Term Deposit Account Opening Form For Indian Residents
The Branch Manager
Bank of Maharashtra Date _______________
___________________ Branch
Please open my / our Term Deposit account/s with deposit of Rs _________________________
(In words Rs.__________________________________________________________) in Cash / by cheque
(Cheque No. _______________ Dated _______________ Bank and Branch Name _________________________)
(Cheque must be a crossed Account Payee self cheque drawn by the customer)
Term Deposit Account Opening Form for Indian Residents
Bank of Maharashtra
Bank with personal touch – One Family One Bank – Bank of Maharashtra
Account No.
Branch Name Branch Code
Appl. Title First Name Middle Name Surname
Appl. Customer Number Account Number
(Each of the Individual applicants, who do not have existing account with our bank, must fill in the Customer Information Sheet separately
along with the account opening form)
(Please give below the existing account details, if any, for each of the applicants)
Names of the Applicants / Joint Holders (Block Letters)
(Please leave one space blank after each word. In case of Minor’s account, please write parent’s / legal guardian’s
name below the minor’s name)
Please tick and fill in details, wherever applicable
Type of Account required
Type of Deposit Amount / Monthly Tenure Deposit Receipt No.
Installment (RD)) (Bank use only)
Short Term Deposit
Fixed Deposit
Cumulative Deposit
Recurring Deposit
Other- ____________
Interest payment Instructions (Please tick and fill in details, wherever applicable)
Issue DD / Pay Order favoring A/c No. ______________ with ______________ Bank _____________ Br.
Credit to account No______________________ with _____________________ Branch
By Cash
Whether to apply TDS Yes No If No, please fill in form 15G / 15H
Banking Since
Date dd/mm/yy
Payment / Renewal Instructions on maturity of deposit
(Please tick on appropriate clause)
Please credit the proceeds to my/our SB/CA/CC account number _________________
Please auto rollover the proceeds (Principal with Interest) on existing terms and conditions but at
prevailing interest rate as on the date of maturity
Please renew the deposit on maturity as follows:
a. Amount Rs. _____________________ b. Period _____________
c. Additional name if any: ________________________________________________
d. Scheme: CDR / FDR / MIDS / QIDS / Mixie / any other _____________________
Please credit / debit my/our SB/CA/CC account number ______________ being the difference amount
between the maturity proceeds and renewed deposit amount.
I / We accept that in the event of the death of any one or all of us, premature termination of term deposits
would be allowed, if so requested by the nominee / claimants, without any penal charges
Note: Customer is requested to contact the branch for a copy of terms and conditions
Affix recent photo of 1st applicant
Affix recent photo of 2nd joint applicant
Affix recent photo of 3rd joint applicant
Affix recent photo of 4th joint applicant
Authorisation and Undertaking by applicants
I / We confirm that we have read and understood the account Rules and I/ We hereby accept and agree to be
bound by the terms and conditions, outlined in these rules which govern the above selected account(s) and services
and amendments there to made by the Bank from time to time.
In the event of death, insolvency or withdrawal of any one or more of us the monies then and thereafter standing
at the credit of the said account and / or any securities held by you in our account be at the disposal of the
survivor or survivors of us.
I/We confirm that I am / We are resident of India and I / we certify that the information furnished above is true and
correct to the best of my/ our knowledge. I/We authorize the bank to verify the details given therein through any
third party as necessary.
Signature of 1st Applicant Signature of 2nd Applicant Signature of 3rd Applicant Signature of 4th Applicant
(Please sign in black ink inside the blocks provided above. Applicants should also sign across photographs)
* (If photo already submitted for any other Account, such customers need not submit photo again)