Nagaland Principal Accountant General Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0370-224 0794 (For Contact Support) 


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Officer Contacts

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact No./Fax No. Email
1 Shri A. Pitoho Chophy, IAAS Principal Accountant General 0370-2240794,
Fax: 0370-2225310
2 Shri Vivek Kumar Bhaskar, IAAS Senior Deputy Accountant General 0370-2225311

Branch Officers Contacts

Sr.No. Name Officer in Charge Contact No.
1 Shri Joseph K.A., Pension, TM And PAO 9436604331
2 Shri Ashim Kr Dey Fin., WM, L And D And SSA 9436434188
3 Shri Arup Roy, GE- Group, ITA, AC And Hindi Cell 9436601437
4 Shri Akum Chuba, Admn, Cash, PF-Group And VLC-II 9436005112
5 Shri Shaji K Book, VLC-I, IS Cell And ROP Cell 9402035192

Other Officers Contact

Sr No. Department Name Designation Contact No. Email
1 Escalation Officer Shri Akum Chuba (Sr.Acc Officer) 9436005112,
2 Grievance Redressal Officer Shri Vivek Kumar Bhaskar Deputy Accountant General) 0370-2225310, 9318907782, agaenagaland@cag.govin,
3 Provident Fund-I SectionTION Shri. Kh Sani (AAO) 8974121704
4 Provident Fund-IISection Shem Shpunii Koh (AAO) 9089278188

Appellate Authority / PIO Contacts

Sr No. Officers Name Designation Contact No. Email
1 PIO Contacts Shri Kahoto J. Yepthomi Sr. Dy. Accountant General 0370-2225311
2 Appellate Authority Shri A. Pitoho Chophy Pr. Accountant General 0370-2240794, Fax : 0370-2225310
3 Audit Office Kalyan Kumar Kirtania Accountant Genera 0370-222809

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Nagaland Principal Accountant General,
Accontant General Office
Building Kohima,Nagaland
Fax- 0370-2225310

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