Pune International Airport Contact No. 020-2668 3232

Airports Authority of India(AAI) All India Number(s):
- +91 20-2668 3232 (For Airport Queries, 9:30am-6pm on weekdays)
- +91 95525 09847 (Alternate Contact Support, 24x7)
Official Website - apdpune@aai.aero (For General Queries)
Important Links
Officers Contact Details
Sr No. | Name & Designation | Contact No. | |
1 | Airport Director / Public Information Officer | 020-26683232, 9552509847 (24x7) | apdpune@aai.aero |
2 | Transport Service Information / Booking of Taxi Sainath Prepaid Taxi Sanghatana |
9270252504, 9689435333, 020-65009955 | - |
3 | Transport Service Information / Booking of Taxi Uber India Systems Pvt. Ltd. |
9881234046 | abhijeet.awasare@uber.com, griva@uber.com |
4 | Lost & Found Property Query | 9552509847, 020-26685201 | tm_pune@aai.aero |
5 | Parking Information | 9810073281, 8208096016 | lovelin.enterprises@gmail.com |
6 | Shri Jagdish B Urkude | pgo_pune@aai.aero | |
7 | Sh Jagdish B. Urkude, JGM-OPS & Safety Investigation Coordinator (SIC) | hodopsvapo@aai.aero |
Airports Authority of India
Civil Enclave Pune Airport, Lohegaon.
Fax: +91-20-26685599
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