Annamayya District All Important Contact No.

Andhra Pradesh District Contacts Toll free Number(s):
- 100 (Police Helpline)
- 102 (Ambulance Service)
- 101 (Fire Service)
- 1902 (For Grievance Redressal)
Official Website Important Links
Helpline Numbers
Sr No. |
Service | Helpline No. |
1 | Ambulance Service | 108 |
2 | Parishkara Vedika | 1100 |
3 | Child Helpline | 1098 |
4 | Crime Stopper | 1090 |
5 | Women Helpline | 1091 |
Telephone Directory
Sr No. |
Name | Designation | Contact Details | Address |
1 | U. Umamaheswaramma | District Agricultural Officer | daoannamayya [at] gmail [dot] com | Room Nos 1 to 6 and 12, Block 4, Ground floor, Govt. minority ITI, Rajampeta road, rayachoty, Annamayya District, Pin Code:516269 |
2 | Dr.K.Gunasekhara Pillai | District Animal Husbandry Officer | dahoannamayya [at] gmail [dot] com | Veterinary Hospital Campus, Rayachoty 516 269. Annamayya District. |
3 | Sri Sridhar Chamakuri, IAS | Collector District Magistrate | collector-annamayya [at] ap [dot] gov [dot] in | |
4 | Sri Farman Ahmad Khan, IAS | Joint Collector | jc-annamayya [at] ap [dot] gov [dot] in | |
5 | Sri Y.S.V.K.G.S.L.Satyanarayana Rao | District Revenue Officer | droannamayya [at] gmail [dot] com | |
6 | Sri B. Krishna Rao, IPS | Superintendent of Police | 9154960160 sp [dot] annamayyadistrict [at] gmail [dot] com |
District Police Office, Rayachoti, Annamayya District |
Public Utilities
Sr No | Name | Phone | Address | |
Collge/University | ||||
1 | Government Degree College, Railway Kodur | 7702016550 | koduru [dot] jkc [at] gmail [dot] com | Railway Kodur, YSR District |
2 | Government Degree College, Rajampeta | 9491946070 | rajampeta [dot] jkc [at] gmail [dot] com | Rajampeta, YSR District |
3 | Government Degree College, Rayachoti | 9581471476 | rayachotijkc [at] gmail [dot] com | Rayachoti |
4 | Government Junior College [G], Rayachoty | 9550098124 | gjc [dot] rayachotygirls [at] gmail [dot] com | Main Road, Rayachoty |
5 | Government Junior College [UM], Rajampeta | gjc [dot] rajampetaum [at] gmail [dot] com | Market Road, Rajampeta | |
6 | Government Junior College, Chakrayapeta | 9703310331 | gjc [dot] chakrayapeta [at] gmail [dot] com | Chakrayapeta |
7 | Government Junior College, Chinnaorampadu | 9703003049 | gjc [dot] chinnaorampadu [at] gmail [dot] com | Main Road, Chinnaorampadu |
8 | Government Junior College, Kodur [RS] | 9493220205 | gjc [dot] koduru [at] gmail [dot] com | Kodur RS, Railway Road |
9 | Government Junior College, Nandalur | 8500068960 | gjc [dot] nandalur [at] gmail [dot] com | Labaka Road, Nandalur |
10 | Government Junior College, Penagalur | 9440917709 | gjc [dot] penagalur [at] gmail [dot] com | Main Road, Penagalur |
11 | S.B.V.D.S. Junior College, Pullampet | 9849024237 | sbvds [dot] pullampet [at] gmail [dot] com | Main Road, Pullampet |
Electricity | ||||
12 | Customer Service Center, Rajampeta | 08565-250727 | Nr. 33/11KV SS Compound, Tirupathi Road, Rajampeta |
13 | Customer Service Center, Rayachoty | 08561-251298 | Nr. 33/11KV SS Compound, Peleru Road, Rayachoty |
14 | Customer Service Center, Rural Rayachoty | 08561-250054 | Nr. 33/11KV SS Compound, Pileru Road, Rayachoty |
Hospital | ||||
15 | Ameen Nursing Home | 9441316192 | ameennursinghome [dot] rct [at] gmail [dot] com | D No. 70/140-A, Brahmin Street, Rayachoty |
16 | Jayasree Nursing Home | 9866418107 | Dr. Jayamma, Usman Nagar, Rajampeta | |
17 | KK Hospital | 9440082948 | D No.9/139-10, MG Road, Rly. Kodur | |
18 | Sri Sai Chandana Children Hospital | chandana2000 [at] gmail [dot] com | D No. 55/65, Harinath Street, Rayachoty | |
19 | Sri Shirdi Sai Hospital | 8096477957 | smilinigseenu [at] gmail [dot] com | D No.55/130, Harnath St, Rayachoty |
20 | Vishnu Nursing Home | 9177000456 | drsrjamhima [at] gmail [dot] com | D No.10/596, M.G. Road, Rly. Kodur |
Municipality | ||||
21 | Rajampet Municipality | 9989051971 | rjp_com [at] yahoo [dot] com | Beside MPDO Office, NSR Theater Road, Rajampet |
22 | Rayachoti Municipality | 9949245670 | rctmpl [at] gmail [dot] com | Near RTC Bus-stand, Rayachoty |
23 | B.Kothakota | 9440900707 | sho_bkk_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Near MPDO Office, B Kothakota |
Police Station | ||||
24 | Chinnamandem | sichinnamandem [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Chinnamandem PS, Rayachoty-Madanapalli Road |
25 | Chitvel | chitvelpskadapa [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Chitvel PS, Near MRO Office |
26 | Galiveedu | 9121100556 | galiveedups [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Galiveedu PS, Rayachoty - Kadiri Road |
27 | Koduru (PS) | 9121100577 | kodurpolicestation [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Officer, Kodur PS, Rajampet-Tirupati Road |
29 | Koduru (Circle Office) | kodurcircle [at] gmail [dot] com | Inspector of Police, Kodur Circle Office, Rajampet-Tirupati Road |
30 | Lakkireddypalli | 9121100555 | silrpalli [at] gmail [dot] com | Inspector of Police, Lakkireddypalli Circle Office |
31 | Lakkireddypalli Circle | cilrpalli [at] gmail [dot] com | Inspector of Police, Lakkireddypalli Circle Office |
32 | Madanapalli Rural Police Station | 9490617891 | ci_mplr_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Near Court, Bangalore Road, Madanapalli |
33 | Madanapalli Taluk Police Station | sho_mpltq_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | ||
34 | Mudivedu Police Station | 9440900705 | sho_mvd_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Madanapalli - Thamballapalli Road, Mudiveedu |
35 | Mulakalacheruvu Circle | 9440796720 | ci_mlcr_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | |
36 | Mulakalacheruvu Police | 9440900715 | sho_mlcr_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | |
37 | Nandalur | nandalurps [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Officer, Nandalur PS, Railway Station Road |
38 | Nimmanapalle Police Station | sho_nmp_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Madanapalli-Kanduru Road, Nimmanapalle | |
39 | Obulavaripalli | obulavaripallips [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Officer, Obulavaripalli PS, Near Railway Station |
40 | Peddamandyam Police Station | 9440900718 | sho_pmandyam_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Gurramkonda-Galiveedu Road, Peddamandyam |
41 | Peddamudiam | sipeddamudiam [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Beside Animal Husbandry Hospital |
42 | Penagalur | 9121100575 | penagalurps [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Penagalur PS, Near MRO Office |
43 | PTM Police Station | 9440900716 | sho_ptm_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Kramadati Street, PTM |
44 | Pullampeta | shopullampet [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Officer, Pullampeta PS, Rajampet-Kodur Road |
45 | Rajampet Rural | rajampetruralci [at] gmail [dot] com | Inspector of Police, Rajampeta Rural Circle Office |
46 | Rajampet U/G | cirajampet [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Rajampeta U/G PS, Beside Court Complex |
47 | Ramapuram Police Station | 9121100558 | sho_rpm_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Kadapa - Rayachoty Road |
48 | Ramasamudram Police Station | 9440900702 | sho_rmsd_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | Near MPDO Office, Ramasamudram |
49 | Rayachoty Rural | cirayachotyruralcircle [at] gmail [dot] com | Inspector of Police, Rayachoty Rural Circle Office |
50 | Rayachoty Traffic Police Station | 9121100562 | sho_rcttrf_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | |
51 | Rayachoty Urban | 9121100559 | circtups [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Officer, Rayachoty PS, Beside Court Complex |
52 | Sambepalli | 9121100566 | sisambepalli [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Sambepalli PS, Rayachoty - Chittoor Road |
53 | SDPO Rayachoty AR DSP | 9121100715 | ||
54 | T. Sundupalli | sitsundupalli [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, T. Sundupalli PS, Near Sivalayam Temple |
55 | Thamballapalle Police Station | 9440900717 | sho_tbpalle_anmy [at] gmail [dot] com | In Front Of Indian Petrol Bunk |
56 | Veeraballi | siveeraballips [at] gmail [dot] com | Station House Office, Veeraballi PS, Veeraballi |
For More Public Utilities Like Hospitals , Postal , Banks , NGO Click on the Public Utilities you can see all the options related to Utilities. |
Department Of Handloom And Text Tiles
Nodal Officers Contacts
Sr No. |
Name Of the Officer | Designation | Contact Details |
1 | Sri.R.Pavan Kumar Reddy | Development Officer | 9505953415 |
2 | Sri.K.Prithvi Raj, | Asst. Dev. Officer | 9032315794 |
3 | Sri.K.Praveenkumar Raju, | Asst. Dev. Officer | 9160080010 |
4 | Sri.R.Pavankumar Reddy | Development Officer | 9505953415 dhto [dot] annamayya7 [dot] hnt [at] gmail [dot] com |
Handloom Text Tiles Cooperative Company Contacts
Sr No. |
Company / Cooperative Name | Seller Name | Phone.No | Email.Id | Address |
1 | M/S L.Surendra | M.Surendra Naidu | 9985759606 | surendralankipalli [at] gmail [dot] com | Handloms, Dr.No. 3-146-14-5-1-10, Chowdeswarinagar, Madanapalli |
2 | M/S Rajarajeswari | J.V.Ramana | 7013622951 | bhavan [dot] mpl [at] gmail [dot] com | Handlooms, Dr.No. 3-148-23-6-6-1, Chowdeswarinagar, Madanapalli |
3 | M/S S.V | S Venkatesam | 9063673001 | svhandloomsilks [at] gmail [dot] com | Handloom Silks Handlooms,Dr.No. 3-37,N.G Palle,Madanapalli |
4 | M/S Lakshmidevi | N Lakdshmi Devi | 8074079528 | Maheshkumar [dot] narnavaram [at] gmail [dot] com | Handlooms, Dr.No. 5-152,Katlalatapalli road, Kollabylu, Madanapalli. |
5 | M/S Kesava Handlooms, | N Keshava | 8897602602 | nk [dot] sares [at] Gmail [dot] com | Dr.No.5-151, Katlalatapalli road, Kollabylu,Madanapalli |
6 | Sri Arunachaleswara | Jinka Bhavanarayana | 7013622951 | arunachaleswarahwcs2020 [at] gmail [dot] com | HWCS, 4 th Street, Chowdeswarinagar, Madanapalli |
7 | Sri LSN | M.Surendra Naidu | 9985759606 | lsnhwcsmadanapalle2022 [at] gmail [dot] com | HWCS,4th Street, Chowdeswarinagar, Madanapalli |
District/State Nodal Officers
Sr No. |
Name of the Department | Officer | Designation | Contact Details |
1 | Department of Handlooms / Textiles | Assistant Director | District Nodal Officer | 9440726541 |
2 | Department of Handlooms / Textiles | Commissioner of Handlooms / Textiles | State Nodal Officer | handlooms_textiles [at] yahoo [dot] com |
3 | Department of Industries | Joint Director O/o Commissionerate of Industries | State Nodal Officer | coicep [at] gmail [dot] com, jdindsplanning [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | Department of Fisheries | Deputy Director O/o Commissionerate of Fisheries | State Nodal Officer | comfishap [at] gmail [dot] com, pmlatha28 [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | Department of Horticulture | Deputy Director O/o Commissionerate of Horticulture | State Nodal Officer | horticulturedept [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in, horticulturepublicityii [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | Department of Agriculture | Deputy Director of Agri (Crops), O/o Commissionerate of Agriculture | State Nodal Officer | ncbalunaik27 [at] gmail [dot] com, comagr [dot] ap [at] gmail [dot] com |
7 | AP Handloom Weavers Cooperative Society (APCO) | VC / MD | State Nodal Officer | |
8 | AP Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd. | Executive Director O/o VC / MD | State Nodal Officer | marketing [dot] aphdcltd [at] yahoo [dot] com, ed [dot] aphdc [at] gmail [dot] com |
9 | AP Food Processing Society | State Lead, PMFME O/o CEO, APFPS | State Nodal Officer | subhash [dot] lead [at] pmfmeap [dot] org, apfps [at] yahoo [dot] com |
10 | Girijan Cooperative Corporation | VC / MD | State Nodal Officer | apgirijan1956 [at] gmail [dot] com |
Legislative Assembly/Parliment Members Contacts
Sr No. |
Name of the Assembly Constituency | Name of the Hon’ble MLA/MP | Phone No. | |
Member of Legislative Assembly | ||||
1 | 125 – Rajampet | Sri Akepati Amarnath Reddy | 9440269858 | amarnathreddyakepati1 [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | 127-Kodur (SC) | Sri. Arava Sreedhar | 7674851621 | aravasreedhar4 [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | 128-Rayachoti | Sri Mandipalli Ram Prasad Reddy | 9441104677 | mramprasadreddytdp [at] gmail [dot] com |
4 | 162-Thamballapalle | Sri Peddireddy Dwarakanatha Reddy | 9491030131, 8877612345 |
ysrcpthamballapalle [at] gmail [dot] com |
5 | 163-Pileru | Sri Nallari Kishan Kumar Reddy | 8374660808 | nkkrpilerumla [at] gmail [dot] com |
6 | 164 – Madanapalle | Sri M.Shajahan Basha | 9441134944 | mshajahanbasha [at] gmail [dot] com |
Member of Parliament | ||||
7 | 24-Rajampeta | Sri P.V.Mithun Reddy | 9491045445 9848130611 |
rajampetamppvmr [at] gmail [dot] com |
Administrative Contacts
Revenue Division
Sr No |
Division Name | Name of Officer | Designation | Contact Details |
1 | Madanapalle | Sri C Hari Prasad | Revenue Divisional Officer | subcollector [dot] madanapalle [at] gmail [dot] com |
2 | Rajampet | Sri T Mohana Rao | Revenue Divisional Officer | 08565-240214 rdo [dot] rajampet [at] gmail [dot] com |
3 | Rayachoti | Sri. U Ranga swamy | Revenue Divisional Officer | rdo [dot] rayachoty [at] gmail [dot] com |
Revenue Mandals
Sr No |
Division/Mandal Name | Contact No. | |
12 | Rajampet , Chitvel | 7674950721 | tahsildar [dot] chitvel [at] gmail [dot] com |
13 | Kodur | 9959667606 | tahsildar [dot] kodur [at] gmail [dot] com |
14 | Obulavaripalli | 7674950724 | tahsildar [dot] obulavaripalli [at] gmail [dot] com |
15 | Tsundupalli | 7674950712 | tah [dot] sundupalle [at] gmail [dot] com |
16 | Veeraballi | 7674950715 | mro [dot] veeraballi [at] gmail [dot] com |
17 | Penagalur | 7674950725 | tahsildar [dot] penagalur [at] gmail [dot] com |
18 | Pullampeta | 7674950727 | tahsildar [dot] pullampet [at] gmail [dot] com |
19 | Nandalur | 9959667589 | tahsildar [dot] nandalur [at] gmail [dot] com |
20 | Rajampet | 9959667588 | tahsildar [dot] rajampet [at] gmail [dot] com |
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