Submitted by Mayank Raj (not verified) on Sun, 24/05/2020 - 8:19am.
I have done the transaction on on jee main april 2020 form
But the step 3 is incomplete
Money has been deducted from account
But at the site their is incomplete payment
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/10/2018 - 6:12pm.
Sir I had first done the 3 step of payment and the amount of 500 has been detected but not showing that it is complete so I had email u on given email address he or she had replied me that I would get the refund in 7-10 days already 10 days has been passed no refund has been debited
Submitted by Deepjyoti Talukdar (not verified) on Fri, 28/09/2018 - 8:20pm.
Sir i have paid my jee fees but the website shows that i don't paid my fees. But i have received a message from my bank account that the money is dedicated
Submitted by dnyaneshwar (not verified) on Fri, 28/09/2018 - 11:48am.
Dear sir,I have fill up the entire form but at the time of step no- 3, I have done the payment but after the payment the next step or window is not coming not going to display,
But from my account balance is Deducted.
so What Can I do please suggest.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 27/09/2018 - 7:55pm.
Sir i have payed my fee using a debit card. The amount Rs.900 (inr) for both paper 1&2 was deducted from the bank. But my jee application shows that i did not pay the amount yet. Please help!
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 18/09/2018 - 11:48pm.
none of the helpline numbers given above are working
i have tried to call it 4 to 5 times but its either switched off or busy
i have paid my fees but the website shows that i didn't pay and i received a message from my bank that the money is deducted
Submitted by YANAMALAYATHI NIRANJAN (not verified) on Fri, 28/09/2018 - 5:52am.
i have paied my fees.but some server problem step3 is not completed.but trnsaction debited.but I have received message from bank as amount is deducated
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 18/09/2018 - 4:45pm.
I have tried registering for second paper for the last couple of days and still server problem persists not to mention at the most critical time and why bother posting the helpline number.
Submitted by Vineet yadav (not verified) on Tue, 18/09/2018 - 3:32pm.
Iam vineet yadav . I am adopted by my legal father as he is un married. In 10 mark sheet i have blank space in mother name and now i am not able to fill the online form because it require a name and cant be leave empty.
So what can i don now.
Submitted by Basant (not verified) on Fri, 14/09/2018 - 11:06am.
As mentioned in the subjectline, evertime I try to fill the form online from last 4-5 days, I get the message that Our servers are facing a temporary technical problem. We regret the inconvenience caused. Please try again after some time.
Please help to save our time. Thanks
Submitted by Pavan (not verified) on Mon, 17/09/2018 - 11:12am.
Hi Basant,
We were also facing the same issue from the past 5-6 days . But somehow, the issue got resolved after making the slight changes in Candidate Name. If the Candidate name is too long, it is not accepting and throwing the same error.
Reduce this Name to XXX XXXXXX.
It will accept it. Just try this and check if it helps you or not.
Submitted by Raji (not verified) on Sun, 30/09/2018 - 6:04am.
How can we change Candidate's name when it is 23 characters long inlieu of X marks sheets? I am trying to register for past 7 or 8 days.Please help me to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Submitted by Sachin kumar (not verified) on Sat, 01/09/2018 - 2:05pm.
Sr mra jee main spot round ka paisa wapas ni aya h ....mujhe koi seat provide ni kya gya bhi abhi tk paise wapas ni aye h ....plzzz sr ap btaye kb tk mra paisa wapas aa jayga
Submitted by Sadhna diwakar (not verified) on Mon, 18/06/2018 - 10:56pm.
Sir/Mam i filled my name jee mains form is sadhna because same name in adhar card but in my other document name is SADHNA DIWAKAR than i m done the correction in adhar card than how to correct the name in jee mains form becoz counselling registration started thn face some problem so plzz help me what can i do??
Submitted by Vaidh prakash (not verified) on Wed, 02/05/2018 - 12:20pm.
Sir please display my omr scanned copy on website because my marks is unexpected exceptionally is below my cut off.if you send omr scanned through speed post then it takes very long time,then how I will register for my jee advance.please understand my problem and try to solve it as soon as possible.
Our servers are facing a
Our servers are facing a temporary technical problem. We regret the inconvenience caused.
Please Login again after some time WHAT I HAVE TO DO
Transaction problem
I have done the transaction on on jee main april 2020 form
But the step 3 is incomplete
Money has been deducted from account
But at the site their is incomplete payment
Dear sir.I have completed 3 steps in jee mains after that i have paymented amount but still it is showing not paid.In my bank account it has debitted
Payment issue
Sir I had first done the 3 step of payment and the amount of 500 has been detected but not showing that it is complete so I had email u on given email address he or she had replied me that I would get the refund in 7-10 days already 10 days has been passed no refund has been debited
wrong caste
iv entered wrong caste as im general and had given that a problem
Fees payment problem
Sir i have paid my jee fees but the website shows that i don't paid my fees. But i have received a message from my bank account that the money is dedicated
confirmation mess
Dear sir,I have fill up the entire form but at the time of step no- 3, I have done the payment but after the payment the next step or window is not coming not going to display,
But from my account balance is Deducted.
so What Can I do please suggest.
confirmation mess
Sir me step 3 krte time bank account se fee cut hogi but confirmation mess will not be come sirr plzz me
Issue in payment
Sir i have payed my fee using a debit card. The amount Rs.900 (inr) for both paper 1&2 was deducted from the bank. But my jee application shows that i did not pay the amount yet. Please help!
The no are not working they
The no are not working they are either switch offed or they are not picking
Related to payment
Sir payment karna ka bad ma bhe payment nahi dikha raha hai or two time i can payed due to error show
Can help this is application no
error in transaction
i have filled form for jee mains 2019. transaction took place from my account but form is still unregistered.what should i do?
Payment problem
Iam done my payment the money deduct from my account but the web site is showing present payment has not completed please solve this problem
about help line
none of the helpline numbers given above are working
i have tried to call it 4 to 5 times but its either switched off or busy
i have paid my fees but the website shows that i didn't pay and i received a message from my bank that the money is deducted
transaction debited
i have paied my fees.but some server problem step3 is not completed.but trnsaction debited.but I have received message from bank as amount is deducated
Why do you people even have the helpline no .
I have tried registering for second paper for the last couple of days and still server problem persists not to mention at the most critical time and why bother posting the helpline number.
Single parent adopted child mother name problem
Iam vineet yadav . I am adopted by my legal father as he is un married. In 10 mark sheet i have blank space in mother name and now i am not able to fill the online form because it require a name and cant be leave empty.
So what can i don now.
Correction fee
Sir what will be the produre and amount for changing name in jee mains paper 2019
Not able to fill the online form for JEE main examdue to server
As mentioned in the subjectline, evertime I try to fill the form online from last 4-5 days, I get the message that Our servers are facing a temporary technical problem. We regret the inconvenience caused. Please try again after some time.
Please help to save our time. Thanks
Hi Basant, We were also
Hi Basant,
We were also facing the same issue from the past 5-6 days . But somehow, the issue got resolved after making the slight changes in Candidate Name. If the Candidate name is too long, it is not accepting and throwing the same error.
Reduce this Name to XXX XXXXXX.
It will accept it. Just try this and check if it helps you or not.
It is showing temporary inconvienience for the past few days
How can we change Candidate's name when it is 23 characters long inlieu of X marks sheets? I am trying to register for past 7 or 8 days.Please help me to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Sir I have some correction to
Sir I have some correction to be done in the form . I have not paid the fees yet . Can I fill it again ?
sir 10th &12th MA Mara 3year ka gape hai too Kay Mai form fill kar saktay hai please sir reply..
To know point of JEE main form
Sir, plz tell me about place of class 12th/qualifying exam schooling.
Jee main spot round refund money
Sr mra jee main spot round ka paisa wapas ni aya h ....mujhe koi seat provide ni kya gya bhi abhi tk paise wapas ni aye h ....plzzz sr ap btaye kb tk mra paisa wapas aa jayga
Sir Iam studying in cvr
Sir Iam studying in cvr college telangana first and can i write jee mains 2019 after my 1st year engineering
Name problem in jee mains form how too correct them
Sir/Mam i filled my name jee mains form is sadhna because same name in adhar card but in my other document name is SADHNA DIWAKAR than i m done the correction in adhar card than how to correct the name in jee mains form becoz counselling registration started thn face some problem so plzz help me what can i do??
Query about rank
Sir my st rank is 18835 am I qualified jee mains or not?
To join in B.arch/B.planing
How to join in B.arch/B.planing I got 131 marks in Jermaine paper 2 and got 2587 rank
Display omr scanned on website
Sir please display my omr scanned copy on website because my marks is unexpected exceptionally is below my cut off.if you send omr scanned through speed post then it takes very long time,then how I will register for my jee advance.please understand my problem and try to solve it as soon as possible.