Application For New Rigistration/Renewal Web Hosting Service On Sancharnet (NIB)
(Use one Application Form per Subscription)
For office Use only
Customer Code
Date Received
Dear sir,
I/We wish to subscribe for Sancharnet Webhosting service. Necessary particulars
as given below:
1. Name __________________________________
2. Address __________________________________
City ___________________
State ___________________
Pin Code ___________________
3. Telephone Nos from where internet is to be (1) ___________________
Accessed (Prefix STD Code without 0)
(2) ___________________
4. Contact Telephone No. (1) ___________________
(2) ___________________
5. Fax No. ___________________
6. Contact E-mail id ___________________
7. Plan Details (for new subscription)
Plan (I to VIII) ______________________________________
Domain Name New Existing
Domain Name to be Hosted 1.__________________________________
If New, Other Choices of Domain Name 2.__________________________________
Login Id of Domain Manager required _____________________________________
Name of Domain Manager _____________________________________
Phone No. of Domain Manager _____________________________________
E-mail Id of Domain Manager _____________________________________
Data Storage(Tick the plan required)
Plan I Plan II Plan III Plan IV Plan V Plan VI Plan VII Plan VIII
5MB* 10MB* 25MB 50MB 100MB 200MB 500MB Customised
* Without Database access
Data Storage Distribution
8. Existing Plan details (to be filled in case of renewal only):
Plan (I-VIII) _____________________________________
Data Storage (Tick the plan required)
Plan I Plan II Plan III Plan IV Plan V Plan VI Plan VII Plan VIII
5MB* 10MB* 25MB 50MB 100MB 200MB 500MB Customised
* Without Database access
Data Storage Distribution
9. List of E-mail Ids(5 to 10 alphanumeric characters)
1.__________________________ 2.____________________________
3.__________________________ 4.____________________________
5.__________________________ 6.____________________________
7.__________________________ 8.____________________________
9.__________________________ 10.____________________________
11.__________________________ 12.____________________________
13.__________________________ 14.____________________________
15.__________________________ 16.____________________________
17.__________________________ 18.____________________________
19.__________________________ 20.____________________________
10. Payment Details
Cash/DD No. Bank Name Branch Date Amount
I have gone through the Broad Terms and Conditions of the Services and agree to abide
by the same.
Date: Signature
Seal of the organisation Applicant’s Name
Note:-1). All Cheques/DDs should be drawn in favour of _______________________
2). Please visit for latest tariff details.3/6
Received Application Form for BSNL’s Web Hosting Services from the organization as per the
detail given below:
1. Name _______________________________
2. City _____________________
For Office Use Only
Customer Code Date Received
Mandatory information to be included by Commercia Officers in the work order to
Node Incharge ( Copy of the work order to be faxed to DE DNW (S&W) Bangalore
on 080-2250600
1. Server Details
Plan (I to VIII) ______________________________________
Domain Name New Existing
Domain Name to be Hosted 1.__________________________________
If New, Other Choices of Domain Name 2.__________________________________
Login Id of Domain Manager required _____________________________________
Name of Domain Manager _____________________________________
Phone No. of Domain Manager _____________________________________
E-mail Id of Domain Manager _____________________________________
Data Storage Distribution
2. List of E-mail Ids(5 to 10 alphanumeric characters)
1.__________________________ 2.____________________________
3.__________________________ 4.____________________________
5.__________________________ 6.____________________________
7.__________________________ 8.____________________________
9.__________________________ 10.____________________________
11.__________________________ 12.____________________________
13.__________________________ 14.____________________________
15.__________________________ 16.____________________________
17.__________________________ 18.____________________________
19.__________________________ 20.____________________________5/6
1. Plan - I and Plan - II are without Database access.
2. Tariff is applicable for one year but subject to revision without prior notice.
3. Subscription period shall be one year and the entire Annual Tariff shall be payable in advance.
4. Customer shall have an option to migrate from one plan to other plan on the basis of written
request after paying the difference.
5. If customer needs additional storage space, he shall have to migrate to the next higher plan by
paying the difference from the first day of next consecutive month.
6. Email quota opted by customer shall be divided among all email lds .
7. 2.5% of one time annual tariff per customer shall be payable to authorized Internet marketing
agent by BSNL as an incentive and for popularization of service.
8. Other broad terms and conditions given below shall also apply.
1. BSNL would try to maintain the national and international links as reliable as possible.
However, it would own no responsibility in case of interruptions in the network beyond its
reasonable control.
2. The subscriber is required to desist from email spamming and unsolicited messaging on
server. In case the customer implements messaging application, necessary measures like
anti-relay, anti-spamming, prevention of unsolicited bulk mailing etc have to be implemented.
BSNL has zero tolerance for such activities and if detected would result in immediate
suspension of service to the subscriber.
3. The subscriber is required to ensure that objectionable or obscene messages or
communications, which are inconsistent with the established laws of the country, are not made
by him or any other person using his password/ privilege.
4. BSNL may revise tariff for Webhosting services from time to time at its discretion.
5. The subscriber is required to fully comply the provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885
and the Indian Telegraph Rules made thereunder, IT Act 2000 and any amendments or
replacements made thereto from time to time.
6. Payment of bills – it would be the responsibility of subscriber to make advance payment of
service. BSNL reserves the right to discontinue the service in case of non-receipt of advance
payment without giving any notice to the subscriber.
7. Arbitration of Disputes – In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising out of
provisions of web co-location services, the matter shall be referred to the sole arbitration of
the Chairman and Managing director, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, New Delhi or any
person appointed by him.
8. Customers will be responsible for creating their own HTML pages. Web Hosting tariff is
applicable to limited application of hosting world wide web. Special Tariff will be worked out
separately for customized applications.
9. For any breach of the terms & conditions BSNL shall have right to takethe action(s) such as to
block the web site hosted at its sole discretion without prejudice to any other action as may be
10. Maintenance schedule: BSNL performs routine maintenance that enables BSNL to install
improvements to BSNL’s network and infrastructure. Additionally, preventive maintenance is
performed to correct potential issues that have been identified by BSNL based on careful 6/6
monitoring and thorough analysis of activity logs of BSNL’s network and facilities. BSNL
makes every effort to prevent disruptions in services and performs maintenance during low
traffic times in order to minimize potential interruptions to customers’ Internet operations.
Whenever possible, BSNL will issue notice, before 48 hours of the planned maintenance to
allow its customers to manage their business more effectively.
11. Acceptable user policy for Sancharnet users: This acceptable user policy (AUP) specifies
the actions permitted by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) to its users of Sancharnet Internet
Services, including Web Co-location, Web Hosting, VPN services, leased line, Dial up and other
services which may be introduced in future.. BSNL reserve right to modify the policy at any time.
All subscribers of Sancharnet Services, directly or indirectly are required to engage in acceptable
use only as per this policy as modified from time to time. The details of the policy can be had from
the website: or
12. Service and any other TAX shall be charged extra.