PGIM India Mutual Customer Care No. 1800 266 7446

Organization: Toll free Number(s):
- 1800 266 7446 (For Customer Support, Mon-Sat 9am-7pm)
- 1800 266 2667 (For Alternate Customer Support )
All India Number(s):
- 022-6159 3000 (For General Query)
Official Website IVRS Menu No. 1800 266 7446 / 1800 266 2667
Select your preferred language (English/Hindi)
- Press 1 : If you are an investor
- Press 2 : If you are a Partner
- care [at] pgimindia [dot] co [dot] in (For Customer Care Support)
- pi [dot] corporatecommunications [at] pgimindia [dot] com (For General Query)
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SMS Services
Send SMS to 5607030
Sr No. | Service Name | keywords |
1 | To get NAV SMS | NAV<space><folio No> |
2 | For Transact | For Purchase-INVEST For Redemption-REDEEM For Switch-SWITCH |
3 | Transact in Preferred Scheme | For Purchase-INVEST <AMOUNT> For Redemption-REDEEM <AMOUNT> For Switch -SWITCH <AMOUNT> |
Investor Service Centres-KFintech
For Grievance Redressal
Level 1:
- If you have any query/complaints, then firstly you have to call 18002667446 or email at care [at] pgimindia [dot] co [dot] in.
- You can also visit your nearest brach
- Address: 4th Floor, C Wing, Laxmi
Towers, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051
Level 2:
- If you are not satisfied, then you can contact to the Compliance Officer, Investor Relations Officer, Head of Client Services
Sr. No. Designation Emails 1 Head of Client Services customerservicehead [at] pgimindia [dot] co [dot] in 2 Investor Relations Officer investorrelationshead [at] pgimindia [dot] co [dot] in 3 Compliance Officer compliancehead [at] pgimindia [dot] co [dot] in
Level 3:
- You can also lodge your complaint online through Security Exchange Borad of India (SEBI) Scores Portal.
Investor Relations Officer
4th Floor, C Wing, Laxmi Towers, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East),
Mumbai - 400 051
Contact No: 022-61593000
Fax No. : 022-61593100
Email: care [at] pgimindia [dot] co [dot] in
Corporate Office
PGIM India Portfolio Management Services, PGIM India Asset Management Private Limited,
4th Floor, C Wing, Laxmi Towers, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051
Landline No: 022-61593131
Mobile No: 9987502285
Email: contact [dot] pms [at] pgimindia [dot] co [dot] in
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