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SMS to 1950

SMS andlt;ECIandgt; space andlt;EPIC Noandgt; to 1950 (EPIC stands for Electors Photo Identity Card also commonly known as Voter ID card).
Example- If your EPIC is 12345678 then sms ECI 12345678 to 1950

How to Vote - Procedure

Forms (For Registration in E-Roll)

Officers Directory

SNo. Name Contact Email Intercom
Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioner
1 Shri Rajiv Kumar 011-23052132, 011-23052134,
Fax: 011-23052249
2 Shri Arun Goel 011-23052323, 011-23052424 ecag@eci.gov.in  
Deputy Election Commissioner, Director General and Special Officer
3 Mr. Dharmendra Sharma 011-23052180, 011-23052228 d.s@nic.in, dg.iiidem@eci.gov.in  
4 Mr. Nitesh Kumar Vyas 011-23052232, 011-23052004 decnv@eci.gov.in  
5 Mr. R.K. Gupta 011-23052093, 011-23052032 decrkg@eci.gov.in  
6 Mr. Hirdesh Kumar 011-23052081, 011-23052226 dechks@eci.gov.in  
7 Mr. Ajay Bhadoo 011-23052157, 011-23052134 decajb@eci.gov.in  
8 Mr. Manoj Kumar Sahoo 011-23052114 decmks@eci.gov.in  
9 Sh. B. Narayanan 011-23052239 ecipib@gmail.com  
10 Dr. Neeta Verma 011-23052121    
11 Mr. H.R. SRINIVASA 011-23052023, 011-23052024 dec-it@eci.gov.in  
Sr. Principal Secretary
12 Mr. N.N. Butolia 011-23052016, 011-29531638,
Fax: 011-23052050
narendranb@eci.gov.in 308
13 Mr. Sumit Mukherjee 011-23052246, 0120-4959732,
Fax: 011-23052001
14 Sh. Saif Ali   268
15 Mr. Kuldeep Kumar Saharawat 011-25303449, 011-25303409 diridm@eci.gov.in  
16 Mr. Ashok Kumar 011-23052073 dirit@eci.gov.in  
17 Mr. Pankaj Srivastava 011-23052061 director-ee@eci.gov.in  
18 Ms. Subhra Sexena 011-23052248 shubhra.saxena@eci.gov.in  
19 Mr. Yashvendra Singh 011-25303411, 011-25303451 dir-expenditure@eci.gov.in  
20 Mr. Santosh Ajmera 011-23340032 director-sveep@eci.gov.in  
21 Mr. S. Sundar Rajan 011-23052243 sundar.rajan@eci.gov.in  
22 Mr. Sameer Gupta 011-23052026 directorit2@eci.gov.in  
23 Ms. Deepali Masirkar 011-23052021 dirdm@eci.gov.in  
24 Mr. Vijay Kumar Pandey 011-23052237,
Secretariat of the Election Commission of India
25 Mr. K.D.K. Verma 011-23052060 dilvar65.eci@gov.in
26 Mr. S.B. Joshi 011-23052242 sbjoshi@eci.gov.in
27 Mr. Pramod Kumar Sharma 011-23052057,
Fax: 0120-4298900
pramod@eci.gov.in 357
28 Mr. Darsuo Thang 011-3303475 darsuo.thang@eci.gov.in
29 Mr. Malay Mallick 011-23052058, 011-22598941 malaym.eci@gov.in
30 Mr. Avinash Kumar 011-23052055, 011-22486342 avinash.kr@eci.gov.in
31 Mr. Arvind Anand 011-23052063, 011-25126525 arvind.anand@eci.gov.in
32 Mr. Rahul Sharma 011-23052070 rahulsharma.eci@eci.gov.in
33 Mr. Ajoy Kumar 011-23052067 ajoykumar@eci.gov.in
34 Mohammad Umar 011-23052066 mohammed.umar@eci.gov.in
35 Mr. T.C.Kom 011-23488502 tckom@eci.gov.in
36 Ms. Pushpa N. Lakra 011-23052074, 011-23344521 pnlakrai.eci@gov.in 325
37 Mr. N.T.Bhutia 011-23052084, 011-23237961 ntbhutia@eci.gov.in
38 Mr. B.C.Patra 011-23052079, 011-23217525 bcpatra@eci.gov.in 209
39 Mr. A.K.Pathak 011-23052062 akpathak@eci.gov.in 462
40 Mr. Suman Kumar Das 011-23052082, 011-2305343 skdas.eci@eci.gov.in 283
41 Mr. Jaydev Lehiri 011-23052020, 011-2605298 jlahiri@eci.gov.in 233
42 Mr. Anoop Kumar 011-23052071, 011-27298188 anoopkr@eci.gov.in 322
43 Sh. Rakesh Kumar 011-23052077 rakesh@eci.gov.in 397
44 Mr. Kumar Rajeev 011-25303461 k.rajeev71@eci.gov.in
45 Sh. Madhusudan Gupta 011-23052235 msgupta@eci.gov.in 298
46 Sh. Sujeet Kumar Mishra 011-23052064, 011-23217304 skmishrae.ci@eci.gov.in 430
47 Sh. Ajay Kumar Verma 011-23052017 ajayverma@eci.gov.in 442
48 Sh. Binod Kumar 011-23052151 bkumar@eci.gov.in 441
49 Sh. Ashwani Kumar Mohal 011-23052019 ashwanimohal@eci.gov.in 461
50 Sh. Soumyajit Ghosh 011-23052155 soumyajit.g@eci.gov.in 460
51 Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Prasad 011-23052144 sanjeevk.prasad@eci.gov.in 312
52 Sh. Santosh Kumar Dubey 011-23052096 santoshdubey@eci.gov.in 200
53 Sh. Rajeev Ranjan 011-25303430, 0120-4389440 rajivranjan@eci.gov.in 478
54 Sh. Amit Kumar 011-23052097 amit@eci.gov.in 300
55 Sh. Vinod Kumar Sharma 011-23052003 consultantic.eci@gmail.com 284
56 Sh. Vipin Katara 011-23052005 vipinkatara@gmail.com 248
57 Sh. Pawan Diwan 011-23052133 pawandiwan@eci.gov.in 297
58 Ms. Lata Tripathi 011-23052050 tiwarilata@eci.gov.in 342
59 Sh. Mukesh Kumar 011-23052250 mukesh@eci.gov.in 368
60 Sh. Santosh Kumar 011-23488512 santosh.kumar77@eci.gov.in
61 Sh. Navin Kumar 011-23052119,
Fax: 011-23052119
nk.gautam@eci.gov.in 417
62 Sh. K.P.Singh 011-23052113 kpseci78@eci.gov.in 431
63 Sh. Ritesh Singh 011-23052104 ritesh@eci.gov.in 359
64 Ms. Tanuj Kumari 011-23052224, 011-40234737 tanuj@eci.gov.in 227
65 Sh. Abhishek Mohan 011-23052181 abhishek.mohan@eci.gov.in 295
66 Sh. Rakesh Kumar 011-23052129 rakesh@eci.gov.in 366
67 Sh. Prafull Awasthi 011-23052141 prafullawasthi@eci.gov.in 422
68 Sh. Rakesh Kumar Saini 011-25303461 rakeshsaini@eci.gov.in 498
69 Sh. O. P. Sahani 011-23052069 opsahani@eci.gov.in 480
70 Sh. Abhishek Tiwari 011-23052037 abhishektiwari@eci.gov.in 580
71 Sh. Love Kush Yadav 011-23488507 lovekush28@eci.gov.in 591
72 Sh. Rajesh Kumar Singh 011-23052131 rajesh@eci.gov.in 386
73 Sh. Dilip Kumar Mahto 011-23052080 dilip@eci.gov.in 387
74 Sh. Naresh Kumar 011-23052010 naresh@eci.gov.in 396
75 Sh. Brijesh Kumar 011-23052013 brajeshkmr@eci.gov.in 382
76 Ms. Guncha Batra Aneja 011-25303499 gunchabatra@eci.gov.in 348
77 Sh. Anup Kumar khakhlary 011-23052068 khakhlaryanup@eci.gov.in 327
78 Sh. Manish Kumar 011-23052008 mnayak86@eci.gov.in 487
79 Sh. Sanjay Kumar 011-23052012 sk.sharma@eci.gov.in 455
80 Sh. Anil Kumar 011-23052049 anilkumargarva@eci.gov.in 392
81 Ms. Anuradha Singh 011-23052158 anu@eci.gov.in 238
82 Ms. Deepmala 011-23052099 deeps@eci.gov.in 469
83 Ms. Jusmit Kaur 011-23052217 jusmeetk@eci.gov.in 453
84 Sh. Manna Lal Meena 011-23052061 mlmeena@eci.gov.in 437
85 Sh. Sheesh Ram 011-23052168 sheesh@eci.gov.in 551
86 Sh. Rameshwar Prashad 011-23488511 rameshwar@eci.gov.in
87 Sh. Surender Singh 011-23052147 surender1.eci@eci.gov.in 398
88 Sh. Hargovind 011-23052102 hargobind@eci.gov.in 371
89 Smt. Shilpi Srivastava 011-23488510 srivastavashilpi@eci.gov.in
90 Sh. Ashuthosh M. 011-23052107 ashuthoshm@eci.gov.in 463
91 Sh. Prakash Chandra Gupta 011-23052164 prakashgupta@eci.gov.in
92 Sh. Raj Lal Rai 011-25303501 rajlalrai@eci.gov.in
93 Kanishka Kumar kksharma@eci.gov.in
94 Vibhor Agrawal vibhoragrawal@eci.gov.in
95 Sandeep Kumar sandeepkumar@eci.gov.in 265
96 Sandeep Kumar sandeep.kumar@eci.gov.in
97 Avdhesh Kumar avdhesh@eci.gov.in
Deputy Secretary & Joint Director
98 Mr. Krishna Kumar Tiwari director.edmd@eci.gov.in  
99 Mr. Anuj Chandak 011-23052205 anuj.chandak@nic.in  

Chief Electoral Officer Contacts

S.No. State Name Phone Email Fax
1 Andhra Pradesh Shri Mukesh Kumar Meena - ceoandhrapradesh@eci.gov.in 0863-2445360
2 Telangana Vikas Raj 9963794447 ceo-telangana@eci.gov.in 040-23455303
3 Arunachal Pradesh Smt. Padmini Singla 9971199013, 9436040067 ceo-arunachalpradesh@eci.gov.in 0360-2212437, 0360-2292787
4 Assam Sh. Anurag Goel 9435540400, 8638769011 ceo-assam@eci.gov.in 0863-2237465
5 Bihar Sh. H. R. Srinivas 8544429901 ceo-bihar@eci.gov.in 0612-2217956
6 Chhattisgarh Ms. Kangale Reena Babasaheb 9407916111 ceo-chhattisgarh@eci.gov.in 0863-2236685
7 Goa Sh. Ramesh Verma 7701954525 ceo-goa@eci.gov.in 0832-2225215, 0832-2225448
8 Gujarat Smt. Pongumatla Bharathi 9978408545 ceo-gujarat@eci.gov.in 079-23250318(O),
9 Haryana Sh. Anurag Agarwal 9779333866 ceo-haryana@eci.gov.in, hry-elect@yahoo.com 0124-2701200, 0124-4012796(O),
10 Himachal Pradesh Sh. Maneesh Garg 9811586033 ceo-himachalpradesh@eci.gov.in 0177-2620024, 0177-2621892
11 Jammu andamp; Kashmir Sh. Pandurang Kondbarao Pole 8899002253 ceo-jk@nic.in 0191-2477519
12 Jharkhand Sh. K. Ravi Kumar 9431313503 ceo-jharkhand@eci.gov.in 0651-2440077
13 Karnataka Shri Manoj Kumar Meena 9448724992 ceo-karnataka@eci.gov.in, ceo.karnataka@gmail.com 080-22242042
14 Kerala Sh. Sanjay M. Kaul 9447011901 ceo-kerala@eci.gov.in 0477-2305116
15 Madhya Pradesh Sh. Anupam Rajan 9425161391 ceo-madhyapradesh@eci.gov.in 0755-2550488
16 Maharashtra Sh. S.M. Deshpande 9987809435 ceo-maharashtra@eci.gov.in 022-22026695
17 Manipur Sh. Pradeep Kumar Jha 8974053226 ceo-manipur@nic.in 0385-2440255
18 Meghalaya Sh. B.D.R Tiwari 9436700935 ceo.meghalaya@eci.gov.in 0364-2225935
19 Mizoram Sh. Madhup Vyas 9625989001 ceo-mizoram@eci.gov.in 0389 2336013
20 Nagaland - - ceo-nagaland@eci.gov.in 0369-2290456
21 Odisha Shri Nikunja Bihari Dhal 9650211500 ceoorissa@gmail.com, ceo-odisha@eci.gov 0671-2536639
22 Punjab Sh. Sibin C. 9463318138 ceo-punjab@eci.gov.in 0183-2724038
23 Rajasthan Shri Praveen Gupta 9414026333 ceo-rajasthan@eci.gov.in 0141-2227666
24 Sikkim Sh. D. Anandan 9434241341 Ceo-sikkim@eci.gov.in 03592-207855
25 Tamil Nadu Shri Satyabrat Sahoo 9443228804 ceotn14@gmail.com, 044-25670390
26 Tripura Sh. Puneet Agarwal 9871870222 ceo-tripura@eci.gov.in 0381-2143357
27 Uttar Pradesh Shri Navdeep Rinwa 9454418101 ceo-uttarpradesh@eci.gov.in 0562-2611226
28 Uttarakhand Sh. V. Shanmugam 9927699403, 8958812322 ceo-uttaranchal@eci.gov.inm 0135-2712055, 0135-2713760, 0135-2713724, 0135-2735006
29 West Bengal Dr. Aariz Aftab 9830078250 ceo-westbengal@eci.gov.in 033-22310880
30 Andaman andamp; Nicobar Island B S Jaglan 03192-232382, 03192-245444, 03192-234042
31 Chandigarh Sh. Vijay Namdeorao Zade 9463333278 ceo-chandigarh@eci.gov.in 0172-2740069, 0172-2740069
32 Dadra andamp; Nagar Haveli andamp; Daman and Diu Sh. Arun T 9986511520 Ceo-daman@eci.gov.in 0260-2231803, 0260-2230619, 0262-2230469
33 NCT of Delhi Sh. P. Krishnamurthy 9958664665 ceo-delhi@eci.gov.in 011-23977130, 011-23969611
34 Lakshadweep Sh. A. Vikranth Raja 8078028891 ceo-lakshadweep@eci.gov.in 04896 262278
35 Puducherry Sh. P. Jawahar 9487794220 ceo-pondicherry@eci.gov.in 0413-2290036, 0413-2292204, 0413-2292206, 0413-2334484, 0413-2334082
36 Ladakh Sh. Yetindra M. Maralker 9422634363 ceo-ladakh@eci.gov.in, secy.fcsca@gmail.com 0191-2477519, 0191-2477389

List of Public Grievance Redressal Officers(PGROs)

S/No. Name of the State / UT Name of the PGRO Designation Telephone Number Mobile Number Email Fax Number
1 Andhra Pradesh Shri J.V. Srinivasa Sastry Asst. C.E.O 0863-2445355 (O) 9550166533 srinivasasastry.jv@gov.in N/A
2 Arunachal Pradesh Shri Genom Tekseng Jt. C.E.O 0360-2212436 (O)
0360-2212367 (R
9436040171 genomtekseng@gmail.com 0360-2212511
3 Assam Shri Mohan Lal Sureka Jt. C.E.O. 0361-2262268(O) 9401454338 ceo-assam@eci.gov.in N/A
4 Bihar Shri Sudhkar Parshad Dy. Election Officer 0612-2215978 8544429912 dyeohqs@gmail.com 0612-2215978
5 Chhattisgarh Smt. Jaisri Jain Dy. C.E.O. 0771-2228888 9926633344 deputyceoraipur@gmail.com 0771-2224476
6 Goa Shri Narayan S. Navti Jt. C.E.O. 0832-2225215, 0832-2225228 9404912277 ceo-goa@eci.gov.in 0832-2225448
7 Gujarat Shri Ronak Mehta Dy. Secretary (Complaints) 079-23257084 (O) 079-23225310 (R) 9978405796 usceo-guj@nic.in
8 Haryana Sh Apurv Jt. C.E.O. 0172-2712200 9468176781 ceo-haryana@eci.gov.in 0172-256556
9 Himachal Pradesh Shri vikas Sood Jt. C.E.O. 0177-2621551 (O)
0177-281210 (R )
9418000089 election.hp@nic.in 0177-2625584
10 Jammu and Kashmir Shri Krishan Lal Jt. C.E.O. 0191-2477519   krishan.jmd@gmail.com 0191-2477389
11 Jharkhand Shri Mahadev Dhan Jt. C.E.O. 0651-2444787 9431367911 ceocomputercell1@gmail.com
12 Karnataka Shri V. Raghavendra Dy. CEO (Training and Election Expenditure 080-22224212 9886780462 deputyceo.karnataka@gmail.com 080-22242013
13 Kerala Shri K. Sundarsanan Addl. Secretary and Addl. C.E.O. and Addl. C.E.O. 0471-2307172 (O) 0471-2300502 (O) 0471-2115553 (R ) 9446471008 ksdrsnn@gmail.com 0471-2307168
14 Madhya Pradesh Shri Roshan Roy Dy. C.E.O 9893770588 voterscomplaint@gmail.com chiefelectoralofficermp@gmail.com 0755-255162
15 Maharashtra Shri Anil Valvi Dy. and Jt. CEO 022-22856667 (O) 022-26404895 (R ) 9833005769 ceo-maharashtra@eci.gov.in 022-22026441
16 Manipu Shri N. AngangjaoSingh Asst. C.E.O. 0385-2414859 9615714818 dmaidinbuibou@gmail.com 0385- 24148590, 0385- 24142
17 Meghalaya Shri Wilfred Khyllep Addl. C.E.O 0364-2224184 9863028845 wkhyllep@yahoo.com ceo.meghalaya@gmail.com 0364-42225621
18 Mizoram Shri F.J. Liantluanga Jt. C.E.O. 0389-2322477 9436147094 fanaijarepliantluanga@gmail.com 0389- 2328160
0389- 2325
19 Nagaland Shri N. Moa Aier Jt. C.E.O 0370-2290452 9436006527 mmoaaier@yahoo.com 0370-2290310
20 Odisha Shri Bhabani Prasad Ray Jt. CEO-CumJt. Secy to Govt 0674-2391125 9439317319 ceoorissa@gmail.com 0674-2393530
21 Punjab Smt. Amandeep Kaur Addl. C.E.O. 0172-2704779 9855532679 dyceo@punjab.gov.in 0172-2707970
22 Rajasthan Shri Vinod Kumar Pareek Dy. C.E.O. 0141-2227843(O)
0141-2554168 (R )
9828086576 pareekvinod60@gmail.com 0141-2227794
23 Sikkim Ms. Urvashi Poudyal Jt. C.E.O 03592-203660 9434184194 jointceoskm@gmail.com 03592-204725
24 Tamil Nadu Thiru V Sridhar U/S to Govt. Public (Elec.) Department 044-25679396 9445479277 tnceopgro@gmail.com N/A
25 Telangana Sri Anoop singh Addl. C.E.O. 040-23450833 (O) 040-29807517(R ) 7680898855 anoopsinghifs@gmail.com anoop.singh@ap.gov.in 040-23455781
26 Tripura Shri Debashis Modak Addl. C.E.O. 0381-2309232 9436463780 addlceotripura@gmail.com 0381-2324510
27 Uttar Pradesh Sri Indra Bhooshan Verma Dy CEO 0522-2202086 9140374153 pgroceoup@gmail.com 0522-2230073
27 Uttar Pradesh Sri Indra Bhooshan Verma Dy CEO 0522-2202086 9140374153 N/A 0522-2230073
28 Uttarakhand Shri S A Murugesan Addl. C.E.O. 0135-2713551, 0135-2713552 9411777453 election09@gmail.com 0135-2713724
29 West Bengal Sri Saikat Das Dy. C.E.O. 033-22627912 8017100024 wbdyceosaikat@gmail.com 033-22310840
30 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Ms. Mitali Goel Dy. C.E.O. 03192-232575( O ) 03192-234703( O ) 03192-232895 ( R ) 9474220034 acsasdmoffice@gmail.com 03192-235085
31 Chandigarh Ms. Kirti Garg, Jt. C.E.O. 0172-2676016 9557182979 ceo-chandigarh@eci.gov.in 0172-2700322
32 Dadra and NagarHaveli Shri Shivam Teotia Dy. C.E.O. 0260-2642340 9911231740 shivamteotia@gmail.com 0260-2642340
32 Dadra and NagarHaveli Shri Shivam Teotia Dy. C.E.O. 0260-2642340 9911231740 N/A 0260-2642340
33 Daman and Diu Shri Karanjit PVadodaria Dy. C.E.O. 0260-2230049 9408023636 dycoll-dmn-dd@nic.in 0260-2230049
34 Lakshadweep Shri G S Pandey E.R.O. 04896-262203 9446889844 electionkvt@gmail.com N/A
35 National CapitalTerritory of Delhi Shri Ajay Kumar Asst. Director (Planning) 011-23914302 9810083490 adplgceo.delhi@gov.in N/A
36 Puducherry Shri P.T. Rudra Goud Jt. C.E.O. 0413-2292204 8903952798 jtceo-pondicherry@eci.gov.in 0413-2292206
36 Puducherry Shri P.T. Rudra Goud Jt. C.E.O. 0413-2292204 8903952798 0413-2292206


Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001
EPABX:  011-23052205, 011-23052206, 011-23052207,
011-23052208, 011-23052209, 011-23052210, 011-23052212,
011-23052213, 011-23052214, 011-23052215, 011-23052216,
011-23052217, 011-23052218,
011-23052146, 011-23052148, 011-23052150
Faxline: 011-23052219011-23052162, 011-23052163,
011-23052119, 011-23052145
Email: complaints@eci.gov.in
Control Room: 011-23052220

Social Sites


Epic card download for Maharashtra state people

Cannot download E EPIC CARD from past one month any alternative can we get it in offline please suggest and give positive solution don't say system is upgrading

Voter card is not received

Voter card is not received after 6 month. But name and Epic number is showing in voter list.

Voter Card Not Received After 5 month

Voter card is not received after 5 or 6 month. But name and Epic number is showing in voter list.

calling from 4 days but no one picking

main 3 4 din se 1800 111 950 pe call kr ra hu. bas waiting k liye bolte h.jab kaam ni ho raha to band karo ye calling service. kyu monthly lakh rupees loot rahe ho humare paiso se. free me salary cahiye kya? govt job ka matlab ye ni hota ki kaam mat karo and salary lo.

Applied for voter id shifting from another state

Dear sir , Sorry for inconvenience
the following is my application no
Applied for voter id shifting from other state.
not yet received any notification .
status is still "submitted". no further progress

please do the need full sir

For reset my password

sir\ madam,
Mera name sanjay kumar hai. Mein apna voter helpline ka login password bhool gya hoon. Or jab mein apna password reset krta hu tab reset failed bta rha hai.
Pls help me for my login from app..

Voter I'd card not receved

I didn't receive my EPIC CARD no AUV2379311.I just completed 19 and voted in Loksabha election 2019.But I didn't receive EPIC CARD.MY state is Biharand assembly is Hilsa booth no 13

Thanking you.

I haven't payment of election duty by election Commission

Respected sir/madam, I am a primary teacher in hajaji goliya primary school, naroli, ta- tharad, district - Banaskantha , State - Gujarat.I have done three days election duty on this Lok Sabha election 2019. But sir I have not pay allowance of election duty by election Commission. So sir I hope that allowance payment get to me fastly. My election duty on place - morthal-4, village-morthal , ta- tharad, dist- banaskantha, state - Gujarat. Jay hind

Voter I'd cards should be linked with Aadhar cards bill not pass

In A.P
I'm requesting you to pass that bill in A.P state as soon as possible by our government our C.M Y.S.Jaganmohanreddy garu

ELECTOR CARD not received till now

Dear sir,

I raised address change request in Feb'19. My address was updated and I even voted for General election in Apr'19 without voter ID card.

It's been five month now and I haven't received VOTER CARD till date.

Complaint has been raised in multiple forum, however everytime I was assigned a BLO contact number. BLO are not at all respondent. She never had picked my call but once and in that call too I was told that the number is incorrect.

Assigned BLO was Anita.

My poling station was sector 78, The Manthan School.

Satish Chandra



Dear Sir,

We welcome you as the New Chief Election Commissioner of India, and look forward for better conduct of the Next General Election due in March- April 2019.We look forward to you for conducting the Elections in a really dignified manner as it used to be conducted under the tenure of Mr. T.N. Seshan. The areas in which improvement can be made are suggested below:

1. One Nation One Election
The suggestion sounds good but looks impracticable as the political situation in different states is not the same and may require Election before the due date.

2. Holding of Public Meetings
In view of the development of Television holding of Public meetings should be curtailed drastically, as it results in massive avoidable expenditure, reduce security concerns, and save on valuable foreign exchange on account of reduction in Petrol/Diesel consumption.

3. Reduction in the number of days of Electioneering

The number of days for Electioneering should be curtailed to 7days from last date of withdrawal
of candidature from election.

4. Reduction in the number of Political parties to not more than three for Lok Sabha and additional two parties for each state.

Multiplicity of political parties has not served the purpose of fulfilling the aspirations of the masses but has instead become a hindrance in projecting the true will of the people in general. It has been observed that a candidate wins by polling even less than 30% of the popular votes. The state parties can enter into poll alliance with the National Parties for Lok Sabha Elections.

5. Election Manifesto

Election Manifesto of the Political parties should be announced within 21 days from the date of issue of Election Notification. No party shall promise free bees/ waiver of loans etc which create bad impact on the health of the country’s Economy

6. Educational Qualification for becoming MP/ MLA

Any person seeking Election as Member of Parliament or State Legislature must be a graduate in any discipline from any recognized University in India.

7. Minimum and Maximum Age of the Contestant

A candidate may seek election for MLA/MP if he/she is between the age of 25 years and 75years only.

8. Implication of NOTA

The introduction of NOTA in voting is gaining popularity and is being used as an effective tool to register one’s protest against election of any of the candidate. Thus, it would become even better if the Election is nullified if the total NOTA votes are more than5% of the total votes cast. This would compel the Political parties to nominate candidates with good public image and acceptability.

I would request you to consider the above suggestions seriously and recommend to the Government to and take appropriate steps for necessary amendment to the Peoples Representation Act 1951.

I now look forward for implementation of the above suggestions to make our Democracy more meaningful.


I didn't receive my EPIC CARD.I just completed 18 and voted in Loksabha election 2019.But I didn't receive EPIC CARD.MY state is Maharashtra and assembly is Hadapsar.

Thanking you.


Dear Madam/Sir,

In the background of currrent debates regarding counting of VVPAT paper trails, I have a suggestion that by introducing a small tweak on VVPAT whereby, the paper trail slips will also create a mark along with the election symbol, which can be processed by Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

Optical Mark reading (OMR) is a method of entering data into a computer system. Optical Mark Readers reads marks made in pre-defined positions on paper forms as symbols. The OMR data entry system contains the information to convert the presence or absence of marks into a computer data file.
The OMR technology could be used if data is to be collected from a large number of sources simultaneously, a large volume of data must be collected and processed in a short period of time, information mainly comprises the selection of candidate's symbol to multiple choice.
Example of OMR based questionnaire form

The main advantages of OMR technology are as follows:
OMR scanning is fast: An OMR scanner can maintain a throughput of 2000 to 10,000 forms per hour. This activity can be controlled and processed by a single PC workstation, which can handle any volume the scanner can generate. Increasing the throughput simply requires upgrading the scanner. Double entry is not required.
OMR scanning is accurate: It consistently provides unmatched accuracy when reading data, exceeding the accuracy of expert key-entry clerks because it eliminates transcription errors.
OMR scanning is cost effective: With OMR technology, electoral process can accomplish tasks rapidly and accurately from a central location, with minimum initial and ongoing outlay of funds.
OMR scanning is easy to implement and support : Compared to many PC network installations, OMR scanners' need for ongoing technical support is minimal. OMR scanners also solve most system availability issues: data can be recorded on an OMR form even when a PC or network goes down. If questions arise, a source form is available to validate results.

Hence, as aforementioned, the EC may chose to count 100% of VVPAT in very short time and the credibility of Election Process can reach the highest without casting any doubt and excuses.

Thank you,

Best regards,

Kabir Panicker

Why are the voter ids not made timely?

It has been three months since I submitted all my documents at the girls govt school nit no -5, faridabad. Till now my voter card has not been sent to me and the elections in faridabad are on 12th may. I have tried to enquire through all means, but with no response.
We are responsible citizens of India and have the right to vote. Why is the departent so slow and irresponsible as regards such an important issue.
Why should I as a citizen suffer because of the negligence of the government. I wish to exercise my voting rights. PLEASE HELP..ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT FOR THE ELECTIONS HERE IN FARIDABAD.

Regarding sincerity of election comision

Sir I have today seen riging vote in bengal, asansol Sir please take any step regarding bengal,be more strict,we are not getting actuall result of election please give another day of voting in one and Only bengal please please please Sir please take necessarry steps for removing corruption











My and my husband name not in voters list

Two times I have filled the name addition form and submit one time in Treasury and last te BLO submitted the form . I have both receipts but now my and my husband names nit in voters list
What can I do

How to give a vote

I don't have voters I'd or I don't know wether my name is in list of voters but I have aadhar card of chittoor ap so can I give a vote?

Voter Id not received

I have applied voter id of My and My wife in June . I have received acknowladgement message for both of Id . But I did not get Voter Id.

To know what happen in hearing process of new voter id

I am applied for new voter id.
Hering process is going on.
I wanted to know what happen in this process.

My application process 5months over

My application process reference no BXT653218918

How to check my name in election list

As per Election commission toll free no provided 1950 but same is not active why these no provided which is useless really not understand election commission has to be check himself before releasing.

My vote not avl in list

Dear sir,

Sorry for inconvenience.

Please support and confrim the my vote status

ID ITV****151.

I have also trying on online portal but my voter details not found.


voter ID card

वोटर आई कार्ड अगर बनाने के लिए देते हैं तो टाइम से क्यों नहीं पढ़ पाता है ऑफिसर की इतनी लापरवाही क्यों होती है डॉक्यूमेंट ओके होने के बावजूद कार्ड क्यों नहीं बन पाता है रीजन क्या है

Voter card

Voter ID card ma
Form 8ma

Field verification thatu Nathi

I want my voter id card

Please help me sir mera voter id card or pan card missplac ho gaya thaa or uski uski FIR copy hai mere pass but or abhi tk mujhko mere documents nahi mile sir problem ye hai ki mere documents delhi k address sy jaha mai family k sath rehti thi but aub mai haryana mai rehti hun, or FIR haryana mai karwai hai kyon ki yahan local buss mai traveling karty samy khoya thaa sir three years ho gaye mai bhi vote karna chahti hun sir mere pass coppys hai voter id or pan card ki sir please help me

Request for GO Copy for SC/ST employees resignation for election

Respected Sir,
I kindly request for copy GO for resignation of State Government Job in Andhra Pradesh for contempt to Elections

Request for Voter card of my daughter

EPIC Number of my daughter generated and issued vide no. WGO4685830.
Kindly arrange to issue voter card in favour of my daughter DEBASHREETA DAS.

With regards,
Debasish Das
Father of Debashreeta Das

Voting related

सेवा मे
श्री मान चुनाव आयोग भारत सरकार भारत

सविनय निवेदन यह है की भारत मे vote करने का हक सबको है और सबको वोट करनी भी चाहीये लेकिन सब नही कर पाते उसमे काफी सारी परेशानी हो सकती है मगर एक सबसे अहम परेशानी है के घर से 500/600/300/5000/10000 किलो मीटर दूर किसी compny यां ऑफीस मे काम करने क़े कारण से वोट नही कर पाते ! चुनाव आयोग से और मेरी सरकार और मेरे प्रिया नेता मोदी जी से मेरी एक हाथ जोड़ कर प्रार्थना है ! की कोई ऑनलाइन वोटिंग का app लॉन्च किया जाऐ !
जैसे हम लोग safe money ट्रान्सफर करते है बिल्कुल वैसे ही !
और उसको आधार से लिंक कर दिया जाऐ और लास्ट मे एक फिंगर प्रिंट से वेरीफाई होना चाहीये जिससे कोई और वोट कर ही ना पाये और एक फोन से सिर्फ 10 मेम्बर ही वोट कर पाये
इसका लाभ मेरे जैसे घर से दूर रहने वाले लोगो को होगा जो वोट डालना चाहते है मगर नही डाल पाते
आपकी अति कृपा होगी धन्यवाद जय हिन्द जय भारत जय मोदी जी की !

Voter ID not receuved

My son was recently enrolled in the electoral rolls of booth 224 Badhkal 87 , Sr 889 Sector 21 C Faridabad 121001 voter id RUR1672112 ,

We have stillnot got voterid card despite 5 months follow up with BLO Sh Avtaar Singh and Sh Mayaram

evms only in all elections - it eliminates rigging mostly

Dear Sir..
1.in all elections evms have to be used invariably because it would minimise rigging
2.i strongly believe that result from evm and from ballot has been tested thoroughly. Test could have been with 1000 voters atleast. For ex. Let voting be done both in evm and with ballot .. give the vote slip with voter name, a code, party name to vote for a prefixed party, ask the voter to vote in evm for the same party..
Now result can be compared..

to also lodge FIR on political leader who use to say that EVM ca

Regarding your FIR on saeyad suja who claimed few days before that EVM can be hack, it was a great remove from you. But sir many political leader always use to say that EVM can be hack but unfortunately you do not take any proper action , it is why ? It is my suggestion to you that also lodge an FIR who usually make this type of propogenda otherwise you have no right to FIR on that saeyad suja, rule should be equal for all

How u can said evm never go hack


I seen program on national TV where ECI officers said that no obe can hack evm or fake vote on evm, but i also seen a program live from sansad where a engineer show how we make a minister with vote and he done very well.
Thrn how your officers said that evm is safe because you all guye are slaves of chor modi
Shame on you, you live in India, eat in India and also fuck the India and Indians.. Bull shit peoples you are....

A non Indian be a pm (modi) and you all support to him only...

If you guys belongs to Akhand Bharat then stop supporting Hindustan
Don't make fool people's
Wheb u press nota on evm and your vote goes to bjp great evm and you yous

Reg: Cancellation of my vote

Hello sir/madam,
I am registered voter of Telangana resident from Nagarjuna Sagar constituency in 2014 general elections. I have voted in 2014, but when I opened the list to check my name in the voters list of 2018, could not find my name. Could u please help me out from this case. Can I vote with out my name in the list. Is there any option for to elect my leader.
Note*: Vote must be cancelled if a voter doesn't utilise his or her Vote for next 3 general elections ..
But I have voted in 2014, so how can utilise my right to vote for this elections..
If u can help me please do, if not I can understand that we all belong to same category of people ...

I would like to thank if u be the real helpful person.
Thanks and regards