Audio Conferencing Application Form
Audio Conferencing Application Form
Please fill in the following information to avail Audio Conferencing service
(Fields marked with * are mandatory fields)
Subscriber Details
* Title Mr/Mrs/Miss * First Name
Middle Name Last Name
*Billing Address
*City *State
*Country * Pin Code
*Existing BSNL No.
Residence No. Office No. Mobile No.
Email Address
I have gone through the terms and conditions and abide by the same. *(Yes / No)
-------For Official Use Only-------
------To be filled by Customer Service Center-------
Received (Rs) By (Tick one) Cash/Check/DD
Cheque/DD No Dated Drawee Bank
Circle Town/City/SSA
Received Date Received By
------To be filled by Commercial Section------------
Status of the Application (Tick one) Accepted/Rejected
If Accepted, Transaction No.
If Rejected, Reason for rejection
Date Updated By
-------Subscriber’s Copy--------
Received (Rs) By (Tick one) Cash/Check/DD
Cheque/DD No Dated Drawee Bank
Circle Town/City/SSA
Received Date Received By
Date: ___/___/______ (DD/MM/YYYY) Signature:
Place: ___________________________
Note: To view terms and conditions turn overleaf.
Terms and Conditions
GENERAL: • Subject to the acceptance of the application and technical feasibility, BSNL
will endeavor to provide the Audio Conferencing Service as soon as possible.
• The service is offered to the existing BSNL subscribers only.
• The subscriber is required to fully comply with the provisions contained in
the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, Indian Telegraph Rules and any
amendments or replacements made thereto from time to time.
• The service will be activated within 15 days of the form submission at the
Customer Service Center.
• The payment can be done by Cash/Cheque/DD. Cheque/DD payment is
considered as paid subject to realization.
• The service offerings are under the full discretion of BSNL and are subject to
• Billing will be done separately for this service.
• BSNL reserves the right to disconnect the service to any customer in case
there is sufficient evidence of the customer intentionally or unintentionally
using the service in the manner which would adversely impact BSNL or
BSNL's network.
• The customer shall be responsible for using the service only for legal and
appropriate purposes.
• BSNL reserves the right to terminate the services in the event of nonpayment of bills issued by BSNL in accordance with the tariff plans opted by
the customer and the extent of usage or any default on the part of the
• BSNL will exercise all reasonable care in providing its services, but it is not
responsible for interruption in service due to power failures, equipment
malfunctions, or acts of natural calamity.
• BSNL is not responsible for actions taken by its customers or others as a
result of its services.