ECB 2:Details Of Actual Transactions Of Foreign Currency Loans/Financial Lease(Other Than Short-Term Foreign Currency Loans)
[Paragraph 7B.6]
Details of actual transactions of Foreign Currency Loans/Financial Lease (other than short-term foreign currency Loans)
Statement for the quarter ended.........
1. This statement should be submitted in duplicate, to Reserve Bank within 10 days from the
close of the quarter to which it relates furnishing details of all types of foreign currency borrowings viz. foreign currency loans, suppliers' credits, bonds, convertible bonds, FRNs, cross-border financial lease, etc. If there are no transactions during a particular quarter, a "Nil" statement indicating only the outstanding balance of the loan/credit should be
2. One copy of this statement should be accompanied by an Annexure in the attached form,
alongwith a complete set of documents towards utilisation of loan/credit. The information
furnished in the Annexure should be certified by the statutory auditors/Chartered
3. In case of suppliers' credits, the dates of imports are to be given in place of dates of
4. For utilisation of drawal following codes should be used -
1 - Import of capital goods
2 - Import of raw material
3 - Remittance to India
4 - Pre-payment of old loans/repayments
5 - Amount held abroad in Foreign Currency account
6 - Interest payment
7 - Payment for Technical services
8 - Others (Specify)
5. For source of funds following codes should be used -
A - Remittance from India
B - From FCL funds held abroad
C - From foreign currency account held abroad
D - Conversion of equity capital
E - From export proceeds held abroad
F - By debit to EFC/EEFC account in India
G - Others (Specify)
6. If repayment schedule indicating exact dates of payments has not been submitted at the time
of agreement, the same should be given with this statement. Any revision in repayment
schedule made subsequently should also be indicated.
7. All dates should be given as YYYY/MM/DD such as 1996/06/30 for June 30, 1996.
8. Indicate tranche Number if the loan is multi-tranche, for items 5, 6 and 7.
1. (a) Government Loan Key Number :
(b) RBI Registration Number :
2. Name & address of Borrower/Lessee :
[For RBI use]
3. Currency and Amount of Loan :
[For RBI use]
4. Country of lender :
[For RBI use]
5. Drawdown Transaction during the quarter - Tranche No. :
No. Date of drawal/Import (see
instruction 3)
Currency Amount Amount of loan approved but not
yet drawn
6. Utilisation during the quarter - Tranche No. :
No. Date Purpose (only codes) (see
instruction 4)
Country Currency Amount
7. Debt Servicing - Remittances during the quarter - Tranche No. :
No. Purpose Date of remittance
Due date Actual date of
Currency Amount Source (only codes) [see
instruction 5]
1. Principal
2. Interest
3. Others
8. Amount of loan/credit outstanding at the end of the quarter -
Currency Amount
[For RBI use]
9. Country to which remittance sent
[For RBI use]
10. Repayment schedule :
i) Number of instalments
ii) Number of payments in a year :
iii) Currency and amount of :
each instalment
[For RBI use]
iv) Date of first payment :
v) Date of final payment :
(If instalments are of unequal amount or are not regular, furnish details of each instalment
with date and amount in the following format by way of a separate sheet)
No. Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Currency Principal Interest
We hereby certify that the particulars furnished above are true and correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
We confirm that prior approval of Reserve Bank of India/Authorised Dealer was obtained
by us by submitting applications in form ECB 3 in respect of all the remittances made by us as
described above.
Place :
Stamp (Signature of Authorised Official of
Date : the borrower/lessee)
Name :
Designation :
[Certificate by an Authorised Dealer]
We hereby certify that the information furnished above with regard to debt servicing,
outstandings and repayment schedule is true and correct as per our record.
Place :
Stamp (Signature of Authorised Official
Date :
Name & Address of
Authorised Dealer
Uniform Code No.
[Space for use of the Reserve Bank of India]
This statement has been scrutinised as per instructions contained in the Book of
Instructions and circulars issued from time to time and found to be in order. Code numbers
against items nos.2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10(iii) have been supplied in the relevant boxes. Further, the
identification details of the loan/credit in question have been agreed with the corresponding
entries in the statement furnished earlier to DESACS vide Form 83. Information supplied in this
statement has been posted in the register in Form 85.
Assistant Manager
Reserve Bank of India,
Exchange Control Department,
Details of utilisation of foreign currency loan/credit
[This supplementary statement should be submitted with ECB 2 with a complete
set of documentary evidence in support of utilisation of loan/credit, till such time
the loan/credit has been fully utilised and all the relative documents submitted to
Reserve Bank]
Report for the period ended________________
1. Name of the borrower :
2. FCL Registration No. :
3. Government Loan Key No./ :
Sanction No.
We state that we were permitted to raise a foreign currency loan/credit
for ________________ from______________________________________________________
for the purpose _________________________________________________________________
We hereby certify that the amount of loan/credit has been utilised by us fully/partly for
the approved purpose strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan approved
by Government of India and Reserve Bank of India.
The details of utilisation are as under:
1. Loan utilised for the purpose of -
A) If it is for Imports -
(a) Description of goods imported :
(b) Value of imports :
(c) Particulars of documentary evidence :
in support of above imports
(Enclose the following documents)
i) Original Invoice No. & date :
ii) EC copy of Bill of entry :
for Home Consumption
(No. & date)
iii) EC copy of import licence, :
if any - No. & date
iv) Others (specify)
B) If it is for a purpose other than for
imports, please state -
(a) Purpose :
(b) How actually the foreign currency :
has been disposed/utilised?
(c) Documentary evidence in support of (b) :
[Enclose relevant documents)
2. Any other information -
3. The unutilised amount of loan stands parked in our account No._____________________
with _________________________________________________________________________
(Name and address of bank)
and its utilisation will be reported in the next ECB 2 statement(s). We note that if we decide not
to utilise this balance amount, we shall report the details to Reserve Bank and seek further
4. We certify that the information furnished above is true and correct. No material
information which may affect the Reserve Bank decision to allow the remittances connected with
this loan/credit, has been withheld by us.
5.* We certify that we sanction and disburse foreign currency loans to our
customers/borrowers strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions approved by
Government of India and Reserve Bank of India and ensure that the funds are utilised by those
borrowers for the purpose for which the loans are disbursed to them.
Date: ___________ _____________________________
(Authorised signatory)
[Affix here stamp/seal of the Name: __________________________
corporate office of the
authorised signatory] Designation: __________________________
Full address: __________________________
* [For financial institutions who are permitted to raise
foreign currency loans for on-lending purposes]
[Statutory Auditor's/Chartered Accountant's Certificate
We hereby certify that the foreign currency loan/credit permitted to be raised by RBI vide
its letter No.____________________________________ dated___________________________
and bearing Registration No. ______________________________________ has been raised by
______________________________________ from __________________________________
(Name of the borrower) (Name of lender/lessor)
and duly accounted for in its books of account and related record. Further, the loan has been
utilised by the said borrower for the declared purpose of
as approved by Government of India vide its letter No._________________________________
dated _________________. We have verified all the relevant documents and record connected
with the utilisation of loan/credit and found these to be in order in accordance with the terms and
conditions of approval granted by Reserve Bank as also the provisions of Exchange Control
Manual, 1993 Edition and to our satisfaction.
(Authorised Signatory)
Place : Name
Stamp Address
Date : Registration No.