Jaintia Hills Wildlife Division, Jowai. Addl. Charge as DFO, SF Divn., Jowai Addl. Charge as DFO, JHADC, Jowai |
03652-224003, 03652-223947 |
31 | Shri. Rupankar K. Marak, MFS | DFO East And West Garo Hills (WL) Division, Tura Addl. Charge as DFO, Social Forestry Division, West Garo Hills, Tura. |
03651-232776, 03651-220631 |
32 | Shri. Maxborn. M. Sangma, MFS | Divisional Forest Officer, (South Garo Hills SF And T) Division, Baghmara | - |
33 | Smti. Nazia R.D. Marak, MFS | Divisional Forest Officer, GHADC, Tura | - |
34 | Dr. George H. Chyrmang, MFS | Divisional Forest Officer, West And South West Khasi Hills SF And T Division, Nongstoin | 03654-280279 |
35 | Shri. H. G. Momin, MFS | Divisional Forest Officer, East And North Garo Hills SF Division, Williamnagar | 03658-220397 |
36 | Shri. Bijoy Lyngdoh, MFS | Divisional Forest Officer, North Khasi Hills (SF) Division, Nongpoh |
- |
37 | Shri. F. S. Wann, MFS | Divisional Forest Officer, (Forest Resources Survey) Division, Shillong) | 0364-232317 |
38 | Shri. M. B. K. Reddy, IFS | Managing Director, Forest Development Corporation of Meghalaya | 0364-2226331, 0364-2220566 |
39 | Shri A. Razi, IRS | Managing Director, Eco-Tourism Development Society, Tura | - |
Administration Contacts
Sr No. | Division | Contact No. | Jurisdiction |
1 | East Khasi Hills And Ri-Bhoi Territorial Division, Shillong | 0364-2226375 | East Khasi Hills District and Ri-Bhoi District |
2 | Jaintia Hills Territorial Division, Jowai | 03652-223709 | East Jaintia Hills and West Jaintia Hills Districts |
3 | West and South West Garo Hills Territorial Division, Tura | 03651-223850 | West and South West Garo Hills Districts |
4 | West and South West Khasi Hills Territorial and Social Forestry Division, Nongstoin | 9436998562 | West Khasi hills District and South West Khasi Hills District |
Territorial Wing Contacts
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. |
1 | Shri. N.Luikham, IFS | CCF (Territorial), Shillong | 9774199404, 0364-2505362 |
2 | Shri.S.N.Sangma, IFS | CF (WLAnd T), Tura | 9436998841 |
3 | Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS | CF (TAnd WL), Meghalaya, Shillong | 9436702620 |
Wildlife Wing Contacts
SNo. | Division | Contact No. | Jurisdiction | |
1 | Divisional Forest Officer, Khasi Hills Wildlife Division,Shillong | 0364-2226181, 9436999120 | |
Ri-Bhoi, East, West And South West Khasi Hills District |
2 | Divisional Forest Officer, Jaintia Hills Wildlife Division, Jowai |
-224003, 9436998340 | | East And West Jaintia Hills District |
3 | Divisional Forest Officer, East And West Hills Wildlife Division,Tura |
03651-224003, 9436998340 | |
East, West, North And South West Garo Hills District |
4 | Director, Balpakram National Park, Baghmara |
03639-224003, 9436998340 | |
South Garo Hills District |
5 | Shri. S.M. Sahai, IFS | 9436999107 | PCCF (WLAnd Bio)And CWLW, Meghalaya, Shillong. | |
6 | Shri. P.K. Agrahari,IFS | 9436998320,
9436706429, 0364-2505365 |
CCF (WL), Shillong. | |
7 | Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS | 9436702620, 9436999140 | CF (TAnd WL), Meghalaya, Shillong |
Climate Change, Research And Training Wing Contacts
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Contact No. |
1 | Shri H.C. Chaudhary, IFS | PCCF (WP,RAndT and DCA), Meghalaya, ShillongAnd Addl. Charge as APCCF (CC, RAndT), Meghalaya, Shillong. |
9891587239, Fax : 0364-2227311 |
2 | Shri. K.L.Nonglait, MFS | DCF (CC,RAnd T), Shillong | 0364-2505344,9436999183 |
Social Forestry Division Contacts
Sr. No. | Office | Contact No. | Jurisdiction |
1 | Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, East Khasi Hills, Shillong |
0364-2500245 | East Khasi Hills District |
2 | Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, West Khasi Hills, Nongstoin |
03654-280279 | West Khasi Hills And South West Khasi Hills Districts |
3 | Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, Jaintia Hills, Jowai | 03652-223946 | East Jaintia Hills And West Jaintia Hills Districts |
4 | Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, North Khasi Hills, Nongpoh. | 03638-232317 | Ri-Bhoi District |
5 | Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, East Garo Hills, Williamnagar | 03658-220397 | East Garo Hills And North Garo Hills Districts |
6 | Divisional Forest Officer, West Garo Hills Social Forestry Division, Tura | 03651-232776 | West Garo Hills And South West Garo Hills Districts |
7 | Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, South Garo Hills, Baghmara | South Garo Hills District | |
8 | Shri. M.B.K. Reddy, IFS Addl. Charge as APCCF (SFAndEnv.), Meghalaya, Shillong |
0364-2227762, 9436999182 | |
9 | Shri.W.S.Manner, IFS CCF (SFAndEnv.), Meghalaya, Shillong |
0364-2502217, 9856546910 | |
10 | Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS CF (SFAndEnvt.), KhasiAnd Jaintia Hills Region, Shillong |
9436702620, 9436999140 | |
11 | Shri. A. ChSangma, MFS DCF (SFAndEnvt.), O/o the APCCF (SFAndEnvt.), Meghalaya, Shillong. |
9436998680 |
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Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests And HoFF
Meghalaya Forest Head Quarter
Sylvan House, Lower lachumiere Shillong-793001
Fax-0364-2504068, 0364-2228468
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