Tiruchirapalli International Airport Contact No. 0431-234 0554

Airports Authority of India(AAI) All India Number(s):
- +91 431-234 0554 (For Airport Queries)
- +91 431-234 1810 (Alternate Number For Queries)
- +91 7373 774163 (For Enquiry)
Official Website - apdtrichy@aai.aero (For General Queries)
Important Links
Officers Contact Details
Sr No. | Name & Designation | Contact No. | |
1 | Subramani P | Tel: 0431-2341810, Enquiry: 7373774163 , 0431-2340554 |
apdtrichy@aai.aero |
2 | R Subravelu, DGM (ATM) & Safety Investigation Coordinator (SIC) |
8248677101 | subravelu@aai.aero |
3 | Public Grievance Officer | 7373774163 | - |
Airports Authority of India
Tiruchirappalli International Airport
Tiruchirappalli - 620007 (Tamil Nadu)
Fax: +91 431-2341812
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