Updation/Change of Address and/or Bank details No.-25/2012-13
Registered Office: UTI Tower, ‘Gn’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051. Phone: 022- 66786666
Website: www.utimf.com
No. - 25/2012-13 October 29, 2012
Updation / Change of Address and/or Bank details
In terms of Addendum no.6/2012-13 dated 4th July 2012, Investors of all Schemes / Plans of UTI Mutual
Fund (UTI MF) were informed to update / change their address within 30 days from the date of change.
Further, it was also informed to update/change of bank details using the form for registration of multiple
bank accounts separately and in future, it shall not be accompanied with redemption request. Such
request shall be submitted prior to submission of redemption request. In this connection, it is further
clarified as under:
1. The request to update/change of address (in case of non-KYC complied folios) and/or
update/change of bank details shall be submitted at least 10 working days prior to submission of
redemption request / dividend record date, together with the necessary supporting documents as
specified in the aforesaid addendum (available at www.utimf.com/Funds/AllAddendums/06_12-
2. Investors can choose to receive the dividend / redemption payment in one of the bank accounts
already registered with UTI MF.
3. However, in case of redemption request received with a Change of Address and /or Change of
Bank detail, which is not already registered with UTI MF, or change of address/bank details
received lesser than 10 working days prior to dividend record date, such new/unregistered
address /bank details may not be registered and will not be considered for payment of
redemption / dividend proceeds. In such cases, the payment will be made to the last registered
bank account, if any or sent to the last registered address.
4. Further, in case of folios where no bank details registered earlier, redemption requests received
along with updation of bank details, the bank details in such cases will be registered and the date
of acceptance for redemption shall be the 10th working day from the date of receipt of such
combined request. Accordingly, the combined request will be processed.
Registered Office: UTI Tower, ‘Gn’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051. Phone: 022- 66786666
Website: www.utimf.com
5. In the above event, UTI MF/UTI AMC Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss/delay in receiving
dividend / redemption payment by the investor.
All other features, terms and conditions contained in the Scheme Information Document (SID) / Statement
of Additional Information (SAI)/ Addenda issued hitherto/ Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of the
respective Schemes shall remain unchanged.
This addendum is an integral part of the SID / KIM of the respective Schemes and shall be read in
conjunction with the SID/ KIM.
For UTI Asset Management Company Limited
Authorised Signatory
In case any further information is required, the nearest UTI Financial Centre may please be contacted.