Airport Authority of India (AAI) Helpline No. 011-2463 2950
Airports Authority of India(AAI) Toll free Number(s):
- 1800 11 0402 (Contact Support)
All India Number(s):
- 011-2463 2950 (Delhi Contact Support)
- 011-2465 1094 (For Complaints, Mon-Fri, 9:30am-5:30pm)
Official Website - (For Complaints)
Important Links
Department Wise Contact Details
Sr No. | Department | Name | Location | |
General Manager | ||||
1 | Finance & Accounts | G.S. Mohapatra | Gsmohapatra@Aai.Aero | Chq |
2 | Finance & Accounts | R. Ramani | Ramanir@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
3 | Engineering | Hs Balhara | Gmenggnr@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
4 | Engineering | Shirish Krishna Vyawahare | Shirishv@Aai.Aero | Airport |
5 | Technical | R Ashok Kumar | Gmtech2@Aai.Aero | Chq |
6 | Pulla Hezekiah | Hpulla@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
7 | Cns-Om | Pradeep Kumar Srivastava | Pradeepsri@Aai.Aero | Chq |
8 | Fire Services | Subhash Kumar | Subhashk2@Aai.Aero | Chq |
9 | Cns-Om | Soran Girraj Singh | Soransingh@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
10 | Engineering | Hari Kumar R | Harikumar@Aai.Aero | Airport |
11 | Human Resource | Maya Lavania | Mayalavania@Aai.Aero | Chq |
12 | Finance & Accounts | C.V. Deepak | Deepakcv@Aai.Aero | Airport |
13 | Finance & Accounts | Vijay Kumar | Gmfnr@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
14 | Dharmendra Kumar Kamra | Kamra_Dk@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
15 | Cns-P - I | Sh. A. Saravanakumar | Gmcnspsurv@Aai.Aero | Chq |
16 | G.W. Ghanmode | Gwghanmode@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
17 | Engineering | R. Mahalingam | Rmahalingam@Aai.Aero | Airport |
18 | Engineering | Om Prakash Chugh | Opchugh@Aai.Aero | Chq |
19 | G. Prabhaharan | Gprabaharan@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
20 | Engineering | Narendra Kumar Shukla | Narendras01@Aai.Aero | Chq |
21 | Cns-Om | Arun Kumar Khare | Akkhare@Aai.Aero | Airport |
22 | Engineering | Ashok Kumar | Ashoksharma@Aai.Aero | Chq |
23 | Aviation Security | Capt. S.K. Malik | Gmsecurity@Aai.Aero | Chq |
24 | Engineering | Jaideep Singh Balhara | Jaideepb@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
25 | Cns-P - I | Sh. Mahendra Singh Alawa | Gmcnspnav@Aai.Aero | Chq |
26 | Information Technology | V. Baburaj | Vbaburaj@Aai.Aero | Chq |
27 | Finance & Accounts | J. Balasekar | Bala@Aai.Aero | Airport |
28 | Human Resource | Raj Kumar Joshi | Rjoshi@Aai.Aero | Chq |
29 | Suresh Chandar Hota | Sureshhota@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
30 | Moosa. T.F. | Tfmoosa@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
31 | Cns-Om | Ramesh Kumar | Ramesh59@Aai.Aero | Airport |
32 | Engineering | Sanmukh Jugani | Sjugani@Aai.Aero | Airport |
33 | Engineering | M.K. Abdul Azeez | Mkazeez@Aai.Aero | Airport |
34 | Cns-Om | Vasamsetti Venkateswara Rao | Vasamsettir@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
35 | Airport Systems | Sh. Rajesh Gokhe | Gmas-P@Aai.Aero | Chq |
36 | Cns-Om | Ajay Kumar Kapur | Akkapur@Aai.Aero | Chq |
37 | Finance & Accounts | K.S. Sivakumar | Kssivakumar@Aai.Aero | Chq |
38 | Human Resource | Gian Batra | Gianbatra@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
39 | Engineering | Debasish Sahoo | Dsahoo@Aai.Aero | Airport |
40 | Cns-Om | Sridhar Kumar Mallick | Skmalik@Aai.Aero | Chq |
41 | Somanath Das | Sndas@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
42 | Engineering | Reena Rai | Reenarai@Aai.Aero | Chq |
43 | Human Resource | B. Muralidaran | Gmhrner@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
44 | Human Resource | Ram Avtar Meena | Rameena@Aai.Aero | Chq |
45 | Cns-Om | Aniruddha Kumar Sharma | Saniruddha@Aai.Aero | Chq |
46 | B.Vinod Kumar Pillai | Bvinodpillai@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
47 | Engineering | Kaushal Kumar Singh | Kksingh@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
48 | Engineering | Ajay Kumar | Akbharadwaj@Aai.Aero | Airport |
49 | Rajan George | Rajangeorge@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
50 | Anandrao Patru Gajbe | Anandraopg@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
51 | Rajiv Saxena | Rksaxena@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
52 | Technical | R Ashok Kumar | Gmtechchq@Aai.Aero | Chq |
53 | Cns-Om | Himadri Sekhar Biswas | Himadri68@Aai.Aero | Chq |
54 | K. Vasudevan | Vasudevanatc@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
55 | Engineering | Gandham Rajasekhar | Grajasekhar@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
56 | Finance & Accounts | Pawan Kumar Aggarwal | Pka@Aai.Aero | Chq |
57 | Human Resource | Harbir Singh | Harbirsingh@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
58 | Finance & Accounts | G. Jayashree | Gjayashree@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
59 | Engineering | Panicker S.G. | Sgpanicker@Aai.Aero | Airport |
60 | Engineering | Ashok Kumar Sharma | A_Ksharma@Aai.Aero | Airport |
61 | Aryama Sanyal | Asanyal@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
62 | Engineering | Ashok Kumar Agrawal | Ashokagrawal@Aai.Aero | Chq |
63 | Engineering | Rajesh Nilkanth Shinde | Rajshinde@Aai.Aero | Chq |
64 | Manoj Chansoria | Mchansoria@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
65 | Finance & Accounts | Vijay Kumar | Vkmahajan@Aai.Aero | Airport |
66 | Cns-Om | Mohit Lal Chakraborty | Chakraborty1@Aai.Aero | Chq |
67 | B.K. Mehrotra | Mehrotrabk@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
68 | Engineering | Bhanu Pratap Singh Gaur | Bpsgaur@Aai.Aero | Chq |
69 | Land Management | Arun Sharma | Arunsharma@Aai.Aero | Chq |
70 | Engineering | Sumant Kr. Jain | Gmenggner@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
71 | Engineering | Brijesh Kumar Tailong | Bktailong@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
72 | A.K. Bhardwaj | Akbhardwaj@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
73 | Engineering | G.Prakash Reddy | Greddy@Aai.Aero | Airport |
74 | Finance & Accounts | V. Vidya | Vidya@Aai.Aero | Chq |
75 | Mohd. Tajuddin | Mohdtajuddin@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
76 | Finance & Accounts | V.B. Chandrakumar | Vbchkumar@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
77 | Technical | Aggarwalkl@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
78 | Commercial | Ashok Kumar Verma | Ashokkverma@Aai.Aero | |
79 | R.G. Lama | Gmaeroner@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
80 | K.P. Kailas Nadh | Nadh@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
81 | Vipin Gupta | Vipin_Gupta@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
82 | Engineering | M.M. Francis | Mmfrancis@Aai.Aero | Airport |
83 | Finance & Accounts | Dharmendra Bhojwani | Dbhojwani@Aai.Aero | Chq |
84 | Akash Deep | Akashdeep@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
85 | Orit Stephan Ekka | Osekka@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
86 | Finance & Accounts | S. Radhakrishnan | Gmfinner@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
87 | Rajeev Tejsingh Mehta | Rmehta@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
88 | Yudhisthir Sahoo | Yudhsag@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
89 | Engineering | Gautam Biswas | Gbiswas@Aai.Aero | Airport |
90 | R. Sridhar | Rsridhar@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
91 | V. Krishnan | Vkrishnan@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
92 | Engineering | Sharad Kumar | Sharadkumar@Aai.Aero | Airport |
93 | Jaswinder Singh Sandhu | Jssandhu@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
94 | Cns-Om | G.S Rao | Gsrao@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
95 | Cns-Om | G.K. Venugopal | Gkvenu@Aai.Aero | Airport |
96 | Anil Kumar Meena | Akmeena@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
97 | Engineering | R Harikumar | Gmenr@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
98 | Shankar Mardi | Shankarmardi@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
99 | S.K. Purwar | Skpurwar@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
100 | Engineering | Judson S | Sjudson@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
101 | Anil Kumar Rai | Akrai@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
102 | Engineering | N.V. Subbarayudu | Nvsr@Aai.Aero | Chq |
103 | Human Resource | Nivedita Dubey | Nivedita@Aai.Aero | Chq |
104 | Cns-Om | Lingamaneni Sri Rama Mohana Rao | Lsrmohanrao@Aai.Aero | Chq |
105 | Corporate Communications | J.B. Singh | Jbsng@Aai.Aero | Chq |
106 | Cns-P - I | Sh. Aniruddha Kumar Sharma | Gmcnspcom@Aai.Aero | Chq |
107 | Terminal Management | Pradeep Kumar Srivastava | Spradeep@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
108 | Cns-Om | C Pattabhi | Cpattabhi@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
109 | Airport Systems | Rajesh Gokhe | Rajeshgokhe@Aai.Aero | Chq |
110 | K.Manoj Gangal | Mkgangal@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
111 | Rohtash Kumar Singla | Rksingla@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
112 | Human Resource | M. Natarajan | Mnatarajan@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
113 | Engineering | Pradeep Kumar | Pradeepkumar@Aai.Aero | Chq |
114 | Davinder Arora | Devindera@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
115 | Gmatmpalam@Aai.Aero | Rhq | ||
116 | Engineering | George Tharakan | Ggtharakan@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
117 | Engineering | Prabhu Dev N | Nprabhudev@Aai.Aero | Airport |
118 | Engineering | Chandra Shekhar | C_Shekhar@Aai.Aero | Chq |
119 | Engineering | Dan Singh Gariya | Dangariya@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
120 | Cns-Om | S Perumal | Sperumal@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
121 | Operations | Anil Garg | Anilgarg@Aai.Aero | Chq |
122 | Charul Shukla | Charulshukla@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
123 | Finance & Accounts | Ram Dular Vishwakarma | Rdv@Aai.Aero | Chq |
124 | Ajay Shiva | Ajayshiva@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
125 | Harbir Singh | Gmhrnr@Aai.Aero | ||
126 | Terminal Management | T.E. Ramgopal | Ramgopal01@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
127 | Pradeep Kandoth | Pkandoth@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
128 | Engineering | Bal Krishan Chanana | Bkchanana@Aai.Aero | Airport |
129 | Operations | Vivek Anand Chourey | Vachourey@Aai.Aero | Chq |
130 | Cns-Om | Pan Singh | Pansingh@Aai.Aero | Chq |
131 | Anand Gangadhar Joshi | Anandjoshi@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
132 | Engineering | Hari Kumar R | Rharikumar@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
133 | Engineering | Ghanshyam Dass Gupta | Gdgupta@Aai.Aero | Chq |
134 | V.P Arya | Gmlawchq@Aai.Aero | ||
135 | Pradeep Sharma | Pradeeps@Aai.Aero | Airport | |
136 | Finance & Accounts | Balwant Singh | S.Balwant@Aai.Aero | Chq |
137 | Cns-Om | Shiv Poojan Pandey | Sppandey@Aai.Aero | Airport |
138 | Cns-Om | Bangalore Madhusudhan | Bmadhusudhan@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
139 | Barun Kr. Sarkar | Barun_Sarkar@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
140 | Sangeeta Mahay | Smahay@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
141 | Information Technology | Prabhakar Bajpai | Gmitchq@Aai.Aero | Chq |
142 | Cns-Om | Kalicharan Patro | Kali@Aai.Aero | Chq |
143 | N.S. Dagar | Gmatmsqms@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
144 | C.G. Raveendran | Cgraveendran@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
145 | Peter Abraham | Peterabraham@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
146 | Cns-Om | Premangshu Mondal | Pmondal@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
147 | Finance & Accounts | Subrata Paul | Spaul@Aai.Aero | Chq |
148 | Engineering | S.P. Yadav | Spyadav@Aai.Aero | Chq |
Executive Director | ||||
149 | Finance & Accounts | Abdul Aziz Khatana | Aakhatana@Aai.Aero | Chq |
150 | Cns-Om | Atul Dikshit | Atuldikshit@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
151 | Information Technology | Anurag Sharma | Edit@Aai.Aero | Chq |
152 | Finance & Accounts | G Ravichandran | Gravic@Aai.Aero | Chq |
153 | Finance & Accounts | R. Madhavan | Rmadhavan@Aai.Aero | Chq |
154 | Technical | E.P. Hareendranathan | Hariep@Aai.Aero | Airport |
155 | Cns-Om | Amit Kumar Banerjee | Akbanerjee@Aai.Aero | Chq |
156 | Engineering | Rakesh Kalra | Rakeshkalra@Aai.Aero | Airport |
157 | S.V. Satish | Svsatish@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
158 | Engineering | Anil Kumar Pathak | Apathak@Aai.Aero | Chq |
159 | Commercial | Sanjay Jain | Sjain@Aai.Aero | Chq |
160 | Engineering | S. Sreekumar | Sreekumar61@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
161 | Engineering | G. Chandramouli | Gchandram@Aai.Aero | Airport |
162 | Cns-Om | Nikhil Ranjan Das | Nrdas@Aai.Aero | Airport |
163 | Human Resource | Edhr@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
164 | Saradindu Biswas | Sabiswas@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
165 | Sh Jaideep Singh Balhara | Red_Nr@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
166 | Ramendra Kumar Singh | Kramendra@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
167 | Redner@Aai.Aero | Rhq | ||
168 | Finance & Accounts | Pankaj Jain | Pankajjain@Aai.Aero | Chq |
169 | Technical | Reena Rai | Edtech@Aai.Aero | Chq |
170 | Engineering | Kishan Lal Sharma | Klsharma@Aai.Aero | Rhq |
171 | Aaiclas(Cargo) | Shri Ajay Kumar | Ceo-Aaiclas@Aai.Aero | Chq |
172 | Kaushik Bhattacharjee | Kaushikb@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
173 | Engineering | G.K. Chaukiyal | Gkchaukiyal@Aai.Aero | Chq |
174 | Sylvester Israel | Sylvester@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
175 | K.V. Murali | Kvmurali@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
176 | J.P. Alex | Edatm@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
177 | Keshava Sharma | Keshavs@Aai.Aero | Rhq | |
178 | Mukesh Chand Dangi | Mcdangi@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
179 | Cns-P - I | Sh. Suresh N. Borkar | Edcnsp1@Aai.Aero | Chq |
180 | Engineering | H.S. Suresh | Hssuresh@Aai.Aero | Chq |
181 | Sunil Kumar Oberoi | Sunilkoberoi@Aai.Aero | Chq | |
182 | Jvc/Ppp-Ii | N V Subbarayudu | Edsiu@Aai.Aero | Chq |
For Airport Rescue & Firefighting Equipment
Sr. No. | Appliances/ Vehicles | Numbers (nos.) |
1. | ARRFV | 194 |
2. | Ambulance | 126 |
3. | Mobile Command Post (MCP) | 29 |
4. | Rescue Stairs | 02 |
For Complaints / Grievances
- For complain to write to Vigilance Department headed by Chief Vigilance Officer
- Name: Sh. Amal Garg, IRS
Designation: Chief Vigilance Officer
Office Address: Room No. 269, C-Wing, Rajiv Ghandi
Bhawan Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110003
Telephone: 011-24651094
Fax: 011-24611069
Email Id:
- Name: Sh. Amal Garg, IRS
- For all headquarters of all Regions Northern Region at Delhi, Eastern Region at Kolkata, Western Region at Mumbai, Southern Region at Chennai, North-Eastern Region at Guwahati, the complaints is resolved within 90 working days of receipt of complaint take final view on the allegations/ information.
- You can complain at these Other Important Contacts:
Sr No. | Fax | Phone | |
1 | Chairman, AAI | 011-24632930, 011-2461088 | |
2 | Central Vigilance Commission | 011-24651001, 011-24651002, 011-24651003, 011-24651004, 011-24651005, 011-24651006, 011-24651007, 011-24651008, 011-24651010 | |
Contact Details of Designated Officers of AAI at Regional / Station Level NOC Cells
S.No. | Designated Officers | Contact No. | Email id | Communication Address Airports Authority of India |
1. | General Manager, Directorate of Aerodrome Safeguarding | 011-24632950 Ext: 2293, 2261, 2217 | , | Corporate Headquarter Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110003 |
2. | Regional Executive Director, Northern Region | 011-25652819 (Telefax) 011-25652830 |, (Escalation) | Regional Headquarter, Northern Region, Operational Offices,Gurgaon Road, New Delhi-110 037 |
3. | Regional Executive Director, Eastern Region | 033-25119223 (Telefax) 033-25111293 |, (Escalation) | Regional Headquarter, Eastern Region, N.S.C.B.I Airport, Kolkata-700 052 |
4. | Regional Executive Director, North East Region | 0361-2842637, 0361-2841681 (FAX) |, (Escalation) | Regional Headquarter, North-Eastern Region, LGBI Airport Guwahati, (Assam) -781015 |
5. | Regional Executive Director, Western Region | 022-20881422 |, (Escalation) | Regional Headquarter, Western Region, Opp. Parsiwada, Sahar Road, Vale Parle (E) Mumbai 400 099 |
6. | Regional Executive Director, Southern Region | 044-22561264 (Telefax) |, (Escalation) | Regional Headquarter, Southern Region, Anna International Airport Chennai (TN) - 600 027 |
7. | General Manager (CIC), Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru | 080-22019900 080-27688000 |, | Alpha1, A.T.S. Complex, Kempegowda International Airport, Devenhalli , Bangalore – 560300 |
8. | General Manager, Coordination Incharge, Hyderabad | 040-29561823 040-27903785 (fax) |, apdhyderabad@aai. aero (Escalation) | Begumpet Airport, Begumpet Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) – 500 016 |
9. | Airport Director, Ahmedabad | 079-22869211 079-22863561 (Fax) |, (Escalation) | SVP International Airport Ahmedabad, (Gujarat) -380 003 |
10. | General Manager, Coordination In charge, Nagpur | 0712-2295986 |, | Dr. Baba SahebAmbedkar International Airport, Nagpur (Maharashtra) |
Public Grievance Officers Regionwise
Sr No. | Name of the Airport |
Designation | Telephone Number |
Southern Region | ||||
1 | Chennai Airport | Jt. General Manager (Ops) | 044 22564202 | |
2 | RHQ, Southern Region |
Jt. General Manager (Ops) | 044-22567530 | |
3 | Agatti | Manager (FS) | 04894-242190 | |
4 | Belgaum | AGM (CNS) | 0831-2562020 | |
5 | Calicut | JGM(OPS) | 0483-2719490 |; |
6 | Coimbatore | DGM(Ops) | 0422-2591905 | |
7 | Hubli | Jr.Executive (Operations) | 0836-2300 601 | |
8 | Kadapa | Manager (Engg-E) | 08562-220507 | |
9 | Kalaburagi | Asst. Manager(CNS) | 08472-295049 | |
10 | Madurai | DGM(OPS) | 0452-2690612 | |
11 | Mysore | Junior Executive (Airport Operations) |
0821-2596322 | |
12 | Pondicherry | Asstt.Manager (CNS) | 0413-2256312 | |
13 | Rajahmundry | AGM (Engg-E) | 0883-2020172 | |
14 | Salem | Airport Director | 04290-220060 | |
15 | Tirupati | AGM(CNS) / CSO | 0877-2271110 | |
16 | Trichy | DGM (OPS) | 0431-2340554 | |
17 | Tuticorin | Jr. Executive (AO) | 0461-2271265 | |
18 | Vizag | Jt. GM (Ops) | 0891-2851123 | |
19 | Vijayawada | Sr. Manager (Ops) | 0866-2846531 | |
Eastern Region | ||||
20 | NSCBI Airport Kolkata |
General Manager (Ops) | 033-25119675 | |
21 | RHQ, Eastern Region |
DGM(Ops) | 033-3987- Extn.4776 | |
22 | Bagdora | Asstt. Manager(OPS) | 0353-2698456 | |
23 | Bhubaneswar | DGM(OPS) | 0353-25963322 | |
24 | Darbhanga | Asstt. Manager(CNS) | N/A | |
25 | Gaya | Manager(CNS) | 0631-2210501/ 0631-2210502/ 0631-2210503/ 0631-2210504/ 0631-2210505 Extn.-2209 | |
26 | Jharsududa | DGM(CNS) | 06645-267005 | |
27 | Pakyong | AGM(CNS) | 03592 – 267016 | |
28 | Patna | AGM(CNS) | 0612-222-0682 | |
29 | Port Blair | AGM(CNS) | 03192-235633 | |
30 | Raipur | SM(ATSEP) | N/A | |
31 | Ranchi | SM(CNS) | 0651-2250654 | |
Northern Region | ||||
32 | RHQ Northern Region |
Jt. General Manager(Ops) | N/A | |
33 | Adampur | Supervisor (CNS) | 0181-2742272 | |
34 | Agra | Manager (CNS) | 0562-2400569 | |
35 | Amritsar | Jt. GM (Ops) | 0183 - 2204005 | |
36 | Bathinda | Sr. Manager(CNS) | 0164-2865301 | |
37 | Bikaner | Sr.Manager (CNS) | 0151-2948444 | |
38 | Dehradun | AGM (Ops) | N/A | |
39 | Gorakhpur | Sr. Manager (CNS) | N/A | pgo_gorakhpur@aai.aer |
40 | Gwalior | Jr.Executive (Ops) | N/A | |
41 | Jaisalmer | Jr.Executive (CNS) | N/A | |
42 | Jammu | Sr. Manager (OPS) | N/A | |
43 | Jodhpur | Manager (Elex) | 0291-2595204 | |
44 | Kangra | Sr. Mgr. Electrical Engg | 01892-293838 | |
45 | Kanpur | AGM (CNS) | N/A | |
46 | Khajuraho | Sr. Mgr. Electrical Engg | N/A | |
47 | Kishangarh | Asstt. Manager (OPS) | 01463-297109 | |
48 | Kullu/Bhuntar | Asstt. Manager | 01902-265037 | |
49 | Leh | AGM(CNS) | N/A | |
50 | Ludhiana | Jr.Executive (OPS) | N/A | |
51 | Pathankot | Asstt. Manager (CNS) | 0186-2236800 | |
52 | Pantnagar | Asstt. Manager(CNS) | 0594-4233685 | |
53 | prayagraj | Jr.Executive (OPS) | 0532-2288112 | |
54 | Safdarjung | DGM (ATC) | N/A | |
55 | Shimla | Manager (ATM) | N/A | |
56 | Srinagar | Manager(PS) | 0194-2303311 | |
57 | udaipur | AGM (CNS) | N/A | |
58 | Varanasi | AGM(ATM) | N/A | |
North Eastern Region | ||||
59 | RHQ North Eastern Region |
Jt. General Manager(Ops) | N/A | |
60 | Agartala | Sr. Manager (ATM/TM) | 0381-2341090 | |
61 | Dibrugarh | Asstt. Manager (Ops) | 0373-2382096 | |
62 | Dimapur | Jt.GM (CNS) | 03862-243157 | |
63 | Imphal | AGM(E-E) | 0385-2455494 (Extn. 401) | |
64 | Jorhat | AGM(CNS)/ Terminal Manager |
0376-2999309 | |
65 | Lilabari | Asstt. Manager (CNS) | 03752-234179 | |
66 | Rupsi | Manager (E-E) | N/A | |
67 | Shillong | AGM (E-E) | N/A | |
68 | Silchar | Asstt. Manager (Ops) | 03841-282126 | |
69 | Tezpur | Manager (E-C) | 03712-258345 | |
70 | Tezu | Manager (CNS) | 03804-222002 | |
Western Region | ||||
71 | RHQ Western Region |
General Manager (Ops) | 022-20880640 | |
72 | Aurangabad | Asstt. Manager (AO) | 0240-2471180 | |
73 | Bhopal | Manager(HR) | 0755-2646014 | |
74 | Bhuj | Aiport Director | ….. | |
75 | Bhavnagar | Aiport Director | 0278-2212971 | |
76 | Diu | Aiport Director | ….. | |
77 | Gondia | Asstt. Manager(HR) | ….. | |
78 | Goa | Jt. GM(OPS) | ….. | |
79 | Indore | Manager (OPS) | ….. | |
80 | Juhu | Sr, Manager (E-E) | ….. | |
81 | Jamnagar | Airport Director | 0288-2712187 | |
82 | Jalgaon | Asstt. Manager (Civil) | 0257-2274114 | |
83 | Jabalpur | Asst. Manager (HR) | 0761-2603452 | |
84 | Kandla | Asstt. Manager(Elex) | 02836- 269401 | |
85 | Kolhapur | Asstt. Manager(CNS) | 0231-2677704 | |
86 | Keshod | Asstt. Manager (Fire) | ….. | |
87 | Porbandar | DGM(CNS) | 0286-2220359 | |
88 | Pune | Jt. GM (OPS) | ….. | |
89 | Rajkot | Sr Manager (Engg-Civil) |
….. | |
90 | Solapur | Asstt. Manager(CNS) | 0217-2607071 | |
91 | Surat | DGM(CNS) | 0261-2700203 | |
92 | Vadodara | Asstt. Manager(HR) | ….. | |
List of Appellate Authority and Central Public Information Officers (CPIO)
Sr No. | Name | Designation | Office No. | Mobile No. | Fax | Area of Work | |
Appellate Authority | |||||||
1 | Mr. Pan Singh | ED (CNS‐OM) | 011-24652075 |
9958311255 | | 011-24654142 | Head of Department |
Central Public Information Officers (CPIO) | |||||||
2 | Mr. P.K. Srivastava | GM (CNS) | 011- 24621454 |
8527188282 | | 011-24621454 | Automation & FTI |
3 | Mr. Ravi Kant | GM (CNS) | 011-24619159 | 9958200644 | | 011-24619159 | Navigation & Surveillance |
4 | Mr. Anurag Sharma | GM (CNS) | 011-24653447 |
9811251429 | | 011-24653447 | HRM & Coord. |
5 | Mr Ajay Kapur | GM (CNS) | 011-24620287 |
8527903456 | | 011-24620287 | Communication |
Other Appellate Authority, and (CPIO) |
Empanelled Hospitals List For Employee
Corporate Office
Airports Authority of India,
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan,
Safdarjung Airport,
New Delhi-110003
Ph : 011-24632950
Social Sites
Related Links:
- Adampur Airport Contact No. 0181-274 2272
- Agatti Airport Contact No. 04894-242 615
- Agra Airport Contact No. 0562-2400 844
- Ahmedabad International Airport Contact No. 079-2286 9266
- Akola Airport Contact No.
- Aligarh Airport Contact No.
- Along Airport Contact No.
- Amritsar International Airport Contact No. 0183-221 4118
- Asansol/Burnpur Airports Contact No. 0341-272 3460
- Aurangabad Airport Contact No. 0240-247 7821
- Azamgarh Airport Contact No.
- Bagdogra Airport Contact No. 0353-2698 431
- Balurghat Airport Contact No. 03512-278 360
- Bareilly Airport Contact No.
- Bathinda Airport Contact No. 0164-2865 302
- Begumpet Airport Contact No. 040-2790 3785
- Behala Airport Contact No. 033-2401 9117
- Belgaum Airport Contact No. 0831-256 2020
- Bengaluru International Airport Contact No. 080-2201 2001
- Bhavnagar Airport Contact No. 0278-221 2971
- Bhopal Airport Contact No. 0755-264 6001
- Bhubaneswar International Airport Contact No. 0674-259 6322
- Bhuj Airport Contact No. 02832-297 049
- Bikaner Airport Contact No. 0151-294 8444
- Birsa Munda Airport Ranchi Contact No. 94711 82538
- Calicut International Airport Contact No. 0483-271 2630
- Chakulia Airport Contact No. 033-2511 8873
- Chandigarh International Airport Contact No. 0172-224 2004
- Chitrakoot Airport Contact No.
- Coimbatore International Airport Contact No. 0422-259 2155
- Cooch Behar Airport Contact No. 03582-222 518
- Cuddapah Airport Contact No. 08562-220 506
- Daporizo Airport Contact No. 0361-2840 223
- Deoghar Airport Contact No. 75200 91198
- Dibrugarh Airport Contact No. 0373-2382 755
- Dimapur Airport Contact No. 03862-243 133
- Diu Airport Contact No. 02875-275 311
- Donakonda Airport Contact No.
- Donyi Polo Airport Itanagar Contact No. 94368 50735
- Gaya International Airport Contact No. 0631-221 0129
- Goa International Airport Contact No. 0832-2540 806
- Gondia Airport Contact No. 07182-283 187
- Gorakhpur Airport Contact No. 0551-274 5111
- Guwahati International Airport Contact No. 0361-2800 972
- Gwalior Airport Contact No. 0751-247 3880
- Hindon Airport Contact No. 0120-350 6551
- Hubli Airport Contact No. 0836-223 7921
- Imphal International Airport Contact No. 0385-245 5069
- Indore Airport Contact No. 0731-2626 326
- Jabalpur Airport Contact No. 0761-2601 341
- Jaipur International Airport Contact No.
- Jaisalmer Airport Contact No.
- Jalgaon Airport Contact No. 0257-227 4114
- Jammu Airport Contact No. 0191-243 7843
- Jamnagar Airport Contact No. 0288-272 0150
- Jharsuguda Airport Contact No. 06645-267 011
- Jodhpur Airport Contact No. 0291-259 5204
- Jolly Grant Airport Contact No. 0135-2412 052
- Jorhat Airport Contact No. 0376-2311 456
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- Kalaburagi Airport Contact No. 08472-295 251
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- Kangra-Gaggal Airport Contact No. 01892-293 840
- Kannur International Airport Contact No. 0490-2481 000
- Kanpur Cantt Airport Contact No.
- Kanpur Civil Airport Contact No. 0512-2977 913
- Keshod Airport Contact No. 02871-299 109
- Khajuraho Airport Contact No. 07686-272 805
- Khowai Airport Contact No.
- Kolhapur Airport Contact No.
- Kota Airport Contact No.
- Kullu Manali Airport Contact No. 01902-265 052
- Kushinagar International Airport Contact No. 05564-274 001
- Lalitpur Airport Contact No.
- Leh Airport Contact No.
- Lengpui Airport Contact No. 0389-257 3237
- Lilabari Airport Contact No. 03752-234 179
- Lucknow Airport Contact No. 0522-2434 914
- Ludhiana Airport Contact No. 0161-284 4904
- Madurai International Airport Contact No. 0452-269 0717
- Malda Airport Contact No. 03512-661 65
- Mangaluru International Airport Contact No.
- Moradabad Airport Contact No.
- Muzaffarpur Airport Contact No.
- Mysore Airport Contact No. 0821-2596 333
- Nagpur International Airport Contact No. 0712-280 7501
- Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Intl. Airport No. 033-2569 1002
- Pantnagar Airport Contact No. 05944-233 685
- Passighat Airport Contact No.
- Pathankot Airport Contact No.
- Patna Airport Contact No. 0612-222 0683
- Porbandar Airport Contact No. 0286-222 2234
- Port Blair Airport Contact No. 03192-235 619
- Prayagraj Airport Contact No.
- Puducherry Airport Contact No. 0413-225 3178
- Pune International Airport Contact No. 020-2668 3232
- Rajahmundry Airport Contact No. 0883-202 0112
- Rajkot International Airport Contact No.
- Raxaul Airport Contact No.
- Rupsi Airport Contact No. 84862 03009
- Safdarjung Airport Contact No. 011-2464 0859
- Salem Airport Contact No. 04290-220 060
- Shella Airport Contact No.
- Shillong Airport Contact No. 0364-258 0110
- Shimla Airport Contact No. 0177-273 6835
- Shravasti Airport Contact No.
- Silchar Airport Contact No. 03841-282 293
- Solapur Airport Contact No. 0217-260 7071
- Srinagar International Airport Contact No. 0194-230 3311
- Surat International Airport Contact No. 0261-270 0291
- Swami Vivekananda Airport Raipur Contact No. 0771-241 8167
- Tezpur Airport Contact No. 03712-258 441
- Tezu Airport Contact No. 03804-223 08
- Thiruvananthapuram International Airport Contact No.
- Tiruchirapalli International Airport Contact No. 0431-234 0554
- Tirupati Airport Contact No. 0877-227 5354
- Tirupati International Airport Contact No. 0877-2275 354
- Tuticorin Airport Contact No. 0461-2271 863
- Vadodara Airport Contact No. 0265-248 5356
- Varanasi International Airport Contact No.
- Vellore Airport Contact No. 0416-291 201
- Vijayawada International Airport Contact No. 0866-2846 729
- Visakhapatnam Airport Contact No. 0891-285 1100
Hello, I got call from Mr. Satyam Bhargav sir from Lucknow to join online ticket booking job in indigo airlines.... And I applied, as their system I paid 2150 as a registration fees, also training fees 8640 and again uniform fees 16400 and again medical fees 24600 and again security fees 35200... So please help me for this fraud and start verification about Mr. Satyam Bhargav ... Thanks
I Have received a message that the hiring is done for indigo air ticketing and u have selected for that post and hr is Satyam bhargava .they asked to pay 2150 for registration and 8500 for training and 16400 for uniform and later they asked to pay 24600 for gate entery 35200 seceurty I told him to cancel my profile.
I Have received a message that the hiring is done for indigo air ticketing and u have selected for that post and hr is Anthony prathap .they asked to pay 2500 for registration and 8500 for training and 15,500 for uniform and later they asked to pay 22,550 for gate entery I told him to cancel my profile.
i'm searching for job in an
i'm searching for job in an app named i seen Airport Authority of India in that i see an oppurtunity for indigo airways in Hyderabad and i have applied for that.After some time they sent and text to my phone,my resume has been selected for it as ground staff... ,for further details they provide a number too.Then I called them they said all the details and i need to pay fee of 2100Rs for the registration and also they sent me an a/c number and bank details named Airport Authority of India.....Respected authority i really want to know that you were you currently running any recruitment like that ?
Lost baggage at CSTM international airport
Dear sir,
I was traveling from Mumbai international airport terminal 2 from Air India express 13:10 bom to Dxb...
I lost My baggage at time of check in time..
Kindly request you sir please do the needful action in this regard
Been cheated
Hello , my self kumar from Andhra Pradesh.
I got a call from Career Placement services Mr. Devsingh sir and Mr. Nishanth Sharma stated that spicejet airlines is hiring for ground staff for that i have to pay Rs 2000 for reference id. I have paid they said you dont have to pay any extra amount this is only.
After that Rs 6500 for Document Verification. Again Rs 15,500 for Medical Checkup i have paid total amount Rs 24,000. After that they send me a mail with letter of intent PDF file which is password protected. After that i have contact them they said i have to pay Security Deposit for Training Rs 25,500 after paying they will give me PDF password. So i said i cannot pay the amount please cancel my profile. After that they call me and said they have send a mail to the company to cancel my profile and for refund it will take 72hrs now its nearly a week since 2 days they are not answering my calls. Need strict action against these people.
Been cheated
Hello , my self kumar from Andhra Pradesh.
I got a call from Career Placement services Mr. Devsingh sir and Mr. Nishanth Sharma stated that spicejet airlines is hiring for ground staff for that i have to pay Rs 2000 for reference id. I have paid they said you dont have to pay any extra amount this is only.
After that Rs 6500 for Document Verification. Again Rs 15,500 for Medical Checkup i have paid total amount Rs 24,000. After that they send me a mail with letter of intent PDF file which is password protected. After that i have contact them they said i have to pay Security Deposit for Training Rs 25,500 after paying they will give me PDF password. So i said i cannot pay the amount please cancel my profile. After that they call me and said they have send a mail to the company to cancel my profile and for refund it will take 72hrs now its nearly a week since 2 days they are not answering my calls. Need strict action against these people.
Moradabad Airport
Dear Sir,
I want to know that when start our Moradabad Airport because still we are using Delhi Airport but delhi airport so far from our City Rampur Uttar Pradesh
A doubt regarding AAI ATC exam pattern and selection
Hi sir,
I just have a small doubt regarding the syllabus of Air Traffic Control exam which has differentiation ,integration and other math, physics ,current affairs and all which needs to be memorized and reproduced where as the job requires real time problem solving and communication skills . Is there any specific reason to select candidates on the basis of memorizing the formulas and solving math problems sir?
Been frauded
Hello, my self Vandan from gujarat, I got call from Mr. Satyam Bhargav sir from pune to join online ticket booking job in indigo airlines.... And I applied, as their system I paid 2500 as a registration fees, also training fees 8840 and again uniform fees 13600... So please help me for this fraud and start verification about Mr. Satyam Bhargav and mr. Kusum prakash.... Thanks
Airport fee waiver for private vehicles- Chennai AP
A recent press report carried news that the restriction of 10 minutes for entry/exit for private vehicles will be abolished from Oct 1, 2018. However when I visited Chennai airport this evening the personal Manning the booths inform they are not aware of any such rules. Pl clarify.
last day i'm searching for
last day i'm searching for job in an app named i seen Airport Authority of India in that i see an oppertunity for jet airways in kochi and iam applied for that.After some time they sent and text to my phone,my resume has been selected for it,for further details they provide a number too.Then am call they said all the details and i want pay fee of 2000Rs for an online exam also they sent me an a/c number and bank details named Airport Authority of India.....Respected authority i want to know that you were currently running any recruitment like that ?
Eligibility for ATC Examination
Sir/Madam I have applied for the post of aai air traffic control but I have completed my graduation with PCM group. In final year i have chosen chemistry and mathematics.I have read physics in first and second year of graduation. So please tell me sir am I eligible for aai atc post. Please tell me sir. Thankyou.