Goa International Airport Contact No. 0832-2540 806

Airports Authority of India(AAI) All India Number(s):
- +91 832-2540 806 (For Airport Queries)
Official Website - apdgoa@aai.aero (For Airport Queries)
Important Links
Officers Contact Details
Sr No. | Name & Designation | Contact No. | |
1 | S.V.T Dhanamjaya Rao, Airport Director |
0832-2540806 | apdgoa@aai.aero |
2 | George Varughese, Public Grievance Officer |
0832-2542536 | pgo_goa@aai.aero |
3 | Lost and Found Section | 9975100210 | tmgoa@aai.aero |
4 | Airport Terminal Manager | 9975100211 | tmgoa@aai.aero |
5 | George Varughese, Jt.GM(Ops) & Safety Investigation Coordinator (SIC) |
0832-2542536 | ops_goa@aai.aero |
Airports Authority of India,
Goa International Airport , Dabolim-403801 (Goa)
Fax: 91-832-2541610
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