Airport Authority of India (AAI) Helpline No. 011-2463 2950

Toll free Number(s): 
All India Number(s): 


Important Links

Department Wise Contact Details

Sr No. Department Name Email Location
General Manager
1 Finance & Accounts G.S. Mohapatra Gsmohapatra@Aai.Aero Chq
2 Finance & Accounts R. Ramani Ramanir@Aai.Aero Rhq
3 Engineering Hs Balhara Gmenggnr@Aai.Aero Rhq
4 Engineering Shirish Krishna Vyawahare Shirishv@Aai.Aero Airport
5 Technical R Ashok Kumar Gmtech2@Aai.Aero Chq
6 Pulla Hezekiah Hpulla@Aai.Aero Airport
7 Cns-Om Pradeep Kumar Srivastava Pradeepsri@Aai.Aero Chq
8 Fire Services Subhash Kumar Subhashk2@Aai.Aero Chq
9 Cns-Om Soran Girraj Singh Soransingh@Aai.Aero Rhq
10 Engineering Hari Kumar R Harikumar@Aai.Aero Airport
11 Human Resource Maya Lavania Mayalavania@Aai.Aero Chq
12 Finance & Accounts C.V. Deepak Deepakcv@Aai.Aero Airport
13 Finance & Accounts Vijay Kumar Gmfnr@Aai.Aero Rhq
14 Dharmendra Kumar Kamra Kamra_Dk@Aai.Aero Chq
15 Cns-P - I Sh. A. Saravanakumar Gmcnspsurv@Aai.Aero Chq
16 G.W. Ghanmode Gwghanmode@Aai.Aero Rhq
17 Engineering R. Mahalingam Rmahalingam@Aai.Aero Airport
18 Engineering Om Prakash Chugh Opchugh@Aai.Aero Chq
19 G. Prabhaharan Gprabaharan@Aai.Aero Rhq
20 Engineering Narendra Kumar Shukla Narendras01@Aai.Aero Chq
21 Cns-Om Arun Kumar Khare Akkhare@Aai.Aero Airport
22 Engineering Ashok Kumar Ashoksharma@Aai.Aero Chq
23 Aviation Security Capt. S.K. Malik Gmsecurity@Aai.Aero Chq
24 Engineering Jaideep Singh Balhara Jaideepb@Aai.Aero Rhq
25 Cns-P - I Sh. Mahendra Singh Alawa Gmcnspnav@Aai.Aero Chq
26 Information Technology V. Baburaj Vbaburaj@Aai.Aero Chq
27 Finance & Accounts J. Balasekar Bala@Aai.Aero Airport
28 Human Resource Raj Kumar Joshi Rjoshi@Aai.Aero Chq
29 Suresh Chandar Hota Sureshhota@Aai.Aero Airport
30 Moosa. T.F. Tfmoosa@Aai.Aero Rhq
31 Cns-Om Ramesh Kumar Ramesh59@Aai.Aero Airport
32 Engineering Sanmukh Jugani Sjugani@Aai.Aero Airport
33 Engineering M.K. Abdul Azeez Mkazeez@Aai.Aero Airport
34 Cns-Om Vasamsetti Venkateswara Rao Vasamsettir@Aai.Aero Rhq
35 Airport Systems Sh. Rajesh Gokhe Gmas-P@Aai.Aero Chq
36 Cns-Om Ajay Kumar Kapur Akkapur@Aai.Aero Chq
37 Finance & Accounts K.S. Sivakumar Kssivakumar@Aai.Aero Chq
38 Human Resource Gian Batra Gianbatra@Aai.Aero Rhq
39 Engineering Debasish Sahoo Dsahoo@Aai.Aero Airport
40 Cns-Om Sridhar Kumar Mallick Skmalik@Aai.Aero Chq
41 Somanath Das Sndas@Aai.Aero Rhq
42 Engineering Reena Rai Reenarai@Aai.Aero Chq
43 Human Resource B. Muralidaran Gmhrner@Aai.Aero Rhq
44 Human Resource Ram Avtar Meena Rameena@Aai.Aero Chq
45 Cns-Om Aniruddha Kumar Sharma Saniruddha@Aai.Aero Chq
46 B.Vinod Kumar Pillai Bvinodpillai@Aai.Aero Chq
47 Engineering Kaushal Kumar Singh Kksingh@Aai.Aero Rhq
48 Engineering Ajay Kumar Akbharadwaj@Aai.Aero Airport
49 Rajan George Rajangeorge@Aai.Aero Chq
50 Anandrao Patru Gajbe Anandraopg@Aai.Aero Chq
51 Rajiv Saxena Rksaxena@Aai.Aero Rhq
52 Technical R Ashok Kumar Gmtechchq@Aai.Aero Chq
53 Cns-Om Himadri Sekhar Biswas Himadri68@Aai.Aero Chq
54 K. Vasudevan Vasudevanatc@Aai.Aero Chq
55 Engineering Gandham Rajasekhar Grajasekhar@Aai.Aero Rhq
56 Finance & Accounts Pawan Kumar Aggarwal Pka@Aai.Aero Chq
57 Human Resource Harbir Singh Harbirsingh@Aai.Aero Rhq
58 Finance & Accounts G. Jayashree Gjayashree@Aai.Aero Rhq
59 Engineering Panicker S.G. Sgpanicker@Aai.Aero Airport
60 Engineering Ashok Kumar Sharma A_Ksharma@Aai.Aero Airport
61 Aryama Sanyal Asanyal@Aai.Aero Airport
62 Engineering Ashok Kumar Agrawal Ashokagrawal@Aai.Aero Chq
63 Engineering Rajesh Nilkanth Shinde Rajshinde@Aai.Aero Chq
64 Manoj Chansoria Mchansoria@Aai.Aero Airport
65 Finance & Accounts Vijay Kumar Vkmahajan@Aai.Aero Airport
66 Cns-Om Mohit Lal Chakraborty Chakraborty1@Aai.Aero Chq
67 B.K. Mehrotra Mehrotrabk@Aai.Aero Chq
68 Engineering Bhanu Pratap Singh Gaur Bpsgaur@Aai.Aero Chq
69 Land Management Arun Sharma Arunsharma@Aai.Aero Chq
70 Engineering Sumant Kr. Jain Gmenggner@Aai.Aero Rhq
71 Engineering Brijesh Kumar Tailong Bktailong@Aai.Aero Rhq
72 A.K. Bhardwaj Akbhardwaj@Aai.Aero Airport
73 Engineering G.Prakash Reddy Greddy@Aai.Aero Airport
74 Finance & Accounts V. Vidya Vidya@Aai.Aero Chq
75 Mohd. Tajuddin Mohdtajuddin@Aai.Aero Rhq
76 Finance & Accounts V.B. Chandrakumar Vbchkumar@Aai.Aero Rhq
77 Technical Aggarwalkl@Aai.Aero Chq
78 Commercial Ashok Kumar Verma Ashokkverma@Aai.Aero
79 R.G. Lama Gmaeroner@Aai.Aero Rhq
80 K.P. Kailas Nadh Nadh@Aai.Aero Rhq
81 Vipin Gupta Vipin_Gupta@Aai.Aero Chq
82 Engineering M.M. Francis Mmfrancis@Aai.Aero Airport
83 Finance & Accounts Dharmendra Bhojwani Dbhojwani@Aai.Aero Chq
84 Akash Deep Akashdeep@Aai.Aero Airport
85 Orit Stephan Ekka Osekka@Aai.Aero Rhq
86 Finance & Accounts S. Radhakrishnan Gmfinner@Aai.Aero Rhq
87 Rajeev Tejsingh Mehta Rmehta@Aai.Aero Airport
88 Yudhisthir Sahoo Yudhsag@Aai.Aero Airport
89 Engineering Gautam Biswas Gbiswas@Aai.Aero Airport
90 R. Sridhar Rsridhar@Aai.Aero Rhq
91 V. Krishnan Vkrishnan@Aai.Aero Chq
92 Engineering Sharad Kumar Sharadkumar@Aai.Aero Airport
93 Jaswinder Singh Sandhu Jssandhu@Aai.Aero Chq
94 Cns-Om G.S Rao Gsrao@Aai.Aero Rhq
95 Cns-Om G.K. Venugopal Gkvenu@Aai.Aero Airport
96 Anil Kumar Meena Akmeena@Aai.Aero Chq
97 Engineering R Harikumar Gmenr@Aai.Aero Rhq
98 Shankar Mardi Shankarmardi@Aai.Aero Chq
99 S.K. Purwar Skpurwar@Aai.Aero Chq
100 Engineering Judson S Sjudson@Aai.Aero Rhq
101 Anil Kumar Rai Akrai@Aai.Aero Airport
102 Engineering N.V. Subbarayudu Nvsr@Aai.Aero Chq
103 Human Resource Nivedita Dubey Nivedita@Aai.Aero Chq
104 Cns-Om Lingamaneni Sri Rama Mohana Rao Lsrmohanrao@Aai.Aero Chq
105 Corporate Communications J.B. Singh Jbsng@Aai.Aero Chq
106 Cns-P - I Sh. Aniruddha Kumar Sharma Gmcnspcom@Aai.Aero Chq
107 Terminal Management Pradeep Kumar Srivastava Spradeep@Aai.Aero Rhq
108 Cns-Om C Pattabhi Cpattabhi@Aai.Aero Rhq
109 Airport Systems Rajesh Gokhe Rajeshgokhe@Aai.Aero Chq
110 K.Manoj Gangal Mkgangal@Aai.Aero Airport
111 Rohtash Kumar Singla Rksingla@Aai.Aero Chq
112 Human Resource M. Natarajan Mnatarajan@Aai.Aero Rhq
113 Engineering Pradeep Kumar Pradeepkumar@Aai.Aero Chq
114 Davinder Arora Devindera@Aai.Aero Chq
115 Gmatmpalam@Aai.Aero Rhq
116 Engineering George Tharakan Ggtharakan@Aai.Aero Rhq
117 Engineering Prabhu Dev N Nprabhudev@Aai.Aero Airport
118 Engineering Chandra Shekhar C_Shekhar@Aai.Aero Chq
119 Engineering Dan Singh Gariya Dangariya@Aai.Aero Rhq
120 Cns-Om S Perumal Sperumal@Aai.Aero Rhq
121 Operations Anil Garg Anilgarg@Aai.Aero Chq
122 Charul Shukla Charulshukla@Aai.Aero Chq
123 Finance & Accounts Ram Dular Vishwakarma Rdv@Aai.Aero Chq
124 Ajay Shiva Ajayshiva@Aai.Aero Chq
125 Harbir Singh Gmhrnr@Aai.Aero
126 Terminal Management T.E. Ramgopal Ramgopal01@Aai.Aero Rhq
127 Pradeep Kandoth Pkandoth@Aai.Aero Rhq
128 Engineering Bal Krishan Chanana Bkchanana@Aai.Aero Airport
129 Operations Vivek Anand Chourey Vachourey@Aai.Aero Chq
130 Cns-Om Pan Singh Pansingh@Aai.Aero Chq
131 Anand Gangadhar Joshi Anandjoshi@Aai.Aero Chq
132 Engineering Hari Kumar R Rharikumar@Aai.Aero Rhq
133 Engineering Ghanshyam Dass Gupta Gdgupta@Aai.Aero Chq
134 V.P Arya Gmlawchq@Aai.Aero
135 Pradeep Sharma Pradeeps@Aai.Aero Airport
136 Finance & Accounts Balwant Singh S.Balwant@Aai.Aero Chq
137 Cns-Om Shiv Poojan Pandey Sppandey@Aai.Aero Airport
138 Cns-Om Bangalore Madhusudhan Bmadhusudhan@Aai.Aero Rhq
139 Barun Kr. Sarkar Barun_Sarkar@Aai.Aero Chq
140 Sangeeta Mahay Smahay@Aai.Aero Chq
141 Information Technology Prabhakar Bajpai Gmitchq@Aai.Aero Chq
142 Cns-Om Kalicharan Patro Kali@Aai.Aero Chq
143 N.S. Dagar Gmatmsqms@Aai.Aero Chq
144 C.G. Raveendran Cgraveendran@Aai.Aero Rhq
145 Peter Abraham Peterabraham@Aai.Aero Chq
146 Cns-Om Premangshu Mondal Pmondal@Aai.Aero Rhq
147 Finance & Accounts Subrata Paul Spaul@Aai.Aero Chq
148 Engineering S.P. Yadav Spyadav@Aai.Aero Chq
Executive Director
149 Finance & Accounts Abdul Aziz Khatana Aakhatana@Aai.Aero Chq
150 Cns-Om Atul Dikshit Atuldikshit@Aai.Aero Rhq
151 Information Technology Anurag Sharma Edit@Aai.Aero Chq
152 Finance & Accounts G Ravichandran Gravic@Aai.Aero Chq
153 Finance & Accounts R. Madhavan Rmadhavan@Aai.Aero Chq
154 Technical E.P. Hareendranathan Hariep@Aai.Aero Airport
155 Cns-Om Amit Kumar Banerjee Akbanerjee@Aai.Aero Chq
156 Engineering Rakesh Kalra Rakeshkalra@Aai.Aero Airport
157 S.V. Satish Svsatish@Aai.Aero Chq
158 Engineering Anil Kumar Pathak Apathak@Aai.Aero Chq
159 Commercial Sanjay Jain Sjain@Aai.Aero Chq
160 Engineering S. Sreekumar Sreekumar61@Aai.Aero Rhq
161 Engineering G. Chandramouli Gchandram@Aai.Aero Airport
162 Cns-Om Nikhil Ranjan Das Nrdas@Aai.Aero Airport
163 Human Resource Edhr@Aai.Aero Chq
164 Saradindu Biswas Sabiswas@Aai.Aero Chq
165 Sh Jaideep Singh Balhara Red_Nr@Aai.Aero Rhq
166 Ramendra Kumar Singh Kramendra@Aai.Aero Chq
167 Redner@Aai.Aero Rhq
168 Finance & Accounts Pankaj Jain Pankajjain@Aai.Aero Chq
169 Technical Reena Rai Edtech@Aai.Aero Chq
170 Engineering Kishan Lal Sharma Klsharma@Aai.Aero Rhq
171 Aaiclas(Cargo) Shri Ajay Kumar Ceo-Aaiclas@Aai.Aero Chq
172 Kaushik Bhattacharjee Kaushikb@Aai.Aero Chq
173 Engineering G.K. Chaukiyal Gkchaukiyal@Aai.Aero Chq
174 Sylvester Israel Sylvester@Aai.Aero Chq
175 K.V. Murali Kvmurali@Aai.Aero Chq
176 J.P. Alex Edatm@Aai.Aero Chq
177 Keshava Sharma Keshavs@Aai.Aero Rhq
178 Mukesh Chand Dangi Mcdangi@Aai.Aero Chq
179 Cns-P - I Sh. Suresh N. Borkar Edcnsp1@Aai.Aero Chq
180 Engineering H.S. Suresh Hssuresh@Aai.Aero Chq
181 Sunil Kumar Oberoi Sunilkoberoi@Aai.Aero Chq
182 Jvc/Ppp-Ii N V Subbarayudu Edsiu@Aai.Aero Chq

For Airport Rescue & Firefighting Equipment

  Sr. No.             Appliances/ Vehicles                          Numbers (nos.)  
1. ARRFV 194
2. Ambulance 126
3. Mobile Command Post (MCP) 29
4. Rescue Stairs 02

For Complaints / Grievances

  • For complain to write to Vigilance Department headed by Chief Vigilance Officer
    • Name: Sh. Amal Garg, IRS
      Designation: Chief Vigilance Officer
      Office Address: Room No. 269, C-Wing, Rajiv Ghandi
      Bhawan Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110003
      Telephone: 011-24651094
      Fax: 011-24611069
      Email Id:
  • For all headquarters of all Regions Northern Region at Delhi, Eastern Region at Kolkata, Western Region at Mumbai, Southern Region at Chennai, North-Eastern Region at Guwahati,  the complaints is resolved within 90 working days of receipt of complaint take final view on the allegations/ information.
  • You can complain at these Other Important Contacts:
Sr No. Email Fax Phone
1 Chairman, AAI 011-24632930, 011-2461088
2 Central Vigilance Commission 011-24651001, 011-24651002, 011-24651003, 011-24651004, 011-24651005,
011-24651006, 011-24651007, 011-24651008, 011-24651010

Contact Details of Designated Officers of AAI at Regional / Station Level NOC Cells

S.No. Designated Officers Contact No. Email id Communication Address
Airports Authority of India
1. General Manager, Directorate of Aerodrome Safeguarding 011-24632950
Ext: 2293, 2261, 2217 , Corporate Headquarter Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110003
2. Regional Executive Director, Northern Region 011-25652819 (Telefax)
011-25652830, (Escalation) Regional Headquarter, Northern Region, Operational Offices,Gurgaon Road, New Delhi-110 037
3. Regional Executive Director, Eastern Region 033-25119223 (Telefax)
033-25111293, (Escalation) Regional Headquarter, Eastern Region, N.S.C.B.I Airport, Kolkata-700 052
4. Regional Executive Director, North East Region 0361-2842637,
0361-2841681 (FAX), (Escalation) Regional Headquarter, North-Eastern Region, LGBI Airport Guwahati, (Assam) -781015
5. Regional Executive Director, Western Region 022-20881422, (Escalation) Regional Headquarter, Western Region, Opp. Parsiwada, Sahar Road, Vale Parle (E) Mumbai 400 099
6. Regional Executive Director, Southern Region 044-22561264 (Telefax), (Escalation) Regional Headquarter, Southern Region, Anna International Airport Chennai (TN) - 600 027
7. General Manager (CIC), Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru 080-22019900
080-27688000, Alpha1, A.T.S. Complex, Kempegowda International Airport, Devenhalli , Bangalore – 560300
8. General Manager, Coordination Incharge, Hyderabad 040-29561823
040-27903785 (fax), apdhyderabad@aai. aero (Escalation) Begumpet Airport, Begumpet Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) – 500 016
9. Airport Director, Ahmedabad 079-22869211
079-22863561 (Fax), (Escalation) SVP International Airport Ahmedabad, (Gujarat) -380 003
10. General Manager, Coordination In charge, Nagpur 0712-2295986, Dr. Baba SahebAmbedkar International Airport, Nagpur (Maharashtra)

Public Grievance Officers Regionwise

Sr No. Name of
the  Airport
Designation Telephone
Southern Region
1 Chennai Airport Jt. General Manager (Ops) 044 22564202
2 RHQ, Southern
Jt. General Manager (Ops) 044-22567530
3 Agatti Manager (FS) 04894-242190
4 Belgaum AGM (CNS) 0831-2562020  
5 Calicut JGM(OPS) 0483-2719490
6 Coimbatore DGM(Ops) 0422-2591905
7 Hubli Jr.Executive (Operations) 0836-2300 601
8 Kadapa Manager (Engg-E) 08562-220507
9 Kalaburagi Asst. Manager(CNS) 08472-295049
10 Madurai DGM(OPS) 0452-2690612
11 Mysore Junior Executive
(Airport Operations)
12 Pondicherry Asstt.Manager (CNS) 0413-2256312
13 Rajahmundry AGM (Engg-E) 0883-2020172
14 Salem Airport Director 04290-220060
15 Tirupati AGM(CNS) / CSO 0877-2271110
16 Trichy DGM (OPS) 0431-2340554
17 Tuticorin Jr. Executive (AO) 0461-2271265
18 Vizag Jt. GM (Ops) 0891-2851123
19 Vijayawada Sr. Manager (Ops) 0866-2846531
Eastern Region
Airport Kolkata
General Manager (Ops) 033-25119675
21 RHQ,
Eastern Region
DGM(Ops) 033-3987- Extn.4776
22 Bagdora Asstt. Manager(OPS) 0353-2698456
23 Bhubaneswar DGM(OPS) 0353-25963322
24 Darbhanga Asstt. Manager(CNS) N/A
25 Gaya Manager(CNS) 0631-2210501/
26 Jharsududa DGM(CNS) 06645-267005
27 Pakyong AGM(CNS) 03592 – 267016
28 Patna AGM(CNS) 0612-222-0682
29 Port Blair AGM(CNS) 03192-235633
30 Raipur SM(ATSEP) N/A
31 Ranchi SM(CNS) 0651-2250654
Northern Region
32 RHQ
Jt. General Manager(Ops) N/A
33 Adampur Supervisor (CNS) 0181-2742272
34 Agra  Manager (CNS) 0562-2400569
35 Amritsar  Jt. GM (Ops) 0183 - 2204005
36 Bathinda  Sr. Manager(CNS) 0164-2865301
37 Bikaner  Sr.Manager (CNS) 0151-2948444
38 Dehradun  AGM (Ops) N/A
39 Gorakhpur Sr. Manager (CNS)  N/A pgo_gorakhpur@aai.aer
40 Gwalior  Jr.Executive (Ops) N/A
41 Jaisalmer  Jr.Executive (CNS) N/A
42 Jammu Sr. Manager (OPS)  N/A
43 Jodhpur  Manager (Elex) 0291-2595204
44 Kangra  Sr. Mgr. Electrical Engg 01892-293838
45 Kanpur  AGM (CNS) N/A
46 Khajuraho  Sr. Mgr. Electrical Engg N/A
47 Kishangarh  Asstt. Manager (OPS) 01463-297109
48 Kullu/Bhuntar  Asstt. Manager 01902-265037
49 Leh AGM(CNS) N/A
50 Ludhiana Jr.Executive (OPS) N/A
51 Pathankot  Asstt. Manager (CNS)  0186-2236800
52 Pantnagar  Asstt. Manager(CNS) 0594-4233685
53 prayagraj  Jr.Executive (OPS) 0532-2288112
54 Safdarjung  DGM (ATC) N/A
55 Shimla  Manager (ATM) N/A
56 Srinagar  Manager(PS) 0194-2303311
57 udaipur  AGM (CNS) N/A
58 Varanasi  AGM(ATM) N/A
North Eastern Region
59 RHQ
Eastern Region
Jt. General Manager(Ops) N/A 
60 Agartala Sr. Manager (ATM/TM) 0381-2341090
61 Dibrugarh Asstt. Manager (Ops) 0373-2382096
62 Dimapur Jt.GM (CNS) 03862-243157
63 Imphal AGM(E-E) 0385-2455494
(Extn. 401)
64 Jorhat AGM(CNS)/
Terminal Manager
65 Lilabari Asstt. Manager (CNS) 03752-234179
66 Rupsi Manager (E-E) N/A
67 Shillong AGM (E-E) N/A
68 Silchar Asstt. Manager (Ops) 03841-282126
69 Tezpur Manager (E-C) 03712-258345 
70 Tezu Manager (CNS) 03804-222002
Western Region
71 RHQ
General Manager (Ops) 022-20880640
72 Aurangabad Asstt. Manager (AO) 0240-2471180
73 Bhopal Manager(HR) 0755-2646014
74 Bhuj Aiport Director …..
75 Bhavnagar Aiport Director 0278-2212971
76 Diu Aiport Director …..
77 Gondia Asstt. Manager(HR) ….. 
78 Goa Jt. GM(OPS) …..
79 Indore Manager (OPS) …..
80 Juhu Sr, Manager (E-E) …..
81 Jamnagar Airport Director 0288-2712187
82 Jalgaon Asstt. Manager (Civil) 0257-2274114
83 Jabalpur Asst. Manager (HR) 0761-2603452
84 Kandla Asstt. Manager(Elex) 02836- 269401
85 Kolhapur Asstt. Manager(CNS) 0231-2677704
86 Keshod Asstt. Manager (Fire) …..
87 Porbandar DGM(CNS) 0286-2220359
88 Pune Jt. GM (OPS) …..
89 Rajkot Sr Manager (Engg-Civil)
90 Solapur Asstt. Manager(CNS) 0217-2607071
91 Surat DGM(CNS) 0261-2700203
92 Vadodara Asstt. Manager(HR) …..

List of Appellate Authority and Central Public Information Officers (CPIO)

Sr No. Name Designation Office No. Mobile No. Email Fax Area of Work
Appellate Authority
1 Mr. Pan Singh ED (CNS‐OM) 011-24652075
9958311255 011-24654142 Head of Department
Central Public Information Officers (CPIO)
2 Mr. P.K. Srivastava GM (CNS) 011- 24621454
8527188282 011-24621454 Automation & FTI
3 Mr. Ravi Kant GM (CNS) 011-24619159 9958200644 011-24619159 Navigation & Surveillance
4 Mr. Anurag Sharma GM (CNS) 011-24653447
9811251429 011-24653447 HRM & Coord.
5 Mr Ajay Kapur GM (CNS) 011-24620287
8527903456 011-24620287 Communication
Other Appellate Authority, and (CPIO)

Empanelled Hospitals List For Employee

Corporate Office

Airports Authority of India,
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan,
Safdarjung Airport,
New Delhi-110003
Ph : 011-24632950

Social Sites

Related Links: 



Hello, I got call from Mr. Satyam Bhargav sir from Lucknow to join online ticket booking job in indigo airlines.... And I applied, as their system I paid 2150 as a registration fees, also training fees 8640 and again uniform fees 16400 and again medical fees 24600 and again security fees 35200... So please help me for this fraud and start verification about Mr. Satyam Bhargav ... Thanks


I Have received a message that the hiring is done for indigo air ticketing and u have selected for that post and hr is Satyam bhargava .they asked to pay 2150 for registration and 8500 for training and 16400 for uniform and later they asked to pay 24600 for gate entery 35200 seceurty I told him to cancel my profile.


I Have received a message that the hiring is done for indigo air ticketing and u have selected for that post and hr is Anthony prathap .they asked to pay 2500 for registration and 8500 for training and 15,500 for uniform and later they asked to pay 22,550 for gate entery I told him to cancel my profile.

i'm searching for job in an

i'm searching for job in an app named i seen Airport Authority of India in that i see an oppurtunity for indigo airways in Hyderabad and i have applied for that.After some time they sent and text to my phone,my resume has been selected for it as ground staff... ,for further details they provide a number too.Then I called them they said all the details and i need to pay fee of 2100Rs for the registration and also they sent me an a/c number and bank details named Airport Authority of India.....Respected authority i really want to know that you were you currently running any recruitment like that ?

Lost baggage at CSTM international airport

Dear sir,
I was traveling from Mumbai international airport terminal 2 from Air India express 13:10 bom to Dxb...
I lost My baggage at time of check in time..
Kindly request you sir please do the needful action in this regard

Been cheated

Hello , my self kumar from Andhra Pradesh.
I got a call from Career Placement services Mr. Devsingh sir and Mr. Nishanth Sharma stated that spicejet airlines is hiring for ground staff for that i have to pay Rs 2000 for reference id. I have paid they said you dont have to pay any extra amount this is only.
After that Rs 6500 for Document Verification. Again Rs 15,500 for Medical Checkup i have paid total amount Rs 24,000. After that they send me a mail with letter of intent PDF file which is password protected. After that i have contact them they said i have to pay Security Deposit for Training Rs 25,500 after paying they will give me PDF password. So i said i cannot pay the amount please cancel my profile. After that they call me and said they have send a mail to the company to cancel my profile and for refund it will take 72hrs now its nearly a week since 2 days they are not answering my calls. Need strict action against these people.

Been cheated

Hello , my self kumar from Andhra Pradesh.
I got a call from Career Placement services Mr. Devsingh sir and Mr. Nishanth Sharma stated that spicejet airlines is hiring for ground staff for that i have to pay Rs 2000 for reference id. I have paid they said you dont have to pay any extra amount this is only.
After that Rs 6500 for Document Verification. Again Rs 15,500 for Medical Checkup i have paid total amount Rs 24,000. After that they send me a mail with letter of intent PDF file which is password protected. After that i have contact them they said i have to pay Security Deposit for Training Rs 25,500 after paying they will give me PDF password. So i said i cannot pay the amount please cancel my profile. After that they call me and said they have send a mail to the company to cancel my profile and for refund it will take 72hrs now its nearly a week since 2 days they are not answering my calls. Need strict action against these people.

Moradabad Airport

Dear Sir,

I want to know that when start our Moradabad Airport because still we are using Delhi Airport but delhi airport so far from our City Rampur Uttar Pradesh

A doubt regarding AAI ATC exam pattern and selection

Hi sir,
I just have a small doubt regarding the syllabus of Air Traffic Control exam which has differentiation ,integration and other math, physics ,current affairs and all which needs to be memorized and reproduced where as the job requires real time problem solving and communication skills . Is there any specific reason to select candidates on the basis of memorizing the formulas and solving math problems sir?

Been frauded

Hello, my self Vandan from gujarat, I got call from Mr. Satyam Bhargav sir from pune to join online ticket booking job in indigo airlines.... And I applied, as their system I paid 2500 as a registration fees, also training fees 8840 and again uniform fees 13600... So please help me for this fraud and start verification about Mr. Satyam Bhargav and mr. Kusum prakash.... Thanks

Airport fee waiver for private vehicles- Chennai AP

A recent press report carried news that the restriction of 10 minutes for entry/exit for private vehicles will be abolished from Oct 1, 2018. However when I visited Chennai airport this evening the personal Manning the booths inform they are not aware of any such rules. Pl clarify.

last day i'm searching for

last day i'm searching for job in an app named i seen Airport Authority of India in that i see an oppertunity for jet airways in kochi and iam applied for that.After some time they sent and text to my phone,my resume has been selected for it,for further details they provide a number too.Then am call they said all the details and i want pay fee of 2000Rs for an online exam also they sent me an a/c number and bank details named Airport Authority of India.....Respected authority i want to know that you were currently running any recruitment like that ?

Eligibility for ATC Examination

Sir/Madam I have applied for the post of aai air traffic control but I have completed my graduation with PCM group. In final year i have chosen chemistry and mathematics.I have read physics in first and second year of graduation. So please tell me sir am I eligible for aai atc post. Please tell me sir. Thankyou.