West Bengal Excise Department Contact No. 1800 833 3781

Toll free Number(s): 
All India Number(s): 


Officers Contacts

SNo. Name Designation Ph No Email Id Fax No
1 Mr. Uma Sankar S. IAS Excise Commissioner - West Bengal 033-22259779 ec.wb-excise@nic.in 033-22216205
2 Mr. Kunal Biswas Special Excise Commissioner- HR, Excise Directorate 033-22360625    
3 Mr. Gautam Kr. Ghosh Special Excise Commissioner, Revenue 033-22370034 dcdw.wb-excise@nic.in 033-22370034
4 Mr. Amitabha Sinha Addl Excise Commissioner, Barddhaman Excise Division   dcbdn.wb-excise@gov.in  
5 Mr. Rajarshi Chakraborty Additional Excise Commissioner- Alipur Excise Division 033-22360309 dcfl.wb-excise@nic.in 033-22216205
6 Mr. Sugata Bhattacharya Additional Excise Commissioner And Collector of Excise, Kolkata (North) 033-22367052 dcalp.wb-excise@gov.in  
7 Mr. Pradip Kr. Paul Additional Excise Commissioner, Enforcement and Statistics And Analysis   pradipkrpaul@gov.in  
8 Ms. Sabnam Mukhopadhyay De Additional Excise Commissioner - Systems 033-22379144   033-22216205
9 Ms. Nilanjana Bandyopahyay Superintendent of Excise, Kolkata (South)   sekolkatas@gmail.com  
10 Mr. Rupak Ghosh Senior Joint Commissioner of Revenue-Bardhaman Excise Division 033-25523472    
11 Mr. Sudip Ranjan Sanyal Superintendent of Excise - Darjeeling   se.darjwb-excise@nic.in  
12 Mr. Santanu Acharyya PA to the Excise Commissioner, Excise Directorate 033-22364301 paec.wb-excise@nic.in  
13 Mr. Tapan Kumar Roy Superintendent of Excise -Howrah Industrial   se.hwhwb-excise@nic.in  
14 Mr. Milan Kumar Biswas Superintendent of Excise - Jhargram   se.jhrmwb-excise@gov.in  
15 Mr. Ram Ray Sarkar Superintendent of Excise - Barrackpore Excise Division 0342-26622434    
16 Mr. Anirban Chakrabarti Superintendent of Excise - Diamond Harbour   se.diamondharbour@gmail.com  
17 Mr. Debasish Mukhopadhyay Superintendent of Excise - Berhampore Excise District   se.murshiwb-excise@nic.in  
18 Mr. Prantik Chakraborty Superintendent of Excise - Alipore Zone   se.alpzwb-excise@gov.in  
19 Mr. Tuhin Nag Superintendent of Excise - Paschim Bardhaman   se.bdnwwb-excise@nic.in  
20 Mr. Sourav Bhadra Special Superintendent of Excise, Foreign Liquor And Joint Commissioner of Revenue   sseflwb123@gmail.com  
21 Mr. Nemai Biswas Superintendent of Excise-Malda   se.maldawb-excise@nic.in  
22 Ms. Puspita Bala (Mukhopadhyay) Superintendent of Excise - CIS   ssedw.wb-excise@nic.in  
23 Mr. Basudeb Sarkar Superintendent of Excise - Birbhum   se.birwb-excise@nic.in  
24 Mr. Thendup Wangal Bhutia Superintendent of Excise - Alipurduar   se.alpdwb-excise@nic.in  
25 Mr. Subhamoy Goswami Deputy Excise Collector - Computer Cell, Excise Directorate 033-22360625    
26 Ms. Sangey Doma Bhutia Deputy Excise Collector - Himalayan Endeavour CS B/P Darjeeling 035-61230411  
27 Mr. Chayan Bera Assistant Commissioner of Revenue and Deputy Excise Collector, Computer Cell (Systems), Excise Directorate   chayanbera@wbexcise.gov.in  

Grievance Redressal Officers Contacts

SNo. Office Sub Level. Officer Name Officer Designation Officer Phone No Officer Email Id
Excise Directorate(Proper)
1 Chemical Examination Laboratory Dr. Dilip Kumar Kuila Chemical Examiner to the Govt. of West Bengal 033-23280238 chemicalexaminerwb@yahoo.in
2 Computer Cell Sri Kunal Biswas Additional Excise Commissioner - Systems 033-22360625 dcit.wb-excise@nic.in
3 Foreigin Liquor Section Smt. Sabnam Mukhopadhyay Additional Excise Commissioner - F.L 033-22360309 dcfl.wb-excise@nic.in
4 D And W Section Sri Tanmoy Biswas Joint Commissioner of Excise - D And W 033-22370034 dcdw.wb-excise@nic.in
5 Head Quaters Sri Gautam Kumar Ghosh Additional Excise Commissioner - HQ 033-22370034 dchq.wb-excise@nic.in
6 Law Section Sri Someswar Bandyopadhyay Additional Excise Commissioner - Law 033-22363758 dclaw.wb-excise@nic.in
7 Organisation Sri Goutam Kumar Ghosh Additional Excise Commissioner - Organisation 033-22254935 dcorg.wb-excise@nic.in
8 Training Cell Sri Pradip Kr Saha Joint Commissioner of Excise - Training 033-22254937 dctrg.wb-excise@gov.in
9 Central Investigation Section Smt. Parveen Ashraf Joint Commissioner of Excise - CIS   dcspl.wb-excise@nic.in
Excise District
10 Bankura Sri Soumya Sengupta Superintendent of Excise - Bankura 0324-2250467 se.bnkwb-excise@nic.in
11 Bardhaman(West) Sri Tuhin Nag Superintendent of Excise - Bardhaman (West) 0341-2282988 se.bdnwwb-excise@nic.in
12 Birbhum Sri Basudeb Sarkar Superintendent of Excise - Birbhum 0346-2255334 se.birwb-excise@nic.in
13 Darjeeling Sri Sudip Ranjan Sanyal Superintendent of Excise - Darjeeling 0354-2254309 se.darjwb-excise@nic.in
14 Howrah Rural Sri Rupak Ghosh Superintendent of Excise - Howrah (Rural)   sehowrahrural@gmail.com
15 Jalpaiguri Sri Surojit Sarkar Superintendent of Excise - Jalpaiguri 03561-230411 se.jalwb-excise@nic.in
16 Coochbehar Sri Sandip Bhunia Superintendent of Excise - Coochbehar 0358-2222439 se.coochwb-excise@nic.in
17 Malda Sri Nemai Biswas Superintendent of Excise - Malda 0351-2252494 se.maldawb-excise@nic.in
18 Paschim Midnapore Sri Ekalabya Chakraborty Superintendent of Excise - Paschim Medinipur 0322-2275206 se.mdpwwb-excise@nic.in
19 Purba Midnapore Sri Jatan Chandra Mandal Superintendent of Excise - Purba Medinipur 0322-8266009 se.mdpewb-excise@nic.in
20 Nadia Sri Sourav Bhadra Superintendent of Excise - Nadia 0347-2252475 se.nadiawb-excise@nic.in
21 Purulia Sri Manish Sharma Superintendent of Excise - Purulia 0325-2222497 se.prlwb-excise@nic.in
22 North 24-Parganas (Rural) Sri Rahul Kumar Samanta Superintendent of Excise - North 24 Pgns. (Rural) 033-25523472 se.n24wb-excise@nic.in
23 Dakshin Dinajpur Sri Suvendu Seth Superintendent of Excise - Dakshin Dinajpur 0352-2255322 se.ddnjwb-excise@nic.in
24 Uttar Dinajpur Sri Tapas Kumar Maity Superintendent of Excise - Uttar Dinajpur 0352-3246186 se.udnjwb-excise@nic.in
25 Bardhaman(East) Sri Tapan Kumar Maity Superintendent of Excise - Bardhaman (East) 0342-2662434 se.bdnewb-excise@nic.in
26 Kolkata(North) Sri Sugata Bhattacharya Collector of Excise - Kolkata (North) 033-22230190 coe.kolnwb-excise@nic.in
27 Jhargram Sri Milan Kumar Biswas Superintendent of Excise - Jhargram   se.jhrmwb-excise@gov.in
28 Alipurduar Sri Thendup Wangal Bhutia Superintendent of Excise - Alipurduar 03564-257016 se.alpdwb-excise@gov.in
29 Barrackpore Zone Smt. Amrita Kar Chowdhury Superintendent of Excise - Barrackpore Zone 033-25920277 se.bkpzwb-excise@gov.in
30 Bidhannagar Zone Sri Dines Mondal Superintendent of Excise - Bidhannagar Zone 033-64581522 se.bdnzwb-excise@gov.in
31 Kolkata (South) Smt. Shahnaj Sultana Collector of Excise - Kolkata (South) 033-22230180 coe.kolswb-excise@nic.in
32 Alipur Zone Sri Prantik Chakraborty Superintendent of Excise - Alipore Zone 033-24791218 se.alpzwb-excise@gov.in
33 South 24 Parganas (Rural) Smt. Sudeshna Sengupta (Chakraborty) Superintendent of Excise - South 24 Pgns. (Rural) 033-24230071 se.s24wb-excise@nic.in
34 Howrah Industrial Smt. Tapan Kumar Roy Superintendent of Excise - Howrah Industrial Zone 033-26402842 se.hwhwb-excise@nic.in
35 Kalimpong Sri Swapan Kumar Paul Superintendent of Excise - Kalimpong   sekalimpong@gmail.com
36 Baruipur Excise District Smt. Nilanjana Bandyopadhyay Superintendent of Excise - Baruipur   baruipurexcisedistrict@gmail.com
37 Diamond Harbour Excise District Sri Anirban Chakraborty Superintendent of Excise - Diamond Harbour   se.diamondharbour@gmail.com
38 Sundarban Excise District Sri Arnab Kumar Dey Superintendent of Excise - Sundarban   se.sundarban@gmail.com
39 Chandannagore Excise District Sri Ujjwal Chakraborty Superintendent of Excise - Hooghly 033-26802242 se.hghlywb-excise@nic.in
40 Singur Excise District Sri Suprovat Biswas Superintendent of Excise - Singur   wbexcise.singur@gmail.com
41 Arambagh Excise District Sri Niloy Kumar Saha Superintendent of Excise - Arambagh   se.arambagh@gmail.com
42 Berhampore Excise District Sri Debashis Mukhopadhyay Superintendent of Excise - Murshidabad 0348-2251202 se.murshiwb-excise@nic.in
43 Jangipur Excise District Sri Enayet Rabbi Superintendent of Excise - Jangipur   se.jangipur@gmail.com
Excise Division
44 Jalpaiguri Division Sri Ashfaq Ahmed Joint Commissioner of Excise-Jalpaiguri Division 0353-2432779 dcjlp.wb-excise@gov.in
45 Alipore Division Sri Rajarshi Chakraborty Additional Excise Commissioner - Alipore Division   dcalp.wb-excise@gov.in
46 Durgapur Division Sri Soumitra Biswas Joint Commissioner of Excise - Durgapur Division 0342-2544967 dcdgp.wb-excise@gov.in
47 Kharagpur Division Sri Qamar Jalees Superintendent of Excise - Kharagpur Division 0342-2544967 dckgp.wb-excise@gov.in
48 Krishnanagar Division Sri Soumya Roy Joint Commissioner of Excise-Krishnanagar Division   dckrn.wb-excise@gov.in
49 Malda Division Sri Prabir Kumar Saha Joint Commissioner of Excise - Malda Division   dcmld.wb-excise@gov.in
50 Barrackpore Division Smt. Sudeshna Chakraborty Joint Commissioner of Excise-Barrackpore Division 033-25452220 dcbkp.wb-excise@gov.in
51 Bardhaman Division Sri Amitabha Sinha Additional Excise Commissioner-Bardhaman Division 0342-2544967 dcbdn.wb-excise@gov.in

State Public Information Officers Contacts

Directorate Contacts

Sr No. Name Designation Contact Address
1 Shri Kunal Biswas Appellate Authority - Additional Excise Commissioner ,West Bengal 033-22363758 Excise Directorate, 1st Floor,
32, B.B.Ganguly Street , Kolkata - 12
2 Shri Subhendu Guin S.A.P.I.O. - Addl. Superintendent of Excise (Law), West Bengal And Deputy Commissioner of Exc 033-22363758 Excise Directorate, 3rd Floor,
32, B.B.Ganguly Street , Kolkata - 12
3 Smt. Amrita Kar Chaudhury S.P.I.O. - Superintendent of Excise (Law) , West Bengal And Jt. Commissioner of Excise 033-22363758 Excise Directorate, 3rd Floor,
32, B.B.Ganguly Street , Kolkata - 12

District Wise Contacts

SNo. Officer Name Designation Phone No. Address
Alipur Excise District
1 Shri Partha Ghosh S.A.P.I.O.- Office of the Additional Superintendent of Excise, Alipore Excise District 9830015990 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Alipore Excise District
2 Shri Tanvir Afzal Appellate Authority - Additional District Magistrate (ZP) And Collector of Excise, South 24 P 9836818555 Office of the ADM (ZP),South 24 Parganas
3 Shri Suraktim Mukharjee S.P.I.O.- Superintendent of Excise, Alipore Excise District 9830745919 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Alipore Excise District
4 Shri Surendra Kr. Meena Appellate Authority- District Magistrate, Alipurduar 8001196900 Office of the District Magistrate, Alipurduar District
5 Shri Ugen Tshewang S.P.I.O.- Superintendent of Excise, Alipurduar District 9475539539 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Alipurduar District
6 Smt. Amita Lepcha S.A.P.I.O.- DEC Sadar Range, Alipurduar 9831381482 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Alipurduar District
Arambagh Excise District
7 Shri Snehashis Ghosal S.P.I.O.- Addlitional Superintendent of Excise, Arambag Excise District 8902723947 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Arambag Excise District
8 Shri Nikhilesh Mondal Appellate Authority - Additional District Magistrate (L AndLR), And Collector of Excise, Hoog 8335877077 Office of the District Magistrate, Hooghly
9 Shri Madan Mohan Kundu S.A.P.I.O.- DEC Arambag Range, Arambag Excise District 9830485077 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Arambagh Excise District
10 Shri Biswajit Bhakta S.A.P.I.O.- DEC Sadar, Bankura 9051032090 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Bankura, Collectorate Compound,Bankura-722101
11 Shri Pralay Kr. Roy Chowdhury Appellate Authority - Additional District Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Bankura 9475900012 Office of the District Magistrate, Bankura
12 Shri Tuhin Nag S.P.I.O. - Superintendent of Excise, Bankura 9434660528 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Bankura, Collectorate Compound, Bankura
Barrackpore Excise District
13 Shri Ashis Kr. Das S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Barrackpore Excise District 9874141188 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Barrackpore Excise District
14 Shri Sudhir Kontham Appellate Authority- Addl. District Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, North 24 Parganas 033-25846206 Office of the District Magistrate, North 24 Parganas
15 Shri Gobinda Nandi S.A.P.I.O.- DEC, Naihati Range 9432209536 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Barrackpore
Baruipur Excise District
16 Shri Abdul Hannan Khan S.A.P.I.O- DEC Baruipur Range 9830082058 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Baruipur Excise District
17 Shri Tanvir Afzal Appellate Authority-ADM (ZP) And Collector of Excise, South 24 Parganas 9836818555 Office of the District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas
18 Shri Aloke Saha S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Baruipur Excise District 9433127691 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Baruipur Excise District
Berhampore Excise District
19 Shri Malay Kr. Saha S.A.P.I.O- DEC Kandi Range 9002213131 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Berhampore Excise District
20 Shri Abhishek Sanyal S.P.I.O.- DEC, Sadar, Berhampore Excise District 9733267671 Office of Superintendent of Excise, Berhempore Excise District
21 Shri Siraz Dhaneswar Appellate Authority, ADM (G) And Collector of Excise, Murshidabad 9434770005 Office of the District Magistrate, Murshidabad
Bidhannagar Excise District
22 Shri Sudhir Kontham Appellate Authority- Addl. Dist. Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, North 24 Parganas 033-25846206 Office of the District Magistrate, North 24 Parganas
23 Shri Amit Lal Chowdhury S.P.I.O.- DEC, Bidhannagar Range 9432051858 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Bidhannagar Excise District
24 Sri Misbahuddin Khan S.A.P.I.O.-Deputy Excise Collector, Rajarhat 9830597775 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Bidhannagar Excise District.
Barrackpore Excise District
25 Shri Ashis Kr. Das S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Barrackpore Excise District 9874141188 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Barrackpore Excise District
26 Shri Sudhir Kontham Appellate Authority- Addl. District Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, North 24 Parganas 033-25846206 Office of the District Magistrate, North 24 Parganas
27 Shri Gobinda Nandi S.A.P.I.O.- DEC, Naihati Range 9432209536 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Barrackpore
Baruipur Excise District
28 Shri Abdul Hannan Khan S.A.P.I.O- DEC Baruipur Range 9830082058 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Baruipur Excise District
29 Shri Tanvir Afzal Appellate Authority-ADM (ZP) And Collector of Excise, South 24 Parganas 9836818555 Office of the District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas
30 Shri Aloke Saha S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Baruipur Excise District 9433127691 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Baruipur Excise District
Berhampore Excise District
31 Shri Malay Kr. Saha S.A.P.I.O- DEC Kandi Range 9002213131 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Berhampore Excise District
32 Shri Abhishek Sanyal S.P.I.O.- DEC, Sadar, Berhampore Excise District 9733267671 Office of Superintendent of Excise, Berhempore Excise District
33 Shri Siraz Dhaneswar Appellate Authority, ADM (G) And Collector of Excise, Murshidabad 9434770005 Office of the District Magistrate, Murshidabad
Bidhannagar Excise District
34 Shri Sudhir Kontham Appellate Authority- Addl. Dist. Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, North 24 Parganas 033-25846206 Office of the District Magistrate, North 24 Parganas
35 Shri Amit Lal Chowdhury S.P.I.O.- DEC, Bidhannagar Range 9432051858 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Bidhannagar Excise District
36 Sri Misbahuddin Khan S.A.P.I.O.-Deputy Excise Collector, Rajarhat 9830597775 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Bidhannagar Excise District.
37 Shri Pratap Sarkar S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Birbhum 0346-2255334 Office of the Superintendent of Excise,Prashasanik Bhawan, Siuri, Pin-731101
38 Smt. Pratima Das Appellate Authority- Addl. District Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Birbhum 7044042581 Office of the District Magistrate And Collector,Prashasan Bhavan, Suri, PIN-731101, Birbhum
39 Sri Utpal Kumar S.A.P.I.O.-DEC,Bolpur Range,Birbhum 9732888325 Office of the Superintendent of Excise,Birbhum,Suri, Opp.SP Office,PIN-731101
Chandannagore Excise District
40 Shri Partha Pratim Das S.P.I.O.- DEC Sreerampore Range, Chandannagore Excise District 8902153275 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Chandannagore Excise District, Chinsurah
41 Shri Krisanu Thakur SAPIO - DEC, Sadar Range 7044712510 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Chandannagar Excise District, Chinsurah
42 Shri Nikhilesh Mondal Appellate Authority- Addl. District Magistrate (L AndLR) And Collector of Excise, Hooghly 8335877077 Office of the District Magistrate, Hooghly
43 Shri Palash Biswas S.A.P.I.O.- DEC, Sadar Range, Coochbehar 0358-2222439 Office of Superintendent of Excise, Coochbehar
44 Shri Prawin Thapa S.P.I.O- Additional Superintendent of Excise 0358-2222439 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Coochbehar
45 Smt. Bhavvya Tanneru Laxmi Appellate Authority- Addl. District Magistrate And Collector of Excise (G), Coochbehar 8373082102 Office of District Magistrate, Sagardighi Complex, Coochbehar,
Dakshin Dinajpur
46 Shri Jitin Jadav Appellate Authority- Addl. Dist. Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Dakshin Dinajpur 8373069001 Office of the ADM (G), Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur
47 Shri Amit Kr. Das S.A.P.I.O.- DEC,Sadar Range, Dakshin Dinajpur 8420495522 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur
48 Shri Sarad Mirsha S.P.I.O. - Superintendent of Excise, Dakshin Dinajpur 9564988330 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur
49 Shri Prawin Thapa S.P.I.O-Additional Superintendent of Excise, Darjeeling 9832068591 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Darjeeling
50 Shri Khursheed Ali Qadri Appellate Authority- Additional District Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Darjeeling 9434058101 Office of the District Magistrate, Darjeeling
51 Shri Sanjey Doma Bhutia S.A.P.I.O.-DEC, Sadar Range, Darjeeling 9064521482 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Darjeeling
Diamond Harbour Excise District
52 Shri Palash Nayek S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Diamond Harbour Excise District 9007860824 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Diamond Harbour Excise District
53 Shri Tanvir Afzal Appellate Authority- Addl. District Magistrate (ZP) And Collector of Excise, South 24 Pargana 9836818555 Office of the ADM (ZP), South 24 Parganas
54 Shri Malay Kr. Bag S.A.P.I.O- DEC Budge Budge Range 9831451052 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Diamond Harbour Excise District
Howrah Industrial
55 Shri Arindam Dutta S.P.I.O, Additional Superintendent of Excise, Howrah Industrial Excise District 8017087379 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Howrah Hat Complex
56 Dr. Rajat Nanda Appellate Authority- Additional District Magistrate (D) And Collector of Excise, Howrah 9830570982 Office of the Collector of Excise, Old Collectorate Building, Howrah
57 Shri Partha Chakraborty S.A.P.I.O-DEC Sadar Range 9433316960 Office of the Superintendent of Excise,Howrah Industrial Excise District
Howrah Rural
58 Smt. Amritaparna Ghosh S.P.I.O.- Addl SE, Howrah (Rural) 9874708479 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Howrah rural
59 Dr. Rajat Nanda Appellate Authority, ADM (D) And Collector of Excise, Howrah 9830570982 Office of the District Magistrate, Howrah
60 Shri Angshuman Maity S.A.P.I.O- DEC Andul Range 9830510896 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Howrah rural Excise District
61 Dr. Vivek Bhasme Appellate Authority- Additional District Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Jalpaiguri 7797860200 Office of District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri
62 Smt. Sumona Dey S.A.P.I.O.-DEC,Sadar Range,Jalpaiguri 9883437262 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Jalpaiguri
63 Shri Samir Dey S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Jalpaiguri 9434310611 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Jalpaiguri
Jangipur Excise District
64 Shri Mithun Basak S.A.P.I.O.- DEC, Jangipur 8906372618 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Jangipur Excise District
65 Shri Shekhar Mondal S.P.I.O.- Superintendent of Excise, Jangipur Excise District 7908411638 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Jangipur Excise District
66 Shri Siraz Dhaneswar Appellate Authority- Additional District Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Murshidabad 7797552394 Office of DM And Collector, Murshidabad
67 Shri Anirban Sanyal S.P.I.O- Superintendent of Excise, Jhargram 9433506954 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Jhargram
68 Shri Pijush Goswami Appellate Authority- ADM (G) and Collector of Excise, Jhargram 7719364401 Office of the District Magistrate, Jhargram
69 Shri Hasrat Shahin S.A.P.I.O- DEC Jhargram Range 7003912296 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Jhargram
70 Shri Dawa Rimzim Bhutia S.A.P.I.O.- DEC, Kalimpong 8116663438 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Kalimpong
71 Smt. R. Vimala Appellate Authority- District Magistrate And Collector, Kalimpong 7602975946 Office of DM And Collector, Kalimpong
72 Smt. Krity Thendup Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Kalimpong District 9434130922 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Kalimpong District
Kolkata (South)
73 Shri Debashis Mukharjee S.P.I.O- Superintendent of Excise, Kolkata (South) 9748969887 1, Harish Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700020
74 Smt. Sudeshna Chakraborty Appellate Authority-Collector Of excise, Kolkata(South) 8479998383 1 Harish Mukherjee Road , Kolkata - 700020
75 Shri Chiranjib Sarkar S.A.P.I.O.-Additional Superintendent of Excise, Kolkata (South) 8777362309 1, Harish Mukherjee Road , Kolkata - 700020
76 Shri Nausad Khan S.A.P.I.O.- Deputy Excise Collector, Muchipara 9903571238 1, Harish Mukherjee Road , Kolkata - 700020
77 Shi Soumitra Biswas Appellate Authority- Collector of Excise, Kolkata (North) 9433252783 1 Harish Mukherjee Road , Kolkata - 700020
78 Shri Gourab Biswas S.P.I.O.- DEC, Kolkata (North) 9831141228 1, Harish Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700020
79 Shri Sultan Ali S.P.I.O. - Additional Superintendent of Excise, Malda 9593191739 Office of the District Magistrate, Malda
80 Shri Vaibhab Chowdhury Applleate Authority-Addl. Dist. Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Malda 7719360701 Office of District Magistrate, Malda
81 Shri Dipak Tigga S.A.P.I.O- OC Sadar, Malda 8945007048 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Malda District
82 Shri Habibur Rahman S.A.P.I.O.- DEC Sadar Range, Nadia 7407095660 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Nadia
83 Shri Aneesh Dusgupta Appellate Authority- Additional District Magistrate (L AndLR) And Collector of Excise, Nadia 8373050634 Office of the District Magistrate, Nadia, Krishnanagar
84 Shri Asit Sharma S.P.I.O - Additional Superintendent of Excise, Nadia 9932950879 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Nadia
North 24-Parganas (Rural)
85 Shri Ajit Kole S.P.I.O - Addl. SE,North 24 Parganas(Rural) 8017081164 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, North 24 Parganas (Rural)
86 Shri Pabitra Kr. Mondal S.A.P.I.O.-OC Duttapukur,North 24 Parganas(Rural) 9088239119 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, North 24 Pgs Banamalipur, PO PS-Barasat, Kolkata 700124
87 Shri Sudhir Kontham Appellate Authority - Addl District Magistrate (G), And Collector of Excise, North 24 Pargana 033-25846206 Office of the District Magistrate And Collector, North 24 Parganas
Paschim Bardhaman
88 Shri Abhijit Shevale Appellate Authority- Addl. Distrit Magistrate And Collector of Excise, Paschim Bardhaman 7719357604 Office of the DM And Collector of Paschim Bardhaman, Kanyapur,Asansol,PIN-713305
89 Shri Satyajit Bala S.P.I.O.- Additional Superintendent of Excise, Paschim Bardhaman 8902778363 Excise Complex, Upper Chelidanga, Court Compound, Asansol, PIN-713304
90 Shri Sangram Biswas S.A.P.I.O.-DEC, Asansol Range 8695618500 Office of the District Magistrate, Paschim Bardhaman
Paschim Midnapore
91 Shri Suhrid Roy S.P.I.O-Additional Superintendent of Excise,Paschim Midnapore 9647043244 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Paschim Medinipore
92 Shri Sudip Sarkar Appellate Authority- Addl. Dist. Magistrate(G) And Collector of Excise, Paschim Medinipur 8348691701 Office of the District Magistrate, Pachim Medinipur
93 Shri Tanay Guha SAPIO - Deputy Excise Collector, Kharagpur Range 9830803258 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Paschim Medinipur
Purba Bardhaman
94 Shri Alok Kumar Adhikary S.P.I.O.- DEC Sadar, Bardhaman (East) 8900313631 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, CourtCompound, Purba Bardhaman
95 Smt. Nidhi Malik Appellate Authority- Addl. Dist. Magistrate(D) And Collector of Excise, Burdwan (East) 8695618500 Office of the District Magistrate Purba Bardhaman
96 Shri Dipayan Sinha S.A.P.I.O- IC Sadar Excise Station 9874768493 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Purba Bardhaman
Purba Midnapore
97 Shri Sourav Mondal Appellate Authority- Additional Distrist Magistrate (G) And Collector of Excise, Purba Midnap 8373068601 Office of the District Magistrate And Collector, Purba Medinipur
98 Shri Abdul Kader Molla S.P.I.O. - Addl. Superintendent of Excise, Purba Medinipur 9593728533 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Purba Medinipur
99 Sri Rabi Sankar Pratihar S.A.P.I.O.- SI Tamluk Circle, Purba Midnapore 9474630766 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Purba Medinipur, Tamluk
100 Shri Abijit Mukhopadhyay Appellate Authority- District Magistrate and Collector of Excise, Purulia 8373068601 Office of the District Magistrate, Purulia P.O Dist Purulia.
101 Sri Safiqul Islam Molla S.A.P.I.O.-OC Sadar, Purulia 9635307809 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Collectorate Compound. P.O Dist Purulia
102 Shri Debabrata Biswas S.P.I.O - Additional Superintendent of Excise,Purulia 7797102555 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Purulia
Singur Excise District
103 Shri Koshal Kishore Jha SPIO - Addl. Superintendent of Excise, Singur Excise District 9378482005 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Singur Excise District
104 Shri Sandip Kr. Hore S.A.P.I.O- DEC Singur Range 9434333594 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Singur Excise District
105 Shri Nikhilesh Mondal Appellate Authority - Addl District Magistrate (L AndLR) And Collector of Excise, Hooghly 8335877077 Office of the District Magistrate, Hooghly
Sundarban Excise District
106 Shri Debasis Sarkar S.A.P.I.O- OC Kakdwip Circle 8348304701 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Sundarban Excise District
107 Shri Jyoti Kishor Sarkar S.P.I.O - DEC, Kakdwip Range 9007328280 Office of The Superintendent of Excise, Sundarban Excise District
108 Shri Tanvir Afzal Appellate Authority - Addl District Magistrate (ZP), And Collector of Excise, South 24 Pargan 9836818555 Office of the District Magistrate,South 24 Parganas
Uttar Dinajpur
109 Shri Goutam Pakhrin S.P.I.O- Superintendent of Excise, Uttar Dinajpur 9830233336 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Uttar Dinajpur
110 Shri Abhishek Chourasiya Appellate Authority- Additional District Magistrate (P) and Collector of Excise, Uttar Dinajpu 9733024624 Office of the District Magistrate, Uttar Dinajpur
111 Shri Souvik Basak S.A.P.I.O- DEC Sadar Range, Uttar Dinajpur District 7908167981 Office of the Superintendent of Excise, Uttar Dinajpur District


West Bengal Excise Department
32 Bepin Behari Ganguly Street,
Bow Bazaar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700012

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