Application Form for Trigger Facility
UTI Mutual Fund
Application for Trigger Facility
(To be filled in by applicant)
Scheme/ Name Investor ID No./Folio No./ Appln.No. Date of Transaction
( i.e. Date of acceptance)
I / We would like to redeem/repurchase units from the __________________________________________________________ Scheme / Fund
on reaching the trigger point owing to any of the following events.
I. Trigger Option: (Please tick () any one of the following trigger options):
1. Value Trigger:
As & when investment reaches value of Rs.____________or above . (Indicate the amount at which exit is sought)
2. A ppreciation Trigger:
On capital appreciation of _______________ % or above (Indicate the absolute % of growth at which exit is sought)
3. D ate Trigger:
On the day of D D M M Y Y Y Y (Indicate the exact date at which trigger is sought)
4. Stop-Loss Trigger:
On reaching the depreciation of _____________ % or below ( Indicate the absolute % at which exit is sought)
II. Payment Options: (Please tick () any one of the payment options given below):
a. Pay amount equivalent to capital appreciation over and above value of my investment (applicable to option I (1) & (2) above}
b. Pay full repurchase proceeds repurchasing all the units ( applicable to all the four options in I above)
Bank Details are mandatory. (Please fill in bank a/c details only if there is change or not given earlier)
Name of the Bank_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Branch Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Branch Pincode:_____________________________________________Account Type_________________________________________
A/c No. MICR No.
IFS Code No.
I / We are aware that I / We can revise or cancel these instructions{Such requests will be effective after 5 working days(business days) of receipt by UTI Mutual
Fund Branches or direct at office of Registrars}.
I / We are aware that since the scheme is open ended, I / We can repurchase units any time before the trigger of specific event.
I / We also note that once the payment is made by exercising the trigger option, the investment cannot be reinstated for any reason whatsoever. The payment made
to me/us is final and binding.
I / We are aware that the value will be paid by repurchasing units at the repurchase price prevailing on the day following the day of event of trigger in the case of
value trigger, appreciation trigger and stop-loss trigger and at the repurchase price prevailing on the specified date in the case of date trigger.
I / We are aware that the repurchase amount payable on account of trigger will be restricted to Rs. 10 lakhs only and the balance units if any will continue in the
scheme, subject to maintaining minimum value of units prescribed under the scheme.
I / We understand that if the Trigger selected by me / us is not activated and / or implemented due to reasons which are beyond the control of UTI Mutual Fund, I
/ We would not hold UTI Mutual Fund responsible.Trigger Facility is only a facility extended by UTI Mutual Fund for the convenience of unit holders and does not
form part of any scheme / fund objectives. I/We also understand that UTI Mutual Fund reserves the right to amend / terminate this facility at any time, keeping in
view business/operational exigencies.
I / We have read and understood the terms and conditions given overleaf and accept the same. I / We agree to abide by the terms and conditions and opt for the
Trigger Facility.
Date: ______________________
______________________ __________________________ __________________________
Signature of 1st Unitholder Signature of 2nd Unitholder Signature of 3rd Unitholder
(application form continued on reverse)
Received request for Trigger Facility under _________________________________________________________________ (Scheme name)
in respect of Investor ID / Folio /Application No._________________________________________ as under.
Trigger Option_________________________________________
Payment Option________________________________________ Signature of Authorised
Signatory with Office Seal
1. The following are the four types of Trigger Options:
a. As & when investment reaches value of Rs.___________.
(For example if Rs.10,000/- is invested and the unit holder
wants to encash when the investment becomes Rs.15000/-
he has to write Rs.15,000/- inside the boxes provided for
amount in the application form.)
b. On capital appreciation of______ % (Indicate in whole
numbers like 10, 11 etc.) {For example if an investor
invests Rs.10,000/- and wants to encash when the capital
is appreciated by 10% (only appreciation amount) his units
will be repurchased at the applicable repurchase price
and paid 10% of capital appreciation i.e. Rs.1,000/-. He
will be paid full repurchase value of his units if he opts for
full repurchase of units}. Fractions indicated if any will be
c. Repurchase on the day of D D M M Y Y Y Y
d. On depreciation of capital by______ % (Indicate in whole
numbers like 10, 11 etc.) {For example if an investor invests
Rs.10,000/- and wants to encash when the capital is
depreciated by 10%, the entire units will be repurchased
and amount paid to the unitholder, when the value comes
down to Rs. 9000/- or lesser}. Fractions indicated if any will
be ignored.
2. Trigger Facility is available in the Schemes/Funds mentioned
Serial No Name of the Scheme/Fund
1 UTI-Banking Sector Fund
2 UTI-Contra Fund
3 UTI-Dividend Yield Fund
4 UTI-Energy Fund
5 UTI-Equity Fund
6 UTI-India Lifestyle Fund
7 UTI-Infrastructure Fund
8 UTI-Leadership Equity Fund
9 UTI-Master Plus Unit Scheme
10 UTI-Nifty Index Fund
11 UTI-Mastershare Unit Scheme
12 UTI-Master Value Fund
13 UTI-Mid Cap Fund
14 UTI-MNC Fund
15 UTI-Opportunities Fund
16 UTI-Pharma & Healthcare Fund
17 UTI-Services Industries Fund
18 UTI-Transportation & Logistics Fund
19 UTI-Top 100 Fund
20 UTI G-Sec Fund
Terms and Conditions
3. A separate form request for trigger facility has to be made for
each investment in a folio.
4. All Trigger requests will be accepted at UTI Mutual Fund
Branches / Registrars handling the target scheme only.
5. For fresh applications, the trigger facility will be effective only
after a gap of 5 working days (business days) from the date of
acceptance in the Scheme/Fund. For existing investors in case of
exercising automatic trigger facility at a later date, trigger facility
will become operative after a gap of 5 working days (business
days) from the date of receipt of the request.
6. Change / Cancellation of trigger will be effective only after a gap
of 5 working days (business days) from the date of receipt of the
7. Trigger Facility is not available if the Folio / Certificate is under
Lien or marked “ STOP ” on the advice of I.T Authorities / Court
or any other reason.
8. Repurchase amount will be paid only to the first unit holder as
per normal existing practice.
9. Each allotment of Accumulated Income Units (AIUs) / bonus units
will be treated as a separate investment. Accordingly, a separate
Trigger request for each allotment has to be made, if each AIU/
bonus allotment has to be brought under Trigger Facility.
10. Incomplete application form will be treated as invalid.
11. The unit holder holding Unit Certificates has to convert the unit
certificate into Statement of Account (SOA) for availing Trigger
Facility. Only after receipt of SOA the request for Trigger Facility
can be made.
12. Trigger facility is available to the ‘individual’ as well as nonindividual
unitholders upto the payment value of Rs.10 lakh per
event per folio(per investor id).
13. Units under trigger option can be repurchased fully or partially
any time. In such event, the trigger facility will be automatically
cancelled and the unitholder will be informed of the same while
sending the repurchase cheque.