Application Form For Star IPO Loan
Annexure II
Date :
From :
The Asst.General Manager/The Chief Manager
Bank of India
___________ Branch
Dear Sir,
Sub : Request for a loan of Rs. for acquisition
of shares through IPO
I/We am/are maintaining our banking accounts with you since __________. The number of my/our Savings/CD account is . I/we am/are willing to open a new DP a/c with you for the exclusive purpose of this loan.
2. I/We am/are interested in subscribing to issues being floated by various PSUs/Corporates through IPO. We request you to sanction us a loan amount of Rs.
_______ . I/We hereby declare that the amounts sanctioned would be utilised only for the purpose for which it is sanctioned.
3. We shall abide by all the terms and conditions of the Bank’s scheme. We enclose copies of our PAN, Income Tax returns for last 2 years.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Annexure III
NAME : ____________________________________________________
Office _______________________ Residential _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
Telephone : _____________ Telephone _____________
Mobile No. ____________________ E-mail : _____________
Service Particulars/Income Particulars :
Years of Service : __________ Present Status _____________
Monthly Salary (Gross) : _________ Nature of Business : ____________
Business Income : ___________
Account Particulars with the Bank : _____________________________
Name : _____________________________________________________
Address _____________________ Type of Account : ____________
_____________________ Since : ___________
Whether loan taken for any other IPO earlier (if yes)
Name of IPOs ___________________ Number of shares applied for __________
Loan Amount (Rs.) _____________ Applicant Signature _________________