Form 29:Form of Notice of Transfer of Ownership of Motor Vehicle
[See Rule 55 (1)]
Form of notice of transfer of ownership of motor vehicle
(To be made in duplicate and the duplicate copy with the endorsement Registering)
Authority to be returned to the transferor immediately on making entries of transfer of ownership)
The Registering Authority,
____________________________________ (in whose jurisdiction the transferee resides)
I/We ______________________________________ resident at _________________
_____________________ have on the ______________________day of the year ______
Sold and delivered my/our vehicle No. ____________________ make _______________
Chassis No-____________________ Engine No. ________________________to Shri/
Smt. _______________________________________(Name) son/wife/daughter of __
_______________________________________ residing at _____________________
_____________________ House No./Street/Village/Town Dist. and State.
The Registration Certificate and Insurance Certificate have been handed over to
Dated: ____________________
Signature of the Registered Owner
_____________________________________________________ (transferee)
copy to the Registering Authority in whose jurisdiction transferor reside.
Note:To be sent to the Registering Authority by Regd. Post Acknowledgment due.
Office endorsement
No._________________dated___________________ Office of the _________________
The ownership of the vehicle has been transferred to the name of ______________
_____________________ with effect from ____________________ (date).
Registering Authority
(Office seal)
(The transferor)
Please pay the cost of this form at the concern RTO Rs.10.00 Printed from