Proposal Form For Advance Loss Of Profits Policy
The New India Assurance Company Limited
Registered & Head Office : New India Assurance,87,M.G. Road,Fort,Mumbai-400 001
In addition to questionnaire for EAR material damage cover which forms integral part of this questionnaire
1. Proposer (principal to be insured) _______________________________
Name & Address of Proposer __________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Kind of Business _______________________________________________
2. Brief description of Construction/erection works to be carried out
any existing plant or surrounding property in proposer's possession or care, custody or control on the above site(s) or adjacement to it (them). (Please attach site layout plan)
The project is the extension of existing works a new venture
Any loss or damage to Yes No
adjacement plants and/or If so, please specify
surrounding property, ______________________________________
which was caused by the ______________________________________
erection work, cause a delay _____________________________________
in completion of the business ___________________________________ to be insured ?
Any loss or damage to
adjacent plant and/or surrounding __________________________________
by the erection was Yes No
caused by the erection work, lead __________________________________
to any loss of profits there and is this
to be insured ? If so, please fill in Loss of Profits Questionnaire(s)
the process or services, making special mention of bottlenecks. (Please attach flow sheet)
3. Brief description of _________________________________________
Has the method of production or services been employed by the proposer previously ? Yes No
______________________________________________ If so, for how many years ?
4. Intended normal working per day hours in shifts
hours ? ___ __________________________________
per week hours
per year hours
5. Anticipated gross profit
(annual turnover less cost ________________________________________
of supplies of goods, raw _________________________________________
material, electricity, water _________________________________________
gas,etc.)for first year of _________________________________________
operation monthly figures _________________________________________
If indemnity period required
longer than 12 months ________________________________________
indemnity period required gross profit of required period
In the event that a specific is any one-off loss likely to arise ?Yes no
Date of completion is not _______________________________________
If so, please specify
Date Amount
Are there seasonal events likely Yes No If so, please give details
to affect the gross profit ?
6. Desired time excess (min one week per 6 months of
construction erection period)
7. Maximum indemnity period
required to be insured
Question 8 is only in respect of power generation equipment at the plant to be insured supplying power to this plant and is only to be answered if electricity can,be drawn from the public power network in the event of damage to the power generation equipment at the plant to be insured. ____________________________________________________
8. Is the additional Yes No
expenditure caused
by using external power ____________________________________
supply to be insured ? Power requirements of the plant (kW,kWh p.a.)
Percentage of the requirements met by the
plant's own power generation equipment ?
costs of kWh of power Own plant External plant
To what extent (KW) may electricity be drawn from an external source ?
What is the maximum demand charge per KW and within which period is it
due ? (Please attach copy of contract)
9. Time-related information Annual maximum demand charges ?
Date of inception of EAR cover
Date of commencement of work
Testing period from to
Anticipated date of completion (handover
following testing/commissioning)
Scheduled date of commencement of insured
At which date after completion of testing
commissioning is full production to be reached?
Is it possible to reduce that period ? Yes No
If so, by which means ?
What allowance exists for delays due to accidents
or otherwise
Please, attach phase diagram of construction giving the phasing of the work (date of arrival on site) erection, testing, commissioning handover) regarding all plant sections and major items.
10. Details of any penalty
agreements in connection _________________________________
with the contra cutwork _______________________________
11. Remarks _____________________________________
We have by declare that the hereby agree that this questionnaire it is agree that the The insurers underfate to
statements made by us in the and proposal forms the business insurers are liable deal with tid information
questionnaire and proposal and is part of any policy issued in accordance with in strict confidence
are to the best of our knowledge in connection with the above the terms of the policy
and belief complete and true risk(s) and any other claims of
and we whatever nature.
Executed at Date Signature
The following is the copy of Section 41 of the Insurance Act 1938.
1. No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an Insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to live or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown in the policy; nor shall any person taking out or renewing continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses of rebates of the Insurer.
2. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.