West Bengal MSME And Textiles Department Contact No.

Govt of West Bengal
Official Website - msmet.wb@gmail.com (For General Queries)
Important Link
Important Officers Contacts
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Contact Details | |
1 | Shri Rajesh Pandey, IAS | Principal Secretary | 033-22801601,Fax: 033-22801602 | acs.msme@gmail.com |
2 | Shri Meghnad De | OSD And Ex. Officio, Special Secretary | 033-22627157 | megh2009de@gmail.com |
3 | Shri Debashis Bandyopadhyay, WBCS(Exe.) | Special Secretary | 033-22821448 | ssdb@wb.gov.in |
4 | Shri Aniruddha Raha, WBCS(Exe.) | Special Secretary | rahaaniruddha14@gmail.com | |
5 | Smt. Susmita Mukherjee, WBCS (Exe.) | Special Secretary | spsecysm@gmail.com | |
6 | Smt. Arundhati Bhaumik, WBCS (Exe.) | Joint Secretary | arundhatibhowmik028@gmail.com | |
7 | Smt. Maitreyee Ganguly, WBCS (Exe.) | Joint Secretary | ds2msmet@gmail.com | |
8 | Shri Rajkrishna Ghatak, WBA And AS | Financial Advisor | 8617320115 | rajkrishnaghatak@gmail.com |
9 | Shri Prabhas Ray, WBSS | Joint Secretary | prayonlinenow@gmail.com | |
10 | Smt. Munmun Ghosh, WBCS (Exe.) | Sr. Deputy Secretary | seniordeputysecretarymset@gmail.com | |
11 | Shri Swapan Biswas, WBSS | Deputy Secretary | 9432122343 | biswasswapan681@gmail.com |
12 | Shri Subhendu Sarkar, WBA And AS | Deputy Financial Advisor | 9735089930 | sarkar.subhendu1973@gmail.com |
13 | Shri Ashok Dey | Asstt. Financial Advisor | ashokedey.ato.89@gmail.com | |
14 | Shri Mona Chandra Singh Sawaiyan, WBSS | Deputy Secretary | 9903142744 | sawaiyan111@gmail.com |
15 | Smt. Anamika Mukhopadhyay | Senior Law Officer And Ex-officio Assistant Secretary (Law) | msmetlaw2016@gmail.com | |
16 | Shri Manas Kumar Bhattacharya | Deputy Director SMU CELL | mkbhattacharya65@gmail.com |
Other Important Officers
Directorate Offices
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Office | Contact details | |
1 | Shri U. Swaroop, IAS | Director | Directorate of MSME | 033-22489666 | dir.msse-wb@nic.in |
2 | Shri Rajib Kumar Ghosh | Director | Directorate of Textiles (Handloom, Spinning Mills, Silk Weaving And Powerloom Based Handicrafts Divn.) | 033-22310871 Fax: 033-22484537 |
dir.handloom.wb@gmail.com |
3 | Shri Sudipta Bhattacharya | Additional Director | sudipob35@gmail.com |
Other Offices under the administrative control of the Department
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Office | Contact Details | |
1 | Shri Nikhil Nirmal,IAS | Managing Director | West Bengal State Industries Development Corporation Ltd. | 033-22216390 | nikhil.nirmal@wbsidcl.in |
2 | Shri Subhankar Bala | Executive Director | West Bengal State Industries Development Corporation Ltd. | 033-22367241 / 033-46031200 | subhankar.bala@wbsidcl.in |
3 | Shri Nimai Chand Halder, WBCS (Exe) | CEO | West Bengal Khadi And Village Industries Board | ceowbkvib@gmail.com | |
4 | Shri Amit Datta, WBCS (Exe) | Managing Director | West Bengal Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited (Manjusha) | 033-23356322/033-23352979 | managing_director@manjusha.in |
5 | Shri Rabindranath Roy, IAS | Managing Director | West Bengal State Handloom Weavers Cooperative Society Limited (Tantuja) |
033-23370421 | mrplaza@gmail.com |
6 | Shri U. Swaroop, IAS | Director and Member Secretary | West Bengal State export Promotion Society | wbseps@gmail.com | |
7 | Shri Sandip Dutta, WBCS (Exe.) | Managing Director | Silpabarta Printing Press Ltd. | 033-22513031 | sandip_dutta2005@yahoo.com |
8 | Shri Goutam Kumar Giri | C.E.O. | The West Bengal State Handicrafts Co-Operative Socity Ltd. (Bangasree) | 906480042 | bangasree.hqwb@gmail.com |
9 | Shri S.C. Panja | Additional Director And Chief Functionary | West Bengal State Export Promotion Society | 033-22430380 Fax: 033-22439187 |
wbseps@gmail.com |
10 | Smt Sangeeta Barua WBCS (Exe) | Additional Director (Admin) | WBSEPS, MD, Paschim Banga Resham Shilpi Samabay Ltd. | pbrssmltd@gmail.com | |
11 | Shri Snehasish Sarkar | Chief Operating Officer | Biswa Bangla Marketing Corporation | 033-22247230 | coo@biswabangla.in |
12 | Shri Dipankar Chakraborty | Managing Director | Tamralipta Cooperative Spinning Mills Limited | 033-22158213, 033-22155031 | tcsmcrm15@gmail.com |
13 | Shri Manas Kumar Bhattacharya | Managing Committee Chairman | Refugee Handicrafts (RH) | 033-24851564 | manas250456@gmail.com |
Officers Contacts
Sr No. | Department | Contact Details | Address | |
1 | MSME And T | 033-22801601 / 033-22825005 |
msmet.gowb@gmail.com | Shilpa Sadan 7th and 8th Floor, 4 No.Abanindranath, Tagore Sarani (Camac Street),Kolkata - 700016 |
2 | Directorate of MSME | 033-22482822 | New Secretariat Buildings,1, K. S. Roy Road, 9th Floor,Kolkata-700001 |
3 | Directorate of Textiles | 033-22484537 / 033-22486271 | New Secretariat Buildings,1, K. S. Roy Road, 5th Floor, 'B' Block, Kolkata 700001 |
1 | West Bengal Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd. (WBSIDCL) | 033-22370303 / 033-22370307 | 31, Black Burn Lane, 4th Floor, Shilpa Bhavan, Kolkata-700012 | |
2 | West Bengal Khadi And Village Industries Board (WBKVIB) | 033- 22306298 | kvibwb@gmail.com | Hemanta Basu Khadi 'O' Gramin Shilpa Bhaban, 12, B.B.D. Bag (East), 2nd And 3rd Floor, Kolkata - 700 001 |
3 | West Bengal State Handloom Weavers And Lsquo;Co-Operative Society Ltd.(TANTUJA) | 033-23348723 | support@tantuja.in | Block-DD, No. 18/4, Bidhan Nagar, Sector 1, Kolkata - 700 064 |
4 | West Bengal Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd. (MANJUSHA) | 033-23356322/033-23352979 | Karuangan, Block - IB-181, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700106 | |
5 | The West Bengal State Handicrafts Co-Operative Society Limited (BANGASHREE) | 033-23431935 /033-23431965 | bangasreehqwb@gmail.com | Bangasree Bhavan, 4D/23/1 Dharmatala Road, PO - Tiljala, PS - Kasba New, Kolkata - 700039 |
6 | Paschim Banga Resham Silpi Samabaya Mahasangha Limited (PBRSSM) | 8274004677 | pbrssmltd@gmail.com | 5/1, Siddha 5th Avenue 5th Floor, Kasba Industrial Estate Phase-I, Kolkata - 700107 |
7 | West Bengal State Export Promotion Society (WBSEPS) | 033-22439188/033-22439187 | wbseps@gmail.com | 2, Church Lane, Room No. 401, 4th Floor, Kolkata - 700 001 |
8 | Biswa Bangla Marketing Corporation (BBMC) | 033-23247230/ 033-23247231/ 033-23247232 | info@biswabangla.in | Karigari Bhawan, B/7, Action Area III, Rajarhat, New Town, Kolkata - 700160 |
9 | Refugee Handicrafts | - | refugeehandicrafts@yahoo.co.in | 54/1/1 Hazra Road, Kolkata - 700019 |
Appellate Authority /SPIO Contacts
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Designated as | Contact | |
1 | Shri U. Swaroop, IAS | Joint Secretary | Appellate Authority (AA) | 033-22145005 | catch.swaroop@gmail.com |
2 | Shri Manojit Adhikary | Assistant Secretary | State Public Information Officer (SPIO) | 9433140348 | manojit-0959@yahoo.co.in |
SPIO Contact Details
Consultant Supported Team Contacts
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Office | |
1 | Shri Kaushik Patra | OSD And EX-Office, Deputy Director, MSME | Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Cell | kausik1963@gmail.com |
2 | Smt. Mrittika Mukherjee | Consultant Supported by FICCI | Sector Leadership Project (SLP) Cell | mrittika.mukhopadhyay@ficci.com |
3 | Shri Sanjato Basu | Consultant Supported by FICCI | Sector Leadership Project (SLP) Cell | sanjato.basu@ficci.com |
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
and Textiles Department,
4, Abanindranath Tagore Sarani
(Camac Street), 8th Floor Kolkata - 700016
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