Murshidabad District All Important Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 100(Police Station)
  • 1098 (Child Helpline)
  • 1091 (Women Helpline)
  • 1090 (Crime Stopper)
All India Number(s): 
  • 03482-250 135 (Disaster Management Helpline)

Important Links

Helpline Contacts

SrNo. Name Contact No.
1 SDO Sadar 03482-251700
2 SDO Lalbagh 03482-295314
3 SDO Kandi 03484-255329
4 SDO Jangipur 03483-266234
5 SDO Domkal 03481-299944

Public Utilities Contacts

For Contacts like Banks,Colleges/Universities, Electricities, Municipalities, NGOs, Postals, Schools go to the Official Website and click on the Directory then on the Public Utilities, you can see all the Public Utilities Options.

Departments Contacts

SrNo. Name Contact Details
1 Education 03482-251883, 03482-260320,
Fax: 03482-254991
2 SDO Lalbagh 03482-295314

MLAs Contacts

Srno. Ac Name Name Mobile
1 Farakka Manirul Islam 9733112431
2 Samserganj Amirul Islam 7384220745
3 Suti Emani Biswas 9800146102
4 Jangipur Jakir Hossain 9434000378
5 Raghunathganj Akhruzzaman 9434239994
6 Sagardighi Subrata Saha 9434752475
7 Lalgola Ali Mohammad 9732530756
8 Bhagwangola Idris Ali 9874789121
9 Raninagar Abdul Soumik Hossain 9475555555
10 Murshidabad Gouri Sankar Ghosh 9733980427
11 Nabagram (Sc) Kanai Chandra Mondal 9734060138
12 Khargram (Sc) Ashis Marjit 9732274281
13 Burwan (Sc) Jiban Krishna Saha 9732995123
14 Kandi Apurba Sarkar(David) 9434336091
15 Bharatpur Humayun Kabir 9933328786
16 Rejinagar Rabiul Alam Chowdhury 9434202787
17 Beldanga Hasanuzzaman Sk 9775586016
18 Baharampur Subrata Maitra(Kanchan) 9851902990
19 Hariharpara Niamot Sheikh 9434030421
20 Nowda Sahina Mamtaz Begum (Khan) 8697684003
21 Domkal Jafikul Islam 9734020852
22 Jalangi Abdur Razzak 9732506344

Officers Contacts

District Officers Contacts

SrNo. Name Designation Contact Details Address
1 Shri Rajarshi Mishra District Magistrate 03482-251650,
District Magistrate and Collector Murshidabad
2 Shri Sukanta Saha Wbcs(Exe) Pd Drdc 9434750644 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
3 Shri Srikanta Roy Wbcs(Exe) Po Cum Dwo Bcw 9434770019 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
4 Sri Rizwan Wahab Wbcs(Exe) Secy. Zp 9434770016 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
5 Shri Debabrata Roy Wbcs(Exe) Estate Manager 7047220408 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
6 Shri Subhendu Roy Wbcs (Exe) Dy. Dl And Lro 9434770054 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
7 Shri Prabhangshu Halder Wbcs(Exe) Dy Pd Drdc (Monitoring) 9609583537 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
8 Shri Jayanta Das Wbcs(Exe) Dplo 9434770024 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
9 Shri Sudip Narayan Ojha Wbcs(Exe) Spl. Lao 9434778084 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
10 Shri Rajarshi Nath Wbcs(Exe) Dp And Rdo 9434770015 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate
11 Smt Bratati Maitra Wbcs(Exe) Dy. Pd(Wd), Drdc 9614972583 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
12 Shri Nitish Bala Wbcs (Exe) Dm Sc And St Corp. 9434770054 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
13 Bimal Kumar Sharma, Wbcs (Exe) Dy. Secy .Zp 9434770016 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
14 Biraj Krishna Paul Wbcs (Exe) Rto 9434770023 District Magistrate And Collector Berhampore Murshidabad
15 Shri Litan Saha, Wbcs (Exe) District Youth Officer/Oc Election 9434107223 District Magistrate And Collector Berhampore Murshidabad
16 Shri Abhishek Chakraborty Wbcs(Exe) Senior Dc, Oc Health 9434770053 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
17 Shri Kaleswari Kora, Wbcs (Exe.) Dm And Dc 8016836818 Sdo Jangipur
18 Bipul Kumar Mondal, Wbcs (Exe.) Dm And Dc 8436503525 Sdo Jangipur
19 Arun Kumar Biswas, Wbcs(Exe.) (On Deputation) Dm And Dc 8016836818 Jangipur Sdo
20 Shri Sanjib Sarkar Wbcs(Exe) Oc Record Room 8017413540 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
21 Shri Santu Das Wbcs(Exe) Dm And Dc 9748683450 Sdo Kandi
22 Shri Dulal Chandra Sarkar Wbcs(Exe) Attched To Sdo Sadar 8617571010 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
23 Shri Sanchayan Pan Wbcs(Exe) Ndc 9434770018 District Magistrate And Collector Berhampore Murshidabad
24 Dr. Esha Ghosh Wbcs(Exe) Deo Ssm And Oc Mid-Day Meal 8695033030 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
25 Shri Soumik Bagchi Wbcs(Exe) Oc Social Welfare 7719377394 District Magistrate And Collector Berhampore Murshidabad
26 Shri Sandip Bhattacharya Wbcs (Exe) Attched To Sdo Sadar 9434770044 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
27 Smt Renuka Khatun Wbcs(Exe) Doma 9434770020 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
28 Shri Parijat Ray Wbcs (Exe) Oc General Rm 9434778083 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
29 Shri Amitdeb Mondal Wbcs(Exe) Oc Disaster Management 7719377378 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
30 Shri Dibyendu Sarkar Wbcs (Exe) Oc Jm 9434770021 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collectorate Berhampore
31 Shri Biswanath Saha Wbcs(Exe) Dm And Dc 8926473023 Sdo Jangipur

Additional District Magistrate Contacts

SrNo. Name Designation Contact No. Address
1 Shri Dina Narayan Ghosh, Wbcs(Exe) Addl. District Magistrate (Genl) 9434770005 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collector ,Berhampore ,Murshidabad
2 Shri Sumant Sahay, IAS Addl. District Magistrate(Lr) 9434770001 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collector ,Berhampore ,Murshidabad
3 Shri Chirantan Pramanik, Wbcs(Exe) Addl. District Magistrate(Dev) 9434770003 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collector ,Berhampore ,Murshidabad
4 Md Samsur Rahaman, Wbcs(Exe) Addl. District Magistrate(Zp) 9434770004 Office Of the District Magistrate And Collector ,Berhampore ,Murshidabad

Subdivision and Blocks

Srno. Division Mobile Email
Sub Division
1 Jangipur 9434770011 Sdojangipur@Gmail.Com
2 Sadar 9434770006 Sdoberhampore@Gmail.Com
3 Kandi 9434770008 Sdo.Kandi@Gmail.Com
4 Lalbagh 9434770010 Sdo.Lalbagh@Gmail.Com
5 Domkal 9434770009 Sdo-Domkal@Murshidabad.Gov.In
6 Farakka 9434770026 Bdo.Farakka@Gmail.Com
7 Raghunathganj I 9434770049 Rng1.Bdo@Gmail.Com
8 Raghunathganj Ii 9434770050 Bdorng2@Gmail.Com
9 Sagardighi 9434770027 Bdosdighimsd@Gmail.Com
10 Samsherganj 9434770017 Bdosganj.Msd@Gmail.Com
11 Suti I 9434770051 Bdosuti1@Gmail.Com
12 Suti-Ii 9434770052 Bdosuti2Msd@Gmail.Com
13 Beldanga I 9434770029 Bdobeldanga1@Gmail.Com
14 Beldanga Ii 9434770030 Bdobeldanga2@Gmail.Com
15 Berhampur 9434770028 Bdoberhampore2015@Gmail.Com
16 Hariharpara 9434770031 Hariharpara@Gmail.Com
17 Nowda 9434770032 Bdonowda@Gmail.Com
18 Bharatpur I 9434770047 Bdobharatpur1@Rediffmail.Com
19 Bharatpur Ii 9434770048 Bharatpur2Election@Gmail.Com
20 Burwan 9434770046 Bdoburwan2011@Gmail.Com
21 Kandi 9434770043 Bdo.Kandi@Gmail.Com
22 Khargram 9434770045 Bdo.Khargram@Gmail.Com
23 Bhagawangola I 9434770039 Bgolabdo@Gmail.Com
24 Bhagawangola Ii 9434770040 Bdo.Bgolatwo@Gmail.Com
25 Lalgola 9434770041 Bdolalgola@Gmail.Com
26 Murshidabad Jiaganj 9434770038 Bdomj@Gmail.Com
27 Nabagram 9434770042 Bdongram@Gmail.Com
28 Domkal 9434770034 Bdo-Domkal@Murshidabad.Gov.In
29 Jalangi 9434770037 Bdo-Jalangi@Murshidabad.Gov.In
30 Raninagar I 9434770035 Bdo-Raninagar1@Murshidabad.Gov.In
31 Raninagar Ii 9434770036 Bdo-Raninagar2@Murshidabad.Gov.In

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