Goa Legal Metrology Department Contact No.

All India Number(s): 


Offices Contacts

Sr No. Location Contact Jurisdiction Area Address
1 Dattawadi, Mapusa  0832-2256311 Mapusa (North Zone) having the jurisdiction over the Talukas of Bardez, Pernem, Bicholim and Sattari. The Asst. Controller, Legal Metrology, North Zone, Opp. Idgah Masjid, Ganeshpuri Road, Dattawadi, Mapusa 
2 Porvorim, Bardez 0832-2412037 Porvorim (Central Laboratory/Packaged Commodities) having the jurisdiction over the whole State of Goa. he Asst. Controller Legal Metrology, Central Lab / Packaged Commodities, Office of the Controller, Legal Metrology, Legal Metrology Bhavan, Next to National Sample Survey Office, Near Air India Colony, Housing Board, P.O. Alto-Porvorim, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa -
3 Mala, Panaji 0832-2904464. Panaji (Central Zone) having the jurisdiction over the Talukas of Tiswadi and Ponda. The Asst. Controller, Legal Metrology, Central Zone, Ghanekar Bldg., Opp. Dukle Hardware,
4 Road, Margao  0832-2703859 Margao (South Zone-I) having the jurisdiction over the Talukas of Salcete, and Mormugao. The Asst. Controller Legal Metrology, South Zone-I, Opp. Konkan Railway Station, Quepem
5  Curchorem, Goa 0832-2652037 WCurchorem (South Zone-II) having the jurisdiction over the Talukas of Quepem, Sanguem, Dharbandora & Canacona. The Asst. Controller Legal Metrology, South Zone-II, Market Yard, Curchorem, Goa

Public Grievances Officer Contact

Name:Shri Demu N. Mapari,
Designation: Assistant Controller,
Contact:0832-2412037 (10am-1pm)
Address: Central Zone,Panaji-Goa

PIO/Appellate Authority Contact

Sr No Officer Name Contact Details Email Jurisdiction
1 First Appellate Authority Shri. A. N. Panchwadkar,
Controller, Legal Metrology,

Fax: 0832-2416432


For the whole State of Goa.

For the whole State of Goa
2 Public Information Officer Smt. R. M. Borkar,
Assistant Controller,
Legal Metrology, Central Laboratory,
Porvorim, Goa.
0832-2412037, ranjan.borkar@gov.in For the whole State of Goa.
PIO's For Talukas
3 Assistant Controller, Shri G. A. Gulburg,
Legal Metrology,
North Zone,Mapusa-Goa.
0832-2256311, gulam.gulburg@gov.in Talukas of Pernem, Bicholim, Bardez Sattari
4 Assistant Controller, Shri D. N. Mapari,
Assistant Controller, Legal Metrology,
Central Zone,
0832-2904464   Talukas of Tiswadi Ponda
5 Assistant Controller, Shri N. P. Purushan,
Assistant Controller, Legal Metrology,
South Zone-I,
0832-2703859, nitin.purushan@gov.in Talukas of Salcete Mormugao
6 Assistant Controller, Smt. R. M. Borkar,
Assistant Controller, Legal Metrology,
South Zone-II,
0832-2652037 ,ranjan.borkar@gov.in Talukas of Quepem, Sanguem, Canacona Dharbandora
Grievance Redressal
7 Public Grievance Officer Shri Demu N. Mapari,
Assistant Controller,
Central Zone, Panaji, Goa.
9822383578, 0832-241203,
For the whole State of Goa.

Head Office

Office of the Controller, Legal Metrology,
Legal Metrology Bhavan, Next to National
Sample Survey Office, Near Air India Colony,
Housing Board, P.O. Alto - Porvorim. Pincode: 403 521.
Fax: 0832-2416432

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