Saraswat Bank Customer Care No. 1800 229 999

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800 229 999 (Phone Banking Services)
  • 1800 266 5555 (For General Enquiries / Complaints)
  • 1800 266 9545 (for credit cards)
All India Number(s): 
  • 022-4157 2070 (For Visa Debit Card/Internet Banking /Mobile Banking related queries)
  • 82914 09100 (Whatsapp Support)
  • 90290 59271 (Give missed call to get register on whatsapp)
  • 76663 39922 (Missed Call For Real-Time Blocking Of UPI Transaction)
  • 95956 37637 (Temporary blocking of Card)
  • 92235 01111 (Missed call no.- Last 5 Transaction)
  • 92230 40000 (Missed call no.-Balance Enquiry)
  • 97027 18668 (Missed call no. for Pin Generation)
  • 90290 50017 (Internet Banking Registration)
  • 90222 11100 (Missed Call To Download App)
International Numbers: 
+91-22-49205602 (NRI desk)

IVRS Menu No. 1800 229 999

Select your preferred language (English/Hindi)

  • Press 1 : To hotlist of your card
  • Press 2 : For account cheque book related services
  • Press 3 : For debit card, internet banking, mobile banking or SMS banking
  • Press 4 : For information on a loan products
  • Press 5 : For information on a deposit products
  • Press 6 : For branch or ATM related information
  • Press 7 : To give feedback on our product & services
  • Press 8: To speak to customer support executive


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Important Links

Missed Call Service

Facility Number Information
Balance of any 3 accounts 9223040000 Balance will be informed
by SMS for 5 accounts. 
Last five transactions of
primary account
9223501111 Last five transactions will
be informed by SMS for
primary account.
Temporary blocking of Card 9595637637 All the cards linked with
the mobile number will get
temporary blocked and
confirmation message will
be sent to the customer.
Unblocking of Card 9595638638 All the cards linked with the
mobile number will get
activated and confirmation
message will be sent to the
Know your
Customer ID
9029050017 After giving Missed call,
Customer ID will be
informed by SMS.
Bank on WhatsApp registration 9029059271 Customer / Non-customer
will be registered for Bank on
WhatsApp services &
confirmation SMS will be
sent to customer.
Blocking of UPI, Mobile
Banking and Internet
Banking Transactions
7666339922 After giving missed call on
this number, all the transactions
via UPI, Mobile Banking and
Internet Banking will be
blocked & confirmation SMS
will be sent to customer.

Whatsapp Banking

Type special catchwords like ‘Bal’ for Balance Enquiry & ‘Txn’ for Last 10 Transactions etc. Instead of typing ‘1’ or ‘2’,
customer may type predefined keywords to get required information from the bank on WhatsApp (8291409100)

Services Keywords
Balance Enquiry bal, balance, account balance, my bal
Last 10 Transactions Txn, Txns, Transactions, mini statement
Mobile Banking Registration Mb registration, imps, imps registration
Know your Customer No. Customer number, customer no, customer id
Account Statement Stmt, account statement, statement
ATM/ Branch Locator Branch, ATM, address, locator
Vastu Siddhi Housing Loan Housing loan, home loan, hsg loan
2-wheeler/ Car Loan Car loan, bike loan, vehicle loan
Kwik Lap Lap, Loan against Property, property loan
GoMo Mobile Banking App Gomo, mb, mobile banking, mb app
Credit Card App Credit card, credit card app, creditcard
Chargeback form Chargeback, chargeback form
Retail Loan Application Retail, retail loan, loan form, loan application
Nomination Forms Nomination, nomination form, nomination format
Apply for Saving Account Savings Account, open account, sb account
Loan Rate of Interest Loan roi, loan rate, loan interest
Deposit Rate of Interest Deposit roi, deposit rate, recurring deposit
Service Charges Service charges, charges, locker, locker rent,
debit card charges, demat charges, forex charges

SMS Banking

Send SMS to 9223810000

Facility SMS Message Format Information
SMS Based Services
Balance of the account Send SBAL (Space) (15-digit Account No.) After sending this SMS,
balance of the account will be informed.
Last five transactions
of account
Send keyword as LST5 (Space) (15-digit Account No.) Last five transactions conducted in the
account will be informed by SMS.
Blocking of Specific
Send keyword as BLOCK (space)
(last four digits of the specific card number)
The specific card for which the
request has been sent by the customer
will get permanently blocked.
Customer will have to apply for
a fresh card.
Blocking of Multiple Cards
(Permanent Block)
Send keyword as BLOCK All the cards which are linked to the
accounts of the same Customer Number
will be permanently blocked.
This option can be used by the customer
when he/she does not remember his/her
card number. Customer will have to
apply for a fresh card.
Stop payment of
Send keyword as STOPCHQ (Space) (15-digit Account no) (Space) (Cheque No.) Cheque will be stopped and
informed by SMS.
Unblocking of card Send keyword as UNLOCKCARD ATM card will be unblocked &
informed by SMS.
Linkage of Aadhaar
Send keyword as AADHAAR<space> aadhaar number to 8828846224 Aadhaar number will be updated in the
system & the same will be informed to
customers by SMS.
Debit Card for Online
/Ecom transactions
Send keyword as ONLINE<space> last 4 digits of the Debit Card Card will be activated for Online/
Ecom transactions and informed by SMS
SMS Based Loan Enquiry
Housing Loan Enquiry HOMELOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added
to ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.
Car Loan Enquiry CARLOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added
to ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.
Education Loan Enquiry EDUCATIONLOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added t
o ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.
Property Loan Enquiry PROPERTYLOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added
to ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.
Gold Loan Enquiry GOLDLOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added
to ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.
E-Stock Loan Enquiry SHARESLOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added
to ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.
Personal Loan Enquiry PERSONALLOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added
to ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.
Business Loan Enquiry BUSINESSLOAN (Space) (Pin Code) The confirmation SMS will be sent to
customer & the same lead will be added
to ‘Lead Management System’ (LMS) Portal.

Grievance Redressal

If you have any query/complaint or feedback regarding any services given by the bank, you can lodge/register your complaints by following modes:

  • First contact bank’s 24x7 customer service centre by using toll-free line 1800 22 9999 & 1800 266 5555 from your registered mobile number.
  • Visit your nearest branch or in case of any difficulty in transactions, you may approach the ‘May I Help You’ counter available at the Branch.
  • In case you face problems related to branch service or do not get desired service at the branch counter, you may simply give missed call on the 7666550044 number.
  • You can register your concerns and grievances through feedback form.
  • You can also submit your grievances by post to Saraswat Bank Branch Offices/Zonal Offices or to the business heads of the respective services.

Complaint through Email- Bank has 4 separate email ids to address issues/complaints raised by customers:

  • For generic queries/complaints email at (This ID is managed by the CRE team of the bank)
  • For specific queries/complaints email at (This ID is managed by the Nodal Officer’s team)
    • Nodal Officer
      Mr. A.S.Jain
      Chief General Manager
      Saraswat Co-operative Bank Limited
      Saraswat Bank Ekanath Thakur Bhavan 953,
      Appasaheb Marathe Marg Prabhadevi, Mumbai- 400 025
      Tel: 022-66005555
  • For queries/complaints related to digital products like cards, mobile banking etc. email at (This ID is managed by the IT team of the bank)
  • For queries/complaints of non- resident customers email at (For NRI)
If your’s complaint is not attended properly by any Bank / branch or the complaint is not accepted by the Bank / branch or the complaint is not resolved within 30 days, you can directly approach the Banking Ombudsman

Forex Centres

Centres Number Email Address
Fax: 022-22096019 1st floor, Kimatrai Building, 77/79,
Maharshi Karve Road,
Marine Lines,
Mumbai -400002
BKC Forex
Fax: 022-26599185 Ground Floor,
Madhava Commercial Premises
Co-op Soc Ltd
Plot No C-4,
'E Block Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra - East, Mumbai -400051
Vile Parle
Sme Forex
Fax: 022-42349977 Bholanath C.H.S.Ltd.,
Subhash Road,
Vile Parle (E),
Mumbai -400057
Sme Forex
Fax: 022-25794782 Prabhat Bhavan,
Block 'B', First Floor, 96,
L.B.S.Marg, Opp. Cipla,
Vikhroli (W),
Mumbai -400083.
Forex Centre
Fax: 0231-2527012 C.T.S.No.1716,
E-Ward, Rajarampuri,
7th Lane, Kolhapur - 416008
-Forex Centre
0240-2243003 Kanchan Chambers,
Kranti Chowk,
Station Road,
Aurangabad - 431001.
Pune Sme
Forex Centre
Fax: 020-41422209 C/2, Kohinoor Estate Co-op. Hsg.
Society, Plot No.12, Mula Rd,
Sangamwadi, Near Kamalnayan
Bajaj Garden, Pune - 411003.
Goa Sme
Forex Centre
Fax: 0832-2437022 Tristar Bldg, EDC Complex,
Patto Plaza, Village Morambi
O Paqueno, Panjim, Goa - 403001.
Lower Parel
Sme Forex
Fax: 022-24821841 Office No. B1-G01,
Innova Building,
Marathon NextGen Complex,
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai -400013.

Form Center

Corporate Office

Saraswat Co-operative Bank Limited
Ekanath Thakur Bhawan 953, Appasaheb
Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi. Mumbai- 400 025
Tel: 022-24005555

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