Meghalaya Forests And Environment Department No. 0364-222 0414

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800 889 6783 (For Contact Support)
All India Number(s): 
  • 0364-222 0414 (For Contact Support)
  • 0364-222 7332 (For General Query)
  • 0364-250 1014 (For Query)


Officers Contacts

Sr No. Name Designation Contact No.
Head Quaters
1 Shri. R. S. Gill, IFS PCCF And HoFF, Meghalaya, Shillong. Addl. Charge as PCCF (T) Meghalaya, Shillong 0364-220414, 0364-2212313, 9485104804
2 Shri. S. M. Sahai, IFS PCCF PCCF (Wildlife And Biodiversity), Meghalaya, Shillong 0364-2227271
3 Shr. H. C. Choudhary, IFS PCCF (Working Plan, Research And Training and District Council Affairs) Addl. Charge as APCCF (CC, R And T) etc., Shillong 0364-2227311
4 Shri. M. B. K. Reddy, IFS Addl. PCCF (Schemes, Budget, Forest Laws And Court Matters), Meghalaya, Shillong.
Addl. Charge as:
i) Managing Director, FDCM Ltd., Meghalaya, Shillong.
ii) Addl. PCCF (SF And Envt,.), Shillong.

0364-2227762, 9436999182

5 Shri. R. L. Thiek, IFS Planning Officer (Forest) 0364-2225631, 9436999192
6 Shri. W. S. Manner, IFS CCF (Social Forestry And Environment)
7 Shri. B. Shangdiar, IFS CCF(Administration) : additional charge CF(HQ)  0364-2501014, 9436998460, 9436101042
8 Shri. N. Luikham, IFS CCF (T), Meghalaya, Shillong.
Addl. Charge as CF (Development And Biodiversity), Shillong.
Member Secretary, Meghalaya State Biodiversity Board.
Addl. Charge as CEO, MMMRF. 
0364-2225580, 0364-2505362, 9774199404
9 Shri. B. Wahlang, IFS CCF (FC Act And CAMPA) And Nodal Officer (Forest Fire) 0364-2227332
10 Shri. P. Agrahari, IFS CCF (Wildlife), Shillong Addl. Charge as CF (MAndE), Shillong. 0364-2505365
11 Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS CF(TAndWL) : additional charge CF(SF And E) Khasi And Jaintia Hills Region 0364-2505362, 0364-2228334, 9436999112, 9436702620, 9436999140
12 Shri. R Nainamalai, IFS CF (CC, RAndT) Shillong Addl. Charge as CF (PAndGIS).
Addl. Charge as Member Secretary, Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board.
13 Smti. M.J. Sangma, IFS IFS DCF(FC Act) 9436998862
14 Shri. K. L. Nonglait,  MFS DCF(RAndT) 0364-2505344
15 Shri. J. Dkhar, MFS DCF(HQ) Additional Charge as Secretary, Eco Development Society of Meghalaya 0364-2505352, 9436999101
16 Shri. E. Shullai, MFS DCF (MAndE) additional Charge as DCF(SF) and Dy, CEO MMMRF 0364-2505350, 9436998362
17 Shri. F.S. Wann DFO, Forest Resources Survey Division, Shillong. Addl. Charge as DCF (WL) O/o the Addl. PCCF, Wildlife And Chief Wildlife Warden, Shillong. 0364-2505332
18 Smti. M. Marbaniang Registrar 0364-2502184, 9436999115
19 Shri. I. A. Mathuram, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, East Khasi Hills And Ri-Bhoi (T) Division, Shillong.
Additional charge as Manager Corporate Planning, FDCM Ltd., Meghalaya, Shillong
20 Shri. N. Alemo Michael, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, Jaintia Hills (T) Division, Jowai. 03652-223709, 03652-223809
21 Smti. H. Lato, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, Shillong.
Additional Charge as Divisional Forest Officer, KHADC.
22 Shri. Simeon Kharbudnah, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, Training Division
23 Smti. T. K. Marak IFS Working Plan Officer, Meghalaya, Shillong 0364-2591758
24 Shri. Sachin Gavade, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, Khasi Hills (WL) Division, Shillong 0364-2226181
25 Smti. Anu P. James, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, (FU) Division, Shillong 0364-2222736, 0364-2591524
26 Shri. Sathish K. S, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, East And North Garo Hills (T) Division, Williamnagar -
27 Shri. Sanwar M. Swami, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, Silviculture Division, Meghalaya, Shillong 0364-2502789
28 Shri. Ganesan P, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, West And South-West Garo Hills (T) Division, Tura 03651-223850 , 03651-224710, 03651-222219
29 Smti. Rimse K. Sangma, MFS Director, BNP Division, Baghmara 03639-234220, 03639-222219
30 Smti. N. Laloo, MFS DFO, Jaintia Hills Wildlife Division, Jowai.
Addl. Charge as DFO, SF Divn., Jowai
Addl. Charge as DFO, JHADC, Jowai
03652-224003, 03652-223947
31 Shri. Rupankar K. Marak, MFS DFO East And West Garo Hills (WL) Division, Tura
Addl. Charge as DFO, Social Forestry Division, West Garo Hills, Tura.
03651-232776, 03651-220631
32 Shri. Maxborn. M. Sangma, MFS Divisional Forest Officer, (South Garo Hills SF And T) Division, Baghmara -
33 Smti. Nazia R.D. Marak, MFS Divisional Forest Officer, GHADC, Tura -
34 Dr. George H. Chyrmang, MFS Divisional Forest Officer, West And South West Khasi Hills SF And T Division, Nongstoin 03654-280279
35 Shri. H. G. Momin, MFS Divisional Forest Officer, East And North Garo Hills SF Division, Williamnagar 03658-220397
36 Shri. Bijoy Lyngdoh, MFS Divisional Forest Officer, North Khasi Hills (SF) Division, Nongpoh
37 Shri. F. S. Wann, MFS Divisional Forest Officer, (Forest Resources Survey) Division, Shillong) 0364-232317
38 Shri. M. B. K. Reddy, IFS Managing Director, Forest Development Corporation of Meghalaya 0364-2226331, 0364-2220566
39 Shri A. Razi, IRS Managing Director, Eco-Tourism Development Society, Tura -

Administration Contacts

Sr No. Division Contact No. Jurisdiction
1 East Khasi Hills And Ri-Bhoi Territorial Division, Shillong 0364-2226375 East Khasi Hills District and   Ri-Bhoi District
2 Jaintia Hills Territorial Division, Jowai 03652-223709 East Jaintia Hills  and West Jaintia Hills Districts
3 West and South West Garo Hills Territorial Division, Tura 03651-223850 West and South West Garo Hills Districts
4 West and South West Khasi Hills Territorial and Social Forestry Division, Nongstoin 9436998562 West Khasi hills District  and South West Khasi Hills District

Territorial Wing Contacts

Sr No. Name Designation Contact No.
1 Shri. N.Luikham, IFS CCF (Territorial), Shillong 9774199404, 0364-2505362
2 Shri.S.N.Sangma, IFS CF (WLAnd T), Tura 9436998841
3 Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS CF (TAnd WL), Meghalaya, Shillong 9436702620

Wildlife Wing Contacts

SNo. Division Contact No.


1 Divisional Forest Officer, Khasi Hills Wildlife Division,Shillong 0364-2226181,
Ri-Bhoi, East, West And South
West Khasi Hills District
2 Divisional Forest Officer,
Jaintia Hills Wildlife Division, Jowai
03652 -224003,
9436998340 East And West Jaintia Hills District
3 Divisional Forest Officer,
East And West Hills Wildlife Division,Tura
East, West, North And South West Garo Hills District
4 Director,
Balpakram National Park,
South Garo Hills District
5 Shri. S.M. Sahai, IFS 9436999107   PCCF (WLAnd Bio)And CWLW, Meghalaya, Shillong.
6 Shri. P.K. Agrahari,IFS 9436998320, 9436706429,
  CCF (WL), Shillong.
7 Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS 9436702620, 9436999140   CF (TAnd WL), Meghalaya, Shillong

Climate Change, Research And Training Wing Contacts

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact No.
1 Shri H.C. Chaudhary, IFS PCCF (WP,RAndT and DCA), Meghalaya, ShillongAnd Addl.
Charge as APCCF (CC, RAndT), Meghalaya, Shillong.
Fax : 0364-2227311
2 Shri. K.L.Nonglait, MFS DCF (CC,RAnd T), Shillong 0364-2505344,9436999183

Social Forestry Division Contacts

Sr. No. Office Contact No. Jurisdiction
1 Divisional Forest Officer,
Social Forestry Division, East Khasi Hills, Shillong
0364-2500245 East Khasi Hills District
2 Divisional Forest Officer,
Social Forestry Division, West Khasi Hills, Nongstoin
03654-280279 West Khasi Hills And South West Khasi Hills Districts
3 Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, Jaintia Hills, Jowai 03652-223946 East Jaintia Hills And West Jaintia Hills Districts
4 Divisional Forest Officer, Social  Forestry Division, North Khasi Hills, Nongpoh. 03638-232317 Ri-Bhoi District
5 Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, East Garo Hills, Williamnagar 03658-220397 East Garo Hills And North Garo Hills Districts
6 Divisional Forest Officer, West Garo Hills Social Forestry Division, Tura 03651-232776 West Garo Hills And South West Garo Hills Districts
7 Divisional Forest Officer, Social Forestry Division, South Garo Hills, Baghmara   South Garo Hills District
8 Shri. M.B.K. Reddy, IFS
Addl. Charge as APCCF (SFAndEnv.), Meghalaya, Shillong
0364-2227762, 9436999182  
9 Shri.W.S.Manner, IFS
CCF (SFAndEnv.), Meghalaya, Shillong
0364-2502217, 9856546910  
10 Shri. T. Wanniang, IFS
CF (SFAndEnvt.), KhasiAnd Jaintia Hills Region, Shillong
9436702620, 9436999140  
11 Shri. A. ChSangma, MFS
DCF (SFAndEnvt.), O/o the APCCF (SFAndEnvt.), Meghalaya, Shillong.

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Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests And HoFF
Meghalaya Forest Head Quarter
Sylvan House, Lower lachumiere Shillong-793001
Fax-0364-2504068, 0364-2228468

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