Format Declaration For Loss Of SV By PNG Consumers
I _________________________________________SON / DAUGHTER / WIFE / WIDOW OF Shri ________________ aged _______________ years residing at ___________________________________________________________.
solemnly affirm and state as follows:
1. That I am a consumer of Indane / Bharatgas / HPC Gas for your domestic use since _____________ at the following address :
My consumer number is ________________________ I was issued with Subscription Voucher No. ________- by M/s. _________________ towards one/two gas cylinder(s) and a regulator on loan for my use against refundable deposit of Rs. ______
2. That I want to return the Subscription Voucher along with the cylinder(s) and regulator as I have taken PNG connection from _______________________ and want to terminate the agreement with the above mentioned Corporation.
3. That I am not able to produce the Subscription Voucher along with the cylinder and regulator to obtain the refundable deposit as it is misplaced /lost.
4. That I have not assigned or transferred the Subscription Voucher to any person whomsoever.
5. That I undertake return forthwith the above referred Subscription Voucher to M/s. Indian Oil Corporation / Bharat Petroleum Corporation / Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd if found at any time in the future.
6. That I shall be liable to M/s. Indian Oil Corporation / Bharat Petroleum Corporation / Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd for any loss or expense incurred by them if any one produces the above referred Subscription Voucher to claim any amount from the Corporation.
Place : _____________
Date : ______________
Signature of customer giving declaration:
Name of the consumer :
Consumer number :
Verification by LPG distributor
I _______________________________________________________ proprietor / partner have verified the SV no. deposit amount, number of cylinders and PRs from Office records and found it to be correct.
Signature with name and date of proprietor
(PS. Only after verification by the distributor, ‘Safe Custody TV for PNG consumers’ should be issued.)