Tiruchirappalli District All Important Contact No.
Tamil Nadu District Contacts Toll free Number(s):
- 1070 (For State Control Room Helpline)
- 1077 (For Collectorate Control Room Helpline)
- 100 (For Police Control Room Helpline)
- 108 (For Accident Help Line Helpline)
- 101 (For Fire and Rescue Helpline)
- 102 (For Ambulance Helpline)
- 1098 (For Child Helpline)
- 1077 (For Disaster Helpline)
All India Number(s):
- 0431-241 5031 (For Collectorate Board Helpline)
- 0431-241 5032 (For Alternate Collectorate Board Helpline)
- 0431-241 5033 (For Collectorate Board Queries)
Official Website Important Links
Telephone Directory
Sr.No. | Designation | Contact | |
District Mission Management Unit | |||
1 | Assistant Project Officer (Accounts And Admin) | 9444094452 | dpiu_trc [at] yahoo [dot] com |
2 | Joint Director / Project Director | 9444094451 | dpiu_trc [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj | |||
3 | Assistant Project Officer (Accounts And Admin) | 9444094452 | dpiu_trc [at] yahoo [dot] com |
4 | Joint Director / Project Director | 9444094451 | dpiu_trc [at] yahoo [dot] com |
5 | District Panchayat Secretaries | 9786060380 | adptrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Assistant Director (Audit) | 7402607594 | adaudit [dot] trichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | Assistant Director | 7402607593 | adptry [at] nic [dot] in |
Social Security Scheme | |||
8 | Special Deputy Collector (SSS) | 9445461756 | ssstrichy7 [at] gmail [dot] com |
PA (Panchayat Development) | |||
9 | P.A. (Panchayat Development) | 7402607601 | papd [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
10 | P.A. (Panchayat Development) | 7402607671 | papd [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
Pollution Control Board | |||
11 | District Environmental Engineer | 8056013143 | deetnpcbtrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Public Works Department | |||
12 | Executive Engineer | 9442269396 | eercdtry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Public Relation Officer | |||
13 | Public Relation Officer | 9498042446 | adpro [dot] tntry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Police | |||
14 | SP Inspector | 9843330005 | dccttrc [at] gmail [dot] com |
15 | SP Office Control Room | 9498100645 | sbinstri [at] gmail [dot] com |
16 | Control Room | 04312333621 | sbinstri [at] gmail [dot] com |
NABARD | |||
17 | Divisional Engineer Highways | 9943525284 | tiruchirapalli [at] nabard [dot] org |
Nehru Yuva Kendra | |||
18 | District Youth Officer | 7736811030 | dyc [dot] tiruchirappalli [at] gmail [dot] com |
National Highways | |||
19 | Project Director | 9751177590 | tri [at] nhai [dot] org |
Motor Vehicles Maintenance | |||
20 | Regional Deputy Director (FAC) | 9944210296 | gawstry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mines | |||
21 | Assistant Director | 9361392644 | minesoffice [dot] try [at] gmail [dot] com |
Mahalir Thittam | |||
22 | Project Director | 9444094451 | dpiu_trc [at] yahoo [dot] com |
Municipal Administration and Water Supply | |||
23 | Assistant Director (Town Panchayats) | 8925809226 | adtptrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
24 | Executive Engineer Maintenance | 9940807124 | eebcmtry [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
25 | Executive Engineer (Rural Water Supply, TWAD) | 9443147997 | eetwadtry [at] gmail [dot] com |
26 | Executive Engineer (TWAD/ Urban) | 9894625165 | eetryrws [at] gmail [dot] com |
27 | Thuraiyur | 7397389965 | commr [dot] thuraiyur [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
28 | Musiri | 9150375620 | commr [dot] musiri [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
29 | Lalgudi | 9150375504 | commr [dot] lalgudi [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
30 | Manapparai | 7397389962 | commr [dot] manapparai [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
31 | Thuvakudi | 7397389961 | commr [dot] thuvakudi [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
32 | Corporation Engineers | 9842466621 | citycorporationtrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
33 | Corporation Commissioner (PC) | 9245780888 | commr [dot] trichy [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
Lead Bank | |||
34 | Lead Bank Manager | 8903950977 | ldm [dot] trichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Labour Welfare and Skill Development | |||
35 | Deputy Director, Employment Office | 9499055901 | dddecgctrichy2022 [at] gmail [dot] com |
36 | Assistant Director – Skill Development | 9688693974 | dadtrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
37 | Assistant Commissioner, Labour | 9941121001 | iltrichy1 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Khadi Craft | |||
38 | Assistant Director | 9698694993 | tnkvib [dot] trichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Industries And Safety | |||
39 | Deputy Director | 9787657872 | dofssatry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Industries And Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | |||
40 | General Manager, District Industrial Centres | 8925534026 | dictrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Human Resources Management | |||
41 | Deputy Collector (Inspection Cell Officer) | 9443677077 | icotrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Housing and Urban Development | |||
42 | Executive Engineer | 9940498959 | drhousing [dot] trichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Highways and Minor Ports | |||
43 | Divisional Engineer – Rural Roads | 9488182201 | eerwstrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
44 | Divisional Engineer – Construction and Maintenance (C And M) | 9443148668 | eebcmtry [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in |
45 | Divisional Engineer Projects | 9487330505 | tndehtrichycm [at] gmail [dot] com |
46 | Project Director PD– NHAI | 9443771590 | tri [at] nhai [dot] org |
Director of Medical And Rural Health Services | |||
47 | Joint Director | 9444982687 | trichy [dot] jdhs [at] gmail [dot] com |
Director of Medical Education | |||
48 | Dean | 9487193119 | deantrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Health and Family Welfare | |||
49 | Food Safety (Designated Officer) | 9944959595 | dofssatry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Handloom | |||
50 | District Handlooms and Textiles Officer | 9894318116 | adhandloomstry3 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department | |||
51 | Joint commissioner | 9345235212 | srirangamtemple [at] gmail [dot] com |
Higher Education | |||
52 | Assistant Director | 9865711515 | deotrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
53 | Joint Director, Collegiate Education | 9003439794 | rjdtry [at] yahoo [dot] in |
Forest | |||
54 | District Forest Officer | 9489883198 | dfotry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Fire | |||
55 | District Fire Officer | 9445086393 | dotc [dot] tnfrs [at] gov [dot] in |
District Educational Officers | |||
56 | District Educational Officer (Private School) Trichy | 9894677872 | trydeo [dot] ps [at] gmail [dot] com |
57 | District Elementary Educational Officer, Musiri | 9965522773 | deedeomusiri [at] gmail [dot] com |
58 | District Elementary Educational Officer, Trichy | 8248868243 | deedeotiruchirappalli [at] gmail [dot] com |
59 | District Educational Officers, Lalgudi | 6374076759 | deolalgudi [at] gmail [dot] com |
60 | District Educational Officers,Trichy And Manapparai (Secondary) | 9344001844 | deotrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Drugs And Control | |||
61 | Assistant Director | 9789306324 | tndcadtry [at] gmail [dot] com |
District Rural Development Agency | |||
62 | Assistant Director (Audit) | 7402607594 | adaudit [dot] trichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
63 | Assistant Director (Panchayats) | 7402607593 | adptry [at] nic [dot] in |
64 | Assistant Project Officer (Infra-II) | 7402607588 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
65 | Assistant Project Officer (Infra-I) | 7402607587 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
66 | Assistant Project Officer (Housing And Sanitation) | 7402607605 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
67 | Assistant Project Officer (Wage And Employment) | 7402607589 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
68 | Personal Assistant to Collector (NMP) | 7402607592 | panmptrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
69 | Joint Director / Project Director | 7373704217 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
70 | Assistant Project Officer Wages And Employee | 7402607589 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
71 | Assistant Project Officer, Infra | 7402607588 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
72 | Assistant Project Officer | 7402607587 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
73 | Project Director, District Rural Development Agency | 7373704217 | drdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
District Child Protection Officer | |||
74 | District Child Protection Officer | 8220507101 | dcpstrichy2 [at] gmail [dot] com |
District Library | |||
75 | District Librarian | 8825562965 | dcltry [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in |
Chief Educational Officer | |||
76 | Chief Educational Officer | 9994822434 | ceotrichy2021 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Commercial | |||
77 | Commercial Tax Officer | 9442279944 | dccttrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Cooperative | |||
78 | Joint Registrar | 7338749300 | jrtry [dot] rcs [at] gmail [dot] com |
Energy | |||
79 | AEE/PRO | 9445853438 | setrym [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
80 | Superintending Engineer | 9443370450 | setrym [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Public health | |||
81 | Deputy Director of Health Services | 7358122697 | dphtry [at] nic [dot] in |
Revenue | |||
82 | RDO-Tiruchirappalli | 9445000455 | rdotry [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
83 | RDO Srirangam | 9677571134 | rdosrm [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
84 | RDO-Lalgudi | 9445000456 | rdolal [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
85 | RDO-Musiri | 9445000457 | rdomsr [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
86 | Tahsildar Trichy West | 9445000602 | tlktry [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
87 | Tahsildar Tiruchirappalli East | 9445461808 | tlktryeast-tntry [at] gov [dot] in |
88 | Tahsildar Thiruverambur | 7825873784 | tlktvm [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
89 | Tahalidar Lalgudi | 9445000605 | tlklal [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
90 | Tahsildar Mannachanallur | 9445000606 | tlkmnr [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
91 | Tahsildar Srirangam | 9445000603 | tlksri [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
92 | Tahsildar Manapparai | 9445000604 | tlkmnp [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
93 | Tahsildar Marungapuri | 8883703355 | tlkmnp [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
94 | Tahsildar Musiri | 9445000607 | tlkmsr [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
95 | Tahsildar Thottiam | 9445000608 | tlktym [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
96 | Tahsildar - Thuraiyur | 9445000609 | tlktyt [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
Rural Development | |||
97 | BDO Uppiliyapuram | 7402607637 | bdotryupm [at] nic [dot] in |
98 | BDO Thuraiyur | 7402607635 | bdotrythur [at] nic [dot] in |
99 | BDO Thottiam | 7402607630 | bdotrythot [at] nic [dot] in |
100 | BDO Musiri | 7402607628 | bdotrymsri [at] nic [dot] in |
101 | BDO Manachanallur | 7402607624 | bdotrymnlr [at] nic [dot] in |
102 | BDO-Pullambadi | 7402607626 | bdotryplbd [at] nic [dot] in |
103 | BDO-Lalgudi | 7402607622 | bdotrylal [at] nic [dot] in |
104 | BDO Vaiyampatti | 7402607618 | bdotryvpt [at] nic [dot] in |
105 | BDO Marungapuri | 7402607620 | bdotrymrp [at] nic [dot] in |
106 | BDO Manapparai | 7402607616 | bdotrymnp [at] nic [dot] in |
107 | BDO Thiruverambur | 7402607612 | bdotrytvbr [at] nic [dot] in |
108 | BDO Manikandam | 7402607612 | bdotrymani [at] nic [dot] in |
109 | BDO - Andhanallur | 7402607610 | bdotryanlr [at] nic [dot] in |
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare | |||
110 | District Manager (TAHDCO) | 9445029479 | dmtahdcotry [at] gmail [dot] com |
111 | District Adi – Dravidar Welfare Officer | 8778357571 | dadwtry [at] nic [dot] in |
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare | |||
112 | Assistant Director, Fisheries | 9629075753 | adfisheriestrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
113 | Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry | 9445032510 | ddcbfdtry [at] gmail [dot] com |
114 | Regional, Joint Director Animal Husbandry | 9445001116 | rjdahtrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
115 | General Manager, Aavin | 8754043701 | gmaavintrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Assistant Commissioner/Excise | |||
116 | Assistant Commissioner | 9445074602 | acexcisetry [at] gmail [dot] com |
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | |||
117 | Executive Engineer (Agriculture Engineering) | 8072296624 | aedeetry2 [at] gmail [dot] com |
118 | Secretary, Department of Agriculture Marketing And Agriculture Business | 9080862299 | rmc [dot] trichirapalli01 [at] gmail [dot] com |
119 | Deputy Director of Agriculture (Agriculture Business) | 9443250473 | ddab [dot] tiruchirapalli01 [at] gmail [dot] com |
120 | Deputy Director (Horticulture) | 9487036233 | ddhtry2020 [at] gmail [dot] com |
121 | Joint Director Agriculture | 9865976963 | jdatrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
Art And Culture | |||
122 | Assistant Director | 9444668932 | artandculturetryrgn2014 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Backward Classes, Most Backward Class and Minorities Welfare | |||
123 | District Backward Classes Welfare Officers | 9445477835 | dbcwotrichy [at] gmail [dot] com |
CM -Health, Insurance Scheme (Maruthuva Kappittu Thittam) | |||
124 | District Project Officer | 7373004351 | cmchistntrichydpo [at] gmail [dot] com |
Co-operation, Food and Consumer Protection | |||
125 | District Supply Officer | 9445000277 | jrtry [dot] rcs [at] gmail [dot] com |
126 | Deputy Registrar, Public Distribution System | 9952556545 | drpdstrichy2021 [at] gmail [dot] com |
127 | Deputy Registrar, Milk | 9789863655 | drttrichymilk [at] gmail [dot] com |
Public Utilities Services
Sr.No. | Name | IFSC Code | MICR Code | Contact |
1 | Axis Bank | UTIB0000137 | 620211002 | 0431-2769790 |
2 | Canara Bank | CNRB0001222 | 620015003 | 0431-2702865 |
3 | Indian BAnk | IDIB000T028 | 620019021 | 0431-2704016 |
4 | Indian Overseas Bank | IOBA0000092 | 620020003 | 0431-28584896 |
5 | Karur Vysya Bank | KVBL0001195 | 620053002 | 18602001916 |
6 | State Bank Of India | SBIN0000930 | 620002002 | 0431-2414525 |
Other Departments
Sr.No. | Name | Contact/Email | Address |
Colleges/Universities | |||
1 | Anna University, Tiruchirappalli | 0431-2407946 | University College of Engineering Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, Mandaiyur, Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 |
2 | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli | 0431-2407072 | Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappalli - 620024 |
3 | Government Industrial Training Institute | trichyiti5 [at] gmail [dot] com | Thiruverumbur, Tiruchirappalli - 620014 |
4 | Government Polytechnic College, Tiruchirappalli | gptc_trichy [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in | Thuvakudi, Tiruchirappalli - 620022 |
5 | National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli | 0431-2503000 | Tanjore Main Road, NH 67, Near BHEL Trichy, Tiruchirappalli - 620015 |
6 | Seshasayee Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli | sittrichy [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in | Thanjore Main Road, Ariyamangalam, Tiruchirappalli - 620010 |
Electricity | |||
7 | Assistant Engineer, Gandhimarket | 0431-2793220, trm210ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
8 | Assistant Engineer, Junction | 0431-2414749, trm211ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
110 KV SS Complex, Collector office Road, Trichy-620001 |
9 | Assistant Engineer, Mahalakshminagar | trm214ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org | Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
10 | Assistant Engineer, Palakkarai | 0431-2793220, trm208ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
11 | Assistant Engineer, Ponnagar | 0431-2481858, trm213ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org | No. 6/14, Vinayagar Nagar, 2nd Street, Karumandapam, Trichy-620017 |
12 | Assistant Engineer, Senthaneerpuram | 0431-2793220, trm209ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
13 | Assistant Engineer, Srinivasanagar | 0431-2794237, trm202ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
14 | Assistant Engineer, Thennur | 0431-2794237, trm201ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
15 | Assistant Engineer, Thillainagar | 0431-2791467, trm204ae [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
16 | Assistant Executive Engineer, Rockfort | 0431-2793220, trm4421aee2 [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur, Trichy-620017 |
17 | Assistant Executive Engineer, Palakkarai | 0431-2793220, trm4421aee3 [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur , Trichy-620017 |
18 | Assistant Executive Engineer, Thennur | 04312794237, trm4421aee1 [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur , Trichy-620017 |
19 | Assistant Executive Engineer/Cantonment | 0431-2460148, trm4421aee4 [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Thennur , Trichy- 620017 |
20 | Superintending Engineer/Trichy/Metro | 0431-2422216, setrym [at] tnebnet [dot] org |
Mannarpuram Main Road, Trichy-620 020 |
Hospitals | |||
21 | Annal Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital, Trichy | 0431-2771465 | Bharthi Nagar, Puthur, Thillai Nagar, Trichy - 620017 |
22 | Government Hospital, Lalgudi | - | Anbil Road, Paramasivapuram, Lalgudi, Trichy - 621601 |
23 | Government Hospital, Manaparai | - | Viralimalai - Manapparai Road, Manapparai, Trichy - 621306 |
24 | Government Hospital, Mannachanallur | - | Edumalai Road, Indira Nagar, Mannachanallur, Trichy - 621005 |
25 | Government Hospital, Musiri | - | Trichy - Namakkal Road, Musiri, Trichy - 621211 |
26 | Government Hospital, Srirangam | 0431-2432227 | Gandhi Road, Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli - 620006 |
Schools | |||
27 | Chief Education Officer (SSA),Tiruchirappalli (incharge) | 0431-2708907, ceotry [at] nic [dot] in |
O/o. Chief Education officer Palakkarai Tiruchirappalli 620004 |
28 | Chief Education Officer,Tiruchirappalli | 0431-2708900, ceotry [at] nic [dot] in |
Chief Education Office Palakkarai Trichirappalli - 620 004 |
Departments Contacts
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department
Sr. No. | Block | Contact |
1 | Andhanallur | 7550216322 |
2 | Manikandam | 7550216323 |
3 | Thiruvarambur | 7550216324 |
4 | Manapparai | 7550216325 |
5 | Marungapuri | 7550216326 |
6 | Vaiyampatti | 7550216327 |
7 | Musiri | 7550216328 |
8 | Thottiam | 7550216329 |
9 | T.Pet | 7550216330 |
10 | Thuraiyur | 7550216331 |
11 | Uppiliyapuram | 7550216332 |
12 | Lalgudi | 7550216335 |
13 | Manachanallur | 7550216336 |
14 | Pullambadi | 7550216337 |
Horticulture And Plantation Crops
Sr. No. | Name | Contact |
District Officers | ||
1 | Deputy Director of Horticulture | 0431-2420554, 9487036233 |
2 | Assistant Director of Horticulture (Planting Material) | 9442094963 |
Block Level Assistant Directors | ||
1 | Andhanallur | 9659428300 |
2 | Manikandam | 9976742142 |
3 | Thiruvarambur | 9659428300 |
4 | Manapparai | 9976742142 |
5 | Marungapuri | - |
6 | Vaiyampatti | 9715588927 |
7 | Musiri | 9843991326 |
8 | Thottiam | 9842753259 |
9 | T.Pet | 8248752014 |
10 | Thuraiyur | 8148356428 |
11 | Uppiliyapuram | 8870504162 |
12 | Lalgudi | 9047733669 |
13 | Manachanallur | 9443038397 |
14 | Pullambadi | 9047733669 |
Other Departments
Sr.No. | Designation | Contact | Address | |
Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Department | ||||
1 | Disrict Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare officer, Tiruchirappalli district. | 0431-2463360 | dawtry [at] nic [dot] in | Disrict Adi Dravidar andTribal Welfare office, Collector office, Tiruchirappalli district |
2 | Special Tahsildar (Adw) | 0431-2463360 | splthasildar [at] gmail [dot] com | Tiruchirappalli |
3 | Special Tahsildar (Adw) | 04327-222394 | stadwthuraiyu [at] gmail [dot] com | Taluk Office Thuraiyur |
BC / MBC / DNC and Minorities Welfare | ||||
4 | District Backward Class Officer | 0431-2415031 | dbcwo [dot] tntry [at] nic [dot] in | Collectorate New Building, Tiruchirappalli -620001 |
District Industry Centre | ||||
5 | General Manager | 0431-2460823, 0431-2460331 | - | District Industries Centre, Collector Office Road Tiruchirappalli, Pin-620001 |
Department For The Welfare Of Differently Abled Person | ||||
6 | District Differently Abled Welfare Officer | 0431-2412590 | ddawotry [at] gmail [dot] com | District Differently Abled Welfare Office Cantonment (behind District Court Complex), Tiruchirappalli-620 001 |
Sr.No. | Parliamentary/Assembly Constituency | Name | Contact/Email |
Member Of Parliament | |||
1 | 24-Tiruchirappalli | Thiru. Su. Thirunavukkarasar, Indian National Congress | 011-23752851, thirunav [at] sansad [dot] nic [dot] in |
2 | 23-Karur | Ms.S. Jothimani, Indian National Congress | 9789944542, jothimani102 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | 25-Perambalur | Dr.T.R. Paarivendhar, DMK | 044-42319091, vendharijk [at] gmail [dot] com |
Member Of Legislative Assembly Constituency | |||
4 | 138 – Manapparai | Thiru Abdul Samad P, DMK | mlamanapparai [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
5 | 139 – Srirangam | Thiru. Palaniyandi. M , DMK | mlasrirangam [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
6 | 140 – Tiruchirappalli (West) | Hon'ble Minister Thiru K.N. Nehru, DMK | mlatiruchirappallieast [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
7 | 141 – Tiruchirappalli (East) | Thiru INIGO Irudayaraj .S , DMK | mlatiruchirappallieast [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
8 | 142 – Thiruverumbur | Hon'ble Minister Thiru Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi , DMK | mlathiruverumbur [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
9 | 143 – Lalgudi | Thiru A.Soundarapandian, DMK | mlalalgudi [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
10 | 144 – Manachanallur | Thiru. S. Kathiravan , DMK | mlamarnachanallur [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
11 | 145 – Musiri | Thiru N. Thiyagarajan , DMK | mlamusiri [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
12 | 146 – Thuraiyur (SC) | Thiru S.Stalinkumar, DMK | mlathuraiyur [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in |
Disaster Management
Sr.No | Designation | Contact |
1 | Control Room | 0431-2418995 |
2 | Tahsildar (Disaster Management) | 9384056213 |
3 | Personal Assistant (General) to the Collector | 9445008156, 0431-2415031, 0431-2415032, 0431-2415033, Fax : 0431-2411929 |
Install App - TN-SMART App |
Officers Contact Details
Sr.No | Name | Designation | Contact | |
1 | Thiru. M. Pradeep Kumar, I.A.S | District Collector | 0431-2415031 | collrtry [at] nic [dot] in |
2 | Tmt N. Kamini IPS | Commissioner of Police | 0431-2332566 | cop [dot] tricity [at] tncctns [dot] gov [dot] in |
3 | Tmt. R. Rajalakshmi | District Revenue Officer | 0431-2460016 | dro-tntry [at] nic [dot] in |
4 | Thiru V. Varunkumar IPS | Superintendent of Police | 0431-2333629 | sp [dot] tri [at] tncctns [dot] gov [dot] in |
5 | Thiru S Devanathan | Project Director DRDA | 0431-2464851 | podrdatry [at] nic [dot] in |
Tourist Information
Sr.No | Name | Contact | Address |
1 | Tourist Officer | 0431- 2460136 | Tourist Office, 101, Williams Road, Cantonment, Tiruchirappali - 620001 |
Revenue Department Contact Details
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