Income Tax of India - Form 56BA:Condensed financial information
[See clause (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 2DA]
Condensed financial information Income statement
First Year Second Year Third Year
(Mention years also)
1. Sources of income
(a) Dividend Rs.
(b) Trading Rs.
(c) Capital gains (give details) Rs.
(d) Other Income Rs.
Total income [(a)+(b)+(c)+(d)] Rs.
2. Expenses
(a) Director's remuneration Rs.
(b) Trusteeship fees Rs.
(c) Custodian fees Rs.
(d) Registrar's fees Rs.
(e) Other expenses Rs.
Total expenses [(a) + (b) + (c) + (d) +
3. Gross profit (1-2) Rs.
4. Depreciation Rs.
5. Net profit before tax (3-4) Rs.
6. Tax (income-tax) Rs.
7. Profit after tax (5-6) Rs.
8. Income distributed/dividend declared Rs.
9. Retained earnings (7-8) Rs.
Place ________________ ________________________________
Date _________________ Signature and designation of the applicant