WB Non Conventional And Renewable Energy Sources Department No.


Important Link

Important Contacts

Non-Conventional And Renewable Energy Sources

Sl. No. Name Designation Phone Email
1 Smt. Choten Dhendup Lama, IAS Principal Secretary 033-23351269 secynres@wb.gov.in
2 - Senior Special Secretary 033-23570061 -
3 Shri Kausik Kumar Pal, WBCS (Exe.) Additional Secretary 033-23570056 jsnres2021@gmail.com
4 Shri Puspendu Mitra, WBCS (Exe.) Joint Secretary - puspendumitra432@gmail.com
5 Shri Debashis Chatterjee, WBCS (Exe.) Joint Secretary 8900434959 js2.nres-wb@bangla.gov.in
6 Shri Puspen Chatterjee, WBCS (Exe.) P.S. to HMIC 033-23355010 ps2mic.ite-wb@gov.in
7 Shri Gopal Roy Financial Advisor 9433130956 fa2-power-wb@gov.in
8 Shri Palash Das Assistant Financial Advisor 8777830832 salap002010@gmail.com
9 Shri Utsab Roy Choudhury Law Officer 8777399649 utsabroychoudhury@gmail.com
10 Shri Pijush Basu Section Officer 033-23579008 pijushbasu100@gmail.com

West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency

Sl. No. Name Designation Phone Email
1 Tanmoyee Dutta, WBCS(Exe) Director-in-Charge And CEO 033-23576568 tanmoyeedutta@gmail.com
2 Shri Abhijit Roy Chief Accounts Officer 9231859638 avisgaria@gmail.com
3 Shri Anadi Krishna Das Superintending Engineer 9874897006 akd.wbreda@gmail.com
4 Shri Uttam Kumar Dutta Administrative Officer cum PRO 9051722281 aowbredaukd@gmail.com
5 Shri Bikash Ray Accounts Officer 9674810632 bikashray2009@gmail.com
6 Shri Angshuman Majumder Divisional Engineer 03323575348 angshureda@gmail.com
7 Shri Joy Chakraborty Divisional Engineer 9434075616 de2wbreda@gmail.com
8 Shri Rudrendu Basu Assistant Director 9830407555 rudrendu.basu1968@gmail.com
9 Shri Sushanta Biswas Assistant Director 9836028595 sd.wbreda@gmail.com
10 Shri Tapan Chakraborty Supervisor Officer-in-Charge, North Bengal Office. 8926409252 tapan48slg@gmail.com

West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation Limited

Sl. No. Name Designation Phone Email
1 Tanmoyee Dutta, WBCS(Exe) Managing Director 033-23576568 tanmoyeedutta@gmail.com
2 Anadi Krishna Das Chief Engineer 9874897006 akd.wbreda@gmail.com
3 Chinmoy Chatterjee Chief-Finance And Accounts 033-23576361 chinu_chat_06@yahoo.co.in
4 Sourav Kundagrami Company Secretary-in-charge 033-23576361 souravkundagrami@gmail.com
5 Tamal Ghose Accounts-in-charge And Public Information Officer 033-23576361 tamalghose@yahoo.in
6 Prottay Sarkar Project Engineer 033-23576361 prottay_s@rediffmail.com

Nodal Officers Contact

Sr No. Designation Contact No. Email
1 Joint Secretary   js2.nres-wb@bangla.gov.in
2 Superintending Engineer 9874897006 akd.wbreda@gmail.com
3 Chief Engineer 8250026312 acwbreda2021@gmail.com

Appellate Authority And SPIO Contacts

Sl. No. Name Designation Phone Email
1 Shri Kausik Kumar Pal, WBCS(Exe.), Joint Secretary Appellate Authority 033-23570056 jsnres2021@gmail.com
2   SPIO 033-23579008  


West Bengal Non Conventional And Renewable Energy Sources Department
Bikalpa Shakti Bhawan, Plot No. J-1/10, Sector-V,
EP And GP Block, Saltlake Electronics Complex,
Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

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