Application Form For Revaluation/Personal Identification
1. The Provisional Pass Certificate cum Marks statements of the candidates are being sent to
the Principals of the concerned colleges. The candidates are directed to collect their marks
statements from the concerned Principals on or after 09.12.2013
2. The candidates who are desirous for Re-valuation/ Personal Identification of their valued answer scripts are directed to apply in the prescribed revaluation format along with fees on or before 16.12.2013 as detailed below:
i) Revaluation Rs. 500/- for each paper
ii) Personal identification Rs. 500/- for each paper
3. The specimen hand-writing of the candidate should be sent separately for each answer script to be re-valued shall be enclosed to re-valuation application. The candidates applying for the re-valuation need not wait for the re-valuation results and have to appear for the next examination as per their eligibility.
3. Any discrepancy in the results published and the marks statement issued should be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examinations within 15 days from the date of publication of the results through the Principal concerned for rectification.
4. The above results and prescribed format of re-valuation/ Personal Identification are also available in the website
DATED: 25-11-2013
Endt. No.RU/ Exams//2013 dated 25-11-2013
Copy communicated to all the Principals of colleges affiliated to Rayalaseema University
(Strike off whichever is not applicable)
(Please read instructions on the reverse Page before filing)
1. Name of the Examination (Course and Year) : ………………………………………………
2. Name of the Candidate and Address : …………………………………………………..
With Cell / Land Phone No.(if any)
4. Month and Year of Examination : …………………………………………………
5. College where he/she appeared : …………………………………………………
6. Clearly state the particulars of paper (s) for which
Revaluation/Personal Identification is applied
(Strike off whichever is not applicable):
Subject Details of Paper(s) Question Paper Code No. Marks Obtained
7. Particulars of fee paid
(Enclose the original DDs\Challans)
drawn in favour of The Registrar,
Rayalaseema University, Kurnool
---- DD No …………..…..… Date ……………..
Amount Paid Rs…………………………….
Bank …….……………………………
Branch …………………………..……..
8. Whether self – addressed and stamped ----
envelop (Rs. 5/-) enclosed
9. Whether Photostat copy of the Marks ----
Statement enclosed, if available
I know that it is not binding on the part of the University to give the revaluation result before the conduct of next examination.
I declare that I will not claim any damage or compensation what so ever from the University through any source, If there is no improvement in my result on revaluation.
(NOTE: No need to wait till the marks statement is received by the candidate).
Place :
Date : Signature of the Candidate.
1. The candidates who desire to apply for Revaluation / Personal Identification should send their applications with prescribed fee to The Controller of Examinations, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool- 518 002, A.P. to reach on or before 16-12-2013.
NOTE : The date of receipt of marks memorandum by the candidate will not be taken into consideration.
2. I) Fee for Revaluation per each paper ---- Rs.500/-
II) Fee for Personal Identification per each paper ---- Rs.500/-
Revaluation Means the University takes care to get the answer script revalued and informs the
candidate whether there is effect or not, as per University rules.
Personal Identification: The Answer script will be shown to the candidates only and not for accompanying persons including parents relatives other fellow friends. PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION means the candidate be asked to identify the Answer Script shown by the University whether belongs to him/her or not and the total the marks awarded by the Examiner on
the first page of the Main Answer Booklet is correct or not. If any discrepancy is noticed by the candidate, the same may be brought to the notice or the Officer concerned immediately.
3. Separate application along with DD /Challan and self –addressed stamped envelope (Rs.5/-) for each paper is to submitted.
4. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
5. Application received with insufficient particulars and fee will be summarily rejected.
6. There is no provision for revaluation of the Practical examinations except personal identification.
7. The result of the revaluation can be expected before the commencement of the next examination or later. Hence, the failed candidates who apply for revaluation are advised to pay the examination fee and appear for the examinations without waiting for revaluation results.
8. Applications along with the fee in the form of DDs/Challans received after the date prescribed in the results copy are liable to be rejected. Hence candidate who are desirous to apply, should take care in this regard and see that the application along with DDs are reached to the address given above well in advance.