Traders Easy Loan Scheme
1. Name of the Unit :
2. Address along with :
Telephone No. / Fax No./
e-mail if any
3. Activity : Trading in ………………………..
Services : ………………………..
4. Date of Commencement
of business
5. Constitution : Proprietorship Partnership
(Please tick ( )) Corporate Any other
6. Details of Proprietor / Partners / Directors etc.
Name Age Qualification Means*
• Opinion Report on the Bank’s prescribed format should be prepared by branch
7. Present credit facility enjoyed, if any :
Name of the Bank & Branch Facility* Limit Outstanding
• In case no credit facility enjoyed and only a current account is maintained please
advise specifically.
8. Associate / Sister concerns, if any :
Name of the Unit Name of Partners /
Banking with
9. Credit Facilities Required :
Fund Based :
Term Loan :
Non-fund based
Letter of Credit :
Bank Guarantee :
10. Details of Security Offered :
Primary :
Collateral :
(i) Immovable Property
Description of
Name of the owner* Market Value
(ii) Liquid Securities :
Description Name of the
Face Value When
• If owner is other than the proprietor / partner of the firm (i.e. guarantor), details of
the guarantor viz. Name, Age, Residential Address and Phone No. etc. should be
given :
Name of the Guarantor &
Age Qualification Means
11. Key Financial Parameters :
(for three years)
As on
As on
As on
(i) Sales
(ii) Net Profit
(iii) Depreciation
(iv) Cash Profit
(v) Tangible Net Worth
I / We declare that the information given in the application form are true, correct and
complete and that they shall form the basis of any kind of facility State Bank of India
may decide to extend to me/us. I/We shall furnish other information that may be
required by the Bank in connection with my application. the information may also be
exchanged by you with any agency you may deem fit. You may take appropriate safe
guards/action for recovery of bank dues including publication of defaulter's names in
websites/submission to RBI. I/We also confirm that I/We are not defaulters of any bank
except those indicated in the application. I/We also confirm that there are no
overdue/statutory dues owned by me/us and that I/We have/had no insolvency
proceedings against me/us nor have I/We ever been adjudicated insolvent. I/We
undertake to abide by the Rules & Regulations of State Bank of India in respect of the
facilities being extended to me/us. I/We undertake to abide by the rules and regulations
of State Bank of India in respect of SBI Traders Easy Loan Scheme.
Signature of Borrower
Name :
Designation :
Date :
Details of the Guarantor if any (If the property to be mortgaged stands in the name of
others name)
Name Address Age PAN No. Business
I am willing to stand as the guarantor to the proposed Traders Easy Loan Scheme to
the above mentioned applicant/firm/company. I have been explained the implications of
offering the property as collateral.
Date :
List of Documents to be attached :
1. Copy of collateral security being offered.
2. Latest copy of income-tax return / Assessment order etc.
3. Statement of account from the existing banker for last 6 months.
4. Copies of relevant license, documents pertaining to ownership / tenancy /
lease agreement etc., in respect of premises where activity will be carried out.
5. Latest tax paid coy of the property to be mortgaged.
6. Encumbrance certificate (Upto date)
7. Photos of applicant, guarantors.
8. Copies of Trust Deeds/Memorandum and Articles of Association, if